View Full Version : In The Pursuit of Balance

Lianna Mal Pannis
Aug 30th, 2008, 07:41:18 AM
For decades, the survivors of the Jedi Purge had to scatter across the galaxy in order to preserve their teachings and pray that the Force would guide them to a time when they could freely congregate and rebuild what was lost. Throughout the years, new Jedi were taught by the old Masters or some even stumbled into their abilities by the will of the Force and sought knowledge to control their power.

It was here aboard the Rebel Frigate Korolev, that a small group of Jedi converged in relative safety. Rebel Intel had found promising leads over the long months and with talk of the Jedi rebuilding together as a collective unit, they came willingly with the Rebellion. Some remained cynical, others were elated to be around other Jedi, and a few wanted to serve - but they all had one common thread that connected them together and that was the Force. They knew they needed to be here. Unfortunately, with Knight Laran and her Padawans out of contact, the Rebellion was at a lost of where to send those that didn't want to aide them with their efforts.

Because of this situation, and the sudden appearance of Jedis Tarkin and Nytherciria, General Zorien Kreig called a meeting with the two highest ranking Jedi on board to consult them on this issue. He also wanted further insight as to what role the Jedi would play in the war against the Empire. Both of them had first hand knowledge of what the Jedi were up against and he wasn't entirely convinced that they had told him everything that had happened on Doldur. Especially Adia. She had been forthcoming, but the 60 year old veteran of the Clone Wars knew when a soldier was hiding something ...

* * *

Inside the conference room, Lianna waited patiently for the General and his staff to arrive. She stood in front of a viewport, watching the stars, lost in her own thoughts as possible outcomes of her fight with Van-Derveld flashed through her minds eye. The fight had been decisive, but his future entwined deeply with that of the Rebellion. Mainly by the way of his sister, who had originally thought her brother dead.

But that was only one facet of her thinking. Occasionally it strayed to that of Daria. She had been avoiding Lianna for the last several days, which had been easy on the frigate. The Jedi Master was unsure of where their relationship stood, but was well aware that Daria had not left the fleet. The familiar, calming presence that she remained near by continued to be felt ...

... and it drew nearer ...

Daria Nytherciria
Aug 30th, 2008, 09:00:40 AM
The conference room door hissed open, and there stood Daria. Since arriving aboard the Korolev, she had been a rarely glimpsed presence. When she did emerge from her quarters she wore – as she did now – not the robes of the Jedi, but a jumpsuit befitting of a Rebel pilot. It was part of her efforts to appear less inconspicuous around the crew of the ship, and though it ensured most did not give her a second glance, some knew the true identity of the redhead with blind eyes.

She bowed her head for a moment - “Master Tarkin...” - and paced slowly towards Lianna, joining her silent vigil of the stars.

Lianna Mal Pannis
Aug 30th, 2008, 09:15:37 AM
Any chance of being less inconspicuous had been ruined once she arrived with the fleet. Even with the Empire keeping the assassination attempt on Miranda quiet, almost every Rebel knew her face. She accepted that and chose to wear her robes as a reminder to her allies that she was not a threat, nor the face of the enemy. Lianna was beginning accept her true name. It would take time, but in order for her to be a true servant of the Force, she had to accept her legacy ...

It was not visible but the formality of Daria's greeting had stung. She knew that it was sensed by her, their connection was still potent - even through the fears that Lianna sensed coming from the Knight.

"Knight Nytherciria ..." She would not push her to speak, but it felt comforting to have Daria close by.

Daria Nytherciria
Aug 30th, 2008, 09:22:42 AM
Daria's gaze was focused upon the stars, though of course she did not see them as Lianna did. In truth, her mind was caught up in other things – notably, the presence of her fellow Jedi. Since the incident on Doldur, Daria had noticed a marked difference in Lianna's aura within the Force: it had grown so much brighter, so much stronger. A vibrant yet still smooth flowing energy surrounded her at all times, and at that moment it was reaching out to Daria, as if to embrace her too...

With a breath to steady herself, the Miraluka spoke.

“...how are you... Lianna?”

Lianna Mal Pannis
Aug 30th, 2008, 10:26:51 AM
The edges of her mouth creased into a small smile. I miss you ... she thought to herself, but did not project it to Daria. Lianna was being cautious and kept her feelings in check.

"I'm doing well." She rubbed at her left flank. "My ribs are almost mended."

The Medical officer was stunned at how fast the gash across her forehead had healed. He was sure there would be scarring, bacta could only do so much, but each day that Lianna visited the ward, he noticed the lesion line grow fainter and fainter.

"How are you?" Her eyes fell to Daria's hand, which had been cut deeply by the broken glass window in Miranda's office.

Daria Nytherciria
Aug 30th, 2008, 10:32:55 AM
“I'm... well, thank you.”

As if sensing where Lianna's attention had strayed to, Daria flexed her fingertips. In her hysteria at almost losing Lianna, she had completely blacked out the pain caused by broken glass piercing deep into her palm. Given the depth of the scarring, it was fortunate that she had been able to suppress the pain, as it would have undoubtedly been near-crippling at the time... yet, it worried her - it worried her deeply - that the power she had drawn on to sustain herself had not been the true Force.

“The crew here have been very supportive. I can't imagine what we - I - would have done without them...”

Lianna Mal Pannis
Aug 30th, 2008, 10:41:13 AM
"I'm ... glad to hear that ..." She was happy that Daria had found some peace amongst the Rebels, but it was not enough. Lianna could sense the Knight's thoughts stray to that moment during the battle when she lost control. "They have been far more accepting of me now."

Even though Daria's actions were her own, she couldn't help but feel responsible. Both of them willingly allowed their feelings to progress further by their shared meditations, but it was Lianna that pushed the envelope quicker then it was intended. Perhaps then Daria's mind would not be filled with worry ...

Daria Nytherciria
Aug 30th, 2008, 10:50:08 AM
Daria nodded, her head turning back towards the view port. One fingertip idly traced part of the scar inside her hand. It stung a little, still.

“They see now what the rest of us saw all along - what a good person you are, in spite of your family's legacy.”

Perhaps some of the Rebels had grumbled at Lianna's decision to protect Miranda Tarkin, but the more intelligent amongst them understood that it was a necessary decision. Democracy would not be restored by simply destroying those at the head of the Empire. They had to really win over the hearts of the Galaxy, to show them the good that the restoration of the Republic would bring.

“...do you know why they wanted to speak with us?”

Lianna Mal Pannis
Aug 30th, 2008, 10:59:09 AM
Lianna allowed herself to chuckle slightly, "Well, if you recall, even I had to win you and Serena over at first. But I will admit, it feels good to have earned their trust."

“...do you know why they wanted to speak with us?” Daria asked and Lianna shook her head.

"To be honest, I'm not sure." She took a deep cleansing breath and rubbed at her chin in thought. "I've been contemplating it since they called me. At first I thought something else was amiss with my sister, but the more I thought about it, the more I feel that they want to discuss what we're going to do with all the Jedi coming to them."

Daria Nytherciria
Aug 30th, 2008, 11:04:49 AM
“Yes, I feel that is probably the case. Our presence here was unexpected, but I think they hope to make use of us whilst we are at their disposal. I suppose we should take this opportunity to discuss with them exactly how the Jedi will be providing assistance to the Rebellion.”

Daria turned, her head turning slightly towards the door to the meeting room. She sensed someone approaching, someone whose thoughts seemed clouded with worry.

“They're here,” she murmured, turning to face the door just as it opened...

Lianna Mal Pannis
Aug 30th, 2008, 11:30:57 AM
Lianna sensed it too and turned in time to see General Krieg's aide walk in first. She was a Bothan who had an armful of papers and datapads that had to be secured by a chin. She wore a Rebel uniform but it didn't designate any rank.

Instantly upon seeing the Jedi, her ears perked up and eyes dashed to the chronometer. It was ten standard minutes passed the scheduled meeting time. "Oh nos! I'm sorry to keep you two waiting! The General had been called away for an important communication. I'm sure... "

"That's enough Te'iak." That baritone voice could only belong to Kreig. He was a highly decorated officer by the tags pinned to his uniformed shirt. The sides of his hair were greying out, but at the top of his head, thick black hair still remained. He had a pleasant face, but his eyes were dull with worry. "She's very enthusiastic about keeping a tight schedule."

Te'iak smiled sheepishly and started to organize the paperwork as the General continued. "Please take a seat."

Two other Rebel officers walked in. One was a uniformed Rebel Intelligence Officer - Lianna recognized the designation instantly. He was a young human, a very young human, and that struck her as odd. The Jedi even sensed that he felt out of sorts and in over his head at this meeting. The other was a green skinned male Twi'lek dress in a common clothing. "Let me introduce to you Corporal Briet Fallen of Intel, and Nuo'al of the political advisers."

Lianna had sat down to the right of the General and across from the other two Rebels. Te'iak was busy handing out information pads as the Kreig continued. "I wanted to extend my gratitude in allowing us to meet and that we're glad you're both recovering well."

"Thank you, General. We appreciate that Rebellion offering shelter to us and the rest of the Jedi, but I must admit, I sensed much urgency in your request when I received your call."

Daria Nytherciria
Aug 31st, 2008, 01:21:59 PM
As each of the Rebel representatives entered, Daria – as would forever be the case – saw them in a different light to Lianna. Rather than perceiving their physical features, she saw their presence in the Force – the light that shone at the core of them. In some it was brighter than others, though all of them paled in comparison to Lianna. Based on names, voices and the general impressions she got from them, she would be able to build up a less abstract understanding of who they were, in time.

The Bothan handed Daria a datapad, and although she smiled politely when taking hold of it, she set it on the table in front of her without having glanced at it. For that part of the discussion, Lianna would have to be her eyes.

“Urgency... yes,” the General admitted gravely. “I'm afraid the sense of urgency rarely leaves us. It's a difficult state to be in, but I'm sure that both of you understand all to well what it means to be in a position of... constant uncertainty.”

Daria nodded silently, deferring any response to Lianna, as she was now the senior ranking Jedi. When nothing was said, the General continued.

“So, let us cut straight to the meat of things. I want to know what your intentions are, and how long we can expect to have you on board our ship.”

Lianna Mal Pannis
Aug 31st, 2008, 02:53:03 PM
Lianna smiled at Te'iak and quickly thumbed through the datapad. Most of the information was related to the Jedi currently on board - who they were and background information that had been forthcoming. There was also a directory of possible systems that might have more still in hiding. Relaying this information to Daria could wait for now.

"Our intentions depend on the will of the Force." Lianna set aside the datapad for now and directed her attention to the three Rebels. "For many months, you have been our focal point, our place of sanctuary. We appreciate what you have done for us and no words could properly express our gratitude."

"Here's where the but comes in," came the unimpressed retort of the young Rebel Intelligence officer. She couldn't blame him for being impetuous with a response, he was still young and with time came wisdom. It was still disheartening to see someone so young and full of life thrust into a position of power. It meant the Rebellion's resources where wearing thin.

"We've been scattered for so long that it's difficult to commit ourselves to you as one. Too much has happened since the Jedi roamed freely throughout the galaxy. We need to heal, organize, and see where the Force takes us from there."

Nuo'al' lekku tapped against his shoulder, obviously not too happy with that answer. "So you would not help us?"

She shook her head no. "I did not say that. There are those that are willing to aid you now. If that is their call, then at your side they will stand. I cannot promise you how many would do that. For the moment, Nytherciria and I are comforting those here and waiting to hear back from Laran and Evanar. I presume the status on them hasn't changed?"

Daria Nytherciria
Aug 31st, 2008, 03:59:24 PM
“We have no way of contacting Serena Laran and her party, unfortunately,” Daria replied, taking the lead for the time being. “Yet... I am certain that they are well. Master Tarkin would have felt a disturbance in the Force had anything untoward befallen them.”

Some of the Rebels looked a little skeptic. For many of them, this was their first close-up encounter with a Jedi. Until this day, the Jedi Knights had just been a figure of myth and legend for them – stories they had heard as children, to fill them with a sense of hope. To see these fabled characters in the flesh was... strange. It was difficult to accept that the mythic heroes of their childhood were, at heart, simply normal people thrown into extraordinary circumstances.

