View Full Version : The Hills of Abridon
Kyuss Lomax
Aug 14th, 2008, 01:48:37 PM
The grasslands of Abridon had been the sites of a battlefield in the Galactic Civil War just after the routing of the Rebellion on Hoth. A nationalist movement had splintered the planet's government, which had been a loyal member of the Empire since its establishment and further back to the days of the Republic. The populace was divided between the Rebellion's chaos and the order of the Galactic Empire.
Imperial forces arrived in system just after the Nationalists had claimed a hold of the planet with help from the Rebel Alliance. Prolonged battles within the cities by the Imperial response forces eventually depleted Alliance reserves, leaving the movement at a halt. However, it wasn't long before the Alliance returned in greater force with aid from Nationalist cells to claim the world for the Rebellion.
During the last battle overwhelming forces and treachery within the Imperial Army’s ranks had decimated Imperial defenders. With lines broken, and losses high, the Imperials ceded the world to the Alliance. Its resources supporting the Alliance fleet ever since.
Kyuss Lomax
Aug 14th, 2008, 07:59:15 PM
Many wondered if the Empire would ever return to Abridon over the course of the war as Alliance territory and influence continued to spread throughout the Galaxy, but as the war progressed system after system felt the grip of conflict place a chokehold on their livelihood. It became apparent that unless one side gained a solid advantage and overthrow the opposition the bloodshed would never cease on any world.
True to that thinking Abridon once again played host to the war between the Galactic Empire and the Rebel Alliance, only three years after it had been ceased by the Rebellion. A weeklong skirmish between both sides' fleets in the space above left wrecks and fighter debris to drift among the stars for eternity. On the final day Imperial forces emerged battered, yet victorious.
They now set their sights on the abandoned orbital facilities and damaged defense systems surrounding the helpless planet. Factories, storage depots, trade stations, and weapons platforms were being taken in waves of Imperial boarders ordered to secure the skies. Captured civilians and military personnel were rounded up, being placed under arrest by an authority that hadn't any jurisdiction over the realm hours before, and taken aboard dungeon ships for processing. Many of whom would never be heard of again.
Imperial order had reestablished it presence in the system, and would soon cleanse the taint of the Rebellion's chaos. The only resistance remained planet side. Now the Imperial Army would see its revenge against the Alliance forces below. The Star Destroyer Abolisher broke off from the assault fleet and entered orbit of Abridon, its hangar teeming with activity.
Kyuss Lomax
Aug 20th, 2008, 10:53:52 PM
Dawn's early morning sun stretched across the grassy hills. Frost, the harbinger of winter, melted away leaving the ground moist. As the light grew so to did a mist, it hung in the air just above the ground. Wisps of wind played through it making waves. The field was a vast ocean. Its tranquil calm would soon turn violent.
The skies above were as clear as could be. The prefect weather for those with wings to take flight, and they did. Summoned by this peace, machines of war took to the air. Squadrons of A-Wing fighters darted upward leaving their roosts to intercept the coming invaders.
The bulky AT-AT barges were the first to be seen coming from the heavens making their slow decent to the Whispering Fields. They were like a pod of whales, just waiting to have harpoons sunk in them. However, they were not at all defenseless against the incoming A-Wings. Flying amidst the dropships' ranks were the fighters of the Imperium, TIE Interceptors. They pulled sharp turns weaving between the transports, ever vigilant.
The first volley of blaster fire aimed at the landers drew the fighters into frenzy. The image resembled two clouds clashing in a great storm: one of Interceptors, the other of A-Wings. Pilots soon found their marks and entered into live or die dogfights. Despite this clash the dropships continued in a steady down pour onto the surface of the planet.
Kyuss Lomax
Aug 21st, 2008, 08:31:27 PM
Interceptors chased away the last of the A-Wings as the final shuttles hit the ground. This victory over the Alliance had removed their air superiority in the region, but Abridon was a world of starfighter production, and the latest off the lines would soon be put to use if the Imperial forces didn't act fast.
The majority of the landing force had survived the fight. Only two barges had been struck down, and a Sentinel had suffered engine damage that forced it to crash land in a farming village to the west. A team was just now gearing up to recover the survivors and secure the community. One of the better assault landings Kyuss Lomax has experienced in his time in service to the Empire.
Colonel Lomax watched his troops establish a base camp from the top hatch of his AT-ST walker. He'd arrived on the first barge headed down to the surface. An action that in enemy air space many officers thought to be suicidal. Kyuss had no fear of death, and as a leader made it his mission to be the first to set foot and reclaim the rebellious world.
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