View Full Version : Better left for Dead

Aug 19th, 2008, 08:49:16 PM
Coruscant - Trade Hub - Pel'a District, Shipping Promenade

"Hey...HEY, this isn't enough. It was four credits for the little one. Not two." The gruff merchant stood like a stone amidst a sea of traffic. People, species, creatures, swarmed around his mass, everyone had places to go and no time to spare. Rushing to and from with parcels, packages and data pads being fumbled or flipped out into hand. Shipping ports were always hectic and it seemed even worse today.

"You said two."

"Listen kiddo, it was two before you added another midget to the mix. Now its four. If you don't like it. You can pick another ship. Simple." The merchant stroked his dirty beard, causing crumbs and bits of food from weeks past to fall freely. Tiny insects weaved between the course hair causing it to move even after his greedy fingers reached out for payment.

Jack recoiled after dropping the extra credits into his dirt stained palms. The merchant grinned, baring rotten brown and yellow teeth, most were missing. "As long as it leaves on time. I don't care anymore."

"Time? There's always time for more time. We'll leave soon as the cargo arrives." He waddled off his four legs seemed to quake under his jiggling mass, parting the crowds around him easily.

The three stood still amidst the ebb and flow of passengers being let off and on as ships came and went. Jack the tallest of the three, held both hands of his younger siblings. His back weighed down with packs and satchels, the remains of their belongings. Emma clung idly to his hand while swinging about his legs to watch the ballet of the space port unfold around them. Her dirty blonde hair had grown too long and would get in her big green eyes until she shook it away.

Jack stared at his palm and clutched the remaining credits. He sighed heavily before pocketing it. It would have to be enough, he thought. This ship would take them to their aunts at Bren'laar and away from here. Away from them.

"Dad wouldn't have paid him extra." Jaden grumbled struggling to free his hand from his older brother of five years. He was half his brothers height and skinnier by far with the dark black hair of his father. Both his sibling took after their mother sporting blonde hair and green eyes while his were brown and black. If ever a middle child had felt more out of place amongst family, it was Jaden.

"Too bad Dad isn't here then, isn't it?" The words hurt but then again they were meant to hurt. Jaden had taken every opportunity to remind him that Dad would have done it cheaper, better, faster. Dad always knew what he was doing. But he was gone now. Left us. "So stop struggling, im not chasing after you in this crowd and we are not getting separated. We need this transport. It will take us to Aunt Pan'dem's and we will be safe from mothers debts."

"Im hungry." Emma hung from Jack's hand boredly while staring at the food court across the way.

"We'll eat on the sh...ip." Jack suddenly bolted through the crowd, dragging his sibling along with him. Both weren't ready for the sudden action and stumbled, bumping into passerbys.

"Watch it!"

Jack ignored the random shout and kept walking until he got into a hallway leading to the washroom. Positioning his younger siblings to his right farther down the hall and out of sight.

"What the slag are you doing, you hurt my arm." Jaden growled sorely.

"Watch your mouth." Jack snapped back before peeking around the corner and into the crowds. His eyes darted back and forth. "Where did they go?"


"Them! They're here." Jacks eyes widened again as he caught the group of men. They were standing in front of their transports dock.

"I'll kill them!" Jaden squeeled as he moved to rush into the crowds before being yanked off his feet by his older brother. Slamming him against the wall. Jack pointed his finger in his face.

"Don't be stupid. They'll kill you."

"Get off me! They killed mom. Let go of me. We have dads swo -" The slap was hard but It wasn't the sting that silenced his younger brother. Jaden stood silently his eyes began filling with tears which reflected the bright lights in the ceiling. As brothers they had never fought. Never over toys, food or arguments, not until a few days ago when things changed. Jack had never hit him. He had looked up to Jack, his older brother, his protector for as long as he could remember. Not anymore. The tears finally broke and fell down his cheeks but he continued to stare at Jack with the pure unreasoning contempt only a child could feel.

"Sit here. Watch your sister. When the ship comes, get on it. Don't be stupid. You hear me? I'll meet you two on the ship, ok?" Jack slid the backpacks off and reached down into his pocket, pouring what was left into Jaden's hand. "Don't be stupid." He said a final time wiping a tear from his younger brothers cheek that was now sorely red from his strike.

