View Full Version : Sig for a Puppy!

Nara McKenna
Oct 13th, 2008, 05:46:59 PM
Pwease? :)

the first image of Summer with the white background, avatar.

The other image plus the links would be for the sig.

http://www.littlebearslore.com/graphics/BF.gif <--- black fury symbol for the tribe

Wording for sig

Nara McKenna

Apart from the wandering pack
In this brief flight of time we reach
For the ones, whoever dare

Miranda Tarkin
Oct 14th, 2008, 03:30:19 PM
PS - I pay in cookies! :D

PSS - If you find other pictures of Glau that work, I don't mind you using them if it fits the siggy

Dasquian Belargic
Oct 14th, 2008, 04:32:16 PM
The first linked pic doesnt work for me, btw.

Miranda Tarkin
Oct 14th, 2008, 05:11:19 PM
weird... um... let me see if I can find another one

edit - this work?


Morgan Evanar
Oct 19th, 2008, 01:41:55 AM
oh hey a wofl ;)

Nara McKenna
Oct 19th, 2008, 06:50:29 PM
:: wags tail and snurfles Fewdy ::
