View Full Version : Whiskey Priest.

Wei Wu Wei
Sep 4th, 2008, 11:41:28 PM
Wei Wu Wei sat in a cantina on some planet somewhere in the galaxy. He couldn't remember where it was or how long he had been there. All he knew was waking up on the bar, drinking, and going sleep on the bar. The same thing everyday.

The bartender would have said something if the place was nicer and on a planet more like Coruscant or Corellia. As it was, the man had money coming from somewhere. As long as that money kept coming, that guy could sleep at his bar all he wanted.

Wei never let his hand leave the glass after a while. The thing wouldn't stop moving and he'd never get a hold of it again if he let go.

"You know what?" Wei said to the bartender.

The man grunted as he poured the former Jedi Knight another glass.

"They say there's light and dark in every person. Each one of us. The Light is peace. There is nothing there. But it's not indifference! No. Light is not uncaring. But it's not passionate! That's the Dark. When you let yourself get carried away and let your anger get you by the balls, that's the danger."

"Darth Vader's balls were in a vice-lock of hate."

He downed the glass and nearly fell backwards off the barstool. The barkeep by now simply reached out to grab his hand and pull him back to the countertop.

"You know, you're pretty unflappable." Wei's head teetered around on his neck like a bobble-head doll. "Nothing gets you riled up. You're like the Obi-wan Kenobi of serving booze."

Another full glass. Wei stared at it a moment, watching it swim about in his vision. "You know, I used to think I was Light. Now I'm not sure. Fell head over heels in love with a woman. Married her."

Tears streaked Wei's face. "I failed her. Failed her big time. What I was, I thought I was gonna be that forever. Now I'm not sure what I am."

Suddenly a little boy burst into the cantina. The sun was bright out, meaning midday. It hurt Wei's head .

"Please! Stormtroopers are gonna take my momma away!"

Wei paused a moment and looked at the kid. He was what? A Twi'lek. Slavers? It was not unheard of for Stormtroopers on backwater planets to "requisition" property or persons under false premises for their own ends.

It wasn't his problem. Still...

Wei knocked back the booze and slid off the barstool, leaving the glass on the counter.

"Ok, big guy. Let's go get your mumma back from teh stromtrooperz."

Wei stumbled towards the door after the kid.

The barkeep finally spoke up after so many days of listening to the Jedi talk.

"You sure that's a good idea? You're so drunk they'll arrest you or kill you outright."

Wei whipped around and stumbled backwards into the door. "Yeah, man. I gotta go. Can't really say why, but honestly I don't think at this point I can help myslef. Mebbe I come back for another one of those things you been puttin in that cup. Jus make sure it doesn't go anywhere while I'm gone."

With that the Jedi tipped out the door, following the little blue boy to his momma.