"Where are you going?" Jaden stifled a sob and forced the question out through his lips.

"To ask for directions."

The Message
Aug 20th, 2008, 04:45:18 PM
A tiny droid buzzed through the mass of species passing along the promenade. The droid, commonly used to deliver messages had found much use by its owners and little care in the way of maintenance. The majority of its time was spent skimming along the ground, soft grav pulses barely keeping it afloat while dodging leg, tentacle, wheel or flipper.

---Located. The droid's sensory eye shrunk as if in concentration, the reality it was stealing power from navigation to propulsion as it jumped into the window of a stationary hover limo. Landing on a cushioned leather seat it bleeped noisily until its target thumbed the data port for delivery.

Rekoj cupped his hands over the stim as he lit it, shielding the small stick from the sudden gust of a ships take off. Breathing deep, he filled his lungs before exhaling the black cloud of chemicals into the air. He would pretend he was a god and this was his plague to be spit out from his lungs over the world.

"Suffer peasants."Rekoj whispered sweetly amidst the smoke.

"What?" Donnie questioned with an arched eyebrow.

"Ignore him. He's got a nervous twitch." Resh stepped from the hover limo, his black shoes matched his suit, along with everyone else in the group. They were five in total, clad in simple black suits, each with a red tie and white shirt beneath. "I thought you quit?" Resh questioned as he walked past the group and toward the port. The crowds gave the group a wide berth. Most of the locals were quick to recognize the suit and colors worn by the 'Dead Signs' gang. Regular travelers were quick to take the hint and like a school of fish if the masses avoided an area, it was for a reason.

"Tried. I got too..." Rekoj sucked at the stim between his lips letting the tip glow as he paused in thought.

"Twitchy?" Donne remarked, running a finger down a data post, finding the 'You are here' mark and tracing a path to Bay 9.

"To say the least. He shot up that club in the Bryzine district. The one with the goofy lights you hate." Lem shot out his finger tips like slug throwers, re-enacting the scene in slow motion. Shoving a finger tip into peoples faces as he walked by. Lem was the biggest of the five and the most obnoxious. If not by purpose, just talking to the man was a task in patience.Lem often talked to close, too loud and had the nasty habit of spitting all over people when he did. Personal space was a fictional term that never registered for Lem.

"Oh good." Resh shot back with a nod toward Bay 9. The group stood in front of the large set of durasteel sliding doors, the ship was just arriving. "Boss says the kids will be lookin to leave on this one."

"Not if they see us standing in front of it." Rekoj sighed, letting a stream of smoke spill from his nostrils. The five looked at each other.

"Slag." The group cursed in unison.


The Message
Aug 21st, 2008, 07:21:44 PM
Resh locked his fingers, stretching his palms outward, cracking his knuckles in boredom. "Frell all this waiting about." He let a lazy yawn stretch open his mouth.

"Could be worse." Donnie remarked, thumbing over another page of a small book he was reading. Reading being a figurative term as the books pages were usually blank. Also Donnie couldn't read beyond recognizing his own name. He just liked the look of someone who was reading, he thought if gave them a sophisticated feel no matter the situation.

"Suppose it could. Wutcha reading Don?"

"A book."


Donnie sighed clearly irritated at having his 'book' interrupted. "A story of betrayal by a secret organization within the Empire. One of the lead characters goes missing but comes back and tries to off all the members of the organization one by one." Donnie canted his eye to look sideways at Resh. "Would you look to read a chapter?"

"Oh, no thank you. Not my sort. I prefer the ones with scantly clad women and lotso pics. Preferably in the format of a holo."

"Suit yourself. But your missing out. Holo movies will never come close to the sort of feeling you get when you read a book. You cant touch or wrinkle the pages of a holo cinema. Its just missing that feeling of..." Donnie puckered his lips sourly trying to think of the words, "...frell."

Resh turned around snickering, "Didn't know you could get that feeling from a boo..- huh?"

Donnie pointed a finger, "Look at that." He was pointing to a boy that looked of nineteen. Standing still against the rush of travelers he was staring directly at the group of gangsters. Donnie recognized the kid from a few days earlier when they had paid his parents a visit. The boy had a soft pampered look to him before, but now, it seems the harshness of Coruscant had managed scraped away a tiny bit of it. This city will do that to you though.

