View Full Version : The Dialectizer
Rossos Atrapes
Nov 9th, 2008, 06:04:36 PM
Ever wanted to write in moron?
Webuhll now you can! Doihh, COOL!
Ever wondered how that sentence might have sounded if you were born in the deepest reaches of Appalachia?
You neid wondeh 'n look no longeh, f' de answebuhr has come! Huh huh!
This thing's pretty funny.
Dasquian Belargic
Nov 9th, 2008, 06:31:07 PM
I'm bloody well not sure this is entirely accurate.
For shame, website. Adding 'bloody well' to a sentence does not make it cockney :lol
Byl Laprovik
Nov 9th, 2008, 06:34:10 PM
Not enough rhyming slang for cockney, but redneck is pretty funny if you put into the page reader.
Cat X
Nov 9th, 2008, 06:38:37 PM
Very old hat, still very funny
Dasquian Belargic
Nov 9th, 2008, 06:40:28 PM
I decided to check out BBC News with the cockney translator...
An aide ter Rwanda's president is nicked in Germany over the chuffin' deaff of an ex-president that triggered the bleedin' 1994 genocide.
The BBC ain't responsible for the content of external internet sites.
This page is Mae West viewed in an up-to-date web browser wiv style sheets (CSS) enabled, do wot guvnor! Wile yer will be able ter view the bloomin' content of this page in yor current browser, right, yer will not be able ter get the full visual experience. Please consider upgradin' yor browser software or enablin' style sheets (CSS) if yor able ter do so.
...that's better :lol
Nov 9th, 2008, 06:40:49 PM
This is so 98, but still amusing.
Nov 9th, 2008, 06:55:59 PM
Also works well with RP dialogue.
"ah doesn't like this, John-Boy. ah doesn't like it at all, ah reckon."
"Ole Man Tate, it's sumpin ah have t'do. Jin-Ae was mo'e than a comrade. She was like a sister t'me. She was th' one who protecked me when ah was fust brought into th' Mutant Development Program, dawgone it. Eff'n thar's even a chance..."
"Eff'n thar's a chance, we need t'confirm it through our own channels. How does yo' knows someone else ain't usin' her name, o' thet she didn't send this hyar message unner coercion?"
"ah know, Ole Man Tate. We were trained not t'bust unner to'ture. Even Dr. Maeng c'dn't undo his own programmin'."
"An' thass whut corncerns me the dawgoned-est. She was in th' program longer than yo' were. Whuffo' af'er all these years'd she suddenly be hankerin' t'defeck?"
"Mebbe it took her longer t'see whut Dr. Maeng was doin' t'us. ah knows it's a risk, Ole Man Tate. Yo' took a risk when yo' recruited me. ah owe her th' same cornsiderashun."
"Yo' reckanize we kin't offer yo' suppo't on this hyar one? Th' X-Men is too scattered right now, especially af'er Dr. Cullen, as enny fool kin plainly see... Mebbe eff'n yo' waited, cuss it all t' tarnation. Jest one month."
"One month may be too late. ah have t'go, Ole Man Tate. Look, ah unnerstan'. I've wawked alone befo'e. An' ennyway, this hyar is a varmintal matter. Th' X-Men doesn't need t'be involved, cuss it all t' tarnation."
"ah still doesn't like it. ...All right, John-Boy. ah knows ah cain't persuade yo'. Jest be careful, ah reckon. We've lost too menny fine varmints lately."
"ah doesn't mean t'be lost, Ole Man Tate. ah promise I'll come back. Shet mah mouth!"
Dasquian Belargic
Nov 9th, 2008, 07:05:34 PM
An excerpt from the writings of the Scribe of bleedin' Ages:
Us story began in Bai-Ulgan, right, the chuffin' proudest city of Men. Fough the hands of the bleedin' greatest Earff shaman's 'oo ever lived carved its mighty walls, even they could not defend against the darkness swift-approachin' the bloomin' blokes of Dalriada. Wot once 'ad been a distant freat, far beyond their understandin', was soon ter reach their doorsteps – its comin' 'eralded by the arrival of a swarffy stranger from the bleedin' souff. Wiv 'im, he brought grim tidings, of a catastrophe that – unattended – would turn all Asga ter ruin. But alas, his warnin' were too late...
Now, right, only four remain:
Blind Molly, sightless seer ter the Lords of Bai-Ulgan.
Calleh Ben-Sudr Al-Fard, scholar and sorcerer of Ankaarizad, init?
Parsideon Denix, stalwart soldier of the Necian League.
Cailean Macgabhann, carpenter and kinsman ter the bleedin' ancient Fian.
Peter McCoy
Nov 10th, 2008, 01:54:10 AM
The Elmer Fudd option made me laugh so much.
Staw Waws Wowepwaying.
"As Acacius sat in the piwots seat, watching ovew the mostwy automated pwoceduwes ongoing within the vawious panews and scweens suwwounding him, his mind wandewed. And as it wandewed, it somehow managed to conjuwe up a memowy of a wathew intwiguing gwoup of humanoids who wefewwed to themsewves as the Dwoogs. Oh, dat scwewy wabbit! He wasn't even suwe why they'd popped into his head, but they wewe in thewe nevewthewess. Oh, dat scwewy wabbit!"
No matter how many times it says 'Oh, dat scwewy wabbit!' I still giggle.
Razielle Alastor
Nov 10th, 2008, 12:33:03 PM
:lol I am not even going to try it, I'll just sit here laughing all day. :p
-goes to try-
Rossos Atrapes
Nov 11th, 2008, 06:44:59 PM
I just put in SW-Fans the site translator:
"No Fread specified. If yer followed a valid link, please notify the bloody administrator" (
"All times are GMT -4. The bleedin' time now is 08:43:18 PM."
"A smile at that. Cor blimey guv, would I lie to you? To be so ignorant of wot 'ad so recently transpired; ter continue gahn on about life as if there were nuffink wrong in the bloody galaxy."
"If yer would like ter help support the bloody SW-Fans.Net Forums' 'ostin' and software expenses, click on the bleedin' Paypal button below."
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