Again, the General broke the silence. “I see. What are your plans, then, until contact is established?”

“Until then... we are at your disposal, General. If you have some use to make of us, now would be the time.”

Lianna Mal Pannis
Aug 31st, 2008, 06:17:31 PM
General Kreig leaned back in his chair and motioned for the young Colonel to speak up.

Fallen cleared his throat and fumbled for a data chip. He did not like being put on the spot, especially in front of the General. "Just before our meeting with you, we lost contact with one of our assault shuttles. They were to make contact with us as soon as they exited hyperspace outside of Rutan. We haven't heard anything."

He cued up the schematics of the ship. Lianna noted that it was designated the Gale. "They were on a surveillance op on Fondor, gathering intel on the Empire's shipyards. We know their building stuff outta the scrap from the Death Star, but we wanna know what.

They were last heard around Aleen, but since the Empire have their borders locked down tighter then the Corporate Sector, we figured they ran into trouble." The Colonel eyes grew cold and he was practically firing blaster bolts at Lianna and Daria. "No thanks to you."

"That's enough Fallen," snapped the General.

Lianna could sense the anger overtaking the Rebel's thoughts. It was stronger then his embarrassment after being scolded in public by his superior. He was one of those upset that the Jedi had saved Miranda and he did not like Lianna's presence with the Rebellion at all. She was surprised that she had not sensed it before.

Nuo'al quickly tried to repair any damage that the young Intelligence officer may have created. "I'm sorry for his outburst, Master Jedi. I'm sure you understand that the Rebellion supports your decision in saving the Moff."

"It's all right," she said with a sad sigh. "Mon Razien spoke with me personally about the matter. Still, he’s allowed to have his opinion, as is anyone, but what's done is done. We need to move forward to the present concern.”

Her eyes flashed to the grid display of the Gale, her eyes dilating as she opened herself to the Force. Her features were calm and still as the light bathed her mind and allowed insight to the lost Rebels.“I sense that your crew is in danger, but I cannot see further then that. We’ll need to make haste if we are to save them. That is …” Her eyes returned to normal, questioning the General with pressing concern, “… if I’m not presuming too much?”

Daria Nytherciria
Sep 1st, 2008, 11:59:55 AM
There was an almost proud tilt to Daria's chin as she regarded the Colonel. Though his anger had subsided, she sensed it still. This was precisely why she did not care to work alongside the Rebellion – their goals were, in the end, too distant from the mandate of the Jedi. They saw only in black and white, good and evil, us and them.

When it came down to it, however, they needed the Jedi. There were some things the Rebellion simply could accomplish without them, and vice versa. It was all a matter of finding the balance.

“If it is within your power, yes. The information they may hold is invaluable to our future success. Not to mention the fact that some of our best scouts were on board that ship,” the General conceded, shaking his head. “Intel will have my balls if we don't get them back in one piece.”

Lianna Mal Pannis
Sep 1st, 2008, 12:11:57 PM
"You got that right sir. More specifically Van-Derveld if she finds out," quipped Fallen.

Krieg snorted, actually chuckling.

Lianna understood the urgency of the General more so now. The information was invaluable, but with his resources stretched thin, recovering those operatives were of the highest priority. Perhaps some of the damage that had been done to tarnish their reputation amongst some of the Rebels would be alleviated by helping their comrades.

However, this was not the reason the Jedi would do this. It was be a beneficial outcome of the mission if it is to be successful. They would go because it helped served the greater cause of the Rebellion's fight against the Empire.

"Then I will help you find your missing scouts." She looked to Daria, not wishing to speak for her. The Jedi desired the Knight's company for this mission, but it was possible that she did not. "Will you be accompanying me, Nytherciria?"

Daria Nytherciria
Sep 1st, 2008, 12:19:02 PM
“Of course, Master Tarkin.”

Daria bowed her head for a moment, showing the reverence that was befitting of a Jedi Master – something which their present company didn't seem to understand.

“We shall leave immediately, then, if you have nothing further to discuss with us, General.”</pre>

Lianna Mal Pannis
Sep 1st, 2008, 12:36:36 PM
He shook his head, "No. The sooner you leave, the better your chances are at finding our scouts. The datapads that Te'iak gave you have their mission details and last known coordinates by Aleen."

"Excellent. Thank you General." She look at the other three Rebels, allowing her eyes to linger on Fallen just a few seconds longer. "We will do everything in our power to find them. Please have my Y-Wing fueled and ready to depart shortly."

Standing to her full height, the rest of the Rebels followed suit. Te'iak spoke up first, "I'll get right on it!"

And before the Jedi could thank the kind Bothan, she had already raced out of the room. Nuo'al lowered his head out of respect and gratitude. "We appreciate this."

Fallen was about to say something but the General cut him off and interjected with more instructions. "Just make sure you keep in contact. We want to know what the frell's going on out there."

He paused and cleared his throat, looking uncomfortable as the other two Rebels filed out of the room. "... May the Force be with you two. Good hunting."

Daria Nytherciria
Sep 1st, 2008, 12:45:27 PM
With that the General was gone, his words of good luck lingering in the air even after he had departed. May the Force be with us, indeed. Alone once more with Lianna, Daria felt a certain sense of relief at no longer being subjected to the chaotic aura's of the Rebel operatives. She took a moment to centre herself before rising to her feet and looking towards her fellow Jedi.

“What does the datapad say, then?”

Lianna Mal Pannis
Sep 1st, 2008, 12:54:40 PM
She thumbed it on and scrolled through the information. "It mainly had details on the Jedi present here, but there's another file here about the Gale - the ship they had lost contact with."

Her thumb padded the key repeatedly to get the specifics. "It has the preplanned route they were take after leaving Fondor, information on the crew, and several codes that we can use for contact. That way they won't think we're an Imperial trap."

Lianna continued to read further until something sparked interest. "Hmm ... there's also a mission statement. They were on a month long surveillance of the shipyards - getting Intel on what was being produced, how many, and security measures in place."

Lianna turned off the datapad and frowned. "If I didn't know any better, I'd swear the Rebels were planning on attacking the shipyards in the future."

Daria Nytherciria
Sep 1st, 2008, 01:24:44 PM
“It would not surprise me in the slightest,” Daria replied, without thinking.

“How should we proceed? The most obvious course of action would be to investigate the route taken by the Gale. If the ship is missing, we can try to identify any planets in the area surrounding Aleen that would be capable of providing docking facilities to it and whatever Imperial vessel was responsible for its disappearance.”

Lianna Mal Pannis
Sep 1st, 2008, 03:01:58 PM
"Agreed." The Jedi Master walked up to the end of the table where General Krieg had sat and called up a map of the sector of space by Aleen.

A huge grid appeared over the holo-projector and points of light populated the chart, indicating the near by planets - The blue and red lines indicated the Corellian Trade Spine and Hydrian way, two of the fastest hyperspace lanes in the galaxy. She keyed in the coordinates of the Gale's last known location and had the computer overlay that position with the preplanned route. One lone flashing yellow dot displayed the Gale's last known communication point, about a parsec off course from it's original route.

"Looks as if our wayward ship ended up closer to Atzerri. A bit off course. If they were in trouble, it would make sense for them to try and find aid at that planet. It's friendly to the Rebellion." Lianna studied the map further. "Magnify area by two."

The sector spanned out further and Daria felt Lianna's mind shift to worry. "Bestine's near there as well. The Empire would definitely have that area under heavy surveillance because of the small shipyard there."

Daria Nytherciria
Sep 1st, 2008, 03:20:18 PM
“Atzerri is a tradeworld. I used to dock there years ago... if security is anything like it was then, it wouldn't have been hard for the Rebel crew to land planetside, undetected.”

Rather than looking into the map – for obvious reasons – Daria searched her feelings and the Force for some indication as to how they should proceed. She crossed her arms over her chest, thankful that she had something else to think about other than Doldur and Lianna.

“The Hydian Way is bound to be rife with Imperial traffic. Exports coming from Brentaal, intersecting with the Corellian Run... the Bestine shipyards probably have patrols sweeping nearby territory, too. It wouldn't be impossible to get to Atzerri, but it certainly wouldn't be easy either. Once we got the ship planetside, though, we'd have no trouble blending in. I know the lay of the land well enough.”

Lianna Mal Pannis
Sep 1st, 2008, 03:31:13 PM
The knowledge that Daria possessed of the area would be invaluable in helping to locate the missing Rebels. What remained was a realistic apprehension of the Imperials in the area.

"I'm going to reconfigure my Y-wing's transponder codes so it looks like we're just simple scrapyarders that got lucky and found the ship after a firefight. I'm sure the Rebels have suitable attire for us so we can fit the part. A hat and some grease stains will help distract my features from the obvious. We can quickly scan the area for any signals and proceed down to the planet."

Daria Nytherciria
Sep 1st, 2008, 03:39:01 PM
“Excellent plan.”

The way they spoke to one another, it brought to mind Daria's missions as a younger Jedi. There was a familiarity to the tone, the style of address, and it was comforting to a degree. This was a part she knew how to play, an old role that she could slip into without too much worry of her emotions getting the better of her.

With a nod, she looked towards Lianna. “Let's go.” </pre>

Lianna Mal Pannis
Sep 1st, 2008, 04:01:53 PM
25 standard minutes outside of Atzerri

For what felt like the thousandth time during this trip, Lianna checked the chronometer settings on the console. They still had close to a half hour before they reached their destination, but it felt like an eternity had gone by inside the cockpit. Neither her or Daria spoke to each much on the trip unless it had to deal with the specifics of the plan or any instrument calibrations that needed to be done by the Jedi Master.

So much was left unsaid between them and neither of the Jedi had the courage to confront the other due to fear or rejection. It was a conundrum that neither of them had the answer to yet.

Lianna double checked the systems one last time and then closed her eyes, emptying her mind so that all emotion and thought did not remain. She needed to prepare for the mission that would start as soon as they exited hyperspace ... and to attempt to control her feelings for Daria. It took all of her restraint to remain silent but slowly her thoughts drifted to the last time they were together in this ship. They had to share the cramped space that Daria resided in now. She had been so close, and Lianna could remember the fragrance of her hair even now. How it had caressed the skin of her cheek softly ...

She frowned, scolding herself as eyes snapped opened suddenly. This would not do and she knew better then to fall into unconscious thoughts. So for the thousandth and one time, Lianna checked the chronometer and it was only 18 standard minutes until they entered normal space.

Daria Nytherciria
Sep 11th, 2008, 03:43:06 PM
The minutes trickled away until at last, the engine cut and the Y-Wing lurched out of hyperspace. For an instant, Daria's fingernails dug into the arms of her chair, until the sudden transition was completed. She breathed in quietly yet deeply and after a moment sat forward, more relaxed, and allowed her senses to expand outwards into the nearby space. She could feel a number of other crafts within range of their own, but that was to be expected – Atzerri was a busy world.

“Is there anyway that the Rebel ship might be emitting a familiar signal... something we can trace?” Daria ventured, wondering if the ships sensors could be recalibrated to suit their needs.

Lianna Mal Pannis
Sep 11th, 2008, 04:24:26 PM
Lianna nodded, "It's quite possible. If they are still using the standard signals that we were briefed on, I should be able to pick it up. I made sure to download an encryption sequence to crack it."

As well as a self-destruct sequence that she ordered the Rebel Techs to outfit the Y-Wing. If something unforeseen happened, Lianna could remotely detonate the ship and destroy any traces of that code.

Fiddling with the sensor controls, she recalibrated the long range scanners to pick up for those various sequences. The entire scan would take about ten minutes. Her fingers dashed to the nav-computer and quickly plotted a course just in case someone out there was watching. "Ten minutes before I have data. Be prepared for a jump in case we have unfriendlies waiting for an opportunity like this."

