View Full Version : No, this isn't an eval thread.
Aug 19th, 2008, 01:14:43 PM
No, really. This isn't at all for evaluating Zeke and Zenas Codrey for Star Wars, or for Felix Fletcher, Freight Train, or Ricky Rider for X-Men. No, never. Not at all. And the posts that follow likely won't be meaningful criticism of these characters or my writing. No sir, not at all.
Banner Laverick
Aug 19th, 2008, 02:39:45 PM
Okay Mr. "Oh, I'm not making one of those threads"! XD
I liked Zenas, and you play "I hate women" characters TOO well. Which is weird, because most of your other characters are quite normal. It would be interesting to see him come back - too bad I'm revamping Sudoku, otherwise we could've done that thread you though of!
I think the remade Zeke was interesting, sort of like a more grown-up, established version of Old Zeke, but he floundered in "not enough posting" land. Lots of Sw characters seemed to end up there.
You know I love Felix most out of all your characters; I really think he's your best character, he's well-written and well-rounded IMO. The rps I do as Banner with Felix are some of my favorites. **completely UNBIASED opinion ;)
I love Freight Train because she's adorable - I loved her "Gimme that diabetes" line/that entire thread, and your thread with Cato (because we got to see a different side to her character). You play "silly" characters that are pretty damn endearing (Kwiet is another character of yours I loved - you play hyper children perfectly, lol!)
Ricky is just getting started, but from what you've told me, he sounds like he'll be an interesting addition to the X-men universe, once he really gets going
EDIT - I also think you need to be reminded that you ARE a very creative and good writer. You're a great person OOC as well, and lots of us are glad that you came back to the board. :hug
Aug 19th, 2008, 04:02:00 PM
It's sure a good thing you're not making an evaluation thread.
Because I'm definitely not planning to tell you how much I appreciate that you gave Felix a real family background and took the time to ease him gradually into the realization that he's a mutant. Or that his hatred of Cullen's provides an intriguing counterpoint to the majority of the student characters. I also don't have to express my regrets (if I have any) that my increasing busyness has majorly slowed down his progress into the Brotherhood or my sincere hope (theoretically) that you'll continue to develop his ties to the Evil Mutants, since the dramatic potential, especially as it regards his relationship with Banner, is positively electric.
I won't even bother to mention that Freight Train is a great example of a fun character growing out of a quirky idea, or that I like the additional quirks you've given her along the way (the aforementioned diabetes line and her insistence on nicknames). I won't tell you that I have the impression we've only seen the tip of her diminutive iceberg and that I'd like to see more of what makes her tick, how she responds when things really get serious, what sorts of things she really thinks about, what sorts of things scare her, make her sad, or otherwise penetrate her tough exterior.
Yup, it's a REALLY GOOD THING this isn't an evaluation thread.
Aug 21st, 2008, 08:33:23 AM
Thanks for the not-evaluations. :D I'll try to keep this stuff in mind.
Lilaena De'Ville
Aug 21st, 2008, 04:29:05 PM
I have not read your newer Star Wars stuff, unfortunately. ^_^; However, I like Felix a lot - he's nice and angsty, just like a teenager should be. I think his relationship with Banner is played well, and I love that he's taking the bad path, as it were. Its a bold choice when most people seem to want to play good guys. ;)
His reasons for not liking Cullens make sense, too. Being manipulated (well, sort of!) by the Brotherhood was a great choice and I like it. He's got funny one liners (something you are very good at!) and stuff. I likey!
Not to dwell in the past, but you were part of one of my all time favorite RPs, something called Prophecies in which you kidnapped Salemn Lysce... ;) SO MUCH FUN! I think Jenny agrees with me there. You played Altered Beast gamemaster to our pursuing Jedi and padawan, and it was great.
*sigh* Those were the days. ;)
Aug 22nd, 2008, 08:48:21 AM
I still go back and re-read that thing now and then, and I'm always torn between hating it and loving it. I dunno, some parts I liked better than others. I DID enjoy "DMing" for you guys...wish I could figure a way to get one of my characters now to do that sort of thing. Zenas is probably the best bet; get some Imps to track him down and kinda lead them through an area until we have a nice big showdown thingy. Yes? Maybe?
One-liners will never go away. I don't think I've had a single character yet that isn't capable of making a magnificent zing at least once.
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