View Full Version : Out of Nowhere
James Prent
Jun 19th, 2008, 08:07:20 PM
For months now James had been living a quiet existence on Cloud City. She had heard nothing from her half-brother or the crew of his ship in all that time, and still had no idea how to reach them.
They switched comm frequencies all the time, due to their job, so it wasn't unusual that she hadn't been able to get in touch with them. It was a matter of leaving word with the correct disreputable smuggler or pilot, and letting it trickle over to Sanis. She hadn't figured out who to ask just yet, but she was working on it.
She grown comfortable where she was, however, and had just recently begun renting a studio apartment with a sliver of a view. The tiny balcony was afforded a glimpse beyond a neighboring spire, and James often spent time outside watching the clouds as she meditated.
Right now, however, she was shopping, inserting her slim body between patrons of a busy 'open air' bazaar in the lower levels of the City. Occupying a space in the bulk of Cloud City that had forty foot ceilings, the market was a menagerie of booths and colorful overhangs, the stalls literally built on top of each other and climbing up the walls. Ladders and accidents were common.
James picked up a bottle of moon nectar wine from Ryloth and turned it over in her hands as she began to haggle with the Twi'leki female that owned the booth.
Zereth Lancer
Jun 26th, 2008, 02:57:30 AM
His life was sinking deeper and deeper into the pits as time went on. His brothers, the sith of Korriban, has been routed and scattered, their fates unknown to him. He had left them, given them shelter and then left them be. They had become tame, incapable of retaking their home from the Dark Woman and her assassins. Rather then succumb into depression and self-pity, he moved on, abandoning their new home on Corellia and traveling the galaxy. After that he had wandered, found Ashe and spent a few happy days once the business was Zanon was handled. And then he became restless. He had a chance at a happy, comfortable life with Ashe, but he just could not stay. Darth Lucid had called to him, and he had answered, traveled halfway across the galaxy only to arrive disgusted with what he found. A rabble of sith. All violence and no virtue. Was there no honor, no truth to be found within the darkside? Was it all wanton violence and corruption of the soul? The evidence said yes, but then what was he? Was he just a cruel spin of the creator's mind?
Then there was the business on Nar Shaddaa. Vigilante had turned out to not be in his knack. The Nar Shaddaa officials had been happy to have someone so experienced aiding them, but had balked when he burnt the old house to the ground, killing many of the wanted criminals alive in the process, but nevertheless destroying valuable property. They had paid him, but only because they felt obligated to. Afterward he had been chased off planet and told to never return. So he was here now, gracing the floating "Cloud City" of Bespin with his presence, not that they would ever openly accept him. That was the virtue of his kind. No home, no warmth. Just the cold emptiness of pain.
He walked among the people, his drab clothing standing out against the colorful coverings of those around him. Dressed from head to toe in a lot of black and a lot of buckles, covered so completely that only his face and fingertips were exposed. He looked like an adventurer, the kind that went into dangerous places for the sake of almost dying. Hardcore, some might say. But the look was offset by the red cape he wore, which was heavily buckled around his shoulders and obscured the lower half of its face with it's rising lip. The vibrancy of the deep red made it stand out against his drab features, causing people to see the cape long before they saw the man, which flowed down and around his body giving him an always regal appearance. Coincidentally, it was the same color as his eyes.
This city felt safe from his persecutors, a place he had find sanctuary as he planned his next destination, whether it be a definite one or a general direction. He hated being anywhere for too long, he found the landscape became too familiar, grating against his senses like a chisel. But today he ventured from his hotel room, spending most of his earnings from Nar Shaddaa on the room and board. He could not afford to spend more money, but walking was free so he might as well occupy his eyes by looking at the scenery.
He found himself ducking into a small shop, having to duck a little to make it under the banner in front of the shop declaring its name and products. A Twi'lek stood at the booth with a human female, but he paid them no attention. Instead, he looked at the colorfully wrapped and packaged goods that sat lined up on the shelf edge. He touched nothing, he was only here to occupy his eyes. But he was distracted by the sound beside him. A customer was arguing with the proprietor over the price of something or other. It didn't matter to him, but he wanted the noise to end. His long legs bore him to the shabby counter in three steps, and a credit chit appeared in his hands, the amount the twi'lek had last demanded. It was set on the counter. "Its on me," He said, his brain lowering from his distant thoughts just enough to concentrate on the words, and then he turned around again, eager to withdraw back into himself.