Daria Nytherciria
Sep 28th, 2008, 06:56:48 PM
Daria gave a faint nod – prepared or not, she would feel the same sense of trepidation as always when thrust into the disorientating realm that was hyperspace. She listened in silence as the ships computer did... whatever Lianna had programmed it to do. No noise came from it; she heard only Lianna's breathing. Minutes passed and a slight frown pressed into the Jedi Knight's brow, as she wondered on the fate of the Gale. A subtle change in the cockpit, in the emotions of her fellow Jedi, pulled Daria's gaze towards Lianna.

“What is it?”

Lianna Mal Pannis
Oct 10th, 2008, 06:52:43 PM
"A distress signal. No words. Just code that the computer has to decrypt, but it recognizes it as a distress beacon. We'll have to go planet side to the source and hope the Force will guide us to our missing Rebels." She triangulated a route based upon the last known coordinates of the Gale and the signal.

"We have to hope the Imperials haven't found this yet either. My guess is that they are hiding in Talos. The city's big and has plenty of resources. It's also nearest to the location of the signal."

Daria Nytherciria
Nov 1st, 2008, 06:55:58 PM
“Talos...” Daria frowned. The spaceport town conjured up unpleasant memories, of drunks with their bawdy laughter and lechery oozing from every pore. Perhaps it had changed for the better. Perhaps not.

“It's a big place... but it was never loyal to the law. We should be able to find the crew with a few well-placed bribes.”

Ahead, the planet loomed nearer as Lianna brought their ship into a busy docking lane. It was strange, she thought, how the Force seemed to be intent on leading her full circle to the stages of her past, as if it was intent on reminding her just how she had failed in the past – and then presenting an opportunity to act with more presence of mind in the here and now.

Lianna Mal Pannis
Nov 17th, 2008, 10:12:24 AM
Lianna paid the attendant for the space and refueling, who was never the wiser as to the Jedi's appearance. She looked like it had a been a week too long since her last shower and smudges of engine grease dulled her features. Her hair was tied up and set comfortably underneath a welding hat. The bourbon brown pants and matching jacket were one size too large, making her seem pudgier. A simple tool belt completed the look, which made it easy for the Jedi to hide her lightsaber in one of the many pockets.

"A drink would do us much good," said the Jedi. The two of them walked into the hustle and bustle of Talos and fit in perfectly. One didn't need to be a Force adept to sense some sort of corruption at every turn. Lianna had a bad feeling it was going to cost them a hefty cred or two in order to coax out the information they were searching for. "Any local spot in particular you'd think we have the best luck in?"

Daria Nytherciria
Nov 19th, 2008, 04:37:11 PM
A moments thought was all Daria needed.

“Jabba's Throne Room.”

The bar was themed, predictably, after the palace of the renowned crime lord Jabba the Hutt – complete with slave girl waitresses and some even less tasteful decorations in the form of a carbonite-frozen Han Solo replica. Tourists revelled in the opportunity to play make-believe, though beneath the kitsch exterior there was a thriving trade ring, offering services both legal and other-wise.

Daria kept her head down as they moved towards the bar. Already, she could feel that their arrival had drawn some attention. The bartender, who seemed to be in a strangely good mood, greeted them with a smile.

“What can I get you, ladies?”

Lianna Mal Pannis
Nov 21st, 2008, 09:52:58 AM
"Yeah," Lianna said, hopping onto the bar stool and slapping her hand against the counter. She peered over the bartenders large frame to get a good glimpse of his selection, though the Jedi really wasn't paying attention to the alcohol as she was the patrons around the bar. "Two ales for us. T'anks."

She turned around on her stool to relax against the counter just as a waitress walked by dressed in a Tatooine Slave Girl outfit. "I can see why this place is ... popular," she commented, unsurprised.

Daria Nytherciria
Nov 23rd, 2008, 05:57:04 AM
“Really?” Daria arched an eyebrow. “I've certainly heard... interesting things about it.”

The slave girls outfit was, perhaps sadly, lost on the Miraluka, whose perception of the world was confined to a more ethereal perspective. There was a soft clunk as two ales were placed in front of the Jedi. Daria reached for the mug, though didn't lift it to take a drink.

“You said, earlier, that the datapad the General gave us contained information about the crew of the Gale... was there anyone on the roster list who might.. stand out?”

Lianna Mal Pannis
Nov 23rd, 2008, 01:17:18 PM
Lianna sniffed at her ale, her eyes watering from the sting of strong alcohol. "Well, they had a Quarren that goes by the name Nimi. They would be rare in this part of space, let alone this far inland."

Her hand rocked the mug back and forth, swishing the amber ale around enough so it didn't spill over. "She'll be our best lead for our lost crew."

Daria Nytherciria
Nov 27th, 2008, 06:21:07 PM
“It might be best if I conduct any investigations,” Daria suggested. “Your... distinct appearance might earn us some unwanted attention.”

At times, Lianna's kinship with the Empress would have its uses – but for the most part it presented them with a peculiar obstacle to overcome. Everywhere they travelled, they were likely to be recognised, and not always by 'innocent' civilians. If Miranda was still hunting for her sister, she need only follow the reports of sightings of the false 'Empress'. The family resemblance was uncanny, after all.

Daria shifted her eyes around the bar, studying the auras of those present. “But where to begin,” she muttered.

Lianna Mal Pannis
Nov 27th, 2008, 06:48:40 PM
Daria had a point. It was a tad more difficult to distinguish Lianna's features due to the hat and grease covering her face, but anyone truly paying attention would recognize some familiarity, yet not place why.

"I can play the silent partner watching from afar," she said, and then added. "I'll know if you need me."

Despite at how formal their relationship had become, no one could sever the deeply rooted connection that still existed between them. Lianna would be able to sense the Knight's needs instantly.

"As for where to begin ... " Lianna pursed her lips and looked around for a likely prospect. There were plenty of Fringers that may or may not have seen anything, but that was going out on a limb. She needed to find someone that had the right air of danger about them, or surrounding them in the form of personal thugs. Someone that wasn't dressed in too fine of clothing that would try and milk every credit out of them. They could ask around, but the idea was to keep a low profile. So she would have to trust in the Force to guide her to a likely prospect.

"Ah there," she said triumphantly. "The north end of the bar, in the back booths. There is a Toydarian playing sabacc with a couple of Humans and a Defel."

The Toydarian was rubbing at his stubbly chin, studying his cards carefully before picking up a cigar to smoke. The Defel was growling in annoyance at how badly he was doing. The two humans were dressed exceptionally well, and would probably have been more so if they had taken a bath within the last few days.

"They have the right look about them and they're packing more heat then the rest of the patrons here."

Daria Nytherciria
Nov 28th, 2008, 12:42:34 PM
Tentatively extending her senses, Daria felt the presence of the individuals Lianna had singled out. Without a word, she rose from the bar and strode towards them. The card game was a mixed bag of emotions. No doubt each player was trying to remain straight-faced, but Daria did not rely upon facial expressions or physical cues to read the emotions of those around her. She singled out the most weak minded amongst the group - the Toydarian - and dipped into his mind as if it were a pool of water, and she peering beneath the surface. The game was important to him, as the winnings would settle another gambling debt he'd earned with a local racketeer.

Stepping up to the card table, her voice and expression were toneless as she spoke. For a guardian of peace and virtue, the Miraluka was an exceptional liar.

“Time's up, Keloca.”

The Toydarian glanced up, his nostrils flaring as he gave a snort. “Eh?”

The impassive expression remained, serious and solemn. If Daria had played cards, she would have won every time. Without the Force, there was simply no reading her.

“You heard me. Time's up. Settle your debt with Gadunga now, or you'll pay it in blood.”

Lianna Mal Pannis
Nov 28th, 2008, 12:56:26 PM
This was certainly a different tactic then Lianna would have guessed the Miraluka would have used, but the Jedi had been warned about how rough this planet was known to be. A show of Force had taken the Toydarian by surprise and now he was on the defensive.

"Hey, hey, hey!" Keloca fluttered higher into the air and pointed his cigar at Daria, causing the ashes to break off and fall onto the table below. One of the humans slapped them cold before it could light up one of the cards. "I told Gadunga that I'd take care of t'ings by tonight! But you see I'm busy, yes?"

The Toydarian tried to sound menacing, but there was a hint of fear that broke through his defiant facade. He wasn't expecting Gadunga to be so bold, but Keloca had been avoiding him the last few days, trying to win enough money to pay off his sizable debt.

The Defel looked at his short pile of credits versus the rather ample one staring at him from across the table and began to wonder if he been played.

Daria Nytherciria
Nov 28th, 2008, 01:09:34 PM
“Busy spending Gadunga's credits on carababba cigars and Corellian whiskey,” Daria countered.

The pungent smell of liquor clung to every one of the card players, whilst their smoke fogged the air and stung the eyes.

“Who's the woman?” one of the humans asked in a low voice.

“Doesn't look like no thug to me,” the other said, looking Daria up and down, long and slow. Then, raising his voice, he added, “You tell Gadunga that if he wants these credits, he's gonna be waiting a little longer for 'em... cause these credits right here,” he paused, tapping the space just beside the pot. “Are mine. Now, run along, friend. We've got a game to play...”

Daria didn't dignify either man with a reply. Her attention remained focused on the Toydarian.

“Gadunga has shown you a great deal of clemency, Keloca, but he tires of your games...”

Lianna Mal Pannis
Nov 28th, 2008, 01:29:34 PM
Lianna's eyes narrowed as the human leered at Daria. But the Knight was not in danger. Even if a fight broke out, she probably still wouldn't be. They were intoxicated rabble. She was a trained Jedi. It wasn't hard to do the math.

"Games?!" He repeated, "What games?! Only game I'm playing is the one right 'ere!"

The Defel's sharp claws started to raked at the table, growing more impatient as less cards were playing because it allowed him to think more, making him more paranoid that the humans were cheating.

"Look, Lady," said Keloca, gliding over the table to hover next to Daria so he could put his tiny, stubby little arm around her neck. "I don't know who you are. You obviously new around 'ere. Jus' give me time to finish my game. How much he pay you, hmm? I double it so you get sumtin' outta this too, right? Right!!"

He pat her neck, knowing that this was a fair deal. What thug wouldn't want to make a little extra cash for doing nothing? And the humans weren't thinking. Just because some petite, pretty little thing was doing all the talking, didn't mean there weren't others watching. If he placated her, he might avoid a fight.

Daria Nytherciria
Nov 30th, 2008, 12:18:49 PM
Turning ever so slightly, Daria took the Dug's wrist between finger and thumb and slowly lifted it, removing his hand from the back of her neck. At the moment of physical contact, the Jedi felt a shudder of the frantic energy that was beginning to build inside Keloca. He was trying to keep a good game face, but the truth was that he was far from calm.

“Even if you had the credits to make good on that promise, Keloca – which you don't – I wouldn't take a bribe from you. This is business. Gadunga just wants what he's rightfully owed and if you can't pay him back, then you'll have to work off your debt some other way...”

Lianna Mal Pannis
Nov 30th, 2008, 12:30:53 PM
The woman's reaction took Keloca by surprise. How did she know he was broke, with the only credits to his name scattered on the table between him and the human. Or was it a bluff? He couldn't read her at all, which was considerably irritating since it made it impossible to sweet talk his way out of this mess!

And what is the galaxy coming to when a thug wouldn't accept a bribe? Honest thieves! Pfah! He would have to play along since Gadunga sent a smart one after him.

He scratched at his chin. "A'right A'right! And what for kinda other way are we talkin', Lady?"

Daria Nytherciria
Nov 30th, 2008, 04:31:13 PM
“That's something we can discuss in private, Keloca. I'll be waiting when you're done with your.. game. Try not to take to long.”

With that said, Daria smiled coldly to each player and then turned to walk away from the card table. There was another empty booth nearby, with a good view of the Toydarian, the bar and the exit. Reclining against the upholstered interior of the booth, the Jedi Knight glanced for a moment towards where Lianna was sitting and, to her surprise, gave a small smile – genuine this time.

