View Full Version : Ack! Where to post?

Captain Untouchable
Sep 2nd, 2008, 05:06:55 PM
Thanks to an annoying string of internet hiccups, unreliable housemates, and a wonderful thing that my university likes to call "Referrals", I've managed to get myself pretty much stuck offline for the last couple of weeks. I managed to squeeze the odd post in here and there, but I'm sure there's stuff I missed.

Character List
- Vansen Tyree
- Leela Vorega
- Jaden Luka
- Amos Iakona
- Elias Akasha
- Atton Kira

Anyone need me to post anywhere?

Miranda Tarkin
Sep 2nd, 2008, 05:10:28 PM
you!!! Welcome back :)

We need you in Signs and Portents! Mirror on the Wall :D

edit- FYI- Elias and Karl can bust in with the next two posts. Adia and I set it up that it looks like Adia is the one trying to kill Moff Tarkin ;)

Ilias Nytrau
Sep 2nd, 2008, 06:10:54 PM
Raids, Rogues and Arithmetic...dude.

And we need to discuss the planning or whatever with Amos, whatshisname and Miriya, remember....or was it Atton...or both (what a skank, Ha ha ha)? Ehh, Don't worry too much about it right now, since my life's a little screwy at the moment and I haven't had much time to post myself. :)