View Full Version : Boy of Jupiter and Venus
Oct 20th, 2008, 03:46:20 PM
The day was high, the sun was lit, there was no clouds; it was noon on a Sunday in Brooklyn, New York and there was not a place with more evidence of the case than Bed-Stuy (Bedford-Stuyvesant).
Under the bustle of the streets there was a huff, a wheeze, a splash, a bang and some sort of bouyant bounce.
If a mind was sharp, then one would know those sounds to be the ochestra of a chase, but no one was sharp. Everyone was their own bubble, and they paid the teenagers no mind as they darted through the back alleys.
There was about four boys, all of different heights, beating through the shadowed pathways between brick and grey for one single fluffy haired black kid who should have the right mind to join the Olympics with the legs he had on him. Acrobatic flips, speedy jumps, and hasty, uncoordinated, steps stylized his run around clothes lines, fences and forgotten tires.
Logic would say the group on his tail should be left in the dust with such speed, but with all the obstructions he didn't have the chance. Plus, Mr. Logic didn't have any sense of suspense. Logic would never have seen the dead-end coming, and never in a million years would he have painted the absolute confidence the boy had when he turned around either.
Who would?
Maybe a fellow mutant.
"You [bleeping] freak," one of the boys yelled, Of course, he was the leader of the pack. No one else dare speak other than in the co-sign language. They supported his insult with their own, which didn't vary too much in vocabulary; it was just the way of the world.
The fluffy haired boy, who by this time would have imagined his scenario on a big screen with Isaac Hayes music playing in the background and star-crossed text writing "I'nu" popping on the screen, only tilted his head with a cool that only James Dean could patent.
He was not phased by their silly claims.
", why are you guys followin' me again?" He asked, almost sarcastically. It's best to add that sarcastic part, because his tone didn't exactly render the brutality for sarcasm. Instead, I'nu spoke with a far more youthful nature, despite his dialect.
Oct 21st, 2008, 06:28:52 PM
"You like him, don't you!?" crowed a voice from further back, behind the gang of thugs. "It's those ears, isn't it? He's just SO CUTE!"
The voice belonged to a scrawny guy dressed in deep gray and crimson red, covered head to toe in what could only be described as the height of superhero onesie fashion. His fists were clenched, and bits of metal were starting to pull in from all around, gathering about the newcomer's forearms. The group was glaring at him, but Felix couldn't read the expression of the kid at the end of the alley.
"What, is that not it? Just when I thought I had you giddy high school girls figured out."
Oct 21st, 2008, 08:41:49 PM
First they chased a furry mutant, next they were up against a human magnet. The thugs weren't having a healthy day. Of course they burned a few of those McDonald's calories with the little run, but a possible heart attack could be at the end of it all if the scrawny boy's fist had anything to do with them.
I'nu was not at all in the know.
Lost behind bulk of fools, he could do nothing but hear the heroic entrance. I'nu had watched enough movies though. He knew exactly what was going on, even without his eyes being of any help. So, with the crews heads turned, he tried his hand at hiding behind his knight.
Quickly dashing around them, he sled behind the onsie-wearing super power. At first glance, I'nu almost fell over in laughter. The man's outfit was a bit much for noon in Brooklyn, but who giggled at their savior?
So, from behind, in the safety of his hero's guad, he watched as the thugs charged. They didn't do to well with getting their ego's crushed...or being insulted.
Oct 22nd, 2008, 02:35:33 PM
Felix was proud of the kid's agility, but less so at the gang's persistence. "Alright, let's do this thing then." He pointed his fists at them and shot shrapnel off his wrists, watching the pieces zero in on the metal they wore or carried. The majority of it hit wrists and hips as they zoomed for watches and car keys. A few pieces lanced into two of the thugs' chests; clearly they were wearing something metal under their shirts. This display, though entirely nonlethal, was worrisome enough to make them hesitate.
Oct 22nd, 2008, 05:15:31 PM
Scrunched up behind the onsie-man, he peaked around to watch as the meal went flying. The gang was a bit fearful now. Of course, it isn't very intimidating when someone in pajama-like clothing walks down an alley way and barks out some insults - but when metal gets involved it's a bit different.
There was a little hesitation in the lead, but after taking the doubtful ganders of his side-men, the head of the silly operation used peer-pressure to support his pointless assault on the metal mutant.
I'nu just watched, knowing all too well this wouldn't end well for them. Not that it mattered. They deserved anything they got.
Oct 23rd, 2008, 07:55:15 AM
One actually pulled a knife. It attracted itself to the shrapnel in his shoulder, going in to the handle before Flux drew it back magnetically and let it fly at another mundane.
