View Full Version : George Carlin is dead

Aurelias Kazaar
Jun 22nd, 2008, 11:15:34 PM

Comedian George Carlin dies in Los Angeles at 71

<!-- END HEADLINE --> <!-- BEGIN STORY BODY --> 20 minutes ago

Comedian George Carlin, a counter-culture hero famed for his routines about drugs and dirty words, died of heart failure at a Los Angeles-area hospital on Sunday, a spokesman said. He was 71.
Carlin, who had a history of heart problems, died at St. John's Health Center in Santa Monica about 6 p.m. PDT (9 p.m. EDT) after being admitted earlier in the afternoon for chest pains, spokesman Jeff Abraham told Reuters.
Known for his edgy, provocative material, Carlin achieved status as an anti-Establishment icon in the 1970s with stand-up bits full of drug references and a routine about seven dirty words you could not say on television. A regulatory battle over a radio broadcast of his "Filthy Words" routine ultimately reached the U.S. Supreme Court.

Banner Laverick
Jun 22nd, 2008, 11:18:47 PM
WHAT?! :(

Why are people dropping like flies?!

Jedi Master Carr
Jun 22nd, 2008, 11:45:26 PM
wow that is very sad he was a very funny man.

Liam Jinn
Jun 23rd, 2008, 12:18:06 AM
I can't believe this. I mean there's some people you just don't see dying, and he was one of them. :(

RIP George Carlin

Jun 23rd, 2008, 12:45:00 AM
I was just checking my yahoo mail and seen this :(

Ryan Pode
Jun 23rd, 2008, 06:04:49 AM

Funniest man ever. Gone. :cry

Jun 23rd, 2008, 06:41:59 AM
WHAT?! :(

Why are people dropping like flies?!

That was my first thought too. We have lost some major talents in many fields recently, people who in a lot of ways are almost irreplaceable. It's making me heartsick.

A comedy genius has been silenced at way too young an age. It just isn't fair.


Travis North
Jun 23rd, 2008, 08:22:10 AM
RIP Mr. Conductor.

Darth McBain
Jun 23rd, 2008, 08:56:32 AM
That is just a darn shame. He was one of my favorite comedians. He will be sorely missed...

Razielle Alastor
Jun 23rd, 2008, 09:23:59 AM
RIP Mr. Conductor.


so sad...

Jun 23rd, 2008, 07:01:42 PM
When I was a kid I'd sneak down to the TV to watch his HBO specials and pray my parents wouldn't catch me doing it. He was one of my favorite comedians and his material has seemingly always been part of my life. As coincidence would have it I just watched his FIRST HBO special on DVD on Saturday night. A few weeks ago I put all of his released HBO specials on my Netflix queue and that first special arrived last Friday.

He was 71 and still kicking butt. He just finished his 14th special a few weeks ago. I don't have HBO anymore but I'll see it eventually. I'll bump his specials on my queue and take a trip down memory lane these next few weeks. Thanks for the laughs and the memories George.

Jun 24th, 2008, 07:31:35 PM
I always thought that old cook would outlive me, and he's got 41 years on me. I was very sad to learn of his passing.

Damien E. Dervish
Jul 2nd, 2008, 09:07:44 AM
Yep, that is uber-sad.

WAIT! Mr. Conductor?! From that PBS show!? You're KIDDING ME!!! I had no clue.

And the reason people in major fields are dropping like flies is because, let's face it, people get old and they die. At a local rock station, they allowed people to call and be as vulgar as they wanted to. Sure, they still edited it, but the fact that they did it and aired it, instead of simply dead-timing it and leaving the "offensive" piece off the air, would probably make Carlin at least half-smile. Then again, maybe not.....