View Full Version : Duel of the Fates: Past Crimes - TATOOINE

Aurelias Kazaar
Sep 15th, 2008, 10:53:50 PM
Tatooine- Anchorhead- Anchorhead Cantina (http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/Anchorhead_Cantina): Ten days before Kazaar visits Dantooine (http://sw-fans.net/forum/showthread.php?t=18235)

Kazaar hated th'heat. Didn't matter if it were dry heat, humid heat, rain, sunshine, he frackin' hated it. He may've grown up on Brentaal (which wasn't th'coldest planet in th'galaxy) but he'd never gotten use t'it. Had t'be something in his blood, it was th'only thing he hated as much as th'Empire. Okay...almost as much. Either way, he frackin' hated it.

But he was 'ere, sweatin' his choobies off f'one reason: Adelaide. Or something like that. Wasn't a real reason f'him t'be here. After all, he'd told 'er he didn't want t'be with 'er, didn't want t'spend time with 'er. So why was he here?

Three Days ago:

"So Kazaar," Th'rat said t'im as Kazaar pressed th'button on his comm. How th'hell'd Haman gotten his private number? "I see you're awake. And sober."

"Th'frack do ya want, ya rat." Th'Rebel spy stuck a cigar in his mouth and started t'light it. "Thought I taught ya on Nar Shaddaa that I didn't want t'see ya 'gain."

Haman's beady eyes narrowed and he slowly brushed his now healed jaw. "That may be the case, Kazaar, but I wanted to tell you this. A peace offering for my...past mistakes."

Now it was Kazaar's black eyes starting t'narrow. Haman never asked f'anything. Not without a price. "What th'frack am I supposed t'do? Bake ya cookies? Get th'hell outta here and don't call me again." He started t'reach for th'cut off signal.

"Wait. Wait. Wait Kazaar!" Th'smuggler/info broker tried t'cut him off, his hands raised inna surrender gesture. "This is important. Adelaide's in trouble."

Th'ex-ex-ex(?)-husband froze. "Whatta ya mean...'in trouble'?"

Haman kept his hands raised, trying t'show he was bein' honest. Or as honest as a frackin' liar could be. "I know a guy, who knows a guy. Said he saw some chick-err- woman on Tatooine. Looking to find someone to help her find your Albino friend." Haman tried t'look plaintive. "I'm sorry about your son."

"Shut th'frack up Haman. I ain't interested in ya sympathy." It was pretty obvious how little Kazaar trusted th'rat. "Where'd she go and how come I haven't heard this all ready."

Th'rat almost look like he'd jump outta his skin. "What? You were thinking your little worshiper Spendrim would tell you? Kazaar. Kazaar. Kazaar." He shook his head. "I'm trying to help you. To make up for my mistakes. Spendrim doesn't have some of the contacts I have. That's why I'm telling you this. Becaus it's important. And I only want one little thing." He brought his two fingers up t'show how minute it was. "One teensy little thing." Kazaar looked bored and Haman had t'keep eyes from rollin'. "I just want the number of that chickadee you had with you (http://sw-fans.net/forum/showpost.php?p=260892&postcount=51) on Nar Shaddaa." His smile was lecherous. "She was a firecracker."

Kazaar cut off th'signal right then an' there. Frackin' Haman, always tryin' t'get into someone's pants. He was tempted t'leave th'info alone, but something gnawed at 'im. And he couldn't out what...

Spenny was no help either. "I suppose that info could be correct, but I haven't heard anything." Th'sympathetic look on his face was genuine. "I'm sorry Aurelias, I've stayed away from your..." His face got scared. "Situation with Adelaide. It's not my business and since you never asked me to look for her again."

"Whatever Spenny. I don't givva frack right now." Kazaar was slurpin' down a bottle o'bourbon. "Ya hear anythin' to that don't fly, lemme know."


So that's why he was sittin' inna darkened cantina, listenin' t'godawful jizz music an' sippin' a godawful drink. If Adelaide was 'ere, he'd make sure she wasn't in trouble, then bug th'hell out. If she wasn't there...then Haman was gonna wish Kazaar'd broken more than just 'is nose on Nar Shaddaa.

Cyrus Haman
Sep 15th, 2008, 11:08:29 PM
Priority Transmission to Kajeela Tarruurri:

Dear Detective Tarrurri,

I had heard it was you who was investigating the attack (http://sw-fans.net/forum/showpost.php?p=255204&postcount=94) on Kimiiki Crei's home on Coruscant. I realize Crei isn't a major priority because of his alleged ties to the underworld. But I know you have a great sense of justice and believe it's important a criminal should answer for his crimes. I believe I know who did the attack: the bounty hunter Aurelias Kazaar.

He's supposed to be protected by the Gorgja machine, but I know a guy, who knows a guy, who says those two aren't getting along (http://sw-fans.net/forum/showpost.php?p=278587&postcount=121). Even though he's done some good for you guys (taking out slavers, child molesters, and other bounties that can't be done by police), ICD can't have someone going after a Coruscant resident who doesn't have a bounty on them, can they? So if you do wish to bring Kazaar to justice, I suggest you start on Tatooine. I hear he's supposed to be at the Anchorhead Cantina in the next couple of days. You know what he looks like.

A 'Concerned Citizen'

P.S. Sorry I haven't called ya, babe, but those 'scars' you gave me haven't completely healed yet. We'll talk again soon.

Haman smiled at his message. That'll teach Kazaar...

Jonas T. Remkah
Sep 20th, 2008, 06:53:10 PM
"Can you believe this idiot?"

Remkah pushed the "End Transmission" button with heartfelt disdain.

"And what's that crap about the scars?"

Kajeela rolled her eyes, as if she knew.

He continued, "Seems like everytime the Five Moons are full, these wack-job roaches come out and twitch by the freighter load peddlin' their new scoops and inside information, which they probably fabricated in their looney-tune brains to feel important"

Tarruurri mhm'd. She thought so too.

"And furthermore" he went on, his deep voice pleasurable to his Cizerack partner's ears, "We were ordered off that whole Crei investigation by the higher-ups. The trail, if there ever was one once the friggin' military boys finished hup-too'in through all the evidence, was cold from the get-go. Why, suddenly, does this joker show up with news of a bounty hunter? And why, I ask the fates above, do we give a rip?"

Clearly, Jonas had not had his first coffee of the day.

"I aint risking my pension, which will be due in exactly 13 years, 4 months and twelve days by the way, for some maybe bounty hunter, who maybe drove his speeder and parked it on the second story landing of that carved staircase in Crei's house, who maybe isnt friends with the fat hutt anymore, whom we maybe will find on Tatooine drinking beer at some maybe Cantina."

Remkah took a breath and scowled, "What concerned citizen looks like that creep, anyway? And where's Janus with the coffee?"

Kajeela Tarruurri
Sep 20th, 2008, 07:49:17 PM
Kajeela leaned back in her chair, thoughful.

It was odd that Haman, an old source, should appear out of the blue and share this information simply out of the goodness of his heart (as if that was even possible). Cyrus was a class-1 rat fink and did nothing but out of his own self-interest.

However, the intel was intriging. Tarruurri had chafed when the order from ICPD brass squashed her investigation into the attack on Kimiki Crei. She was certain more than a few of the higher placed members of the force would be implicated, were she given the chance of a thorough search through the Albino crimelord's mansion and personal files.

However, her hands had been tied, and bar doing anything illegal and breaking the very laws she and her partner had pledged to protect, they had stayed tied. Sure, there was the necessary and unavoidable bending of certain rules in order to be a good detective, but Tarruurri was a straight-shooter, she was clean. And so was her partner. Neither would jeopardize that reputation and so were forced to bide their time on certain in-house suspicions they both had.