Lianna Mal Pannis
Dec 1st, 2008, 01:26:26 AM
Lianna was keeping herself occupied, watching a game of smashball on the 24inch holo-monitor over the bar. It was the Belsavis Kretch vs. the Ranphyxes from Elom, fighting for a playoff berth. So far, Belsavis was kicking the dren out of the home team so soundly, that if things didn't turn around soon, a riot was threatening to break out. The commentators were commentating more on the increased security and squabbles scattered around the arena then the game itself.

She meticulously peeled away at a Zella nut to bite away the bitter swill of Ale they served here, which was only two sips thus far, and glanced casually towards the poker game. Keloca was shaking his head and looked pitiful with his stubby hands striking the air disappointingly. He grabbed his cards and cradled his head against a hand, his mind not quite back into the game again. One of the humans threw in a few credits to start the pot up again.

Her eyes shifted to Daria, and all though she already felt the Knight's success, it was a pleasant surprise to see a true smile upon her face.

"Time to call it gentle beings." The human sounded arrogant, quite sure that he was going to win the pot. "Read 'em an' weep. Commander of Staves and the eleven of sabres. 23!"

The Defel growled and threw his cards against the table so hard they knocked over a pile of credits. He cracked his neck and glowered at the humans. "You're a sore loser, ya know?" said the other human and placed his cards down with a more polite resignation.

"Well, this is very interestin'. Yes. Very." Keloca wings became jittery with glee as the human who had won started to grab the pot. "Ah, ah, ah! You can't take. See, see!" The Toydarian placed down the ten of flasks and the Mistress of Coins. "Tie! Both have two cards each of 23! So tie! Pot not yours! We go another round!"

He winced as he realized that the impassive Lady was watching close by and gave her a precarious wave. "Right?"

Daria Nytherciria
Dec 2nd, 2008, 03:48:22 PM
In reply, Daria shook her head very slowly. They didn't have a lot of time to sit and wait around. For one, there was no telling what state the crew of the Gale was in – and aside from this, there was the ever-present possibility of running into trouble, either because of Lianna's appearance or their mutual allegiance to the Jedi and the Rebellion.

“Why don't you two take a real gamble and settle this with a chance cube?”

Lianna Mal Pannis
Dec 3rd, 2008, 12:14:14 PM
The Defel grumbled an obscenity under his breath but made no aggressive action. He was angry at his luck, but an outsider willing to mediate could be fair in this case. As long as the Dug won and not that human, who stunk of treachery. He just couldn't prove it!

"I dunno," said the human with a shrug. He and Keloca did have a claim to the pot and it would settle the hand quicker. Plus, he had a 50/50 shot at the winnings. All though he didn't need them as bad as the jittery Dug across from him, it would be nice to get out of here soon before that Defel finally realized that he and his partner were cheating most of the time. Keloca was as well, but the Defel had always been staring at the humans, ready to point those sharp claws in their direction before he gutted them.

"Why not! I say yes," said Keloca, nodded vigorously towards the Lady. He like this plan, because if he won the pot, then he could actually pay her and be rid of her instead of having to owe her a favor due at the completion of this bet. "We have no reason not too, Human!" said Toydarian with a toothy smile. "Then you find new player for my spot regardless, yes?"

"Naw," he said, shaking his head. "We'll just call it here. Gettin' late anyway."

His partner fumbled under the table to make sure his blaster pistol was ready just in case.

"Blue for me, red for you. Agreed?" asked Keloca.

"Sure." He turned around and gave Daria a wink before flicking his cube over to her with a thumb. It arced widely over the distance. A nice shot. "Why doesn't our guest do the honors since it was her idea."

Daria Nytherciria
Dec 3rd, 2008, 04:19:53 PM
Catching the cube, Daria squeezed it inside her palm for a moment, feeling it press against the scar-tissue there. With just a gesture, that little piece of carved wood would make or break Keloca and his friends. There wasn't a huge amount of money on the line, but it was enough to make a difference. Who could say what the ramifications of a win, or lose, would be? It had always been Daria's belief that interfering in the lives of others was not something a Jedi should do too often, and so when she rolled the cube, she let it fall naturally. Let chance decide, she thought.

Lianna Mal Pannis
Dec 4th, 2008, 01:18:03 AM
Keloca's wings were fluttering so fast out of nervousness that his cards flipped over the strength of the breeze he created. Chewing his nails as the die started to roll along the table, the Toydarian finally gave up and covered his eyes with both hands, whispering a silent prayer. The Human watched impassively, not really caring either way what happened. Long as he could get away with his skin intact he'd be happy. The Defel scrutinized the die and the Humans, falling into the shadows so he was barely perceived; a unique ability that his race possessed - absorbing light around them.

"Well, I'll be a Rankweed Sucker!" exclaimed the Human with a sore smile. "Guess we'll be leaving then, eh?" He stood to leave in time with his partner and walked to Daria's table to grab his die. "Jus' in case you're looking for other kinds of work that would get'cha off this planet, gorgeous."

It was a business card that read:

Anay Thrakin
Freelance Transporter/Galactic Cartographer
Imperial Certified
Corporate Sector Approved

The Defel scooted his chair out and politely congratulated the Toydarian before leaving quietly. Keloca, finally realizing what had just happened, peeked one eye between two fingers and squealed! "I won!"

He flew into the air, perfectly completing a double loop before diving into the small, yet generous, portion of credits to roll around in. "Oh! I can't believe it! Luck be on my side!"

Daria Nytherciria
Dec 12th, 2008, 05:48:55 PM
As Keloca rolled about in his winnings like a Gamorrean in muck, Daria eyed the card that had been handed to her. Whatever it said was a mystery to her, but she tucked it inside her breast pocket nonetheless, conscious of the fact that any kind of ally might be of use when it came time to free the crew of the Gale. Glancing back up to the Sabacc table, she saw the Toydarian was still frolicking about in his pile of credits. It was a sickening sight. Smoothing out her expression and her jacket, Daria rose to her feet.

“If you're finished gloating, Keloca... we still have business to discuss.”

Lianna Mal Pannis
Dec 12th, 2008, 06:12:03 PM
Keloca's little arms and legs wiggled around like an infant who had just gotten a new toy. But his bubbling laughter was cut off abruptly by Daria's curtness.

He rolled over and counted out the appropriate amount of credits. "Bah! No patience for fun!"

The Toydarian stuffed them into a pouch and threw it at the woman. "There! There! Now go away! My debt is paid in full!"

He hadn't thought the pot was enough to pay the debt initially, but the last few rounds with the humans had almost doubled it! Keloca even had a little extra left over.

Daria Nytherciria
Dec 12th, 2008, 06:36:45 PM
<meta http-equiv="CONTENT-TYPE" content="text/html; charset=utf-8"><title></title><meta name="GENERATOR" content="OpenOffice.org 3.0 (Win32)"><style type="text/css"> <!-- @page { margin: 2cm } P { margin-bottom: 0.21cm } --> </style>
How far could she continue this bluff? The con had worked so far, but there was always the chance that Keloca wouldn't co-operate, and if he refused, Daria didn't want to resort to forcing him to work alongside her demands.

“Not good enough. You owe more than just money, Keloca.. you owe respect.”

Lianna Mal Pannis
Dec 12th, 2008, 06:45:29 PM
"Argh! Now I know why Gadunga sent you! Damn woman persistence!" He fluttered around her head with a shaking fist. "Fine! Whatever I need to do to get rid of you and Gadunga for good, I do! So what is it?!"

He was tired of this game, but not surprised that this messenger had upped the ante. Keloca had not paid his debt for some time now.

Daria Nytherciria
Dec 13th, 2008, 05:07:34 AM
<meta http-equiv="CONTENT-TYPE" content="text/html; charset=utf-8"><title></title><meta name="GENERATOR" content="OpenOffice.org 3.0 (Win32)"><style type="text/css"> <!-- @page { margin: 2cm } P { margin-bottom: 0.21cm } --> </style>
Though the Toydarian orbitted her head, nattering all the while, Daria didn't turn her head to follow his erratic flight. She simply replied in that same even and quiet voice, trying not to think on how easily the lies came.

“Gadunga requires your assistance in.. locating certain missing persons. He would search for them himself, but a man of his stature can't do anything without creating... ripples. If he were to tap his usual lines of investigation, word would get out fast and the individuals he is looking to find might decide hit hyperspace before Gadunga has had a chance to speak with them.”

Lianna Mal Pannis
Dec 13th, 2008, 09:49:02 AM
Keloca stopped circling around Daria and blinked at the back of her head. A tiny finger came up to his face, caressing his chin in thought. "This people sound like they in more trouble then me!"

He chuckled. Being brought in for questioning and trying to escape is not a good equation for these beings. It tickled him giddy to know end that Gadunga would be quite distracted and appeased by his assistance in findings these nuisances, that maybe he'll forget Keloca entirely.

"Ok, Lady," he said, coming to hover before Daria with a toothy grin. "What kinda people he be lookin' for?"

Daria Nytherciria
Dec 13th, 2008, 11:07:30 AM
<dl><dd style="margin-left: 0cm; text-align: left;">“Spacers.. newly arrived on Atzerri,” Daria began, at which Keloca rolled his goggle-eyes. There were hundreds upon thousands of freighters made port on Atzerri every week. People came and went quicker than you could say Emperor's Black Bones.</dd><dd style="margin-left: 0cm; text-align: left;">
</dd><dd style="margin-left: 0cm; text-align: left;"> “They'd be trying to hide somewhere, to burrow themselves deep. Gadunga tells me that there was a Quarren amongst the group.”</dd></dl>

Lianna Mal Pannis
Dec 13th, 2008, 11:33:08 AM
Keloca's eyes widened in realization after the mention of the Quarren and began to laugh. "Good luck, Lady. Rumor has it around here that those Spacers were actually Rebels. Probably true since the Empire rounded them up couple days ago. Big firefight all over the Pemblehov District, there was. One of the Spacers died, the others taken to their base."

Daria Nytherciria
Dec 13th, 2008, 12:03:53 PM
<dl><dd style="margin-left: 0cm; text-align: left;">The Empire... Daria cursed, silently. The Imperial presence on-world wasn't especially large, so it was a particularly unfortunate case of bad luck that had lead to the crew of the Gale being captured. That one member of the team was already dead was regrettable, but it was reassuring to know that some of them were still alive – if Keloca's information was accurate, of course.</dd><dd style="margin-left: 0cm; text-align: left;">
</dd><dd style="margin-left: 0cm; text-align: left;"> “Which base were they taken to?”</dd></dl>

Lianna Mal Pannis
Dec 13th, 2008, 12:11:20 PM
"There's no really large Imperial presence here as you know," he said, eying Daria suspiciously. "They don't have a lot of places that they congregate, but it's been increasing lately cuz o'those Rebels. They've taken up base across from the Medicomplex."

Daria Nytherciria
Dec 13th, 2008, 01:27:12 PM
<meta http-equiv="CONTENT-TYPE" content="text/html; charset=utf-8"><title></title><meta name="GENERATOR" content="OpenOffice.org 3.0 (Win32)"><style type="text/css"> <!-- @page { margin: 2cm } P { margin-bottom: 0.21cm } --> </style> <dl><dd style="margin-left: 0cm; text-align: left;">“I thought as much,” Daria said, with a grave nod. Lies, again, of course – but it made sense that the Empire would set up shop near to a medical center. Cynically, Daria imagined that they had already taken over the complex and begun to ration medical supplies, providing assistance to only those who the Empire deemed lawful and acceptable. </dd><dd style="margin-left: 0cm; text-align: left;">
</dd><dd style="margin-left: 0cm; text-align: left;"> “If Gadunga is going to retrieve them from within Imperial custody, he will need your assistance, Keloca. If you do this favor for him, I can almost certainly guarantee that all your debts will be settled – and you may even get to keep that pot of credits you just won.” </dd></dl>

Lianna Mal Pannis
Dec 13th, 2008, 01:33:05 PM
"Whoa!" Keloca freaked out, "Whoa! Whoa! Whoa!!!"