Aug 21st, 2008, 10:29:07 PM
It was easy to get lost in the crowd of people, especially when you were a skinny teenager like Jack. So he stood, quietly watching the group that had destroyed his family so easily. He watched them, watched them joke, smoke, and talk like men. But they weren't men. They wore the skin, talked the language but inside they were monsters, they're eyes gave it away, soulless. Those dead eyes had noticed him now, noticed him staring at them, but it didn't matter. He would make them pay for what they've done.

"Shes dead because of you. All of you." Jacks eyes welled uncontrollably at the thought of her. Sarah, was her name although you would never catch him calling her that. To him it was mother. That person in your life who knew the moment that you were weakest. She knew that perfect time in you're life when all you needed was a kind or supportive word. To reassure you that everything would be 'ok'.

"Mostly because of me." Resh admitted under a look of feigned interest in the boys dramatics.

"Shut up. You think its funny? You're sick. Whatever debt my family mistakenly made with you has been paid. There's nothing else we have to offer. You've taken everything." Jacks voice cracked with emotion. He tried his best to blink back the tears and keep from crying. "Just let us leave."

Aug 22nd, 2008, 08:53:41 PM
Rekoj wiped the corners of his mouth while stalking toward the boy. He pulled open the front of his jacket, peeking down as he rummaged through one of his inside pockets. Removing a small black handle, he gave it a small flick, popping a steel blade into place.

Jacks eyes beaded with tears, his fists coiled together, jaw clenched. I will get us through this, he thought, her memory gave him the courage to bite past the fear that sat in the back of his throat when he tried to talk. It was up to him to protect his younger brother and sister. They needed a distraction to slip unnoticed onto the transport. They would be safe then. Away from Coruscant and its monsters.

Jack flung himself forward toward Rekoj. The gangster simply took a step back as Jacks fist went sailing wide, tugging his body with momentum. Jack was no fighter.

"Hah." Rekoj shuffled quickly under a puff of smoke to give Jack a kick to the back sending him sprawling face first into the ground. "Time for some speed holes, Jack." He leaned over the boys body brandishing the blade next to his cheek.

"STOP IT!" A small boy ran forward, wearing a some what bulky looking pack on his back with a cord attached to it. The crowd had noticed the commotion at this point and who was involved and were quickly scattering from view. Security personal hesitated longer but retreated just the same.

"Is that a hose?" Resh asked curiously, clearly amused by the younger siblings sudden appearance.

"Let him go!" Jaden demanded while clutching a small cylindrical object in his hand.

"Or WHAT! I'm getting kinda tired of this holo opera." Reshs temper had clearly expired, it was time to finish this job, no more dramatics. "Take the kid. Rekoj quit playing with the other. The Boss wanted them alive if possible."

"I'll get em." Lem walked forward sliding his gun into his waist band. "Common kid, lets go see the b-" Jaden rushed forward, a flash of spark and color seared through Lem's form, leaving the smell of burnt flesh in the air. Lem blinked once at the boy, his mind trying to comprehend what had just taken place. He didn't even hear the snap hiss of the blade. Lem reached forward clutching at the boy who recoiled away letting the man fall flat.

"Holy gods of dun-lomair." Resh hissed, the two gansters next to him, Donnie and Hal raised their weapons in unison. "Where did you get that antique? Your daddy leave that behind? Rekoj check it out this kids got himself one of those Jeedai swords."

"Lightsaber." Rekoj corrected, over a muffled scream from Jack as he put his stim out on the boys neck.

"You shouldn't have done that kid. Granted no one liked Lem but its the principle of it. Only we are allowed to kill people and we kill a lot of people. There's not enough to go about sharing. Donnie see if he can move like a Jeedai." Resh's weapon was now out, he checked the chamber before pulling back the hammer with a solid click. Jaden was trembling he had never killed a man before. He was only a boy of fourteen trying to save his older brother.

"I can do it." Jaden whispered quietly to himself, blinking back the tears he raised the saber defensively. Its glow was warm and for the first time in days he felt a confidence rise within himself.

Jack struggled against his captor trying desperately to crane his neck for a view of the scene that was unfolding. He couldn't see..."Jaden! RUN! PLEASE RUN!"