James Prent
Aug 4th, 2008, 06:20:33 PM
James blinked at the suddenness with which money had appeared on the counter, barely a minute into her discussion with the proprietor. The Twi'leki female snatched it up and disappeared in the direction of what might be considered the back room of the booth before anyone could take back the credits. The girl looked around, seeing the tall male (human? maybe) who'd bought the wine.
He was turning away from her, clearly not wanting any recognition for the purchase. Confused, and on guard, James clutched the bottle to her body, mumbled thanks, and darted out of the shop. It was her experience that men who paid for food or drinks usually wanted something in return.
Loklorien s'Ilancy
Aug 17th, 2008, 10:17:31 AM
The last time s'Il had been to Cloud City had not been the most fortunate of experiences, even if she'd somehow crossed paths with the Loveloxx, Arya Ravenwing. Even if that strange occurrence had been her salvation, the whole reason for her having been taken to Cloud City in the first place had been not quite so enjoyable. It was an incident that she would rather forget.
But, circumstances seemed to care not for such bad feelings, and s'Il found herself once more on the floating city, every one of her senses seemingly accosted by the sounds and smells of those surrounding her. It was like some thick soup that she detested wading through, but given Sanis' sometimes random flights of fancy in regards to where he took himself and his crew, she figured it best to simply smile and nod. The sooner they finished whatever business had to be done here, the sooner they could leave.
And so, shoving her way through a crowd of passerby, the Lupine took a moment to look over her shoulder at some sound that'd caught her ear. It was nothing important, just some yelling that had seemed to break out between a seller and buyer.
Her head tracked back forward, just in time to catch sight of a woman leaving a shop right in front of her. With no time to avoid the collision, s'Il wrapped her arms around the woman in a steel embrace as she barreled into her, hoping that neither would end up on the ground.
James Prent
Aug 17th, 2008, 10:52:10 AM
James didn't have time to drop the wine as someone slammed into her, nearly hugging her in their attempt to keep from bowling her over. She squealed in surprise, stumbling and nearly going down, but the other's strong grip kept them both upright.
Clutching the bottle with one hand, James put out the other to steady the woman who'd hit her. "Sorry, sorry..." She ducked her head, trying to hurry on her way, but then stopped. "Lok?!"
Loklorien s'Ilancy
Aug 17th, 2008, 11:13:44 AM
s'Il blinked in surprise, certainly not expecting to see James in front of her. How had she made her way to Cloud City? Last she'd seen of the other woman had been in the medical ward of a Rebel frigate. The Lupine found herself having to play a fair bit of mental catch-up with the sight before her.
"James... ?"
The lopsided smile was slow to come, but it spread across her features with enough ease that the Lupine found herself quite delightfully confused at such a run-in.
Steady once more on her own two feet, s'Il tucked her hands back into the weathered and beaten poncho she wore. She tipped her head ever so slightly, scenting the air. She could detect James' unmistakable scent, as well as see a healthy light blue Force aura about her.
Despite the morass of people around them, s'Il let her eyes wander over James' features, taking them in.
"You're looking well," she finally offered, still somewhat thrown by this sudden turn of events.
James Prent
Aug 17th, 2008, 11:19:37 AM
A flush of happiness washed over her, followed quickly by a stab of pain. What the frell had taken them so long to find her? Was it that Sanis couldn't stand the thought of them being related? James blushed faintly at the memory of... Well, how were they supposed to know?
"You too," she muttered, her mood turning sullen. "Guess you weren't expecting to see me again..."
Loklorien s'Ilancy
Aug 17th, 2008, 11:34:42 AM
Taking a cue from James' sudden downturn of moods, s'Il put an arm around her shoulders and began leading her through the crowds.
"It is an unexpected thing yes, but most welcome."