The Toydarian's outburst had caught the attention of several patrons, including Lianna's. She had felt his fear instantly but it wasn't centered on Daria. Concentrating further, the Force revealed his paranoia of the Empire.

"Hold it right there!" He pointed a stubby finger her way. "It's one thing me telling you what I heard about the Empire, it's another thing entirely about me helping Gadunga find some missing people that owe him favors. No way! Not gonna get caught helping him free Rebels! I rather loose my money!"

In his panic, Keloca's voice had grown exceedingly louder with each sentence...

Daria Nytherciria
Dec 14th, 2008, 01:28:35 PM
<meta http-equiv="CONTENT-TYPE" content="text/html; charset=utf-8"><title></title><meta name="GENERATOR" content="OpenOffice.org 3.0 (Win32)"><style type="text/css"> <!-- @page { margin: 2cm } P { margin-bottom: 0.21cm } --> </style> <dl><dd style="margin-left: 0cm; text-align: left;">“You'll lose more than your money if you don't keep your voice down,” Daria hissed, her features becoming hard set. </dd></dl>

Lianna Mal Pannis
Dec 14th, 2008, 03:23:43 PM
Keloca cowered in mid-flight, looking around with a pitiful apologetic face as he drummed his claws together.

"Look I'm sorry! I don't mean to yell! But with you know who here, I don't wanna be involved! I told you were that crew was, it's all I can do," he explained more calmly this time.

The Galactic Empire and Keloca weren't on the best of terms. He had commissioned several smugglers to haul cargo for the Imperials back to Fondor. Unfortunately the shipment had been captured by Rebels and now Keloca had to keep his nose clean, otherwise their suspicions of he being a Rebel sympathizer might turn into an actual warrant! He had used up every favor to fly away with his little wings intact, but he knew they were watching him!

It was ironic that for once, the truth had gotten him in trouble!

Daria Nytherciria
Dec 14th, 2008, 03:33:48 PM
<meta http-equiv="CONTENT-TYPE" content="text/html; charset=utf-8"><title></title><meta name="GENERATOR" content="OpenOffice.org 3.0 (Win32)"><style type="text/css"> <!-- @page { margin: 2cm } P { margin-bottom: 0.21cm } --> </style> <dl><dd style="margin-left: 0cm; text-align: left;">There was a moments pause, in which Daria weighed up the situation as she saw it. The Toydarian was positively radiating fear and it was clear that past entanglements with the Empire had left him eager to avoid ever stepping on their toes again. </dd><dd style="margin-left: 0cm; text-align: left;">
</dd><dd style="margin-left: 0cm; text-align: left;"> “I'm not asking you to recover the... supposed Rebels yourself, Keloca,” the Jedi Knight clarified. “This isn't a one man job. What Gadunga needs is.. a distraction. A disturbance elsewhere, to draw attention away from the bases detention facilities. I'm sure you know of some.. eager young men and women who would be able to assist in creating some noise.”</dd></dl>

Lianna Mal Pannis
Dec 14th, 2008, 04:12:14 PM
"Nuh uh. No way," he said, crossing his arms in mid-hover. "They would know it is me asking for favors. If Imperials find out, it gets traced to me. No deal."

Daria Nytherciria
Dec 14th, 2008, 04:27:56 PM
<meta http-equiv="CONTENT-TYPE" content="text/html; charset=utf-8"><title></title><meta name="GENERATOR" content="OpenOffice.org 3.0 (Win32)"><style type="text/css"> <!-- @page { margin: 2cm } P { margin-bottom: 0.21cm } --> </style> <dl><dd style="margin-left: 0cm; text-align: left;">“No deal,” Daria repeated. For a moment she said nothing, and then slowly began to nod. When dealing with Toydarian's, a mind trick was out of the question, and if Keloca said no, there wasn't much the Jedi Knight could do to change his answer. Searching her feelings, Daria felt no distinct guidance from the Force, and yet some part of her knew that it wouldn't be right to put the Toydarian in danger – or at least more danger than he was already in, of his own making.</dd><dd style="margin-left: 0cm; text-align: left;">
</dd><dd style="margin-left: 0cm; text-align: left;"> “Very well. I will inform Gadunga of your decision soon. For your sake, I hope that he is in a favorable mood at the time. Is there anything you'd like me to tell him, on your behalf?”</dd></dl>

Lianna Mal Pannis
Dec 14th, 2008, 04:55:09 PM
"Yes," he uncrossed his arms and placed them together in a little prayer, his eyes blinking with renewed friendship. "Tell Gadunga I regretfully had to decline help in capturing his missing ... er ... uh Spacers. But I have all his money paid in full with interest!"

Keloca pulled out another small pouch that he had been hiding and gave it to Daria. "Aaaand a little extra."

He waggled his brow. "Huh! Huh! Yes, it's fair and I won't come to him ever again for monies. More then fair, yes?"

Daria Nytherciria
Dec 15th, 2008, 06:54:02 PM
<meta http-equiv="CONTENT-TYPE" content="text/html; charset=utf-8"><title></title><meta name="GENERATOR" content="OpenOffice.org 3.0 (Win32)"><style type="text/css"> <!-- @page { margin: 2cm } P { margin-bottom: 0.21cm } --> </style> <dl><dd style="margin-left: 0cm; text-align: left;">“More than fair,” Daria agreed, sensing the sudden surge of relief inside of the Toydarian. A toothsome smile lit up his leathery features. “Thank you for your co-operation, Keloca. It won't be soon forgotten.”</dd><dd style="margin-left: 0cm; text-align: left;">
</dd><dd style="margin-left: 0cm; text-align: left;"> With a nod in parting, the Jedi turned away and paced past where Lianna was sitting, with a subtle motion for the Master Jedi to follow. Leading the way to a booth that would provide a little more privacy, Daria slid down onto its wooden seats and let the two pouches of credits fall onto the tabletop.</dd><dd style="margin-left: 0cm; text-align: left;">
</dd><dd style="margin-left: 0cm; text-align: left;"> “The crew of the Gale are being held in an Imperial base, not far from here.”</dd></dl>

Lianna Mal Pannis
Dec 16th, 2008, 01:14:38 PM
Lianna raised a brow at the bags and felt bad for the Toydarian. His debt with Gadunga was still valid, unless they found an untraceable way to send the money to the Hutt after there mission was finished. It was his fault for having a sizable debt to pay, but Daria had used his fear of the Hutt to their advantage and for a noble cause. To set things right with Keloca, it would only be fair to give the credits to their rightful owner at a later time.

"Will have to see how feasible it is to save the crew. The Empire is looking for us and subterfuge isn't going to be as easy as it has been in the past. However, if the base is small enough, we might be able to break in ourselves if we can ascertain where the crew is located specifically." Lianna frowned deeply, "Too bad Keloca wasn't keen on helping us provide a distraction."

Daria Nytherciria
Dec 16th, 2008, 04:23:01 PM
<meta http-equiv="CONTENT-TYPE" content="text/html; charset=utf-8"><title></title><meta name="GENERATOR" content="OpenOffice.org 3.0 (Win32)"><style type="text/css"> <!-- @page { margin: 2cm } P { margin-bottom: 0.21cm } --> </style> <dl><dd style="margin-left: 0cm; text-align: left;">“No matter. I'm not sure that he would have been the most dependable of allies.”</dd><dd style="margin-left: 0cm; text-align: left;">
</dd><dd style="margin-left: 0cm; text-align: left;"> If they required hired help, the credits Keloca had handed over would be more than a enough to buy the help of mercenaries. </dd><dd style="margin-left: 0cm; text-align: left;">
</dd><dd style="margin-left: 0cm; text-align: left;"> “It's possible that the garrison on-world are waiting for some kind of... order or authorization from Imperial Comand, before they proceed with doing anything other than detaining the Gale's crew. That might buy us some time.”</dd></dl>

Lianna Mal Pannis
Dec 16th, 2008, 04:31:41 PM
"True. It depends on how long they've been captured, by what I was able to sense during your conversation with Keloca, the crew hasn't been detained for that long. Maybe a couple of days at most." Lianna produced several coins from her own pocket to pay for the drinks. "We should see what we're up against before we plan any further."

"Agreed." Daria slid the coin pouches off the table into the leather bag slung over her shoulder before following Lianna out of the tavern.

The Medicomplex was halfway across town. To remain inconspicuous, the Jedi went on foot towards their destination in relative silence. With the few words that were exchanged between the two of them, it always concerned the mission; nothing more, much to Lianna's disappointment.

"We're here," she said, almost relieved to break the silence when they came upon Medicomplex. All though Daria had managed to adapt to her surroundings by using the Force in ways the Jedi Master quite possibly would never understand fully, Lianna still had to be her eyes to see physically. There wasn't a bustle of military activity but the Medicomplex was only a half block away and had a line three times that length going in the opposite direction and moving very slowly.

She sighed upon seeing two Stormtroopers keeping the peace in line and several medical officers conducting triage outside the hospital's door. "They are overseeing their medical care now and ..."

Lianna looked to the building across the street. There was some carbon scarring where a sign used to be and all the windows had been blacked out. Security was at the front door. If the Jedi had to guess, the Empire commandeered some poor shop owner's building. "...Keloca was right. They've taken over the entire building."

Daria Nytherciria
Dec 25th, 2008, 02:43:27 PM
The Medicomplex was alight with life, though much of it was weakening. Daria perceived the many life-forces of the sick and infirm, loitering outside the compound as they awaited to be alloted whatever meager help the Imperials deigned to offer. Some were dangerously close to the point of no return, their light almost snuffed out.

“Of course they have. They make it their business to seize every opportunity to create a monopoly,” she observed, as Lianna confirmed that the Empire had seized complete control of the area.

“...It looks like we'll be needing some help after all.”

Lianna Mal Pannis
Dec 26th, 2008, 11:28:51 AM
Lianna searched the Force for guidance and felt uncertainty, fear and anger. The Empire's presence had agitated the citizens to such a degree that it was difficult establish a positive outcome of their cooperation. There was much resentment felt towards the Empire in seizing the Medicomplex, which they could have used in garnering a small force of locals. Yet that course of action felt nebulous and cast doubt in the Master's mind. Would greed outweigh their conscious of doing what is right? Keloca's reaction to such a thought only strengthened that opinion.

"I do not trust any help from here," she commented. "Our Allies are expecting a communication from us soon. Now would be a good a time as any to update them on our progress and request aid."

Focusing her mind towards the base, Lianna turned her head just slightly downwards as if listening in on a conversation. Pieces of idle chatter resonated inside her mind, with snippets of words coming to the for front. However, there was a pattern to several of the conversations overheard. "We have time too. They won't be moving the prisoners until two days time."

Any urgency in rescuing the prisoners was abated with that knowledge. Lianna didn't want to confront the Empire directly because they may hurt, or even kill, the prisoners. They had vital information that the Rebellion needed and the Empire might be conscious of that fact. If they could coordinate with the fleet fast enough, they could mount a rescue during their transfer ...

Daria Nytherciria
Dec 28th, 2008, 11:30:31 AM
“Very well, Master Tarkin,” Daria muttered, realizing belatedly that her desire to accomplish their mission had made her somewhat... hasty. A reckless attitude was the last thing they needed and the Knight chided herself, silently, to be more mindful.

“Shall we relocate to somewhere less conspicuous, to check in with the others?”

Lianna Mal Pannis
Dec 30th, 2008, 11:38:46 AM
Lianna frowned, her lips thinning out in thought as she looked towards her companion. "There is a small inn we passed along the way. The Hairless Meek. Most of the patrons were human or near. We wouldn't draw too much attention there."

Daria Nytherciria
Jan 3rd, 2009, 08:11:29 AM
Daria nodded and without further discussion they made their way towards the inn. Fortunately, the Hairless Meek was relatively close and reaching it didn't take more than a handful of minutes. As they stepped into the reception foyer, they were greeted by a four-armed Besalisk (http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/Besalisk) with a cigarra clenched between his teeth. His eyes roved over the pair with the knowing look of a man who had seen just about everything and long since ceased to be surprised by the world.