"I can do i-" Jaden was shouting back when three shots rang out. The slugs screamed through the air toward the young boy. The first sunk squarely into his shoulder ripping through bone and flesh, exciting the other side. The second and third dug themselves into the boys chest and stomach. Jaden whirled in place for a moment from the impact. Swinging the saber in reaction to the sound before his body was able to communicate the situation. It didn't hurt so much, Jaden thought as he suddenly found himself on the ground staring out along the floor. It didn't hurt so much...

Aug 22nd, 2008, 11:32:49 PM
"Jaden? JADEN! JADEN!!" Jack screamed, tears running from his eyes. Sorrow fed his body as he fought against the restraints of Rekoj's hands. It didn't matter now, he no longer feared the knife at his face or the men in black suits. He was no great protector. That was the only job his mother left to him. Protect your brother and sister she whispered. Get them to your aunts, she'll take you in and keep you safe. It was all I had to do, Jaden thought painfully.

Rekoj hefted the teen from the floor and shoved him toward the three remaining gangsters.

"Wheres the third one?" Resh asked, miming blowing smoke from his barrel, even though there was no smoke to be blown. Action Holos were his favorite. He looked to his colleagues, "The third one? You know? The little girl?" The other gangsters gave a shrug. "Fine whatever we got two lets get out of here before someone gets brave and calls the imps."

"Blonde hair, green eyes, looking out from the window of a passenger ship? Rekoj stated as he watched the transport ship begin to lift off behind them. A tiny face in one of the windows with big green eyes, reddened by tears, stared back, her mouth agape in silent sobs.

"Ah slag. Boss won't like that. He didn't want any of em' gettin away." The ship continued to lift into the air, an older transport, it was taking its time. The thrusters shook its rust covered frame with effort.

"Shooter." Rekoj reached toward Resh with an open hand, who promptly removed his slug thrower and tossed it into his hand. He took aim, following the ships lazy trajectory as it cleared thirty feet and began to sway to the right toward a shipping lane and out of orbit. The first shot rang out striking the ship to no effect. He paused then fired a second, a third, a fourth, a fifth... each shot rang off the hull amongst aging plate and pipes that lined the ship from stem to stern. The ships captain finally realized what was happening and began to accelerate when the sixth and final shot rang out. The slug screamed through the air striking a pipe that had been hit by one slug too many. It took a moment, the small leak was barely noticeable at first. Wisps of blue like fingers tickling the air, the gas seeped slowly from the cracked pipe line. It was beautiful. Looking like someone had dragged a painbrush over the sky. The violet blues hung in the air barely moving once it escaped from the line.

"Congratulations, you've managed to cause a leak." Jack sneered. It was a small taste of hope that his sister would be safe. Emma would escape to their aunts. In time she would forget this sadness. The thrusters on the transport fired suddenly and bolted the transport towards orbit.

The Message
Aug 24th, 2008, 10:53:55 PM
It was the flash of light at first. The flames stretched silently over the sky. Then the sound. That cracking thunder of an explosion, the impact of which blew out most of the duraglass windows, panels, and lighting on the promenade. The force of which also rocked everyone in the vicinity to their backs.

The four gangsters crawled to their feet in a haze, wiping ash and dust from their face and clothes. Pieces of charred flaming hull were still falling from the sky off in the distance. "How big was that transport Rekoj?" Resh asked sickly.

"Thirty...maybe forty. Gas lines took longer to ignite then I thought they would though." He replied with a toothy smile, looking down to the weapon in his hands he popped the cylinder and reloaded the weapon with five slugs.

"How could you." Jack watched the man who had just killed his sister along with forty other innocent beings. He felt sick, his heart having dropped into his stomach. The boy dropped to his knees...this couldn't be happening. This wasn't real.

"I gotta agree with the kid on that one. That was..." The gun shot was so sudden everyone save the shooter jumped. Resh stumbled, his face had turned a pale color, reflecting the dull glow of flames that continued to burn in the distance around them. His eyes following a tail of smoke that snaked out from his chest. "You..sss-sho....me?" The words fell from his lips like his body did soon after.

"Donnie you work for me now." Donnie looked back staring down the barrel of Resh's former weapon.

"Always..." Like there was any other choice.

"Good, kill Hal, he's a waste of space. Never says a frelling thing."

Hals eyes widened as he turned to Donnie with protest, "Wait I-" The shot was quick, his body twitched, firing a single round into the floor as he fell. Hesitating could have meant death for both of them, Donnie knew.