"Oh come on," he said savagely as they tried to avoid the magnetic knife. "You stupid mundanes haven't got the first ounce of sense! Pulling a knife on a guy with magnetic powers?" He let the knife drop and allowed them to escape past him. "Not even worth the effort to kill." Once they were gone, his tone softened, even became a little embarrassed. "Not that I'd have killed them just now...but they oughtta know better than to do that."
Oct 23rd, 2008, 12:44:47 PM
"Eeh...dey are kinda stupid."
I'nu slumped out from behind, stuffing his pockets with his cotton-soft hands. The warmth was a new sensation. He had been running so long, he had almost forgot the simple comforts of life...
"So who are you Mr. Onesies"
Oct 23rd, 2008, 08:06:18 PM
For the first time since he and his girlfriend had conceptualized the costume, Felix was embarrassed of it.
How would his Brothers handle this situation?
"I'm Flux. Who are you?"
Oct 24th, 2008, 05:27:28 AM
"I-nu," he grinned.
"What kinda name is Flux?"
I'nu asked, starting his stroll out of the alley way. It was safe now, nothing to worry about. He only expected Flux to follow. There was still much to do today. Without a job, school, or any sort of distractions, the day was his, and he planned to claim it. Just aslong as the four stooges didn't come back, he would be grinning like he was all day.
Oct 24th, 2008, 08:00:39 AM
"Something that's magnetized is said to be in a state of Flux," Felix answered, jumping and magnetizing his feet to a long fire escape above him. His body rotated in air and he began to walk along it with I'nu. "I have magnetic powers. It makes sense to make that my name. What about you? Is I'nu what your parents called you, or did you choose that name for yourself, the way I chose Flux?"
Oct 24th, 2008, 09:00:43 AM
At the buildings corner, he stopped, flinging his eyes up at the magnetized hero. Walking along side another mutant was a new world entirely. Even though it was obvious he wasn't the only "special" one, he had so rarely encounter such people that it was hard to seem normal amongst anyone.
Yet, it wasn't too hard to remain modest beside someone who could bend metal to their will. The whole idea was a bit radical, even for I'nu's nimble mind. However, in time he would be able to ratioanlize the power, just as he did his own.
A short quiet spell fell upon I'nu's lips as the question was asked, but his face wasn't silent. It kept moving, his lips being tetter-tottered to each side in a slant as he fiddled with the thought. Then, suddenly, he summoned the word, while grabbing up one of his young grins to work with.
"Idunno..." He finally said, almost too confidently. "I guess," he added, turning his attention back down the road. "I think I gave it to myself...because I had another name before."
I'nu waltzed toward the subway station. The smell was only a few blocks away. He was hoping to go Uptown. Manhattan had all the flair, business, and people to get lost in. The city was always a beautiful escape. A vacation from the daily affairs that became too repetitive for his beat. He liked when a few off-key snares, or hi-hats came into the song, but Brooklyn was always hitting the drums the same.
I'nu just wanted a scenery, and he was already getting it with a new character thrown into his play. Never in a million years did he expect to run into another mutant, much less a hero, down an alley way with a bunch of idiots on his tail.
"How'd ye get those powers of yours anyway?"
Oct 30th, 2008, 08:31:46 PM
Felix was a master of the Swift Civvies Swap. His backpack, which he'd sewn metal into, was waiting just out of sight on a roof overhead. He called it to himself, slowing a little to let I'nu get around the corner, then quickly opened the bag, threw on his Misfits hoodie and jeans, then yanked off his mask and boots and shoved 'em in the bag as he pulled out his shoes and slid his feet into 'em. He zipped and buttoned himself discreetly as he stepped into the street and caught up with I'nu.
"I was born with them, like anyone else," he said quietly, not wanting to draw too much attention to themselves. At least, not more than the boy was already pulling with his ears. "They manifested a few months back. I was crossing a street and was nearly run over by a sedan full of criminals and the cops that were chasing them. My powers turned on, stuck the cars together, and flipped them up into the air, over me, and saved my life. Jesus, it feels like another lifetime ago now."
Nov 2nd, 2008, 08:19:36 PM
I'nu looked up, watching the man speak of the faithful day. Anytime someone was blessed or cursed with powers, it was truly a memorable day. No mutant could forget such a day of reckoning. Such a day was a fork in the road, where decisions had to made. Some choose to try being normal, others opted for the public route. Either way it went, the victims life was changed forever.
In a way, it was like a murder of the past, and birth of a child.
"I guess dats how it goes, eh?"
I'nu visualized Felix's magnetic day. Unforgettable as it was for Felix, it had to be absolute phenemonal for everyone else involved. Nothing was normal about two cars magically flipping into the air in the middle of a chase. Justice had certainly been served in an awkward way.