Even more relieving was the fact that James hadn't been discovered by anyone looking to twist her in the Force. But that thought she kept to herself. No need to worry the other woman in such a way.
They pushed past a group of Rodians, and s'Il pulled James closer, her one-armed hug gentle and warm.
"It is good to see you again," she whispered kindly.
James Prent
Aug 17th, 2008, 12:16:53 PM
She felt like she'd been swept up into a whirlwind, half-hugging Loklorien back as the pair wove through the market. "...I missed you." James sniffed, trying to blink back a few errant tears. "What took you so long to come get me?"
Loklorien s'Ilancy
Aug 17th, 2008, 12:28:34 PM
s'Il thought on that for a few moments as they navigated the easiest route through the milling groups and toward somewhere less open. It would be good to sit, and the Lupine found herself rather receptive to the idea. She'd been wandering Cloud City for long enough that she'd begun to tire of walking.
"I thought you'd be staying on the frigate, with the Rebels."
Her voice held a tinge of sorrow in it, as she realized that James hadn't intended to stay there, but only wait until she was recovered enough before setting off with Sanis once more. It saddened the Lupine to a large degree to feel as if she'd abandoned the other woman.
"I didn't know that you were wanting to come back.
"After what happened on that backwater planet, I thought you'd had enough of traveling."
James Prent
Aug 17th, 2008, 12:32:07 PM
I frowned, trying to keep the unwanted tears away, and getting a little angry in the process. When Lok mentioned the 'backwater planet' it didn't help. I bit my lip hard, and blurted, "He just left me there!"
I glared at an imaginary Sanis, and added, "No one asked me what I thought about it."
Loklorien s'Ilancy
Aug 17th, 2008, 12:44:29 PM
Guiding them to a small, out of the way cafe, s'Il led James to an open table.
"It was a mistake on our part, both Sanis' and mine."
A small consolation she knew, but s'Il could think of nothing immediate with which to assuage James' frustration as she lowered herself to sit.
"But now it can be fixed, if you wish."
s'Il rested her hands on the wrought-iron tabletop.
James Prent
Aug 17th, 2008, 01:57:48 PM
I sat down with a thump, and set the bottle of moon nectar wine on the table. "I don't know... I sorta put down roots here, y'know?"
I was lying through my teeth, but I didn't want them to think I'd just forgive them for abandoning me, just like that. "Is Cirr still a hungry bottomless pit like usual?"
Loklorien s'Ilancy
Aug 17th, 2008, 02:06:03 PM
"He is. Which is a good thing, since he's the only one able to eat what he cooks."
s'Il frowned some at James, and leaned back in her own seat. It was easy to see that the other woman was still upset at how she'd been left to fend for herself, and the Lupine found herself trying to think of a way to rectify the wrong that had been done.
Instead, she found herself giving James a bit of a crafty smile.
"I don't think you put down roots."
James Prent
Aug 17th, 2008, 02:16:53 PM
I tried not to smile back, but it was difficult. "Well... I do have my own apartment. It sucks though." I sighed. "I'm back to waiting tables again, too. Which also sucks."
I waved away a persistent serving droid which was trying to get an order from us, or at least get us to leave if we weren't going to eat. "At least my hair grew back." I rubbed my hand through my short haircut, remembering how it had been half shaved off last time I'd seen Lok.
Loklorien s'Ilancy
Aug 17th, 2008, 02:24:11 PM
"It did," the Lupine conceded quietly.
She fixed James with a solid stare, taking in the woman and the aura about her. It was so unmistakable now that s'Il felt like a bit of a dullard at having not noticed it before. Then again, she supposed that the reason for that had been simply because it hadn't manifested itself until that day.
Which brought the Lupine to her next line of thought, and she spoke casually.
"You have it, you know. I can see it in and around you."
A wistful smile.
"It is a beautiful thing to see, untarnished by those who would seek to twist it to their own ends."
James Prent
Aug 17th, 2008, 02:33:21 PM
I gulped. "It" could only mean one thing. The Force.
I looked around quickly, and then leaned forward with a whisper, "I don't want it!" I clasped my hands in my lap and tried to look normal. "I'm afraid of it."
