View Full Version : Character evaluations... but I've got a reason!

Aug 18th, 2008, 08:59:58 PM
So the third person to do it is a copycat, but once it gets to four, five, or six, it's a trend, right?

But, anyway, with grad school starting up, I'm at a point where I need to optimize rather than maximize with things like SW-Fans. So I'd like to know which characters are really working and which characters are the most expendable. That and I've been in a creative slump, and sometimes the best thing to get the creative juices flowing again is to get back to the basics.

So any feedback is appreciated, positive, negative, or even just POST YOU LAZY SLACKER. Here goes....

STAR WARS (I'm probably the least likely to come back here, since things have progressed so far without me.)
Rev Solomon
Tannis V'larr
Sergeant Michael Brand

Taya Robbins
Colonel Gideon Vasher
Firestorm (forgot him earlier - though he's only in one thread so far...)


Have at 'em!

Vipul Chandrashekar
Aug 18th, 2008, 09:13:55 PM
I'm going to go from my experience, which is with your X-Men and Myth dudes, so here goes:

Dragon: The character could use some exploration but from a purely administrative and leadership perspective you have done amazing things for the Cullen's school. I hope to see more action with him, so he gets a chance to lead from the front and such.

Taya: Eppervescent and one of the better teenage roleplays I've seen. You've got that teenage feeling pegged perfectly (purrfectly lol) and I really have high hopes for the potential of not only becoming a young woman, but also the whole X-gene plot that you had in the works. I am still looking forward to rendition roleplays with Praetorian and her :)

Saladin: Every time I see this guy I think of Hans Gruber from Die Hard, because he's got this sort of refined and proper kind of lawful evil about him. I like that you keep him as a revolutionary and somebody that you can sympathize with.

Vasher: Honestly I don't see much of him, and he hasn't made a big splash. I'm not exactly sure the direction you wanted to take him. Being in such a bureaucratic role, it's hard for guys like him or any of the Praetorians or heavies from the government to really become full characters, so thats a fault of the environment and not any of writing I don't think.

Zero: It would be interesting to get behind his mask down the road so he's got a story and doesn't become just a (really effective) plot effect. He's such a strong mutant and its a bit intimidating to play opposite of him because you write his action very well :)

Chimera: I haven't had any interaction here, so I'm not as clued in.

Calleh: I love how you write Calleh, and I admittedly have a soft spot for Islamic culture, so using a heavy dose of that as a reference point has made him a really good read. He's charming and mysterious at once, which is always a good mix to make a character very compelling.

Moreth: Your visual imagery with this guy is quite creepy. I have no clue what you're up to with him, and I kind of like it left in the air, because I did have a very fun feeling of trepidation when he rode with Denix and Calder to the town. Just a very tangibly uncomfortable presence.

Aug 18th, 2008, 09:36:51 PM
Dragon, I love. He's the "Dean" to Banners' "rebel teenager". I like the threads with him and his son, mostly because you actually get to see more of his character and less of his teacher...ness. I also think he would be influential in Banners' decision on good or evil. :)

Taya is adorable, the perfect bouncy ball of cheer opposite of doom and gloom Banner. We need to do more rps together!

Aurelias Kazaar
Aug 18th, 2008, 10:08:27 PM
Kale, I think, has always been my favorite of your characters. He's slowly learning his abilities as a Force User and growing as a person. I know we had ideas that didn't pan out, but that happens.

Rev Solomon is an interesting concept, I like. The interaction between he and Voss was an interesting read (and should have been kept up ;)). Besides, there aren't enough Jedi on the boards. ;)

Tannis was always a pilot who seemed more content with sticking his nose in a training manual than going out and getting drunk with 'The Boys'. It worked well and the tension was pretty good too.

Brand I never saw enough of to comment.

I don't really read the non-SW stuff (just don't have time) but I liked what you did with your SW characters. In the end, keeping them around is up to you.

Vega Van-Derveld
Aug 20th, 2008, 10:07:30 AM
Dragon, Taya and Saladin - you cannot let these guys go! They are such pillars of the X-Men community. I am especially growing fond of Saladin after his appearance in 'Time to Say Goodbye...' Dragon, as has been said, is the heart and soul of Cullen's, and Taya is just a really unique little slice of teen mutanthood. :)

Calleh is awesome too, and I think he is an integral part of the Myth storyline, so it would be a shame to see him vanish before the party has even began their epic quest!

Lilaena De'Ville
Aug 20th, 2008, 10:12:08 AM
I love your characters. Period. Well, I don't love them love them, but you know what I mean. I'm always sad when another attempt at getting Kale involved in SW RP falters and disappears.

I'll post more later, but I didn't want you to think that I was ignoring the thread. ;)

Estelle Russard
Aug 25th, 2008, 01:41:46 PM
Unfortunately, I pretty much only read the SW threads due to time, or not enough of it. So majority of your characters I dont know, and even then, I havent seen them in quite a while.

I do remember at one point being a part of a couple threads Kale was in and one in the Rebel forums with the Rogue boys where Brand made an appearance, but then they seemed to drizzle out to non-activity for one reason or another. A pity :(