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View Full Version : Bored X-Men people want something to do?

Jul 23rd, 2008, 07:19:56 PM
If you're like me, you have a number of slow threads hijacked by life. And while you're waiting for life to give you back your RPing community, there's not much else to do but stare at the screen, sigh, cross yourself and pray that tomorrow something might happen with that character you spent all that time creating so you could make him or her do incredibly awesome things.

Therefore, I was wondering if anyone who just sits and diddles around on the board would like to do something kind of throw-away while the world continues to spin around something besides the internet.

It could be anything. It could be a future-setting thread. We could write as though our characters were not but wee tots overcoming villainy and poopy diapers. Or we could have them all sit around at a Starbucks with a cup of coffee swapping whopping stories about acts of heroism (or villainy) they may or may not have committed.

Or we could enjoy a nice Charlie Foxtrot and beat the crap out of each other until page umpteen and we all get bored.

Thoughts? Opinions? Suggestions?

Banner Laverick
Jul 24th, 2008, 09:22:31 PM
I keep thinking we need a Halloween thread. Or a Prom/End of year party thing at Cullens.