Crei was dirty. And he had important friends that were dirty, too. One day, she'd know who.

And, now, here was Haman handing her with his gruby hands, the possible culprit in the Crei attack on a platter - and, perhaps, opening the door into the larger picture. It was an opportunity hard not to accept. Impossible, actually.

Tarruurri got out of her chair and paced the room slowly, contemplating her course of action. Remkah, who had settled in a a seat, followed her with his eyes, his slow,cool style returning along with his good humor.

"So?" he asked his partner, pretty sure of what was coming.

"jYou wjill jinvessstjigate ourrr concerrrned cjitjizen - hjisss motjivesss arrre neverrr jinnocent. Hjisss name jis Cyrrrusss Haman"

Remkah raised an eyebrow, so she did know the little weasel.

"jI wjill go to Tatoojine and have a chat to thjisss bounty hunter..unoffjicjially, of courrrse. No need to rrrajise fusss jif therrre jis nothjing to thjisss"

Jonas nodded, sounded good to him.

Tarruurri moved to the door, "Janusss jis late, letsss get coffee - jI'm hungrrry forrr a baloney sandwjich"

She planned to leave for Tatooine that day.

Aurelias Kazaar
Sep 22nd, 2008, 08:55:09 PM
"So." Kazaar gave a yawn an' scratched behind his ear. His hair was startin' t'get too shaggy. Most people, including th'Kid, liked it, but it bugged Kazaar from time t'time. Too easy f'someone t'get a handful of it durin' a fight. "M'arm's gettin' kinda tired. Wanna tell me what ya know Yeoman?"

"I gknow nuffin', gKazaar." Yeoman Prentiss, a pudgy Rodian, blathered. He was currently bein' held 'bout 15 stories up on some old minin' building Czerka Corporation'd abandoned years ago. "I haven' talgked to Crei in months. I swear!"

"Sure ya haven't. Guy may've gone underground, but you're his main guy on this Dust Bucket. Ever hear o'anyone tryin' to hire someone t'take 'im out?" Kazaar leaned forward o'bit. "Maybe tryin' t'pay a little creds f'it?"

Prentiss waved his arms, then thought better o'it. If he moved too much th'angry bounty hunter might drop 'im. An' that wouldn't be good. "People try to find someone to gkill him all the time! But no one on Tattooine! I don't gknow anythin'. Please gKazaar. Let me go. Just not here. The fall's too much."

Kazaar chuckled. Frackin' Rodian had stones that was f'sure. And a sense o'humor. "Ah what th'hell. Ain't like ya matter 'round here anyway. If ya did." He smirked again. "Ya wouldn't be inna backwater town that don't mean a damn. See ya Prentiss." Then he let go.

Prentiss' screamed filled th'air as he plummeted towards th'ground. He was 'bout 20 feet up when th'rope 'round his leg went taut an' his momentum stopped. Th'Rodian whimpered as he hung from th'air. "I'll gkill you gKazaar! I swear it! I don't care if Crei is gone. I'll gkill you!"

Kazaar laughed all th'way back to th'cantina. Prentiss was a bust an' he knew everyone in Anchorhead. So who th'frack had Delly hired. If anyone at all. Kazaar figured it was time t'go find Haman again. Damned rat'd prolly gave 'im bad intel again. Time t'take out more than just 'is nose...

Kajeela Tarruurri
Sep 24th, 2008, 10:54:15 PM
"Aint seen him"

The Gran shook his head and handed back the glossy. Strike 0 for 9. Kajeela was starting to get a little more than irritable. Haman had said the Anchorhead Cantina, yet not a soul would fess up to having seen her guy.

Tarruurri looked for the umpteenth time at the photo of one-Aurelias Kazaar, bounty hunter, hutt consorter and all-round bad guy and had to admit, she wasn't surprised nobody had seen him. He looked like the kind of man who could make you sorry if you did.

But that didn't help her any.

She was hot. And bothered. This stiffling Tatooine heat was enough to drive a feline to frenzy. He'd been here though, atleast she'd confirmed that much. Seven out of the nine negative responders had lied - she'd seen it clear as day in their darting little eyes.

"Got a rrreputatjion, haven't jyou, bjig fella" she said to the glossy as she slid into a booth just inside the cantina entrance. She'd take a break and decide what her next step would be. Word might get out pretty quick to Mr. Kazaar that someone was looking for him and one of two things would happen - 1) He'd skip town or maybe go to ground to avoid being found, or 2) He'd come lookin for whoever was looking for him.

Or, like now......he'd come walking back into the Anchorhead and deliver himself like a tall, dark, handsome pizza.

Tarruurri hadn't anticipated this option, and so was slow to jump to the occassion. She saw the bar tender making warning faces to Kazaar as the bounty hunter breezed in and took a seat on a barstool.

Wasting no more time, Kajeela rushed him, flinging herself at him to plow him off the stool and onto the floor, going down with him in a tangle of flailing arms and legs.

Aurelias Kazaar
Sep 24th, 2008, 11:08:23 PM
What. The. FRACK?!?

That was all Kazaar's brain could register as a frackin' furball threw itself at 'im, claws first. Th'two slammed hard into th'ground, th'bounty hunter's head *cracking* 'gainst th'stone floor hard.

Kazaar was on auto-pilot, tryin' t'clear th'stars outta his head while gettin' Whiskers offa 'im. Had t'be a Cizerack, his brain told 'im. Only thing which smelled as bad was a wookie but had less fur. Kazaar didn't even know if it was a guy orra girl but didn't give a mynock's wing. He reached under with his left hand, trying t'find some kinda leverage so he could get Whiskers offa him.

His hands grabbed onto uniform lapels and th'human was able t'push th'Cizerack offa him with his powerful legs. He/She/whoever th'frack it was flew through th'air and slammed into a Rodian gettin' ready t'drink down some kinda drink. That gave Kazaar 'nough time t'start gettin' his head clear and throw a bottle o'beer towards his attacker.

Kajeela Tarruurri
Sep 24th, 2008, 11:26:56 PM
Kajeela slew sideways, while at the same time yanking the hapless rodian towards her so his head was where hers had just been - he caught the beer full in the face, his trumpet ears spiking straight up in alarm an instant before contact.

She shook herself gingerly, then launched herself once more at the bounty hunter who had yet to regain his feet.

Collecting a chair on her way forward, Kajeela swung it at the bounty hunter's head with frightful force.

Aurelias Kazaar
Sep 25th, 2008, 06:34:12 PM
Kazaar was able t'move his head just outta th'way 'nough t'only take a glancing blow. Still knocked 'im almost loopy. He saw a ton o'white and felt someone place somethin' tight against his neck. Couldn't breathe either. Th'white started t'turn black...

Then his gloved hands reached out and clapped Kajeela on both ears. Th'pressure let up on his neck and Kazaar shoved th'chair at th'Cizerack's face.

Kajeela Tarruurri
Sep 26th, 2008, 11:17:46 PM
Tarruurri had released her hold on the chair at Kazaar's throat to pull at the hands gripping her ears. It burned like the Mustafar plains to have some fool yanking on them like that and it was only the rude and painful crack of the chair's frame in the face that usurped it.


Kajeela fell back to get away from the force being levelled against her and swiped madly in an effort to fend off the attack. She met with woefully small success and the bounty hunter was bending himself forward in an effort to pin her against the floor, like she had him, the chair the divider between them.

The cizerack twisted and fought at the chair. She arched her back and squirmed beneath Kazaar as he held her in place with his weight. Giving up the 'wriggle free' strategy, Kajeela lifted her head up and sank her sharp, perfect little teeth into the flesh of one of his hands.

