View Full Version : Ha! Triumph! I'm going back to school!

Nya Halcyon
Jun 20th, 2008, 06:20:40 AM
I've recently had some major issues with the German work exchange. Since last week I'm unemployed again, and I had to go claim unemployment benefits at the work exchange. Then I had to have a talk with some fool of a woman who needed 45 minutes to enter 5 lines of data into her computer, and tell me that I could forget about ever using my Marketing "degree" (it's more of a national cert than a degree really, because I didn't have the finances to go finish my B.A. in the UK and ended it after getting my associate's degree) while trying to get a job because it was worthless.

Tell me something new..... after 5 years of applying to jobs in Marketing (well, sometimes at least, because Marketing's about the last thing I want to do) I know quite well that no one would even humor me with an interview. It's not like I even wanted to study Marketing - I just had no other choice left after they cancelled media sciences...

Anyway, so I sat there two weeks ago, wondering what on earth I could apply for that would be worth it. I mean, I have next to no certifications for anything even though I've done a ton of things. I couldn't get work as a translator because I don't have a certificate as a translator, and I can't simply sit the exam and get the certificate because I would have to do the 3-year course first, which of course is horrifically expensive. What's even worse: I am bilingual, my english is probably better than my German, and I don't even sound German - but unless I can claim dual citizenship, I don't qualify for any of the rule exemptions to that exam. BUT at the same time anyone with as little as 4 years of school English can do the course, which is extremely basic. You don't even need to be able to actually SPEAK English properly. How is that fair???

But anyway, I digress - the upshot of this was that I sat down and decided that I wanted to go get some kind of qualification in something. And it didn't take me long to find something suitable: There's a school system over here called Waldorf (it exists in the US, too) and my daughter's going to go to one of those schools. They focus on "artsy" talents and such.... so they're offering a cert course to become an English teacher. It only takes a year and it's not hideously expensive, and the academy is closeby. Almost perfect!

But in order to go back to school I must have the finances: gotta live on something other than air - especially with a child. So there's this program here that those who don't have a proper degree can apply to state funding which means the work exchange pays unemployment benefit for the entire length of the course, and covers travel costs, child care costs, and the course fees.

Unfortunately the lady who I spoke to about this decided to go back on their own previous statement and told me that my Marketing degree was sufficient for me to get a job and there was absolutely no need for me to get another qualification.

So you can imagine what venom I've been spitting in their direction lately. As a result I ended up getting a special hearing this morning, and someone must have been on my side because they did after all decide that my Marketing degree was useless and that I needed to get this qualification.


Now I gotta apply to the course and hope I'll get in. Which is the easier part of it all. But I could do with a few crossed fingers ;)

Dasquian Belargic
Jun 20th, 2008, 07:27:17 AM
Sounds like a pretty sweet deal. Good luck to you! :)

I am in kind of the same situation now, pondering waht to do with my useless degree in Literature. :lol

Nya Halcyon
Jun 20th, 2008, 08:22:58 AM
Well.... it's nice for them to pay for it so at least I have something to cover the rent, utilities and Nya's afternoon childcare program (since school here is only during the morning). Unfortunately that still leaves me short of about 500 bucks to cover all other bills and groceries. It's a huge change to suddenly go from 2000 to 700 a month.....

Which means I'm going to be looking for some kind of a part time job that I can do from home... ack!

Lilaena De'Ville
Jun 20th, 2008, 08:00:53 PM
That's great news! I'm glad you got those people seeing things your way so they'd let you into the program. :D

Quenn Yeartel
Jul 15th, 2008, 11:30:54 AM
Well, today I got the acceptance letter from the school, so I'm definitely going to do this starting September 7th.

It's going to be interesting... last saturday I went to the "Application day" which had us all do one hour of eurythmy (don't ask... just google it), followed by an hour of Speech Formation (walking around learning how to 'find our voice' by repeating various letter combinations and then reciting haikus), then we had to write a 500-word essay on education principles based on a statement by Saint-Exupery. Then I had two talks with teachers there who both said that they wondered if I could keep up with what was essentially a post-grad course in antroposophy as well as the English part. Oh well... since I got accepted I guess they thought I would manage.

It's not that I didn't know what oddities would await me.... I'm quite looking forward to it, really. But now I have to figure out where to get eurythmy shoes.... might as well get my daughter's, too, since she'll need them for her school.

Oh and in October I'll be making a harp, apparently. It's a mandatory music instrument for the 1st graders in Nya's school and the parents are expected to make the harps themselves O_o

Dasquian Belargic
Jul 15th, 2008, 01:22:40 PM
Making a harp? *mind boggles*

Congratulations on being accepted :D

Quenn Yeartel
Jul 15th, 2008, 01:51:32 PM
Yeah.... but nothing huge. Rather like this (http://cgi.ebay.de/Kinderharfe-pentatonisch-Harfe-Leier-Waldorf-Septinchen_W0QQitemZ170239363308QQihZ007QQcategory Z7798QQssPageNameZWDVWQQrdZ1QQcmdZViewItem).

Miranda Tarkin
Jul 15th, 2008, 01:54:32 PM
You certainly have your plate full :) So glad you got into the program!

Quenn Yeartel
Jul 15th, 2008, 02:30:01 PM
Ehhh yeah..... Sending a kid to school is no mean feat in this school system, either.... I have to sew her a bag for eurythmy, a bag for needlework, a pouch for her flute and a pouch for her harp, and make some kind of felted container for her crayons and pens.... I'm hoping my year at school won't have me needing to do more stuff like that.

Although I read the school rules earlier today and apparently all students are supposed to help out with gardening and yard work.... and on weekends there are seminars (aka someone holds a long speech about the teaching system).

I hope Nya's going to be busy with her school, because mommy certainly will be...... O_o

Loklorien s'Ilancy
Jul 15th, 2008, 03:04:55 PM
A lot of stuff to do to be sure, but it does sound like bunches of fun regardless :)

Quenn Yeartel
Jul 15th, 2008, 07:38:51 PM
Yeah and it probably would be if I could sew..... :p

On another note: I'll be gone for four days... visiting the sea gulls at the north sea. Back on sunday.

Oh and I just finished the annoying children's fairy tales book translation that my mom somehow got me involved with. Now it better pay me lots of money.... slugging through all those dumb poems that needed to be translated in ways that still rhymed and made sense.... NEVER AGAIN....