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View Full Version : Star Wars Jedi Knights course offered by Queen's University Belfast

Fionn Halcyon
Sep 16th, 2008, 03:21:57 AM
Quoted from this article (http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/newstopics/politics/education/2798657/Star-Wars-Jedi-Knights-course-offered-by-Queen%27s-University-Belfast.html) in the Telegraph,

The UK's first Jedi course is on offer at Queen's University Belfast in November and hopes to attract Star Wars fans and introduce them to the joys of continuing their education through open learning.
According to its publicity material, the course 'Feel the Force: How to Train in the Jedi Way' teaches the "real-life psychological techniques behind Jedi mind tricks".
It also claims to examine the "wider issues behind the Star Wars universe, like balance, destiny, dualism, fatherhood and fascism".
No prior qualifications are required and the blurb informs students that "light sabres are not provided".
Allen Baird, the course leader, said he hoped his novel approach would attract younger people to open learning.
"I hope to get more people interested in life-long learning," Dr Baird said. "It is not just about the Star Wars films. It is also about the sociological and political issues that are addressed in the films."
To those who might be tempted to write-off the course as a publicity stunt, Dr Baird said: "I suppose the parallel is with the Scout Movement's use of Rudyard Kipling's Jungle Book.
"It doesn't mean that one has to believe that the stories are true, but they can be used as a teaching aid. I am trying to find a platform through popular culture to bring people back to learning."
The one-day course costs £23 and Dr Baird hopes to attract 30-40 students.
The course has been established the year after the UK's first Jedi Church was founded by the brothers Barney and Daniel Jones in Anglesea, Wales.

Peter McCoy
Sep 16th, 2008, 04:29:33 AM
I think I'll start up a Resident Evil course. Preparing you for the post-apocalyptic, walking corpse-infested nightmare world of tomorrow. Apply now and get a free set of red, green and blue herbs for your mixing pleasure!

Dasquian Belargic
Sep 16th, 2008, 07:04:01 AM
Only £23 to become a Jedi Knight?

Droo, Peter... want to go? :mneh

Peter McCoy
Sep 16th, 2008, 07:14:05 AM
lol, Belfast.

Mey the farce be with ye, laddy.

Mandan Hidatsa
Sep 16th, 2008, 02:51:28 PM
Haha. Become a Jedi for £23...which relative can I talk into getting me that as a birthday present? :lol

Park Kraken
Sep 18th, 2008, 01:41:34 AM
It'd be cool if there was a Sith course offered. Gain the knowledge of the Sith, and become a Sith (or the Dictator of a 3rd world country).

Dasquian Belargic
Sep 18th, 2008, 05:46:33 AM
Presumably falling to the Dark Side will get you expelled from the course :mneh

Sep 18th, 2008, 05:50:47 AM
^ Or earn you the respected title 'Darth' ;)

Dasquian Belargic
Sep 18th, 2008, 05:59:14 AM
Maybe! You might get to put the initials DLoS (Dark Lord of the Sith) after your name... Dasquian Belargic, BA PhD DLoS :D

Jaime Tomahawk
Sep 21st, 2008, 12:48:36 AM
Oh look, they found a way to flush morons out of the crowd and make them give up money. Nice!

I gotta get me some of this scam action

Hartus Kenobi
Dec 17th, 2008, 10:32:04 PM
wish I knew about this sooner. I might have gone :(