The thought was laughable. I'nu was tickled, and he showed it with a little smile. He wondered if the onesy-man had a sense a humour about the whole thing:
"So dey mark ye down fo' da good samartian award dat day?"
Nov 3rd, 2008, 09:25:34 AM
"No. Nobody around knew what had just happened. Another mutant witnessed the scene and used his powers to get me away safely without anybody realizing I had done it or who I was. He called in another mutant friend of his, and they bought me lunch and wound me down from my adrenaline."
Flux shrugged.
"It was pretty bad. It took me a while to come to terms with it. I found an online forum/weblog thing for mutants and posted on it, discussed how it was to have powers, whether it was good or bad, what our experiences were with mundane people, and finally reach an understanding about being a mutant."
Nov 3rd, 2008, 07:01:54 PM
"Ya did'n think it was...just cool?"
I'nu stopped at the corner.
The light pole signaled green, and taxis were on the movie. A few fine automibles flashed between the rust of the others, but most were aged rides. No one in this part of town was exactly wealthy, or poor. A middle class had been sprouting in the nearby neighborhoods, which only meant that more confused brats would be on his tail.
I'nu didn't like the sound of being terrorized anymore. It was getting a bit...annoying.
"...I sho' did."
Nov 3rd, 2008, 08:44:09 PM
"Oh hell no!" he answered emphatically. Then, a little calmer: "Well, not at first. It was scary as hell, man. Not gonna lie, I thought I was gonna ruin all my computers and stick all the metalware together at my house and kill myself by accident. But..." He grinned, eyes alive with energy and enthusiasm. "Once I got the hang of it, got myself equipped..." He flashed his metal wristbands at I'nu to punctuate his point. "My powers ruled from on high with an iron fist. You know I can leap up to half a mile by repelling myself off a metal surface, and land safely the same way? It's amazing."
Nov 4th, 2008, 11:15:35 AM
I'nu laughed at all the enthusasim, crossing the street as the traffic came to a halt. All sort of faces could be seen behind the wheel, chowing down on hot dogs or fiddling with their phones. Everyone was on the move, even when they were still in Brooklyn.
"Ya...I was'n so scared when I found out," he began, lifting his head up to see if the magnet man would follow. "...Guess I was prepared o' sum'n."
Nov 8th, 2008, 04:42:22 PM
"Good. We shouldn't have to be scared of our powers. You're right to embrace them." Felix flicked his eyes in the direction of I'nu's gaze, but didn't see anything important. "What're you lookin' at?"
Nov 9th, 2008, 08:11:23 AM
"We're head'n up..."
And with that, the boy was gone. Of course, not in the traditional sense. Mutants aren't traditional, and even one's word choice has to be a bit more detailed to truly grasp the complexities of gone.
On this occasion, however, the little mutant boy had turned into thin air. Flowing like a current from the ocean, he reappeared a top a building. Eyes over his shoulder, he watched for Felix's next move.
Nov 12th, 2008, 09:10:34 AM
"Well now."
I'nu had the full attention of the people on the street. Everyone was gasping and staring, either at the point where the boy had once stood, or looking around for where he'd gone. A few self concious girls held their skirts as if he'd turned small or invisible and were going to take a look. The men looked defensive, as if waiting for an attack.
"He's up there," Flux announced, pointing at I'nu's rooftop. There was a collective gasp as they turned in unison to look. Flux was interested to see what else they'd do. It was important to let I'nu see how the people viewed his gift.
Nov 16th, 2008, 09:41:57 AM
A smirk dashed across his lips. He felt regal like royalty, with his lowly fans looking upon him. Such a moment wasn't bound to last though, especially in New York. Brooklyn wasn't the borough of the finest people, or the most understanding. Already a fright had been stirred by his very presence revealed, but now was the point of reaction. In an abrupt shatter of the glass a rock was thrown at him.
He wasn't helpless though, he moved.
But it hit him all the same; the rock smashed right dead in his heart. I'nu had seen the faces before. The same faces he had seen only moments before when all he had was adrenaline and a dead-end. Back when Flux hadn't made his heroic entrance, and he was all alone with the faces. Below they stared, stone, cold, and eyes that objectified instead of intensified. There wasn't a straight anger, but absolute indifference to his existence. On top of the roof-top he was caged like a lion, looked at as a spectacle or better yet...overlooked.
It hurt. Nothing else hurts more than those faces. The faces that speak volumes that one is unwanted.
I'nu turned to Flux, staring down at him for a second, telling him with his eyes all the hurt he felt. Then, suddenly, as fast as the rock had come, he ran off.