Aurelias Kazaar
Sep 26th, 2008, 11:30:35 PM
"Frack!" Kazaar let go o'th'chair as pain shot up his arm. His head was still pretty foggy from th'blows t'the head (wasn't like gettin' punched by a boxer, that was f'sure). His right hand cocked an' plunged down towards th'Cizerack's face.


Kajeela's head moved t'the left just 'nough so th'hunter's fist slammed into th'ground. Kazaar curses filled both fighter's ears and th'Cizerack Cop took th'time t'force th'larger man to his back. Kazaar had t'get 'er off 'im and fast. Not only was his arm hurtin', his back was startin' t'ache too. He grabbed his black butane lighter, lit it, then pressed it 'gainst Whiskers' free arm.

Kajeela Tarruurri
Sep 28th, 2008, 12:37:13 PM
The reaction was quick, instinctive as Kajeela pulled her arm away from the flame and let go of Kazaar with a yelp.

Around them, patrons had backed up, giving the pair the room they needed to throttle one another without endangering themselves. Some looked on with interest, while others just adjusted where they were sitting so they could get on with their drinking undisturbed.

From behind her, large hands hauled her up by the scruff off her neck, and propelled her forward. The same was being done to the bounty hunter. The pair, very shortly, found themselves both sailing ignobly out the cantina doors and into the street, the enormous Trandoshan bouncers dusting off their hands and happy to be rid of the ruckas.

The light of the day was blinding coming from out of the dim interior of the cantina and it took Kajeela a second or two quicker for her eyes to make the adjustment. She seized the advantage and swung a punch, aiming for Kazaar's face, but the height discrepancy was greater than she'd realised and popped him on the chin instead.

Aurelias Kazaar
Sep 28th, 2008, 12:50:04 PM
Kazaar took th'blow straight to th'chin, tumblin' back into th'sandy street. Frackin' barkeep hadn't even given 'im th'chance t'finish his drink. He shot a kick towards Kajeela's ribs (one she easily dodged, quick little cat), then rolled outta th'way as th'Cizerack sent a kick o'her own towards him. He still didn't even know who th'frack was attackin' him. Just that Whiskers wanted 'im for somethin' (and he hadda feelin' it wasn't f'milk'n cookies).

Kazaar scrambled to his feet and launched himself into th'ICD detective's firm stomach. Th'two hit th'ground again, this time, Kazaar on top. He grabbed 'er clawed hands and pinned 'em. Just as he was gettin' ready t'ask Whiskers who th'frack he/she was, Kazaar felt a knee hit 'em in the groin. Wincin' in pain, he rolled off and tried t'get to his feet.

Kajeela Tarruurri
Sep 28th, 2008, 01:59:48 PM
"Ssstupjid huuman," she observed as the bounty hunter grimaced and expelled painful breaths, curled on the dirt. "Yjou mussst guarrrd the vunerrrable ssspotsss betterrr" she chided.

She stomped a booted foot on the bounty hunter's chest, rolling him onto his back so that he looked somewhat like a bug. Standing over him, they each took the opportunity of sizing each other up.

Tarruurri was petite in frame for a cizerack, even for a female, but she was strongly built. All muscle and sinews put together in a shapely feminine package. She had long mauve/grey hair and grey eyes that sparkled with intelligence. She had a pert little mouth, that housed small very sharp teeth, as Kazaar well knew. She was perhaps 5 foot 3 or 4 and her skin colouring was typical of her species - a warm tan with slightly darker shading of intermittent stripings. She had a long tail, it too had the stripings and at this present moment, was twitching backwards and forwards in slight agitation. And, contrary to common misconceptions, she was not covered in fur.

From this vantage point, the Bounty hunter didn't look like much, on his back with her foot on his chest and still catching his breath from before. But Tarruurri knew better. His record told of a violent and unpredictable man who was a law unto himself. Who ran with a very bad crowd and still pretty much did as he pleased. He worked for money - a gun for hire, and did not appear to have much in the way of moral scruples. He was resourceful, clever and, as she now realised, smelled very good. A combination of cigars and cologne. Or maybe it was the bourbon.

He was a good looking specimen. So often the humans disappointed when seen in person compared with their file data. It was easy for one to get a romanticized view of a bad-guy on paper with the reality being a let down. Kajeela, however, did not fell let down today. Still, she thought he would have put up a tougher fight, at least.

"Well, yjou rrreadjy to come along qujietljy, Misssterrr Kazaarrr?" she asked.

Aurelias Kazaar
Sep 28th, 2008, 02:24:42 PM
Kazaar wasn't a big fan o'hurtin' dames. In fact, he avoided it as much as possible. He had little respect f'guys who roughed 'em up and frankly thought allah 'em should be thrown inna pit with a buncha bitin' snails (http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/Dantooinian_biting_snail). Might teach 'em a thing or two 'bout preying on people who were weaker. 'Course this dame, this Cizerak, was anythin' but weak. Which probably meant he could bend his rules a bit.

His legs swung up in th'air, Kajeela puttin' more pressure on th'human's chest (tryin' t'suck th'air right outta his chest). Problem was, that's was Kazaar was hopin' she'd do. His booted feet clasped 'round th'Cizerack's tail and pulled. It'd hurt, but it also threw 'er off balance a second. Th'former bounty hunter's strong right arm hit Whiskers right in th'chest and she fell backwards (her boot still pressed into Kazaar's chest). She heard Kazaar's sternum pop just before she hit th'ground.

Kajeela Tarruurri
Sep 28th, 2008, 05:10:09 PM
The ground came up as a bit of a shock, hitting her in the back even as she clutched at the spot mid-chest where Kazaar had punched her.

She coughed out a ragged breath, then grabbed hold of one of the bounty hunter's feet. She tucked and rolled forward, carrying the foot with her which forced Kazaar to twist over onto his front in order for his leg not to snap. Still holding tight, Kajeela crawled forward, bending Kazaar's leg so that his shin levered him to press further into the dirt. The bounty hunter growled something at her.

"jI thjink jyou brrroke a rrrjib" she said leaning to his ear, "Perrrhapsss whjile jyou lajy herrre, jyou wjill anssswerrr a quessstjion orrr two..?"

Aurelias Kazaar
Sep 28th, 2008, 06:14:49 PM
"Not interested, Whiskers." Kazaar elbowed 'er right in th'face. Pressure on his leg ceased and Kazaar gave 'er a kick to th'gut f'safe keepin' (had t'admit, th'kitten filled out 'er top pretty well. Bottom too). Th'pressure completely off 'is legs, th'human grabbed one o'Kajeela's arms and twisted it 'round 'er back. His breath smelled o'booze an'tobacco and...fruit? Who th'hell ate fruit while drinking alcohol?

"How 'bout ya tell me who ya are first...Whiskers."

Kajeela Tarruurri
Sep 28th, 2008, 06:24:45 PM
Sure, she could do that.

"Kajeela Tarrrrruurrrrrji" she said proudly, "ICPD"

The identification came as a surprise to the bounty hunter, she could tell by the slight faulter in his grip. Kajeela stomped her foot into the tender spot where leg and foot join, the topside of the ankle, and she heard Kazaar gasp. Got 'im!

She raised her free hand, and grabbed a tuft of Kazaar's thick black hair and pulled hard. This enabled her to spin so that now they were both facing each other, with a firm hold still each on the other. Tarruurri yanked down further till the bounty hunter's face was close to her own.

"Wanna tell me about Crrreji...?"

Aurelias Kazaar
Sep 28th, 2008, 06:32:30 PM
"Guy's a son ovva bitch that's on borrowed time." Kazaar spat. That part was true. Th'damned Albino didn't deserve t'live, but'd escaped that fate with a frackin' Human Replica Droid'd robbed 'im of th'chance. Bastard. "Woulda killed 'im all ready if he hadn't disappeared."

