View Full Version : So, I'll be invisible-ish..

Kelly Perris
Jul 6th, 2008, 08:05:55 PM
From tomorrow, and I guess most of this coming week, I'll be not around. Long story, but I promise I'm not vanishing off the face of the earth for the next six months. This affects the following characters, whom are currently the ones who are most active out of my six or so:

Kelly Perris
Phoenix Whyte
Anita Florence

Others, not so affected, because things are quiet for other reasons at the moment:

Ilias Nytrau
Keiran St. Maurelle
Selinica Miriya

So, yes...essentially, I'll be away. I'll see y'all when I get back.


P.S. - I will, however, be checking my Facebook on and off from my BlackBerry. For those of you that have the capability, feel free to poke/message/harrass me. I won't mind the attention at all. ;)

Aurelias Kazaar
Jul 6th, 2008, 08:24:15 PM
Be safe! Don't burn anything down. :)

Razielle Alastor
Jul 6th, 2008, 09:44:10 PM
:o oh my.....

:hug I'll be thinking of you, hun! <3

Miranda Tarkin
Jul 6th, 2008, 09:47:26 PM
Yes no burning of stuff :) Be safe!

Captain Untouchable
Jul 7th, 2008, 05:59:47 AM
No burning stuff, unless you're sure that you aren't gonna get caught. No use stealing all your fun for the week... ;)

Take care: I'll try not to have Leela beat up on Kelly too much while you're gone... :lol

Wyl Staedtler
Jul 8th, 2008, 03:10:10 PM
Be careful, my other me. Hit me up on our psychic link if trouble rolls in. :hug

Razielle Alastor
Jul 8th, 2008, 08:58:40 PM
I demand to know how you are doing! :o

Dasquian Belargic
Jul 8th, 2008, 09:10:09 PM
Where is you?!

Kelly Perris
Jul 10th, 2008, 04:31:05 PM
Well, I'm back. I could have had my mother bring me her laptop...but I decided that I spend enough time around computers and such when I'm at home. I figured I'd survive without for a few days. :lol

Really, I'm doing well. I'm back home. Back here, just a little sore. Didn't mean to worry y'all so much, if anyone was worried. ^_^