“Room for two?” he grunted. Daria nodded and made sure she held his gaze unflinchingly.

“We'd like somewhere with some privacy.”

Turning away from the counter to reach one chubby hand up to the board of room keys, the Besalisk laughed hoarsely to himself and muttered, “I bet you would.” When he turned back to face the pair, he held the room key up by its fob and gave it a jangle before slapping it down on the counter.

“I'll be needing some ID and a deposit from you, ladies. Not that I want to suggest you would be doing anything to.. sully my fine establishment, but we get some.. messy customers here at the Meek, you see what I'm saying?”

Lianna Mal Pannis
Jan 3rd, 2009, 12:47:58 PM
Lianna made certain the other patrons ambling about were far out of ear shot before addressing the Besalisk.

"You won't need to see our IDs," she stated firmly.

The Besalisk suddenly stiffened but then his stance relaxed, his tone more welcoming. "I don't need to see your IDs."

"We're both long time customers who are in good standing."

His four hands opened wide in welcoming. "You are both my long time customers in good standing."

The Master Jedi produced a little more then half of the rent required for two nights in cash. "What is your best room available?"

"Aahhh! Well, your friend did mention she wanted some privacy. So!" He slid the last key that was on the board across the desk with a cheeky grin. "You're in luck. The Honeymoon suite is available."

Lianna visibly blanched but quickly regained her composure. Even the Jedi didn't expect that. "That is very kind of you, but do you happen to have anything else available?"

"Eh, unfortunately no." He motioned to the empty rack with a sigh. "Things are kinda booked up thanks to the Empire. It's taking longer for citizens to get clearance off world, so they're stuck. Good for business tho."

Daria Nytherciria
Jan 3rd, 2009, 01:00:49 PM
Daria's jaw became tightly set for a moment. After a moment, she exhaled. “It will have to suffice,” she sighed.

The Besalisk grinned from ear to ear, nodding first to Daria and then Lianna. “Excellent. You two have fun and don't make too much noise, eh? I make no money from the pay-per-view pictures if the rest of my customers can hear you two...”

His voice trailed off as he made some kind of hand gesture that Daria couldn't see, but Lianna would quite possibly recognize as meaning something less than chaste. The Jedi Knight turned slightly to look towards her counterpart, feeling a hint of revulsion in the pit of her stomach as she spoke in a low mutter.

“Can we go now?”

Lianna Mal Pannis
Jan 3rd, 2009, 01:47:37 PM
A brief flash of rosy cheeks colored the Jedi's face, which was extremely out of character, but the crudeness of the Besalisk was too much for any civilized person to take.

Lianna placed a hand on Daria's shoulder as she walked past her fellow Jedi with a distasteful sigh. "Let's."

They waited for the lift in silence, both refusing to look back towards the Besalisk. Lianna could feel his wicked eyes piercing them both from behind.

A small chime signaled the lift and a pair of human companions exited, leaving it empty for the two Jedi. They boarded and as Lianna leaned over to press the button for their floor, the Besalisk twiddled his thumbs with an obnoxious grin.

As the doors closed, she regretted using the Jedi Mind Trick for the first time ever in her life ...

Daria Nytherciria
Jan 3rd, 2009, 01:52:50 PM
“Atzerri is about as pleasant as I remember it,” Daria remarked, breaking the silence as the lift rose unsteadily upwards to the top floor of the inn. There were only ten levels in all, but the elevator was so ancient that the journey seemed to take a life time. As they stepped out of the carriage, Lianna lead the way to their room, keying it open. Daria lingered in the threshold, allowing herself to brush briefly with the Force to glimpse the layout of the room.

“How is it? I can't sense any roaches, at least.”

Lianna Mal Pannis
Jan 3rd, 2009, 02:01:41 PM
Lianna threw the keys down on the wood table, which was almost black with polish. A fresh set of flowers had been placed there with a paper note set before it. It read 'Congratulations'.

"It's ... not too bad." As her eyes lifted above the bouquet, she noticed a plaque with the words 'ENJOY THE HAPPIEST NIGHT OF YOUR LIFE AT THE HAIRLESS MEEK'.

She frowned. The irony of this entire mess did not elude her, but it didn't help either. Especially with the one king size bed in the middle of the room that had a chilled bottle of champagne at the edge of it on a silver tray. The flutes had been stuffed with red and pink petals, with more decorating the tray and bed.

Daria Nytherciria
Jan 4th, 2009, 01:11:29 PM
Daria paced slowly passed Navaria, examining the room as best she could, her brow furrowing slightly at the unexpected floral scent which seemed to perfume the air. With a cursory inspection given, she turned her head only slightly to look back toward the Jedi Master. There was something slightly... off about her aura. The energy which flowed so naturally around her, in smooth streaming currents, seemed vexed in places. This was how Daria perceived anxiety, as tangles in an otherwise flawless thread.

“...Something's bothering you,” she said, quiet enough so that it seemed almost as if she was speaking to herself – and yet in the near-silence of the room, there was no doubt Navaria would have heard.

Lianna Mal Pannis
Jan 4th, 2009, 01:37:14 PM
Lianna sighed in resignation. She had hid her emotions from Daria so well that a small lapse in control was sensed by her companion too easily. This did not necessarily come as a surprise to the Jedi Master, but that hushed question opened up a line of inquiries that she wasn't sure Daria was ready for. The Knight had disassociated herself from Lianna to a degree. Their conversations had evolved into a crisp, respectful one between Jedi. Any sense of emotional intimacy between them had been severed since Doldur.

"Yes," she admitted and unfastened her utility belt, laying it out across the desk. Meticulously, the Jedi began pulling out several metal components out of the pouches. When fitted together, it would allow them to contact a Rebel Operative, codenamed Foss. He was their link to the Fleet. Between him and this device broadcasting on one of the newest Rebellion slicer codes, they would be relatively safe from any eavesdroppers.

Daria Nytherciria
Jan 4th, 2009, 02:04:33 PM
It felt as if Navaria had more to say, but wasn't saying it. Daria stood waiting for a moment, as if anticipating that the Jedi Master would turn around and elaborate – but no, apparently not. With a muted sigh, she turned to the bed and sat down on the mattress. She could hear the gentle click of something being assembled and so, aware that Navaria was putting together the equipment necessary to make contact with the Alliance, Daria simply sat and waited.

As she tried to focus on anything aside from the Jedi Master, her attention was drawn to the flowers at the beside, which she had smelled a hint of on entering the room. They were on the verge of wilting. Hardly surprised, Daria looked away, her eyes naturally lighting upon Navaria again...

“Do you need any help?”

Lianna Mal Pannis
Jan 4th, 2009, 02:38:10 PM
"Not with this," she replied, unusually stiff and curt. Putting together these sorts of devices was almost second nature to wielding a Lightsaber. It proved very useful for her and Drin to barter for goods, find passage on a charter ship, or even with the Mal Pannis family they lived with. Being Rebels themselves, they had a rather old and worn down communications relay that usually was popping a converter every other week that a little Lianna was all too happy to fix.

Lianna kicked out the badly reupholstered chair and sat down with a microtool in hand. She needed to have steady hands in order to adjust the settings on the device and it was easier to do sitting down.

She rolled the tiny screwdriver between her thumb and index finger, before allowing a momentary glance over her shoulder towards Daria. Her lips tightened in sadness and felt cross at herself for acting as callous as the Knight. It was beneath her to make Daria feel as she had the last few weeks just out of spite.

Turning to hunch over the desk once more, Lianna returned to work with a sigh and muttered, "I'm sorry."

Daria Nytherciria
Jan 4th, 2009, 02:55:34 PM
Daria's eyes lowered away from Navaria, her mouth pressing into a thin tight line. Something inside told her that she deserved that rebuff. For the lack of anything better to do, she pulled one of the cut flowers from its vase and began to twist the stem between her fingertips, feeling the threads of the Force which worked through it, the points at which it was dying. Healing the plant should have been a simple thing, but she found that even when she did cautiously will some healing energy into it, the process seemed to stutter. A small, frustrated frown pressed into her brow.

Lianna Mal Pannis
Jan 4th, 2009, 03:14:38 PM
She snapped the receiver cable in place with a satisfied smile. The device was almost finished. All that was left for Lianna to do was attached the miniature holodpad that had an oscillating terminal that would continue to broadcast in fluctuating code to keep the Imperials guessing. It would sound like a Cizerak speaking gibberish.

Yet she paused in her diligent work, sensing that Daria's mind had shifted uncomfortably. Lianna set aside the holopad and looked at her with concerned eyes, sensing the Force had become suddenly awkward in its use. Something she hadn't felt before.

"Are you okay, Daria?" she asked, rising to her feet.

Daria Nytherciria
Jan 4th, 2009, 03:20:08 PM

Daria held the flower stem for a moment longer and then, after squeezing it tighter for an instant, returned it to the vase it had come from.

“Nothing. It's nothing. This place is just.. getting to me, throwing me a little off balance,” she added, pushing one hand back through her hair, tousling it in irritation.

Lianna Mal Pannis
Jan 4th, 2009, 03:30:00 PM
"No," she stated firmly and closed the distance between them. "It's not nothing."

Daria was clearly irritated but didn't elaborate as to why. She turned away, pretending that nothing was wrong and becoming a terrible liar, unlike with Keloca.

Lianna reached out to cup the Knight's chin softly, forcing her face upwards so they could stare at one another. "Something's troubling you and that fear only grows as each day passes."

Her poor attitude prior and now this swift change in Daria's demeanor was too much. If their mission were to succeed, they needed to talk. Now. There were lives at risk and if they could not function as a unit, those Rebels will fall victim to the Empire because of their lack of focus.

Daria Nytherciria
Jan 4th, 2009, 03:42:44 PM
As if sensing what had been left unspoken, Daria stiffened. She wanted to bite back and tell Lianna to complete the rescue mission alone – and yet in the same thought, Daria was shocked that she had even considered such a retort. Being forced to look directly at Lianna only made her feel more ashamed of what had not been said. A fleeting, pleading look came over her features, as her heart pounded inside her chest. How quickly she had lost control of her emotions, if she had ever been in control of them in the first place. When she spoke, the sound caught in her throat.


Lianna Mal Pannis
Jan 4th, 2009, 04:04:17 PM
Lianna's eyes skimmed her companion's face, noticing every line of worry that had briefly creased her skin. She could feel Daria's heart galloping like a startled Bantha, trying to run away from danger. Fear, shame, powerlessness ... it radiated off of Daria and these emotions stung the Knight to the very core of her being.

At a loss for words, Daria stood there helpless but at least she had not shunned Lianna away. She dropped her hand away from the Knight's cheek and slipped it underneath Daria's shoulder before dipping her head, allowing their foreheads to meet.

Why won't you talk to me?

Daria Nytherciria
Jan 4th, 2009, 04:17:20 PM
This was easier, somehow. For the past weeks, Daria had been denying herself the connection that had flourished so easily between herself and Lianna. She had shut the Jedi Master out from her emotions and her thoughts, but having dropped that guard for only an instant she felt an undeniable sense of relief. There was, of no doubt, also apprehension and anxiety, but mingled with it all was the remission that came with being near to Lianna, on more than a physical level.

..I don't know what to say.

Lianna Mal Pannis
Jan 4th, 2009, 04:35:43 PM
She closed her eyes and sighed peacefully, her lips parting to allow the ease of breath.

Then don't say anything, but know that I miss you.

With the connection returned, Lianna hugged Daria closer and opened herself even further. There was only forgiveness and a deep sense of commitment towards Daria; any ounce of spite or frustration had long since vanished. She just wanted them both to bathe in each others presence where they had walked countless times before, hoping that Daria could find some strength to speak, or at least enough to trust her once more ...

Daria Nytherciria
Jan 4th, 2009, 04:44:13 PM
Without a word, Daria allowed herself to be drawn closer to Lianna, taking some solace in the security that the Jedi Master seemed to embody. Their foreheads still pressed together, Daria drew in a breath to steady herself, and then gave some voice to what had managed to so upset her balance, both with her companions and the Force.