Th'former bounty hunter headbutted th'ICD cop. With a *yelp* she let go o'his hair and Kazaar was quick t'capitolize on it. A moment later, Kajeela was back in th'arm hold. "Whatta ya care 'bout him? Don't tell me you're a cop on th'take who's here t'avenge me destroyin' his house. I swear, ya dumb broad, there're better things t'do."

Kajeela Tarruurri
Sep 28th, 2008, 06:41:02 PM
"jIf thatsss whjy jI wasss herrre" she said, grunting between each word, "jI would have jussst ssshot jyou jin the cantjina"

She gave up wriggling as a means to get free - it was accomplishing nothing anyway. But he'd annoyed her by accusing her of being a dirty cop and so she felt no guilt when she threw up her free hand and poked him directly in his left eye.

As he reached up to procted his face, far too after the fact, Kajeela punched him with full-force right into the breadbasket, doubling him over.

"Be carrreful what jyou sssajy to me, bountjy hunterrr!"

Aurelias Kazaar
Sep 28th, 2008, 06:49:33 PM
So she wasn't dirty, Kazaar's mind barely registered it, as he tried t'get his breath back. Figures...th'only frackin' straight cop in th'galaxy, and they just happened t'be goin' after him. He woulda snorted if his stomach didn't hurt so bad. This frackin' life...where was th'Kid when ya needed 'er?

He sent an elbow into th'Cizerack's face, givin' 'im some space t'catch his breath. Didn't have much time, th'girl was on 'im again like he was made outta catnip. An' where th'frack was some o'that when ya needed it. Blood clouded his vision and he barely dodged a kick at his head. Whiskers wasn't playin' 'round now. She did 'nother kick, but he caught it an' put her to th'ground. "So why are ya 'ere, Whiskers? It in th'Cat's culture t'fight people f'fun? Or did th'Albino file a legal complaint 'gainst me without askin'?"

Kajeela Tarruurri
Sep 30th, 2008, 12:35:11 PM
She was seeing stars....and little sajoi riding in tilted circles around her head. Her body was aching all over, and there was a throbbing inside her brain from the last thud to the ground that was making her stomach loop.

"A....frrrjiend..." she stammered in answer while trying to free her leg from Kazaar's grip, "....of....a.....frrrjiend ssssent me....."

She bent upwards and sank teeth, and claws, into the bounty hunters muscular thigh. Tasted good. Kazaar howled.

Aurelias Kazaar
Sep 30th, 2008, 04:44:56 PM
Kazaar swore violently, as pain shot up 'is leg. He was gettin' tired o'this. The fight was a helluva lotta fun, don't get 'im wrong, but th'biting...that only worked when ya were nippin' at some dame's neck for more personal reasons. That was th'only place where bitin' worked. But it sure beat sitting 'round and having a real job. That was f'damn sure. His right hand chopped into Kajeela's neck causin' her t'let go of his leg. Both of 'em fell to th'sandy street and stared at each other.

A moment later they were at each other's throats again, each of 'em trying t'get th'best of the other. Kazaar knocked away a clawed hand, but had his own punch blocked. Th'Cizerack cop stomped on his knee, but Kazaar was able t'get 'er in a headlock as he fell to th'ground. "Nice...t'know...ya got...friends, Whiskers." He tightened his grip just a bit, as Kajeela landed elbow after elbow on 'is stomach. "This...friend...forget...t'tell ya...how...many times...Crei's tried...t'kill me? Or...did...they...fergit...that."

Kajeela Tarruurri
Oct 1st, 2008, 03:30:44 PM
The man wasn't letting go and Tarruurri was getting weary of throwing her elbow into his stomach, feeling a little faint as the continued pressure was held on her throat.

Deciding she'd better do something before she passed out into blackness, the Cizerack detective flipped the clip on her leg-holster and drew her blaster up, waving it somewhat erratically over her shoulder, as Kazaar twisted and wriggled away from her while still maintaining his choke-hold.

Figuring the muzzle was aimed close enough to the vicinity of his head, Kajeela, sputtered, "let---go"

Aurelias Kazaar
Oct 1st, 2008, 03:36:21 PM
Kazaar'd played by th'rules most o'th'fight. He hadn't pulled his own twin Bryar blasters and may've pulled his punches just slightly. But introducin' a blaster into th'fight wasn't gonna work. So he let go. Whiskers spun outta th'hold, givin' the bounty hunter 'nough time t'reach out quickly and pull th'blaster outta 'er clawed hand.

Th'two stared at each other a long moment, as Kazaar tossed away both th'Cizerack's blaster and his own coveted 'Twins'. He shifted his bleedin', battered body into a ready stance and shot a kick towards Kajeela's head.

Kajeela Tarruurri
Oct 1st, 2008, 03:49:46 PM
"fffpf, rrrealljy?" The Cizerack's body slumped slightly in exasperation. She'd hoped the introduction of her blaster would have put an end to rolling in the dirt long enough for her to get some straight answers from the bounter hunter.

But it was not to be. Tarruurri felt a creeping suspicion that this Kazaar fellow was actually enjoying himself and that he was as stubborn as he was hardheaded. No surprise Crei had tried to get rid of him many times, the man was annoying.

"Yjou dont get out much, do jyou?" she asked, then launched herself at him, this time crouching low so as to piledrive into him at gut level.

The force of her tackle made Kazaar stagger backwards and the pair of them flipped back into an open speeder parked outside the cantina.

Aurelias Kazaar
Oct 1st, 2008, 04:03:42 PM
Kazaar tried t'twist his way outta th'Cizerack's grip and th'two rolled in th'speeder. "When...*oof*...ya got..." Th'former bounty hunter's elbow missed Kajeela's head and caught th'back of a seat, causing it t'go numb. "Friends like...that damn Albino." Whiskers' hand raked Kazaar's chest, rippin' his shrt in several places. "Who...th'frack needs t'get out." Kazaar's knee connected with her thigh. "He killed m'boy ya know."

Kajeela Tarruurri
Oct 1st, 2008, 04:15:40 PM
Despite the continued buffeting from fists and knees, Tarruurri pressed her attack, leaving off scratching at Kazaar to instead grip his throat to throttle him.

She had him just where she wanted, when his words penetrated her mind enough so that she pulled back slightly on her assult.

"Ssson......?" She sat back on her haunches, but still kept her hands around Kazaar's throat. Her eyes narrowed and her ears flattened warily, "Therrre'sss nothjing jin jyourrr fjile about a ssson" she stated, as if trying to recall how she might miss such a fact.

Aurelias Kazaar
Oct 1st, 2008, 08:34:32 PM
"Ain't surprised." Kazaar was only partially surprised by th'Cizerack's decision t'stop throttlin' him. 'Least it meant he might not hafta brain 'er over th'head. 'Course fightin' th'kitty'd been fun too. "I'm still gettin' used t'the idea m'self." Which was true. Kazaar hadn't exactly seem 'imself as a father figure. Delly and th'Kid might disagree. Might. "Only found out 'bout it shortly before th'boy died." Kajeela's look said he had t'tell 'er more. Kazaar glared. Frackin' cops. Some of 'em were great, others... "Ya gonna let m'up or am I gonna hafta move ya personally t'get that. 'Cause if ya want me t'frackin tell ya, Whiskers, I ain't gonna do it on m'back inna speeder."

Kajeela Tarruurri
Oct 1st, 2008, 08:53:43 PM
A smile tugged at the corners of the Cizerack's mouth and she slowly relinquished her grip.

"Alrrrjight, but ssslow and easssjy doesss jit"

She was loath to take her eyes off him completely, and so slung one leg, then the other cautiously out of the speeder and landed on the ground with a hop. She stepped back a pace to allow the bounty hunter to extricate himself and then, simultaneously, they each collected their weapons again from where Kazaar had tossed them.