Rekoj walked up to the teen who was now retching on all fours. Gun still in hand he gave the cylinder a flick to the side, the slug thrower was a revolver of a sort, Resh's custom design. He spun the cylinder and flicked it back into place, pointing down at Jack.

Click. Empty chamber. "Isn't that interesting. The gods don't save your mother, brother, sister but they save you? Guess that makes you lucky, doesn't it? You can join your family anytime you want kiddo. You've won that right." Rekoj removed three of the slugs from the gun before dropping it in front of Jack.

"That guns still loaded right?"

"One slug last I checked Donnie.?" Rekoj watched as the boy reached out, shaking finger tips wrapped themselves around the gun.

"Just wondering why your giving the kid, who's entire family we just killed, a loaded gun. Think he may be a little upset with us?" Donnie had his weapon nervously trained on the boy.

"Maybe." Rekoj said as he turned his back to the boy and began to walk away. Donnie was quickly in tow. His body half twisted around as he kept his gun on the boy until they were a decent range away.


Darla Yoreiga, Reporting live from the popular trade port of Untia district on Coruscant.

Initial reports of the explosion of a passenger liner have revealed possible gang implications. Investigator weren't willing to reveal any more details on which gangs might have been involved in the destruction that claimed fifty two passengers, seven bystanders and thirty others left wounded and in critical condition.

Untia Port Authorities were quick on scene aiding the imperial presence in securing and clearing the area. A number of survivors and witnesses to the activities on the promenade were taken by the Imperials for questioning. Port medical also retrieved the body of one of the boys who made have been involved. He was deemed dead on scene. Investigators were unwilling to speculate on how the boy had died but witnesses are saying it may have been self inflicted.

The Message
Aug 25th, 2008, 05:41:35 PM
High rise building in the suite of Herish "Boss" Gill, Syndicate crime boss of the "Dead Sign" Gang on Coruscant.

The room was dark. The caved in ceiling still held wires dangling loosely, with the odd spark firing light over the room to reveal two men in conversation. Well, one was having conversation the other was listening intently.

"I've caused death. Stolen life from children and broken entire families. I've obliterated cities. Tortured men and women. I've sinned to say the least but never have I asked myself, why? Wouldn't you ask yourself why? Wouldn't you one day take a step back and look at your life and ask, what have I done? The other man shook his head.

"I was paid well. Respected, maybe even feared which is better. Now im unknown again. All that I have attained is gone. TAKEN FROM ME!" Rekoj stood face to face with the man, who was upside down hanging from his ankles. Blood and sweat dripping down his face, his mouth taped over, his eyes wide with fear.

"Makes you wonder doesn't it? The destruction of it all. The death." Rekoj smiled suddenly and slammed a dagger into the man's stomach wrenching it down to his chest in a zig-zagging line. "Let me know if the gods wonder too."

Turning to a box, he had left on the bosses desk earlier, he flipped the lid and reached in. Click, a digital number hummed brightly illuminating the room with counting down digits. Rekoj clapped his hands together in delight.

Whistling he walked from the destroyed room and into a shattered hall. Floor plating was peppered with slug holes. Lights had been blown out and dangled tentatively, flickering to life every time a connection was made live for a moment. Several men dotted the gangsters path to the elevator. Most with pools of blood and lacerations over the bodies telling the tale of their deaths but there was the odd one with a hole found blown through him. A tornado of carnage had ripped through this building, leaving a still painted ballet of destruction for the survivor to tread through.

The elevator doors opened with a press of a button. Donnie was waiting inside clutching a bloodied arm. "Ready boss?" Rekoj stepped inside and pulled out a data pad, running a finger over the first of many names on a list. The elevator plummeted to the earth in a controlled descent, landing with a gentle ding that ushered the doors open.

"Ready. lets go make some news." Rekoj stepped out onto the street when a sudden clap of thunder rocked the city. If anyone wasn't too frightened to look up they would see the top section of a skyscraper enveloped in flame with wreckage spiraling outwards from a massive explosion.

Rekoj, however didn't flinch or look up he just continued to stroll down the side walk, tossing the data pad away. On the street the interface still glowed actively with the list of names. A strange red smear in the form of a happy face had been dabbed over it.