“I don't doubt you, Lianna... it's myself that I don't trust. Every time I think about Doldur..”

Lianna Mal Pannis
Jan 4th, 2009, 04:54:21 PM
Daria trailed off, not able to verbalize the continued thought, that fear, of almost loosing Lianna. It was Adia that had filled in the details of what happened in her sister's office after the plummet outside the broken window. How Daria had looked like a caged animal, ready to kill without any remorse. The last of the Miraluka had prided herself on being a fair and impartial judge of the Force, remaining neutral in all things. Their connection had opened Daria to the possibility of sharing feelings with another ...

Lianna was not arrogant to think she was the sole cause of Daria's struggle, but she certainly played a significant role in what occurred ...

"The Force was with me and I prevailed, but I should have reigned in my feelings. It was too soon to tell you." You were not ready. I'm sorry ...

Being this close, it was easy to slip into their shared connection and speak through the Force without realizing she had done so.

Daria Nytherciria
Jan 4th, 2009, 05:04:46 PM

The frown deepened as Daria lifted her head, lips parted as she met Lianna's eyes.

“You- it's not your fault. I-”

A heavy sigh and the Knight brought both hands to her head, holding her temples. She thought of her former master Bra'jaa, slaughtered at the hands of a Sith Lord – a monster who had once been a man she had... loved? She had watched him fall from such heights, from the shining pinnacle of the light to the furthest depths of the darkness. Now, she wondered if she had ever truly felt anything for him at all and if so, how had she endured such a damning loss?

An echo of the past rang out in her thoughts, the words of Darth Stratus cold and cruel: Heed my words Daria: you will do better to part from the Light Side. It is a lie, a folly and you have been entangled into it all!

“I swore I would never go down this path,” she breathed, her voice just above a whisper. “I swore and now that oath is broken.”

Lianna Mal Pannis
Jan 4th, 2009, 05:19:48 PM
Lianna was visibly confused, her eyes narrowing and relaxing in turn as she tried to understand what Daria meant. Suddenly it was difficult to ascertain her companion's emotions, as they had begun to unravel with troubling memories.

"I don't understand, Daria," she said, gripping the Miraluka's shoulder for comfort. "What oath do you ..."

But it was there. A small flicker of a memory that Lianna had caught in her own mind. The man she did not recognize, but it was the feelings evoked by his memory that Daria felt, which was troubling to the Master Jedi. It linked directly to what happened on Doldur.

Lianna remembered the free fall and the brief glimpse of Daria above, reaching out towards her in a vain attempt to catch her. With such a potent presence in the Dark Side as the Sith Lord Lianna had fought, the small spark of Dark energy that Daria had called upon was easily missed. But now she felt it! The fear the Knight had felt and how it darkened the Light within her - and every day since then.

Daria Nytherciria
Jan 4th, 2009, 05:37:10 PM
The subtle shift in Lianna's mood would have been unnoticeable to anyone but Daria at that moment. Perhaps the Jedi Master understood, finally. The Dark Side had pursued Daria for years and though she had managed to out-run it for a long time, it was inevitable that she should have to confront it within herself one day.

“I don't think I could have withstood the pain, then, if I hadn't...” Another sigh. “It came so easily, Lianna. I always saw myself as this... unshakeable pillar of righteousness.”

Lianna Mal Pannis
Jan 4th, 2009, 05:55:35 PM
It always came so easily. The Dark Side was a seductress, luring an unsuspecting Force Adept down the quick and easy path to power. Not even Jedi were immune to temptation. Almost flawless control was necessary to avert falling into the abyss. It was why the title of Master was so coveted and not handed out lightly amongst Jedi.

"It was that hubris that doomed our ancestors. You thought yourself untouchable as they were. You were wrong, as they were, but you are not lost." Lianna had to tilt her head to the side in order to be face to face with Daria. "And you are not alone. You said it so yourself, 'We're so much stronger together than we are apart'."

She leaned forward and placed a kiss against her companion's temple, trying to press out those lines of fear and worry. "I believe in you."

Even though they had only fully joined once spiritually, Lianna knew that Daria held much untapped strength within her. She was just going through a tumultuous time of uncertainty and was being tested. Daria needed her support and patience more then ever.

Daria Nytherciria
Jan 9th, 2009, 12:47:39 PM
Hubris? The word stung like a barb. Yet, by her own admission she had been – if not over-confident – then at least somehow assured in her own ability to remain free of darkness. Isolation had protected her from the pitfalls so many Jedi faced, but now she was amongst so many others – facing difficult decisions every day – it was no longer a simple matter of hiding. Confrontation was inevitable.

As Navaria's lips pressed against her forehead, Daria closed her eyes and with one somewhat cautious hand, sought out the Jedi Master's cheek, cupping her palm against it...

Lianna Mal Pannis
Jan 9th, 2009, 01:35:21 PM
Daria initiating the touch was an unexpected, yet welcomed, surprise. At that moment, it was as if none of the strife that drove a wedge between them had occurred. She could feel their bond flourishing once again through the Force, their signatures merging gently. Trepidation still twinged her companion's mind, but Daria did not turn away or shut Lianna out. The Knight embraced the brunette mentally, as she did physically, allowing her free arm to bring them closer together.

Lianna felt the empowerment of their connection, reminiscing of past days on Vortex as their bond began to forge through meditation, and culminating as one entwined cord on Druckenwell when they shared their first kiss.

Her head lowered and sought out Daria's lips, wanting to express her love for the Knight. However, she second guessed how wise it was to walk down this road again and began to pull away. The Master Jedi did not expect the mutual yearning radiating from Daria and felt herself drawing nearer once more ... Until ...

beep ... beep ... beep ... beep

The communications device had all been assembled, minus the small holopad emitter. She hadn't set it to transmit, but it was obvious that someone wanted to get their attention, knowing that it had been activated for some time ...

Daria Nytherciria
Jan 9th, 2009, 01:49:19 PM
At first, in spite of the sound, she didn't move. Lianna was only a breath away and Daria felt the flutter of the Jedi Master's pulse against her fingertips. More than that, however, she felt their connection, the threads of the Force reluctantly withdrawing from their interrupted embrace. Wetting her lips, the Jedi Knight sighed and let her head fall forwards as her hand fell from Lianna's cheek to her shoulder.

“...You should answer that.”

Lianna Mal Pannis
Jan 9th, 2009, 02:07:16 PM
Lianna did not believe in luck, good or bad, and attributed this interruption as the Force's way of reminding the two Jedi that this was not the time, nor place, for this. They were given a brief interlude to reconnect, remembering that they were an impressive pair when they were in sync with one another. But lives continued to hang in a precarious balance and duty came first.

"... Of course." The Master Jedi pulled away with some reluctance, still eager for the closeness of Daria. Eventually the Knight's hands slipped away from her body, but their bond was still there. She hadn't pulled away entirely.

It took only a few seconds to connect the holopad and decrypt the transmission received. A very perturbed Sneevel (http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/Sneevel), warped into life as a blue holographic projection. His snout snuffed angrily at Lianna, as he threw a wrench at her holographic self, which of course passed harmlessly off the pad.

Lianna quirked a brow at his reaction.

"What the hell?!" his thin, gangly, arms where thrown up in exasperation. "You had this thing on for 5.35 minutes! I've been drenning a durabrick here wondering if you Jedis are OK or not. So what the frell?!"

He danced back and forth, trying to get a glimpse behind the Jedi Master. "Where is that redhead, huh? She there, right?"

Daria Nytherciria
Jan 9th, 2009, 07:21:46 PM
“I'm here.”

Daria didn't need to see their contact to know that he wasn't happy; his tone of voice was enough to convey that. Nonetheless, she shifted forwards on the bed some, to put herself in the light of sight for the holo-cam.

“My apologies for not establishing contact with you right away. We had a-”

Involuntarily, her head turned slightly towards Lianna, hair falling in her face to obscure the slight frown she wore.

“Slight environmental problem, but... every thing's perfectly fine now. We're fine. We're all fine here now. How are you?”

Lianna Mal Pannis
Jan 9th, 2009, 08:00:40 PM
A knuckle quickly crossed over Lianna's lips to hide her smile. She had never seen Daria flustered like that before.

The Sneevel, who was inevitably their contact Foss, leaned leaned back in his chair with arms flailing, "What the hell are you talking about, environmental problems?"

Lianna was about to open her mouth to explain further, but Foss closed his eyes and waved his hands in front of the camera. "You know what, I don't want to know. We're wasting time!"

She cleared her throat and brought both hands behind her, standing formally, which was a feat considering how unruly she was dressed. "Quite right. We wanted to update you on the status of our mission. We were able to locate the missing Rebels, but they have been captured by the Empire. It is uncertain how many have survived, but it is clear that the Empire wants them alive for questioning. They plan on transferring them in two days time."

So getting to them before hand not so good, eh?

"Correct. The chances of Daria and myself rescuing the Rebels alive lessens if we try the direct approach. Plus, considering who I am, it could danger the mission further. We need to bide our time until the transfer and our chances of success would only increase with assistance. The base established here has a rather large number of Imperials present. What these Rebels know has them worried. Perhaps the Alliance could find an ally within a days journey of here?"

Foss scratched his chin and shrugged. "Mebbe. I gotta find out who's in the area. If you don't hear back from me by noon your time tomorrow, figure your dren outta luck."

The Jedi nodded in thanks. "I appreciate anything that you are able to do."

"Yeah, yeah, yeah..." He couldn't take the politeness. It was giving him indigestion, and ended the transmission abruptly.

Loklorien s'Ilancy
Jan 9th, 2009, 08:59:17 PM
She'd been sent out to some random part of the galaxy to sit. Sit and wait. Sit and wait?! Yes. Sit and wait.

That's what Dan had told her to do. Why she hadn't the foggiest idea, but the Lupine obeyed his command and left as instructed. Her departure however had been a surprisingly uplifting affair, as she felt along the currents of the dark bond that now joined her with the Sith, Decepis. It remained tangible even as she'd jumped to lightspeed, leaving the Dauntless and the rest of the fleet behind.

A small test of wills, this endeavor was. At the very least it seemed like a test in patience.

But, a signal had come, and s'Il had answered it.


Less than fours hours hyperjump away.

So this must have been what Dan wished her out here for. It was a call that the Lupine was quick to respond to, and it wasn't long before coordinates, names, and a rendezvous point had all been fed to her small ship's computer.

With little else but a curious sigh, s'Il fed the coordinates into the ship's navcomp, allowing it to chew on the data for a short while before alerting her that she could make her jump.

Four hours in hyperspace meant time spent resting.

Four hours later...

Her ship cut through Atzerri's atmosphere like a hot knife through butter. Only time would tell whether or not those she was intended to meet would be at the predesignated area. Not much had been given in the information she'd been sent, and the Lupine was left to interpret most as best as possible.

Given her somewhat removed attitude from the rest of the galaxy's goings-on, it would prove interesting.

Daria Nytherciria
Jan 10th, 2009, 07:05:53 AM
Foss had come through. Word had arrived from the Sneevel splicer that help was coming their way and that they should head – as soon as possible – to the Trader's Plaza, the rendezvous point. The market was busy, night and day, and blending in was no difficult. The two Jedi walked side-by-side, treading a slow path towards the stall beside which their contact was to meet them. Daria wasn't nervous, per say, but she was eager to know who the Alliance had seen fit to offer them the assistance of.

You'll know who you're waiting for, Foss had explained, when you hear the code phrase: The marshes have become so dangerous of late.

In turn, they would reply: Yet the meeks don't seem to mind.

Lianna Mal Pannis
Jan 10th, 2009, 10:06:01 AM
Foss had managed to find a location that had a wonderful order to it. A Maru (http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/Maru) stall. These creatures were excellent mounts and could be taught to attack, but they also left dung piles the size of a small child. The smell was appalling.

"I swear he did this on purpose," she said, shriveling her nose and turning around to stand up wind from them.

Lianna was just as eager to meet their ally as her companion, but for more selfish reasons. The Jedi wanted to be far away from this corral as soon as possible.