It was an uneasy truce, and both of them felt it held in place by the thinnest thread. Still, Tarruurri was a firm believer in give a little, get a little.

Maybe this bountey hunter was of the same opinion.

"jIsss that whjy jyou blew up the Albjino's houssse?"

Aurelias Kazaar
Oct 1st, 2008, 08:57:42 PM
"Naw, I just decided t'do that after he denied m'request f'tea and cupcakes." Kazaar's smirk was ugly. "Lemme ask ya this. Say ya find out some bastard decided t'take ya boy (a boy ya didn't even know existed) and frackin' parade him in front o'ya like some kinda trophy. What would ya reaction be? Even if ya have th'law and order ya can sit behind and get authorization, say ya can't do that.

"What ya gonna do then?"

Kajeela Tarruurri
Oct 2nd, 2008, 02:19:35 PM
Mmm, cupcakes..

But that was beside the point. And so was what she would or wouldn't have done. Sure, the man had a legitimate gripe, and frankly, she couldn't care less that he'd attacked Crei - more power to him. What she wanted to know, was why the big cover up? Why the clean-up crew and the hands-off posture taken by the ICPD brass?

"Arrre jyou cerrrtajin the Albjino wasss actjing alone?"

She held her blaster loosely at her side, watching as Kazaar reholstered both of his. The man appeared to be honest in his answers, defensinve only when threatened. Still, his record gave the Cizerack pause in lowering her own guard - he was lethal and she would be smart not to forget it for a second.

"Who hasss been prrrotectjing hjim?"

Aurelias Kazaar
Oct 2nd, 2008, 03:30:06 PM
"Who th'frack knows." Kazaar answered reachin' into his pocket. He saw th'cop tense up (ironically like a cat) but relax once she saw it was a cigar in his hand. A couple moments later, th'bounty hunter was puffin' away on th'sweet pleasure o'tobacco. "Albino's got 'is hands in a lotta pies. Hell, I wouldn't be surprised if th'fracker has Imperial pals he likes t'treat from time t'time."

Th'two started strollin' down th'sandy street, each close 'nough t'grab the other's arm if they went forra blaster. "I'm grabbin' a drink." Kazaar's gruff voice was even lower than normal (kinda happens when ya go full-bore forra while). "Ya gonna arrest me or not?"

Kajeela Tarruurri
Oct 2nd, 2008, 08:08:09 PM
"Eventualljy, jyesss" she asserted, falling thoughtfully into step beside him. She slipped her hand into her pocket and before the bounty hunter knew it, she was pushing a blue handkerchief into his face, "jYouv'e got sssome blood" she pointed out, dabbing at his face with unintentional roughness.

"Whjich jImperrrjialsss?" she asked after about half a block, and Kazaar could almost hear the wheels turning, "Can jyou name namesss?"

Aurelias Kazaar
Oct 3rd, 2008, 12:31:22 AM
"Hell if I know." His answer was mostly truthful. He'd only seen that one rep at Crei's little meetin' with 'The Ice Slug' and he never bothered t'catch a name. That an' th'Russards never bothers tell 'im if they heard anything after his attack on what was left o'Crei's mansion. "Guy's a crime lord. Probably got connections all over th'place. Start where ya think th'dirty ones are an' go from there."

His black eyes flashed in rage. "Th'Albino's mine. I know ya got ya 'law'n order' ya gotta listen to, but he's mine. He knows it and ya gotta know it too." Kajeela was 'bout t'disagree when th'human added. "Ya shirt's ripped." He pointed to a spot by 'er neck where an almost half triangle'd been taken out. Kazaar shrugged. "Prob'ly caught on th'speeder when ya threw me in."

Kajeela Tarruurri
Oct 10th, 2008, 11:02:22 PM
Kajeela showed no concern for the tear, it was of little consequence.

What did concern her was that personal vendettas often clouded the truth, and rarely had respect for justice. This bounty hunter was about as revved up as anyone she'd seen, and experience had often proved that this was their undoing. They would be so tunnel visioned, they never saw the bullet from left field until it landed between their eyeballs. And, to destroy such pretty eyeballs..

"What?" the bounty hunter asked, surprising Tarruurri in that she'd been caught looking.

"Nothjing. Let'sss eat jin herrre" and Kajeela steered Kazaar into one of the hundreds of cantina's common in Tatooine.

Aurelias Kazaar
Oct 12th, 2008, 05:54:27 PM
Th'place Whiskers chose was pretty much like all th'other frackin' cantinas on this desert: dark, bad jizz, lotta aliens, decent food. Alcohol was better than th'one they'd been kicked outta that was f'sure. Th'two sat near th'back o'building, each of 'em with their backs to th'wall. Meant they had t'sit almost next to each other, but since neither of 'em were sure what th'other was gonna do, it made sense...in its own screwy, little fracked up way.

Th'cop and th'bounty hunter both ordered something which claimed t'be bantha steak, Kazaar's cooked a tad more than Kajeela's almost raw meat (had t'be a Cizerak thing). "Wanna tell me why ya decided t'track me down 'ere? Sure a 'friend' told ya, but c'mon...if you're such a 'beacon o'truth' in th'department...why th'frack come after me?"

Kajeela Tarruurri
Oct 14th, 2008, 08:51:01 PM
Why huumans wanted to talk over a meal was always a mystery to Kajeela. Why distract from the delight of food consumption for such inanity as conversation? It was a species trait that would forever exacerbate the Cizerack, but she hid her annoyance - as she did every other time she dinned with human kind, (you can't change a whole galaxy) - and replied in between mouthfuls.

"Becaussse, jyou arrre the fjirrrst sssubssstantjial lead we've had." She poked her fork at the air for emphasis, "A lead whjich jI have not been orrrderrred to keep handsss off"

"An' why's that?" Kazaar asked, chasing some gravy round his plate with a chunk of bread.

The fork weaved fluidly, "Becaussse the bosssesss dont know about jyou"

Aurelias Kazaar
Oct 14th, 2008, 09:03:31 PM
That caused Kazaar t'smirk. People just loved keepin' secrets didn't they? Guess it could be used f'leverage whenever it came up and he had a feelin' this Cizerak cop was gonna need all th'leverage she needed t'be able t'hunt Crei down. "I ain't gonna help ya find Crei, Whiskers." He spoke through a mouthful o'bread. "Th'Albino's mine and mine 'lone."

Kajeela started t'open 'er pretty little mouth, but Kazaar *shushed* 'er with a raised finger. "Think 'bout it. He killed m'son. I want his hide and that damn kimona o'his. Ya gotta frackin problem with that? Tough. We'll just hafta go outside'n finish what we started after we eat."

Kajeela Tarruurri
Oct 14th, 2008, 09:19:44 PM
Tarruurri looked at her plate sadly, she would have liked to have finished the food, but the bounty hunter was making it clear she wasn't going to get her way by playing nice. See what happens when there's talking?

She allowed the fork to fall to the table with a clang and Kazaar's sight was drawn automatically down to it. He immediately realised his mistake.

Kajeela grabbed his head by a fist full of hair and yanked him down hard, smacking his forehead on the table, while with her other hand, pulled some cuffs from her pants pocket.

"jI got a differrrent plan"

Aurelias Kazaar
Oct 15th, 2008, 08:14:00 PM
You gotta be frackin' me! Kazaar couldn't believe this. This entire damned conversation (and his damn dinner) was gonna be interrupted by some crazyass kitten cop who wanted t'take 'er superiors down, instead o'letting him take out Crei. He knew comin' here was a bad idea. Frackin' Egghead tellin' him Delly was here. In a bit ovva hazed state, th'former bounty hunter spotted outta the corner of his eye the cuffs coming towards his right wrist.


