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Dasquian Belargic
Aug 16th, 2008, 06:56:52 PM
Apparently it is the character evaluation time of year. So do me! >:


Salem Ave
Dasquian Belargic
Daria Nytherciria
Vega Van-Derveld
Sanya Tagge
Tristan Alastor
Barton Henning
...etc etc etc :p

Mutants Unite

Francoise Dupont

Ok that is all I can think of. Do others if you like. Go :mneh

Aug 16th, 2008, 07:10:18 PM
Well I'll start off with a omg we need to do more WoD rping! But you know that. I miss Gabriel and Sergei and the rest of the gang.

Salem Ave:
Salem is such a goooooood character. Except he's not good, he's bad. He's pretty much what I think a Sith should be - living in the open but hiding his true nature in the shadows. Now that he's added LD to his little group of apprentices, I'm looking forward to the changed dynamic between him and his womens.

His relationship with Razielle I must admit mystifies me a tad, although I cannot fault the skill in writing on either side of the equation. I do appreciate how obsessive they are over each other, and the relationship seems pretty destructive in the grand scheme, which is as it should be when it comes to darksiders. After all, it almost was the undoing of Salem's masterful plan to tie Onderon to Hapes!

I am looking forward to seeing some more of Salem's scheming, and getting LD mixed up in it all.

And I love love love Emperor Ave in the future thread we're doing. Its so much fun digging into a possible future for our characters, and finding out how they got there.

You play him as stern and in control so much of the time, its a real treat to see Salem when he's 'let his hair down' figuratively speaking. A peek into his dark soul, as it were. *shivers*

More to come..

Seamus Mullins
Aug 16th, 2008, 07:47:44 PM
(this is Charley, I am too lazy to log out)

I really enjoy Coyote, and I think that he's got a lot of potential that I would really like to see tapped. I hope that we get more chances to roleplay together.

Aurelias Kazaar
Aug 16th, 2008, 08:21:25 PM
To be honest, I wish you used Dasquian, Salem, Daria, and Vega a bit more. Those are the characters I really enjoy seeing you write. What you've got, so far, as Sanya Tagge I like too.

Loklorien s'Ilancy
Aug 16th, 2008, 09:26:15 PM
Vega Vega Vega!!

Oh how I love the way you've recreated him! Especially in the future thread. Every little tick you've put in him really goes a long way to making him seem like so much of a nutball psychopath, and if your posts in the future thread are any indication, it only gets worse with time.

He's perfectly arrogant and wonderfully imbalanced . Loves!

And on the other end of the spectrum, you've got Daria. It's always fun to read her reactions to Wyl :)

Sanis Prent
Aug 17th, 2008, 06:45:00 AM
I also want to add that we don't roleplay nearly as much as we used to. I really miss the sort of stuff we used to do.

Also I want to get back into Myth and to compel all players on pain of death.

Miranda Tarkin
Aug 17th, 2008, 12:38:16 PM
Where to begin -

Salem Ave - Master! I really enjoy the odd relationship that he and Adraudia have as I told you. They are unequal and equal at the same time in regards to her position as Royalty and as a student. They have a great respect for one another. I do love how you write him as Salem and as Callidus - there are subtle changes in how you write him to know what 'face' is shown ;)

Dasquian Belargic - The James Bond of Star Wars!! I really enjoy how Dasquain's experiences have not jaded him. He is still understanding, caring - but can be hard edge if needed. I really love Dasq and Grace quipping each other :lol It is really nice to see that he can be very optimistic as a realist.

Daria Nytherciria - I'm enjoying being part of the internal struggle she has with her emotions. Plus it was great watching her and Wyl grow together as Master and Padawan :D

Vega Van-Derveld - I haven't really done anything with Vega until now ;)

Sanya Tagge - I love this psycho. I look forward to watching more of it develop

Estelle Russard
Aug 17th, 2008, 06:47:26 PM
SALEM AVE: I like this character - he gives off a reserved, restrained type of darkness about him. To me he is understatement itself. And I LOVE the understated. It creeps up and when your'e not looking, it whams you upside the head (Or with Salem, it would be something alot more subtle, like a blade to the kidney I think).

DASQUIAN: Is my favorite of your characters. He is always just the right amount of gentle calm, yet capable strength. I like the interaction between you and Grace alot, your threads are always entertaining and smart. I also like Dasquians relationships with the other rebels (Kazaar and Estelle). He is a good "play-off or play-to" character.

VEGA: Is another of the preset characters I prefer over the newer version, but I see differences in him compared to the old version. Mainly, he seems older, more experienced. The pre-set Vega was youthful and exhibited alot of unpredictabilty and rashness that I found entertaining. The new Vega seems more calculated to me, which is good as well. Note to self: I should read more of his threads.

HENNING: He has quite an innocence to him, that is very sweet. I am looking forward to seeing Barton "loose" it in a real big way some time.

Dasquian Belargic
Aug 17th, 2008, 07:14:59 PM
Thanks for the suggestions and observations all. Much appreciated :)