View Full Version : NCLEX-RN results

Miranda Tarkin
Jul 16th, 2008, 05:18:17 PM
I need to change my name to Miranda Tarkin, R.N :D :dance :crack :rollin :eee

Or for those that know me Dani, R.N. ;)

OMG!!! This test was not only brutal, but I had to jump through so many damn hoops to actually take the test and get my results today!!!

Ok, you know how companies aren't liable if their systems go down? Do any of us take it that seriously? Well, I should have ... Instead of making sure I got there on time, I should have prayed that their frelling systems were up!!! >_<

I had my exam on Monday and I was mentally prepared to take it right then and there. I got there an hour early and called my family to help calm me down. I listened to some music in the car to relax me. Finally about 45 minutes before the test, I went up to the center. Everything should have been fine at that point? Noooo ... The problem was that everything was down at the testing center, ugh. I had to wait nervously for an hour, praying that they would get the identification systems back up! I even talked to a girl who had failed the test the first time and told me how hard it was. Needless to say, panic mode was kicking in big time. Eventually they were able to bypass the system but then they lost the registration information for the group I was in! The proctor finally found the information after about ten minutes of searching. Whew...

So at 12:30pm, I should have started at 11:30 am, I finally got my butt in the seat to take the test since the fingerprint biometric worked. So for the next 2 1/2 hours, I took the test. When the computer stopped at 75 I was relieved, but also wondering if I did badly. For this kind of test, it can only end one of two ways at 75. Really good, or really bad.

See the NCLEX-RN is designed to break you and think you are dumb. It assesses your ability by if you get a question right or wrong. If you get it right, harder questions. If you get it wrong, easier one. I got these lovely, please select all that apply! :verymad Or which of these people would you see first. It boiled down to this, who is going to die first even though all these patients are messed up and going to die :uhoh I also had the hardest calculation problems that a nurse could get. I felt abused when I left the center.

So for the next two days, friends and family helped to distract me. I went the movies, cleaned around the house, went for a walk ... fun stuff. Finally today I got my results, which was another nerve wracking experience. I swear I am cursed!!! I got a phone call from the company and I called them back. First thing out of my mouth was, please tell me you didn't loose my test!!! Thankfully no. They lost all my personal information though and couldn't release the quick results without it! So I had to drive back to the testing center, get IDed again, and race back home to get my results.

On the drive home I told myself, someone is playing a cruel joke if I don't pass after all the insanity I went through to take the test and get my results.

The lady on the phone, as promised, had my results released and I found out I passed.

Nice experience eh? At least it was very much worth it in the end and I can laugh about it now! :D

Kelly Perris
Jul 16th, 2008, 05:31:37 PM
Yay! All the torture was worth it in the end!


Jacinda Blake
Jul 16th, 2008, 05:34:57 PM
:glomp Woooooooohooooo!

Of course you did it. Told you so! :lol

Awesome news, babe!

:eee:eee:eee:eee Celebrate! :D

Banner Laverick
Jul 16th, 2008, 05:44:32 PM
Congrats, that is very awesome :)

Jul 16th, 2008, 05:56:17 PM
See the NCLEX-RN is designed to break you and think you are dumb. It assesses your ability by if you get a question right or wrong. If you get it right, harder questions. If you get it wrong, easier one. I got these lovely, please select all that apply! :verymad Or which of these people would you see first. It boiled down to this, who is going to die first even though all these patients are messed up and going to die :uhoh I also had the hardest calculation problems that a nurse could get. I felt abused when I left the center.

That is the strangest aspect of the NCLEX test...you are set up to walk out feeling like you've flunked, because it's just not scored in the traditional way. It's terrible! :shakefist

Many, many congratulations on passing, great job! :dance

Aurelias Kazaar
Jul 16th, 2008, 07:10:18 PM
:) Nice work :)

Jul 16th, 2008, 09:29:29 PM
I have a headache, stubbed my toe and have a small splinter in one of my fingers....is there a NURSE in the house?!?

Congrats!!! :crack

Lilaena De'Ville
Jul 16th, 2008, 09:48:20 PM
Congratulations!!! :eee :glomp

So happy for you! :D

Liam Jinn
Jul 16th, 2008, 09:49:19 PM
Good news! Congrats :)

Sanis Prent
Jul 17th, 2008, 06:38:35 AM
Mega congratulations. My sister hated this test so much, so I got a small taste of what it involved. Well done :)

Dasquian Belargic
Jul 17th, 2008, 09:28:51 AM
Oh Nurse... I'd like a sponge-bath, please :mischief

Miranda Tarkin
Jul 17th, 2008, 04:16:24 PM
Thank you everyone! :eee I start my new job as an Oncology Nurse August 11th! weee!!!

That is the strangest aspect of the NCLEX test...you are set up to walk out feeling like you've flunked, because it's just not scored in the traditional way. It's terrible! :shakefist

Many, many congratulations on passing, great job! :dance

Thank you!!! :D It would be nice if they would set a 75-80% passing grade so we don't have to have our heart wrenched when we take the darn thing! :shakefist passing standard makes it that much harder, but I can understand the need to have nurses that know their stuff. But come on!!!!

I know you and Sanis' sister understand! Tho Sanis understands the insanity we go through to study and wait for the results! :lol

Oh Nurse... I'd like a sponge-bath, please :mischief

Well, I would normally delegate that out to the Nursing Assistant, but maybe I can make an exception :mneh

Morgan Evanar
Jul 17th, 2008, 04:40:34 PM

Wyl Staedtler
Jul 17th, 2008, 05:02:01 PM

Eeeek, just saw this! Way to go honey bunny! :glomp

Pierce Tondry
Jul 18th, 2008, 03:35:10 PM

I've got a friend whose mom was an RN before she came down with Crohn's and had to stop working. I've heard horror stories about that test.

*(the abbreviated form of Dani, R.N. :))

Quenn Yeartel
Jul 20th, 2008, 02:12:25 PM
YAY DANI! Told you you'd pass :)


:hug :hug

Jul 28th, 2008, 01:25:08 AM
Seeee?! Seeeeee?! We told you so, but nooo you wouldn't listen, Mrs Smarty Von Smartypants.

Leave the worrying to us fruity, neurotic, artsy professional worriers.

Nurses often don't get the credit they deserve, but because of the way they interface with the public, they often wind up having to be the heart of the hospital and giving a great deal of moral support to patients, along with their everyday medical supervision. It takes a strong person to do that everyday.

Their can be a lot of personal heartache when things seem to be out of control, destined for disaster, but when things go from seemingly hopeless to encouraging, to miraculously well, the rewards are well worth the price of admission.

I still remember my foster mother coming home, spent after a long shift. She was an emergency nurse. I could always tell how her day went by just reading her body language. Such a strong woman. I don't think I could ever do what she did.

Ilias Nytrau
Jul 29th, 2008, 09:53:11 PM
My sister is studying to be a nurse. I'm going to study to be a chef. When it comes down to it, we're all just crazy, aren't we?

Again, congratulations, woman! ;)