Whiskers' clapped th'cuff onto Kazaar's wrist, then tried t'flip it over towards his left one. It was then Kazaar moved, his left hand shooting away from Kajeela as she tried to snap the cuffs onto it. Th'loose cuff slapped into his right leg, sendin' pain up his thigh. His right hand pulled away from Whiskers, but th'tight space o'the booth made it pretty tough. Kajeela fumbled for th'loose cuff again, but Kazaar caught her wit' an elbow, grabbed th'cuff and slapped it onto Kajeela's left wrist.

Th'two were now tied together.

Right now, I"Look ya crazy dame!" Kazaar spat'n glared at th'Cizerack cop. "I've been sent by some damn bald Egghead who says there's someone here I wanna make sure doesn't get in a ton o'trouble by going after that damn Albino (who should be in th'damn ground and would be if he didn't get a frackin' LMM from someone). I wanna finish m'damn food. I'm hungry." He took a drink. All this talkin' was makin' his thirsty too.

Kajeela Tarruurri
Nov 9th, 2008, 07:55:47 PM
Tarruurri yanked her wrist back and forward furiously, ripping Kazaar's shoulder painfully and making it impossible for him to resume his meal, the glass he tried to negotiate into his mouth with his free hand bumping by turns into his cheek, chin and nose, slopping its contents over him. He slammed the glass down in a fury, "Damn'it!"

Twising where he sat, he lunged, grabbing Kajeela by the throat to make her still. This did not work. Kajeela stomped her foot onto the top of Kazaar's foot, making him jump and bang his knees under the table frame. She then head-butted him in the face, making his nose spring blood once again, and all the while she continued to wrastle her wrist violently in an attempt to break free.

Aurelias Kazaar
Nov 22nd, 2008, 12:36:54 PM
He hated doin' this. Wasn't th'kinda thing he liked doin'...th'fighting girls thing. Just wasn't in his system t'get into a prolonged fight with one of 'em. 'Sides, who th'hell liked being 'that guy' in prison, the one who got his jones by beatin' up women. Kazaar'd beaten one of 'em up when durin' his stay and he sure as frack wasn't 'bout t'be 'that guy' if Whiskers was able t'get 'im down.

He caught 'er wrist again and slammed down on th'table. 'Nough of this crap. "Look Whiskers. It's ya own damn fault you're in this frackin' mess t'begin with." She struggled again and Kazaar did somethin' he hated himself f'doing. He backhanded her 'cross th'face. "I said listen ya Force-damned broad. I ain't in th'mood f'this. You were th'one who started this entire frackin' thing and now ya want me t'track down a buncha guys I don't know who or give a flyin' frack 'bout. Why don't ya ask ya frackin' 'confidential informant' who gave ya this info t'begin with. That might--"

Kazaar was cut off by th'stun blast hittin' him in th'chest. He slumped over as Kajeela smiled and holstered her blaster.

Kajeela Tarruurri
Nov 22nd, 2008, 03:50:00 PM
She took the opportunity while Kazaar was incapacitated to unlock her wrist from the cuff and flip it around to clasp it on to the bounty hunter. Trussed now with his hands behind him, Kajeela pulled Kazaar up bodily from the seat.

"Maybe we wjill both asssk hjim. jI'm takjing you back to jImperjial Centerrr, to my prrrecjinct and we wjill sssee whjich bosssesss of mjine hollerrrsss the loudessst at yourrr sudden appearrrance."

She bent down to address him with a cheshire smile, "Ssshould make qujite a ssstjirrr, jI thjink."

Aurelias Kazaar
Nov 22nd, 2008, 04:18:49 PM

That was th'first thing t'greet Kazaar as he felt himself come back t'consciousness. Th'world was black 'round him, slowly startin' t'become shapes and sizes. Somethin' was filling his ears too. A sorta...dragging sound...*bump*

Ya gotta be frackin' me. He was being dragged 'cross th'ground. He started gettin' his bearings together. Frack. He'd been captured and frankly he was damn lucky t'be alive. Stun blasts were pretty mild at times but he'd heard stories 'bout some guys never wakin' up after bein' sent into lala land. Whiskers had 'im by his legs and was draggin' him towards a small little ship. Pretty obvious where they were headed. Don't frackin' think so Whiskers. No frackin' way he'd go t'Coruscant in chains.

Reachin' his right hand down he started workin' th'inside part o'his watch. C'mon. C'mon. He almost swore as a rock struck his head. Pretty sure he wasn't bein' taken on th'scenic route back t'the ship. Finally! Th'small skeleton key was free'n he was able t'insert it into th'cuffs 'round his wrists.

*Click* *Click*

Jeels dropped th'legs forra minute t'take a swig o'something. When she reached back t'grab th'legs they weren't there. She looked 'round t'see where her target'd gone. In th'corner of her eyes she spotted movement. It was a fist. A fist comin' right at 'er face!

Kajeela Tarruurri
Nov 23rd, 2008, 02:11:48 PM
There was no time to avoid it, not even a chance to throw up a deflecting hand. Tarruurri caught the hit right on the jaw and sprawled backwards against the dirt. She tried to roll herself up, but was unsteadier than she'd realised and could only manage to curl onto her side. Kazaar stood close enough, and so she whipped her tail around to cut his legs out from under him. She heard the gratifying 'thump' as he landed hard on his rump behind her. Her hand curled into a fist and she swung her hand round to find a target. The swing was sluggish and not too accurate, and landed into his shoulder. She heard her knuckles crack and she yeowled painfully.

Aurelias Kazaar
Nov 23rd, 2008, 02:32:41 PM
Kazaar's head was still a bit dull from th'stun blast (gettin' over those damn things was frackin' tough). Small part o'him loved this fight, was a helluva lotta fun. Something he'd hafta thinking 'bout later...always found shockboxin' interestin', might think 'bout doin' it a bit more. Come t'think o'it...if he'n Kajeela weren't trying t'tear th'life outta each other, Kazaar might think 'bout asking 'er out forra drink or three. Nice lookin' dame that's f'sure. Kazaar'd hate himself f'hitting 'er later.

His foot shot out and caught Jeels in th'chest, knocking 'er flat. He was on 'er a minute later, puttin' the full weight of his body t'keep the Cizerack cop from usin' her long legs. His hands had 'er wrists pinned too. "All right, Whiskers, wanna tell me why ya want me t'help ya take down ya bosses? Don't ya have a partner're something t'help ya out? C'mon, dame like ya gotta be able t'trust mosta th'people ya work with."

Kajeela Tarruurri
Nov 23rd, 2008, 03:19:31 PM
How dense was this huu-mann? Hadnt she told him already about the corrupt brass and the orders-off the case? Really, he should have been dead ten times already if it was only on his wits that he got by. However, as he was proving at this moment, his brute strength often gave him the upper hand.

"jIdjiot! jYourrr'e to be mjy bajit" she answered, breathless. "jI'm takjing jyou back to flusssh out the rrroachesss. Get them to hjit sssome panjic buttonsss"

She didn't bother struggling, but instead waited for the sense of what she was saying to sink into the bounty hunters thick head.

"jYou arrren't even on mjy rrradarrr." She grumbled to herself, "Cjyrrrusss, asss alwajysss, jis a ssstep behjind the crrrowd jin thjinkjing he knowsss what jIm afterrr."

