View Full Version : New vessel design Ideas

Aug 10th, 2008, 11:47:06 AM
The old vessels used by the alliance work but to take the fight to the imperials we need new more modern designs.
We have a heave cruiser design "Requiem"
I would like ideas on a new Medium Cruiser, Light Cruiser, Escort Frigate, and gunship

Also ideas on fighters and bombers I was thinkning of going ahead and doing the E-wing and K-wings but since this is an alternate timeline we could do something differant if any good ideas surface.

All designs and ideas are welcome

Admiral Reshmar

Park Kraken
Aug 13th, 2008, 10:29:36 AM
I could whip out my alliance character and come up with a few designs. One idea I had in mind for a new gunship was basically a G2 Gunship for the CEC Gunship design, similar to how there is a C2 Corvette for the CEC Corvette.

The basic changes would be a similar size and all around shape, but instead of it being cylndrical, it would look more rectangular, with the additional space allowing for the installation of more powerful weapons, shields, and more crew space, and in addition the lengthening of the bow section by about 25 meters. The weapons outfit I had in mind would be 4xHeavy Turbolaser Cannons, 8xAG-2G Quad Laser Cannons, and 8xProton Torpedo Launchers, plus 1xLight Tractor Beam Projector and a docking collar to facilitate easier resupply methods.

Aug 13th, 2008, 06:03:30 PM
Keep in mind it would be built at Sullust. so boxy isn't a problem. They like Boxy ships. I would perfer a new design idea over a re-fit or overhaul of an old ship. Something original to Fans. A refit of DP20s could be done in addition to this design.

Nov 23rd, 2009, 09:27:45 PM
GR-90 Gallofree Corvette
"Modified GR-75 gallofree Medium Transport"

With the need for vessels to conduct the commerce raiding and escort duty for convoys as well as acting as spy vessels throughout the galaxy. The engineers of the 3rd fleet have taken a number of transports, and redesigned and modified them into "Q ships" for the Alliance navy. Heavy armore plating has been installed interior to the outer hull, and larger power capacitors have been installed to provide more power to the shield generators and weapons.

Equipped with 2 Heavy Ion Cannons the, one forward firing and one aft, The GR-90 first lets lose a salvo to disable small corvettes and gunships. and weaken the shielding of frigates and larger vessels. Then they use the ion cannons to continue the disabling bombardment while the twin turbolaser turrets work on weapons mounts and engines.

Equipped with 6 quad laser turrets the GR-90 can act in a anti-fighter role when needed.

As a convoy escort they are meant to shock the attackers and slow or disable them while the convoy transports escape.

The 6 A-wings fit snug in small hidden compartments on the bottom of the vessel. These pods look much like normal freight pods which are carried in the belly of the vessel. They act as anti-fighter interdiction craft and aid the corvette in swift assaults on imperial shipping by acting as both scout and interceptor.

Length - 92 Meters
Crew - 42
Passengers - 40 NAVsec marines
Armor - 300 RU
Shielding - 320 SBD
Speed - 32 Cruising, 42 MGLT in short bursts
Atmospheric Speed - 950 Kph
FTL - X.75 Hyperdrive
On-board - 6 A-wing fighters on hidden external mounts
Weapons - 4 Twin Turbolaser Turrets, 1 Forward Axial Heavy Ion Cannons, 1 Rear Axial Heavy Ion Cannons, 6 Quad Laser Turrets

Nov 23rd, 2009, 09:42:41 PM
Interceptor VI Frigate
"Modified Action VI Freighter"

Originally modified and used by pirate organizations the Interceptor frigate has seen wide use in out rim battles both for the Alliance and against it in the battles fought with various pirate and underworld powers.

Massive armor plates have been added as well as shielding to make the Interceptor a tough and often underestimated opponent.

The main use of these vessels is as convoy escort Q-ship operations. They have no anti-fighter capabilities which can leave them weak if not escorted by long range fighter or armored freighter escorts.

Length - 150 Meters
Crew - 225
Passengers - 80 NAVsec marines
Armor - 1,240 RU
Shielding - 1,890 SBD
Speed - 40 MGLT
Atmospheric Speed - 880 Kph
FTL - X1 Hyperdrive
Weapons - 6 Turbolaser Batteries, 3 Photon Torpedo Batteries (200 Torpedoes)

Nov 23rd, 2009, 10:16:20 PM
MC-80m "Mobile"

As the war with the Empire drags along more and more Large Calamari Vessels are lost in engagements with Imperial forces. The Large calamari cruiser can no longer stand toe to toe with the newer more powerful Imperial star destroyers. New designs are slow to evolve and the construction of new heavy line vessels has proven useless at this time due to threat of invasion and sabotage efforts by Imperial spys. Thus older class vessels must be modified and prepared to wage war.