Loklorien s'Ilancy
Jan 10th, 2009, 10:19:48 AM
Waiting in a maru barn was not exactly what she'd expected, and s'Il found herself hoping that those she was to meet would hurry and make themselves known. The stench alone was enough to make her nearly retch. It was overpowering almost.

She'd shed her flight suit, favoring the comfort offered by well-traveled leathers, and now stood beside one of the inner stalls. Her features were set in a strained expression as the smell assaulting her continued to have its' way with her olfactory senses.

An over-curious maru sniffed at her hand through the stall gate, and the Lupine idly stroked its' head with an absent touch while tracking her eye about her. She heard a voice, and it wasn't long before she spotted two women.

Both looked as happy as she was to be here.

Daria Nytherciria
Jan 10th, 2009, 11:09:49 AM
Daria had made a conscious effort to move as little as possible. Though she couldn't see their surroundings, she could smell them and one misplaced step could lead to less than pleasant consequences. Yet, when a figure caught her attention, she couldn't help but take a step towards it. Her aura was... unique to the Miraluka, compelling even. Her aura was almost as bright as Lianna's, but more ragged, wild even.

I think that's who we're meeting..

Lianna Mal Pannis
Jan 10th, 2009, 11:35:44 AM
Lianna caught Daria by the belly, making sure she didn't move more then an inch forwards, otherwise a boot would have squished into the edge of a dung pile.

Her eyes then rose to the woman standing six meters down at the opposite end of the fence. She had made a friend - the maru was happily licking and nibbling fingers, and the blonde had taken note of the two Jedi.

Lianna couldn't agree more about the Knight's observation. She had felt it too. A strong Force presence surrounded this woman, but her elation in finding their contact grew skeptical. Something about this Adept, and she was an Adept - she could see the Force penetrating her purposefully, but something about how the streams suddenly pulled away in a disorderly manner at times, unnerved the Master.

Lianna approached with a cordial smile and a deep breath before looking off into the pen. "They are wonderful creatures to tame, but you'd think they could do something about the smell."

The maru perked up and plodded over towards Lianna and snuffled before leaning into the Master's hand fondly. "Are you here to purchase one too?"

Loklorien s'Ilancy
Jan 10th, 2009, 11:48:22 AM
s'Il gave the two an amiable nod, a faint smiled tugging at the corners of her mouth. She could feel their presence in the force, and with a curious tilt of her head, she took them in. They seemed as one in the Force; or at least so close as to be one. It was unexpected, but the Lupine said nothing as she watched the creature nuzzle into one of the woman's open palm.

These two were no doubt the ones she was sent to meet, but she had to remain cautious even still. Her hand moved to trace a line down the maru's powerfully muscled neck.

"I am. Beautiful creatures if you ignore their less than odorly manner. I was hoping to travel southward for a few weeks. I would have opted to travel by foot, but the marshes have become so dangerous of late."

Daria Nytherciria
Jan 10th, 2009, 01:21:49 PM
There it was, the code phrase. Daria, shaking away the momentary daze which had settled over her, nodded and replied as she had been instructed. “Yet the meeks don't seem to mind.” Mindful of their surroundings, Daria glanced back to Lianna for a moment before pacing forwards, to be closer to their mystery contact. “Perhaps we can be of some assistance in finding you a more suitable mode of transport.”

Lianna Mal Pannis
Jan 11th, 2009, 10:13:32 AM
"Maru are rather tame and playful." As if to emphasize the point, the Jedi's hand was playful nibbled on. It tickled. "But their legs are more suited for dry terrain and it would definitely delay your travels if your mount were to get stuck out there."

Lianna glanced towards Daria and beamed. "I'd take my friend up on her offer. She knows Atzerri quite well and can lead you to what you're looking for."

Loklorien s'Ilancy
Jan 11th, 2009, 10:40:24 AM
A curious look at the two women, and s'Il gave a gracious nod to them both.

"Your help in the matter would be most appreciated."

As well, the Lupine wished to leave this barn as soon as possible. The smell was beginning to permeate her clothes she suspected, and it was worrisome to her. She would need a shower.

She smiled then, inclining her head and gesturing to Daria.

"Let us leave this place then. I am in your hands."

Daria Nytherciria
Jan 11th, 2009, 12:52:00 PM
They left the market with no regret's at being unable to stay longer. It took some twenty minutes to reach the Hairless Meek, but little was said in the process. Whilst the motel room was far from impenetrable, it was the safest place available to them. As they passed by the front desk, the receptionist – another cigarra stub caught between his teeth – raised a salacious eyebrow at Lianna, grinning in s'Ilancy's direction. Though Daria didn't see it, she felt the subtle shift in mood around her. She didn't think on it for long, however. Most of her attention was on the Jedi at her side, discreetly studying the energy flows that surrounded her...

Lianna Mal Pannis
Jan 11th, 2009, 01:11:35 PM
If she were a lesser being, Lianna would have plucked the cigarra from his mouth by the Force and allowed it to drop into his lap, assuredly causing a moments panic and pain. Instead the doors to the lift slid close, leaving the Besalisk, and his vulgar thoughts, behind.

Upon reaching the tenth floor, Lianna produced the key and allowed Daria and their new found ally to file in before her. She closed the door and looked at the room with a mental groan. The cleaning crew had yet to make the bed, nor clean the garbage, which still had the flowers and unopened bottle of champagne in it. Somehow, Lianna wasn't surprised and silently hoped their ally was discreet.

Still, the Jedi managed a smile and motioned to her companion. "This is Daria Nytherciria and I'm Lianna. We both appreciate your swift arrival and willingness to assist us."

Lianna left the introduction of herself by first name only. Mal Pannis was only taken to assure herself a shred of legitimacy while hiding in the Outer Rim Territories. It never held much significance to her own identity, and with the revelation of her true self, the Jedi had been wondering if the time had come to embrace it.

Loklorien s'Ilancy
Jan 11th, 2009, 01:42:54 PM
The room that she was taken to was nothing like what she'd expected. Oh, she figured that it'd be something small-ish and unkempt, but to see the single large bed, champagne, and smattering of flower petals scattered about was enough to make her loft her brow.

She would say nothing, but the ghostly look of bemusement was plain enough.

s'Il gave a bow to each as Lianna gave their names. The only Jedi that she had spoken with for any extended amount of time had been Serena; These two she did not know, but it was more than likely that Serena knew them at least. The thought helped to ease any nerves she had concerning the two women.

"I am Loklorien s'Ilancy."

Daria Nytherciria
Jan 13th, 2009, 04:49:21 PM
Daria bowed her head for a moment. She did not know for certain if this Loklorien s'Ilancy was a Jedi Master, but nonetheless she was clearly a Jedi of some substantial learning; that much the Miraluka could glean from a simple glance at the woman's aura within the Force.

“Thank you for responding to our request for assistance so promptly,” she began.

“Did... Foss provide you with any information on our current.. predicament?”

Lianna Mal Pannis
Jan 13th, 2009, 07:27:14 PM
Hopefully Foss gave the Jedi some information as to what was going on here and save them some time in explaining everything. Time would be better suited in formulating a plan to rescue the missing Rebels tomorrow.

Lianna took a seat at the edge of the bed and scrutinized the blonde, waiting to hear how much she had been briefed.

Loklorien s'Ilancy
Jan 14th, 2009, 06:56:25 PM
"He did. It is unfortunate that such a thing as this brings us together."

What she had been told was enough of an explanation. It was concise and to the point without needless additional points, and she'd appreciated Foss' frank telling. Much more than the meeting place he'd chosen at least.

She gave the two Jedi a patient stare and settled herself partially atop a low dresser.

"I place myself at your disposal of course; you have spent more time than I have here, and I defer to your judgments. While our time now is short and the situation delicate, the Force will aid us."

Daria Nytherciria
Jan 17th, 2009, 02:30:25 PM
Daria, in turn, would defer to Lianna. The Miraluka felt certain that of three women gathered, she herself was the least in tune with the Force. Nonetheless, she had ideas and, it seemed, the greatest familiarity with the setting they found themselves in.

“Our allies are being held in an Imperial base. Not a fortress, by any means, but well-armed enough that it would be folly for us to attempt a direct confrontation.”

Lianna Mal Pannis
Jan 17th, 2009, 02:54:40 PM
"Sometime tomorrow, they will be transferring the prisoners," said Lianna, building upon what Daria had started. "That will be our ideal time to strike. When their forces will be spread out and the chances of the Rebels being killed, lessened."

Loklorien s'Ilancy
Jan 17th, 2009, 10:59:03 PM
s'Il gave a nod in unspoken agreement.

"And how do you propose to begin this rescue? Is a diversion necessary, or were you wishing for complete subterfuge?"

Settling herself more comfortably, the Lupine found herself relaxing in the presence of these two, and she allowed her aura to settle peacefully around her body.

Daria Nytherciria
Jan 31st, 2009, 05:40:33 PM
Relaxing wasn't something Daria felt capable of at that moment. She would pay the price for pushing her stamina to its limits, for sleeping only a scant few hours, in the days to come – but for now she was wide awake and in an almost constant state of readiness for action.

“A diversion would seem wise, yes,” Daria agreed with a nod. “Though I must confess my experience with this kind of... mission is limited.”

Lianna Mal Pannis
Feb 2nd, 2009, 09:57:31 AM
"We'll need to keep them off balance. Make them believe they are up against far greater odds then just us three. In the chaos, one of us can slip aboard the transport and rescue the Rebels. The streets of Talos can provide us with the subterfuge needed, but I'm concerned about civilian causalities." Lianna tapped a thoughtful finger against her lips. "There is ample room the closer they get to the spaceport, but then we leave ourselves vulnerable. Reinforcements will be able to act quickly."

Loklorien s'Ilancy
Feb 2nd, 2009, 03:44:00 PM
A diversion. A thing like that wouldn't be hard to instigate, but the matter of finding something suitable enough to use as a ploy was another issue entirely. She thought on the matter for a few minutes.

"A speeder wreck blocking their route?

"Fairly plain and without finesse, but I don't think that the time we have will allow us much more."

Which was true enough; their time-frame was dismally small, and the window of opportunity was being closed.

Situating a burning speeder on the roadway was the only thing she could think of that might halt the prison transport. After all, folks had speeder wrecks ever day, didn't they?

Daria Nytherciria
Mar 21st, 2009, 09:22:20 AM
The plan was simple and certainly left a lot to be desired, but s'Ilancy was right: time was not a luxury they had been given and thus it would be necessary to sacrifice control over all variables of the diversion, to settle for something dependent on the whims of chance. Not chance, the Force, Daria added mentally, taking some consolation in that idea. If it was the will of the Force that the Rebels be saved, their plan would work. If not... so be it.

“If I might make a request... I have a.. limited understanding and capability when it comes to affecting and manipulating inorganic constructs,” Daria said, with a brief almost decorous gesture towards her eyes. “I'd feel much more confident in applying my abilities to the rescue than the diversion.”

Lianna Mal Pannis
Mar 31st, 2009, 10:22:58 AM
"Then I will take care of the diversion," she stated without any sign of convincing her otherwise, "then both of you can move in. I can cover you from a distance and make certain your escape route is clear to your ship s'Ilancy. I presume you have enough room for several beings?"

Loklorien s'Ilancy
Apr 14th, 2009, 08:44:36 PM
A smile and a nod.

"I was provided with a sizable enough craft. Not overly large, but it isn't a snubfighter either."

For a few moments the Lupine looked past her two fellow Jedi, focusing her attentions on the far wall. A good-natured grimace, and she looked once more to the two women. With Daria's admittance to her aversion of technology, s'Il found a kindred spirit of sorts - the Lupine as well found the more technical aspects of things around her to be frustrating at times. Not insurmountable, but she would certainly make an effort to avoid them if possible. Necessity was the only thing that had driven her to become as marginally independent as she was now with starships and the like; which was certainly not saying much.

That Lianna offered to provide the diversion was appreciated, and the grateful look in s'Il's eye spoke volumes.