Aurelias Kazaar
Nov 23rd, 2008, 03:29:43 PM
Kazaar suddenly let loose a string o'curses changin' from so many languages Kajeela had a tough time keeping up. She heard 'least five different curses in Basic, Hutt, Twi'lek, some language she didn't understand, and Wookeese (where in th'galaxy did he learn that?). Her hands hadn't been let go yet. "That frackin' son of a bitch. I'm gonna skin that bare head o'his and feed it to 'im." He let go o'Jeels. "That frackin' chuff-suckin' bugslut played both of us f'patsies." Kazaar leaned sat down next t'the cop. "Why th'frack do ya think I'm on this sand'n dustball t'begin with? Haman sent me 'ere. T'look after m'wi-a friend who might be gettin' 'er pretty little head deeper than it oughta be.

"Frackin' bastard. I'm gonna kill 'im or 'least humilitate 'im 'nough t'where he don't pull this crap again."

Kajeela Tarruurri
Nov 23rd, 2008, 03:50:59 PM
Kajeela sat up slowly and the two of them together, shoulders hunched forward, mused over the set up. Tarruurri drew finger lines in the dirt a moment then spoke her thoughts out loud.

"Whjy djid Cjyrrrusss ssset jyou up? Forrr ssspjite?"

"Seems like" Kazaar snorted.

Her investigative mind ticked over, not satisfied with such a simple explanation.

"And.....he thought thjisss plan up hjimssself...?" she added dubiously.

The pair looked at one another, certain of the answer.


"No" Kajeela agreed.

"Creji - you thjink?"

Kazaar cursed some more and Kajeela decided she liked the Huttese cusses the best. So beligerent sounding. Maybe the bounty hunter would teach her some of those.

"Whjile we've been rolljing jin the Tatoojine sand, mjy parrrtnerrr hasss been searrrchjing for Haman. Would jyou ljike to come wjith me and sssee what he hasss turrrned up?"

The invitation was genuine and the mischievious smile that tugged at the detective's lips promised Kazaar that Tarruurri might just be a worthy ally on whom he had not anticipated.

"Well?" she prodded.

Aurelias Kazaar
Nov 25th, 2008, 01:47:05 PM
Kazaar smirked. "Tell ya partner he can stop lookin'. I know exactly where Haman's holed up."

The Cizerack cocked a purple eyebrow. "What do jyou mean?"

The human shrugged like it wasn't a big deal. "He's hidin' out on Nar Shaddaa. Keeps a 'lover's nest' there or some kinda crap like that. Where he likes t'take all th'gals he supposedly fracks. Guy's a sleemo con that dames dig f'whatever frackin' reason." Another smirk as th'two got to their feet. "So...your ship're mine?"

Kajeela Tarruurri
Nov 29th, 2008, 12:52:09 PM
"We'll go jin mjine" she said authoratively, "Less ljikely to attrrract the wrrrong kjind of attentjion"

Tarruurri stood. "You wjill behave yourrrssself, Mjisssterrr Kazaarrrr" It was not a question.

Aurelias Kazaar
Nov 29th, 2008, 02:33:28 PM
Kazaar gave a smirk that could b'taken a thousand ways. "Why th'frack would I kill 'im? Too entertaining t'keep around. Ain't th'best info broker, but what do they say? Th'blind womp rat finds th'Jawa storehouse sometimes?" He stuck a cigar in his mouth, which'd somehow not broken during their fight. "Don't worry...Haman'll stay alive. I won't even break 'is jaw like I did last time."

Kajeela Tarruurri
Nov 29th, 2008, 04:08:56 PM
""Leassst, not untjil he hasss told us what we want to know"

She smiled indulgently to herself as she stood and led the way to her ship. With the handsome bounty hunter in tow, Kajeela Tarruurri was well pleased with the day's work.

Cyrus Haman
Nov 30th, 2008, 02:34:37 PM
Nar Shaddaa: A four-story apartment complex near the Corellian Sector

Oh come on where is she? Haman was all ready slightly annoyed. He'd had a friend of a friend of a friend stake out that Tatooine bar, he'd sent both Kazaar and the delectable Kajeela Tarruurri to, only to find out after the two had been kicked out for fighting they'd never been seen again. Which made no sense whatsoever, but all Haman could think was probably because the friend of a friend had been so pickled by cheap booze he'd forgotten to follow the fight. I'm out of 50 credits because of some dumb alky. This is why I always get the good stuff.

Then to top it all off, his third date for the evening was late. The info broker/smuggler couldn't figure out why it was so hard for some people to show up on time (or do other things). It really was bad enough it took four people to sate him when it used to only take two (with one being his boss Hera. That girl did wonders) but with Hera missing...he sighed and took a drink from his wine glass.

She really would have liked this place. It was his 'lover's nest', a four room apartment which had a room for almost everything (almost). Three stories up from, of all things, a refuse pit it didn't smell at one. One reason for it was the fact Haman made sure the owner dumped some type of stench inhibiting powder on the garbage. The second, most of the garbage dumped was immediately picked over by about five squibs (http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/Squib) who got rid of most of the stench. The third, Haman's pride and joy, was an air filtration unit he'd had built. Twenty feet long, it sucked out most of the smell, leaving a very nice minty fresh flavor in the air. The smuggler smiled his rat-like grin. Yes, Hera would have loved trashing this place.

*Knock* *Knock* *Knock*

Finally. Haman was ready to go. He was only wearing a silk robe and his feet were barefoot. He thought he heard some kind of *tunk* behind him, but wasn't sure. "It took you long enough, honey." He held another glass of wine and pressed door open button. "Why don't we stay in toni--"

Aurelias Kazaar
Nov 30th, 2008, 04:38:14 PM
"Sure." An obviously male voice greeted Haman as th'door slid open. "I'm always open t'staying in an' having fun...baby."

Haman never got th'chance t'utter whatever curse he was thinkin' 'bout uttering, as Kazaar's head connected solidly with th'Rat's. Haman was forced t'take another couple wobbly steps back as th'bounty hunter barged in th'love nest (whatta forceawful name. Frackin' Haman). He was shoved up 'gainst th'wall, with Kazaar's left hand at his throat.

"K-Kazaar-r-r." Even in his annoyance at getting his date interupted, Haman was still a little fearful with that look in th'bounty hunter's eyes. "D-did you find Adelai-guh-ahhh" Th'pressure tightened up on his throat just a bit and the Rat's mind tried t'catch up with whatever th'frack was goin' on. "Oh-k-kay...where's Kah-Kajeela?" He tried to wink. "Y-you know she's got p-purple h-hair all over..."

"Frack you, Haman. Where th'hell's Crei."

Th'rat's eyes widened. "Crei? I haven't seen him in a month. Not since the two of us last talked." If it could be called that. He felt th'hand on his throat start t'tighten a bit. "Swear, Kazaar. I haven't seen him!"

Kazaar threw a glance over 'is shoulder. "Ya believe 'im, Whiskers?"

Kajeela Tarruurri
Dec 1st, 2008, 08:23:43 PM
"Cyrrrusss..." Kajeela purred as she curled in behind Kazaar to peek at the little rogue dangling from Kazaar's grip. "And jyou have wjine" she added, plucking one of the glasses from Haman's hand. She sniffed it briefly, a cheap and nasty aroma, not at all like the fragrant vintages of the Carshoulis cluster, but, it had been a long trip and she downed the contents in a gulp.

"jYou've led usss on a goossse chassse, Cyrrrusss," she gave him a taunting look from over her shoulder as she strolled about the room, twirling the empty glass with her fingers. So, no, she did not believe his story.

"That doesss not make forrr a verrrjy happjy vjisssjit tonjight forrr jyou"

She turned away from him again and was pleased to hear the muffled thumps and "hrfmps" as Kazaar took the cue to actively punctuate her point with a one-two combo to Haman's ribs.

Cyrus Haman
Dec 2nd, 2008, 02:50:57 PM
"I haven't seen him guys honest!" Haman was actually telling the truth. He hadn't seen Crei since the meet between Predka and Crei had been interrupted by Kazaar and Estelle. "You gotta believe me, Kazaar."