Nov 19th, 2008, 09:14:14 AM
Good. The kid's already learned the most important lesson: Mundanes suck. Flux dashed off through the crowd, following along the general line of the boy's escape path, and with a few strong magnetic jumps made the roof, landing a few feet behind I'nu.
"Hey, wait a sec!"
Nov 20th, 2008, 11:43:42 PM
Without much certainty, and a bundle of feelings, I'nu found himself halting at the end of the roof. I'nu had planned to jump to the next building, and go onward until his feet stopped him. He wanted to be anywhere but there, where all the faces stared through him. Yet, when he heard the voice, it felt familiar, and sure.
He had to turn around.
"What?" I'nu asked, almost mad.
Nov 21st, 2008, 09:33:00 AM
"It sucks, doesn't it?" Flux asked as he skidded to a stop. "The way they look down on you, even though you're above them. They fear you for no reason and oppress you for no reason. It isn't right, or fair." He sat on the edge of the roof, looking out over the cityscape. "It's like...being persecuted for being a Jew, or black, or whatever, except it's the whole world that hates you, not just some backward-thinking hate group that you can label and contain and avoid. It can get pretty hard to deal with."
Nov 24th, 2008, 10:52:16 AM
I'nu looked over the edge, thinking. Flex talked, he listened, but not intensly. Since mutants had come into the public domain, the stories had made it quite clear. Yet, I'nu had tried desperately to avoid the stories. Pushing, shoving, and shoveling through all the wild city, trying to hide the truth that he was not wanted.
The time had not come for him. He didn't want to face it full fontal yet. He wasn't ready.
"I dont wanna talk about it," he murmured.
Nov 25th, 2008, 12:30:33 PM
"Yeah, I understand. It's fine, we can discuss it later, if you want. Here."
Flux went into his backpack and yanked out a little notebook. He took a pencil from the binding and tore out a page, scribbling down an email account he'd registered under "Flux", as well as his AIM screenname. When he was done, he held it out to I'nu.
"Take this. If you get ahold of a computador you can get in touch with me later on, and I can hook you up with some more cool people who can help you out with this whole mutant thing. They sure as hell helped me."
Nov 29th, 2008, 07:49:24 AM
I'nu took the paper, staring at it for a second. He modeled thought with a daring gaze. It was clear what was on his mind...or at least something was on his mind. The reaction wasn't exactly what one would expect, but I'nu was known for his surprising interpertations:
"Compatudor--is it that Spanish group?"
I'nu stuffed the paper away, flashing Flux with a chummy smile. "Ok, ok--I'll check it out...
But what are dey all 'bout? Jus' us kind o' peoples"
Dec 1st, 2008, 08:58:04 AM
"I guess so. They're working to build a better world and society for mutants. Trying to free us from oppression, give us confidence to be who we are without fear of attack...though clearly I'm still working on that," he said, holding up his mask. "They're the ones who got me calling myself Flux instead of the name my parents gave me."
Dec 1st, 2008, 09:45:11 PM
"And whats dat?"
I'nu shot back, tilting his head, looking the man over once more. He wasn't too much taller than him, if he even was, and seemed young. It was a lot to take in. A man..or boy, of his age had gone through so much, it was hard to even decipher. Mutants had troubles in the world that few could compare with, and it didn't seem to look like it was going to get any brighter until I'nu pocketed that card.
There was a lot to wonder, and more to ponder. Today was definately a different day.
Dec 6th, 2008, 11:39:05 AM
"Not important," Flux said dismissively. "I don't use it unless I have to, and lately I've been kind of going out of my way to avoid using it. It doesn't really work for me anymore, since I got my powers. Makes me feel dull inside."
Dec 6th, 2008, 10:20:12 PM
A smirk rose at the man's words like a flower in bloom. I'nu had a thought, and it showed in his eyes.
"Nobodies dull," he said calmly. Then, in a burst of adrenaline and flair, he fell off the the building. The wind claimed him, and his image thinned into the air, wisping away with a whistling "bye" falling on Flux's ears.
The two would certainly meet again, but now was the time for this card and his future.
Dec 8th, 2008, 02:35:58 PM
"Didn't say I was dull, I said..." But Flux was cut off by I'nu's newest display of power. "DUDE! Dude!?" Flux sprang to his feet, trying to recall the name the boy'd given him. "Uh, I'nu, where are you?" The question bounced back to him from the walls of the surrounding buildings, sounding silly and empty, and Flux knew he was alone. "SCOOBY DOO, WHERE ARE YOU!?" he shouted as a mockery of the echo, making his way back to the ground and then, to home.
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