At secret mobile space yards large Calamari exploration vessels and Liners are being equipped to battle the Empire as carriers, cruisers, and for commerce raiders

The few MC-80m's that the Alliance possessed operated nearly autonomously – they were relayed a series of possible second-rate objectives, and ordered to "make do and make waste" of Imperial resources. The Mobile Cruiser will generally work alone or with a small corvette or gunship escort.

The MC-80m is a highly mobile and fast Cruiser. lightly armored and armed the MC-80m Depends on the calamari redundant Shielding and engineering the MC-80m to defend it from attack. Calamari Engineers have work and developed an Tightly wound Hyperdrive motivator specifically for the MC-80m. It and jump in and out of battles in seconds. It generally jumps in and uses its fighter complement to engage targets then jumps out.

Length - 850 Meters
Crew - 1,450
Passengers - 300 NAVsec marines
Armor - 940 RU
Shielding - 4,290 SBD
Speed - 46 MGLT
FTL - X1 Hyperdrive
Onboard - 72 Fighters, 6 Assault Shuttles
Weapons - 24 Turbolaser Batteries, 10 Ion Cannon Batteries, 12 Laser Cannon Batteries

Nov 23rd, 2009, 10:39:50 PM
C70 Charger Frigate
"Modified Consular Class Cruisers"

Many of these old republic vessels have found their way into the Interdiction and commerce raiding fleets of the Alliance. They are cheep, easy to maintain, abundant, and need very little crew to operate.

Alliance Engineers have updated some of the systems of these aging vessels but much remains the same as the clone wars versions. only the addition of heav missiles and faster hyperdrive have been added to keep these craft cheep and easy to maintain and crew.

Length - 115 Meters
Crew - 8
Passengers - 20 NAVsec marines
Armor - 350 RU
Shielding - 400 SBD
Speed - 40 MGLT
FTL - X1 Hyperdrive
Weapons - 5 Twin Light Turbolaser Turrets, 1 Twin Double Laser Cannon Turret, 2 Heavy Concussion Missile Launchers (36 Missiles Each)

Nov 23rd, 2009, 11:27:09 PM
Courageous, Triumphant, Formidable
"Modified LH-3210 Lucrehulk Freighter."

As the bulk of the 3rd fleet has been split between the 32nd Interdiction Task Group, 44th Commerce Raiding Task Force, and the 3rd Command Battlegroup A small group of vessels remain unattached and are classified as Special Operations Units. These few ships will act as the workhorse of the new special operations Fleet.

Many of these ships will work alone and in secret through out the galaxy. The command of this group has been given to General Forlon. He and his force will wage war on the Empire without support or communication with the main fleet. This works to keep the ships secret and to keep imperial informants from reporting on the fleets operations and location.

Working alone means these fleets will have to be self sufficient and therefore must resupply and rearm themselves by attacking Imperial supply lines.

The command ship of the Special Operations fleet will be the Courageous.
Her and her three sister vessels will operate as both command vessel and mobile star basses and repair vessels for the lone warriors scattered through out the galaxy.

"Modified Lucrehulk Battleship"

With the acquisition of these three aging Trade Federation vessels A bold new plan was created by Admiral Reshmar and General Forlon to conduct a gorilla warfare Campaign against the empire and its shipping and trade lines.

These three ships work as anchors for the Commerce raiding and special operations fleets operating through out the galaxy. They act as carrier, Command ship, Star base, and assault ship all in one.

Length - 3,170 Meters
Crew - 12,450
Passengers - 30,000 NAVsec marines, 60,000 civilian and political
Armor - 9240 RU
Shielding - 14,290 SBD
Speed - 26 MGLT
Atmpspheric Speed - 500 Kph "Core only"
FTL - X2 Hyperdrive
Onboard - 480 Fighters, 72 Assault Shuttles, 24 Armored Freighters
Weapons - 51 Turbolaser Batteries, 520 Assault Laser Cannons, 185 Quad Laser Cannons,

Shadow Storm
Nov 24th, 2009, 01:12:17 PM
I'm not going to switch accounts to post this one, but I have a new light cruiser design. Basically it's the rear half of a Quasar Fire class starfighter carrier married to a scaled down MC-80a Cruiser. Here are the statistics for it:

Name: MC-30 Light Cruiser
Faction: Rebellion
Length: 385 meters

10 Heavy Turbolaser Batteries
10 Medium Laser Cannons
4 Ion Cannons
8 Tractor Beam Projectors

Shield: 2,000 SBD
Hull: 675 RU

Hyperdrive: 1.5 Past Lightspeed
Sublight: 25 MGLT

6xSquadrons (72) of Starfighters
4 Shuttles

Plus a somewhat quickly slapped together picture showing what it (sort of) looks like:

Nov 28th, 2009, 12:40:09 PM
NIce design just one issue... There is already a MC30. They mad a MC30c for Empire are war FOC. They first came up with the MC30 for ROTJ but the design never made it into the film. There is also an MC30a version which has Turbolasers and lasers. The MC80c 'c for concussion missiles' was more of a support firgate while the MC30 was a patrol /escort firgate. How about an MC35 or a carrier version of the MC30. Like a MC30a 'a for assault'

Also thats alot of fighters for a ship this size not dedicated as a carrier. I like the carrier idea. it fits in with what I will be doing in the upcoming storys im planning. and the pic looks MC30ish. A MC30a Assault carrier would fit your design perfectly. or an mc35 assault carrier.

The original MC30 specs

MC30 Frigate
Length 400m
Speed 38 MGLT
Acceleratrion 8 MGLT/s
Maneuverability 5 DPF
Hyperdrive CLass 1.0
Hull 528 RU
Shielding 1120 SBD
Weapons 8 Turbolaser Batteries, 16 Laser cannons

MC30c Missile Frigate
Length 400m
Speed 38 MGLT
Acceleratrion 8 MGLT/s
Maneuverability 5 DPF
Hyperdrive CLass 1.0
Hull 528 RU
Shielding 1120 SBD
Weapons 2 Turbolaser Batteries, 12 Heavy Concussion Missile Launchers (360 Missiles)
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Shadow Storm
Nov 28th, 2009, 08:06:26 PM
There is already a MC30.

Well then I could call it a MC-25, MC-35, or something, etc.

Also thats alot of fighters for a ship this size not dedicated as a carrier.

Well a Quasar Fire class Bulk Carrier carries six squadrons of starfighters and has four heavy turbolaser cannons for main armament. I cut off the hangar bay and propulsion, which is the rear half of the ship, and fused it into the underside of a scaled down Mon Calamari cruiser.

What doing that does is adding a lot more space, in addition to adding height and weight to the overall size of the ship, which will allow the installation of more weaponry, and provisions and spare parts for the starfighters. It also allows the installation of stronger shields too.

Nov 28th, 2009, 11:53:11 PM
Its cool... I didn't mean it was wrong or bad just I did not see the calamari using Heavy Tlasers. They like to use lighter tlasers for the better rate of fire. I think A MC35 would be good. I want to bring in the mc45 later on but I dont have a use for it just yet. And if the Imps finally get off their stools and invade the dac system I figure we wont get many new cal designs till its liberated

Most everything I will be using will be old and modified.

I have even thought of using some droids from old CIS ships. The rebs used alot of B2s I know. should be tins of old battle droids out there for sell cheep.

Shadow Storm
Nov 30th, 2009, 02:18:34 PM
A real coup is if you could find a droid factory to manufacture your own droid starfighters. Perhaps a thread could be devoted to just that, scouting an old clone wars planet to look for sites for a forward outpost or secret base, and find an old factory shut down thats filled with droid starfighter manufacturing equipment, probably for Vultures.

But back to the ship, I suppose a more ideal armament might be sixteen medium turbolaser batteries and six ion cannons. That and the ships would give the "medium assault carrier" or MC-35 some decent firepower.

Nov 30th, 2009, 07:26:33 PM
which ever is fine on the armament. One or two of them is about all that we can really will have. We are really low on ships and people at this stage in the war.

I was thinking for the droids... Maybe a few of the higher ups in the commerce Guild on Muulinst have been rubbed the wrong way by the imperials what with the mass amount of business they are doing with the CSA and they may have issues with the change in power. They might just have the location of a secret droid factory slip into the hands of the alliance intel people. just an idea

Shadow Storm
Dec 2nd, 2009, 05:07:20 PM
Ok, here is a cheap, down and dirty, easy to mass produce design that the SoroSuub engineers will love working on.