Aurelias Kazaar
Dec 2nd, 2008, 02:51:04 PM
Kazaar smirked. "Like tellin' me Delly was on Tatooine? Just shut th'frack up and take it like th'man ya supposedly are." A dangerous smirk now. "In fact, I don't even think ya are one."

A steel grip come across th'Rat's groin and Kazaar (whose hands were gloved, t'both Haman and th'bounty hunter's relief) gave a little tug.

"Talk. Or I frackin' rip it off."

Cyrus Haman
Dec 2nd, 2008, 02:57:41 PM
"You frickin' moron!" Haman spat, really getting worried he was about to lose one of the best things to ever happen to him. Outside of his charm. "I did all this! Me! I told you where Crei was and you repaid me by breaking my jaw!?! Where the hell is the fairness in that?" He tried to push Kazaar's hand away from his jewels but the grip tightened again. "You made me miss a double date with a Zelton and a Twi'lek! All because you had to kill some stupid Hutt lordess and that got your son killed!"

Th'rat was getting scared because he didn't know what Kazaar would do next. "You idiot! This isn't about you and that Albino (who I don't like working for anyway). It's about you and me. You owe me Kazaar! You frelling owe me!"

Kajeela Tarruurri
Dec 3rd, 2008, 09:32:32 PM
Kajeela moved into the kitchen and opened the refrigerator to forrage, while keeping a weather eye and ear on what was happening in the living room. She reached in and grabbed a roasted chicken leg, biting into it.

Talking with her mouth full, she advised Haman to be "verrry cerrrtajin about what he wasss sssayjing," sensitive to the dawning revelation that this whole thing was some debacle over a girl.


She bent deeper into the fridge and lifted out a jug of milk.

Aurelias Kazaar
Dec 6th, 2008, 07:46:28 PM
"I owe ya huh?" Kazaar snorted, not lettin' go of Haman. "Fine, how 'bout this...ya play straight with me. I don't kill ya."

"I've been playing straight with you, farqhead!" Haman cursed. "Why the frell would I not?!? I don't know where Crei is! He's not here. I haven't talked to him! I haven't seen him! Leave me the hell alone!"

Th'bounty hunter snorted again. "Ya know...I believe ya, Haman. I do think ya decided t'frack with me by sendin' Whiskers 'ere t'take me in." Who was provin' how much of a cat-person she was by guzzlin' down some milk. Helluva neck on that dame. "So I ain't gonna kill ya. Hell, I ain't even gonna take ya jewels." He smiled. "Don't frackin' do it again."

Th'rat waved his hands in surrender. "Sure thing Kazaar. Sure thing. I won't mess with you again."

Kazaar's smile died. "Ya know, pal. I don't believe ya."

Jeels heard a yell anna *thump* and turned t'look in time t'see Kazaar throw Haman (his robe comin' off in th'process) off th'ventilation system she'd used t'sneak into th'rat's little 'love nest'. Haman fell four stories, landin' flat on his back onna load of trash, then tumbled down into th'oily sludge below.

Haman screamed up at Kazaar as the bounty hunter's laughter filled th'air. "I'll kill you Kazaar! You're dead, you hear me! Frelling dead! And don't you dare take my alcohol you boozed up bounty hunter! I'll frelling kill you!"

Kazaar only pointed down, his fingers formin' a blaster. Kazaar 'fired' his finger blaster three times an' Haman's splutterin' stopped. It was pretty clear what kinda message was bein' sent: Don't frack with Kazaar. Kazaar smirked again and disappeared back into th'apartment. "Well that takes care o'that. Guess he didn't know where Crei was."

He shrugged. "Go figure, right Whiskers?"

Kajeela Tarruurri
Dec 7th, 2008, 01:42:22 AM
Kajeela gave a noncomittal shrug and looked out the window. Far below she could just make out Haman's pale little body amidst the refuse.

"He desssserrrved that" she endorsed, turning back to the bounty hunter with a satisfied smile. "Now what?" she queried, "Our work here is done"

Aurelias Kazaar
Dec 7th, 2008, 01:45:49 AM
"Considerin' ya got some wine and I didn't." Kazaar found th'rest of Haman's bottle and swigged it down. Wasn't bad, but a little too bitter f'his taste. "Wanna go get drunk? I know a couple good bars 'round here who's drinks are a helluva lot better than any o'that swill on Tatooine. Better scenery'n lightin' too.""

Kajeela Tarruurri
Dec 7th, 2008, 02:00:43 AM
She pursed her lips from one side to the other trying to make a decision.

It probably wasn't the wisest of choices to go gadabouting with Kazaar, given his reputation, but this whole escapade had been a bust and Kajeela had the cuts and bruises to prove it. A night spent mulling away the aches and pains over a good chardonay sounded rather appealing.

"Lead the way, Aurrreljiasss" she purred.

Things may just look up yet.

They left the apartment to the echoing wails of Haman rising up from the garbage pit below them.

Aurelias Kazaar
Dec 7th, 2008, 02:21:58 AM
The next morning

"I tell ya Whiskers. I ain't never seen anyone almost out drink me." Kazaar stated as he'n Kajeela rose th'next day. Or afternoon really. Both of 'em'd gotten rip roarin' drunk and discovered they actually had a lot in common. Kinda nice t'be able t'share stories 'bout bustin' slavers, kickin' th'teeth in of spice dealers, and hunting down those who deserved it. Turns out, they'd both been after one guy named Bulzivar who'd holed himself up on Coruscant 'bout ten years ago. Both'd missed him by inches (although Kazaar caught up t'him on Sullust a month later). Hadn't run into each other 'cause they'd been on the opposite of th'building Bulzivar been hidin' on. Too bad too...might've had a helluva nice night then. 'Course, Kazaar'd been with Ashley that night, but still woulda been good company.

Th'bounty hunter grabbed his shirt from where it'd been tossed and handed Jeels her jacket and blaster belt. Then her own shirt. If there was one thing he could thank that rat for was a helluva night.

He smirked and lit a cigar. "Ya know, for someone who tried t'claw m'eyes out. Ya ain't that bad." Then he gave a semi-salute with th'cigar. "See ya 'round Whiskers. I gotta find me transport back t'Tatooine." A wink. "Nice workin' with ya."

Kajeela Tarruurri
Dec 7th, 2008, 02:50:53 AM
"Whatssss the rrrrrussssh?" she said, with cat-like playfulness. She'd spent a very enjoyable evening and was in no hurry for it to end.

"Yjou can come home wjith me - jI can go to jImperrrrjial Centerrrr by way of Tatoojine . It makessss ssssensssse to go togetherrrrr." She smiled coyly, donning her shirt.

Kazaar tried to fight back a grin, but failed. Tarruurri really was quite enchanting when she put her mind to it.

The diminutive detective shrugged into her clothing, which effectively camoflaged her curvacious form and Kazaar looked on appreciatively.

It wasn't a hard choice, really. "Ok, Whiskers. Im all yours 'til the twin suns set" he promised.

Her smile broadened to a delighted grin. Kajeela liked it when things went her way.

"Want me t'bring more o'that wine you're so fond of?" he offered.

"Alrrrrjight.." she said, "but no morrre than two orrrr thrrrreee bottlessss"

Aurelias Kazaar
Dec 7th, 2008, 02:59:42 AM
Kazaar smirked. Might only last a day or so but it sure as hell beat getting ya butt whooped all over some desert rock. 'Sides, with his love o'fighting might learn a thing or two before they parted.

Yeh...might not've found Delly (wherever th'hell she was) and hadn't talked to th'Kid (wherever th'frack she was). But th'trip t'Tatooine...still turned out pretty damn good.