Name: Emden class Commerce Raiding Frigate
Designation: E-CRF
Length: 150 meters

10 Medium Ion Cannons
6 AG-2Q Quad Laser Cannons
2 General Purpose Warhead Launchers (6 missiles each)
2 Tractor Beam Projectors

Hangar Capacity:
4 Starfighters
2 Shuttles

Troop Capacity:
1 Platoon of 40 Naval Soldiers

Cargo Capacity:
1,000 metric tonnes


2.0 Past Lightspeed

Shield: 500 SBD
Hull: 100 RU

Crew: 60

Description: The Emden class is designed as a cheaply, mass manufactured type of vessel that could serve a variety of roles, but chief amongst them is as a commerce raiding, disabling and either capturing an enemy freighter and it's contents, or stealing it's cargo. The Emden is also designed for atmospheric entry and operations, so it can raid storehouses too. The cargo space can also allow it to be used as a armed freighter, a troop transport, or even as a convoy escort or patrol ship.

Dec 6th, 2009, 12:30:20 PM
With the shortage of vessels and ship yards we must turn to older designs to aid us in our war against the Empire. We have come into possession of 6 Dreadnaught Heavy Cruiser and 10 Carrack Light Cruisers. The source of these vessels wishes to remain unknown therefore any information about these vessels or their origins it classified to Delta Omega Clearance.

These vessels have been dispatched to A secret Suro-sub Ship wright and will be modified and upgraded. The main upgrades will be to operation systems which will decreasing the crew compliment. Added armor and shielding will bring these vessels to modern warship standards. Armament has been augmented and modified to help these ships fill a multi-role position with-in the fleet.

Modified Dreadnaught Heavy Cruiser
Lenth - 600 Meters
Designation - CAH

1,560 RU Hull plating
2,180 SBD Shielding

10 Heavy Turbolaser Cannon Batteries
20 Light Turbolaser Cannon Batteries
10 Ion Cannon Batteries
10 Quad Laser Batteries

Crew - 1,860
Troops - 600 NavSec Marines
Passengers - 100
Vehicles - 2 T4b Heavy Tanks, 2 MPTL Mobile Artillery, 6 T1a Hovervtanks, 6 V-wing Air Speeders
Fighter Craft - 12 X-wing Fighters, 6 Delta Assault Shuttles
Cargo - 10,000 Tons

4 MGLT/s
Class X1.0 Hyperdrive

Modified Carrack Light Cruiser
Length - 350 meters
Designation - CAL

620 RU Hull plating
980 SBD Shielding

20 Light Turbolaser Cannon Batteries
6 Ion Cannon Batteries
12 Quad Laser Batteries

Crew - 260
Troops - 80 NavSec Marines
Passengers - 40
Vehicles - None
Fighter Craft - 6 A-wing on External Mounts
Cargo - 2,000 Tons

6 MGLT/s
Class X1.0 Hyperdrive

Shadow Storm
Dec 6th, 2009, 04:03:12 PM
The dreadnought design looks good to me, but I suggest something a little different for the Carracks.

Before they carried ten heavy and twenty light weapons emplacements. I suggest re-arming them with Ten medium turbolaser cannons, keep ten of the ion cannons, and replace the other ten with eight quad laser cannons and two general purpose warhead launchers with a magazine of ten warheads each. This will give the Carrack a good blend of firepower to deal with any kind of threat, also, since they carried TIE Scouts before, I recommend replacing them with either Longprobe Y-wings or regular Y-wings, perhaps a blend of a single flight of 4 Y-wings, plus 2 Longprobe models for scouting purposes.

With those changes, the cruisers would be excellently configured for raiding convoys, along with one or two modified freighters to haul away the booty gained.

Shadow Storm
Dec 19th, 2009, 01:51:54 PM
Name: Gallofree Pocket Assault Carrier
Designation: GPC
Length: 90 meters
Speed: 20 MGLT
Hyperdrive: 1.5 Past Lightspeed
Shield: 250 SBD
Hull: 175 RU
2 Turbolaser Cannons
3 Ion Cannons
1 Tractor Beam Projector
Hangar Capacity:
18 (1.5 Squadrons) of Starfighters
4 Shuttles
Troop Capacity:
1 Platoon (40) naval troops


A modified baseline GR-75 Medium Transport. The hold has been hollowed out and replaced by a starfighter bay that holds eighteen starfighters and four shuttles. Some minimal armament has been added as well. All other stats have been copied from wookiepedia for "as is", or unchanged rather. Ship can serve either as an escort or a commerce raider.