Loklorien s'Ilancy
Aug 17th, 2008, 02:49:24 PM
s'Il responded with only a lofted brow as she leaned back, and presently she waved a server droid over, placed an order for whatever local tea was in stock, and some fruit type of drink that she seemed to remember James liking. She hoped, at least. Her memory had started becoming fuzzy as of late with such little odds and ends.
Once the droid had whizzed off to tend to other customers, s'Il pursed her lips in thought.
"It is nothing to be afraid of," she started quietly.
How could she even begin to explain something like this to James in the openness of where they'd found themselves?
"It's a gift. A blessing."
And a curse at times.
That thought she gave a frown to, as in her mind that 'curse' was embodied by a single man that haunted her and no one else.
"I can take you to someone that will help you, or... "
The Lupine paused then, but only for a moment as her next words seemed to tumble out of their own accord.
"... I could help."
James Prent
Aug 17th, 2008, 02:56:14 PM
I drew in a deep breath, and then blew it out slowly.
"...really?" My voice was small. If Lok could help me, then I wouldn't have to be afraid of another experience like I'd had on that planet.
"If... if you want to... then I suppose if Sanis doesn't mind... maybe I could come back to the Layla?" I accepted a glass of namana juice from the droid, and held it in a suddenly trembling hand. "I... I really miss you guys..."
Loklorien s'Ilancy
Aug 17th, 2008, 03:04:26 PM
The Lupine reached her own hand out then, placing it over James' in an attempt to still the trembling.
"You've no need to ask me. It is I who should be asking you to come back."
s'Il gave a gentle smile.
"Teagan misses you."
James Prent
Aug 17th, 2008, 03:08:12 PM
I found myself grinning. "With Tak and Daani on board, I bet you could use some help."
Then I frowned. "What do you think... what will Sanis say?" I felt nervous at the thought of seeing my half-brother.
Loklorien s'Ilancy
Aug 17th, 2008, 03:13:19 PM
A parting pat to James' hand as she reached for her own beverage, s'Il blew at the lazy curls coming from the hot liquid.
"Oh I don't think he will be upset."
She tested the tea, making an odd face at its' taste. Not the best she'd had, but it would do somewhat.
"As it is, you'd be coming back as my guest if he decides to throw a tantrum."
James Prent
Aug 17th, 2008, 03:29:08 PM
I couldn't stop the grin from forming, despite my fears and anger. "He does like t' throw tantrums, doesn't he. He's worse than th' girls!"
I sipped the juice, noting that it was slightly watery, and looked over at Lok. My eyes sparkled with a bit of the light that the Jedi was used to seeing in my face. "I was beginning t' think I really would need to start layin' down roots. I'm... well... I'm just glad you ran into me, y'know?" I took another gulp of the juice, watered down or no.
Loklorien s'Ilancy
Aug 17th, 2008, 03:36:58 PM
"It is fate," the Lupine muttered, taking another sip of her tea.
"Rest assured, I will not do as my old teacher did and throw overripe fruit at you."
s'Il smiled at that memory.
James Prent
Aug 17th, 2008, 03:53:03 PM
I made a face, "You better not!" I laughed.
"Y'know, I was going to be mad at you guys for leaving me, but its so hard to keep it up." I beamed, "Can we go talk to Sanis? I want to make sure he doesn't, y'know, hate me, before I quit my job."
Loklorien s'Ilancy
Aug 17th, 2008, 04:00:44 PM
With a relieved smile on her face - there really was only so much of that tea that she could take - s'Il stood up slowly.
"That would be good."
Her smile matched James', and the Lupine stepped to the side of her chair while taking the time to push it inwards to the table. A few dropped credit chits, and their drinks were paid for.
Carefully leading the way back out into the crowd, s'Il made sure to take James by the hand. It wouldn't do to become separated. Not now.
"As for him hating you, I highly doubt that he will. You're his sister no matter what, and the man, for all his... eccentricities... doesn't strike me as the type to hate family."
James Prent
Aug 18th, 2008, 03:00:42 PM
"Well," I stuttered, "he might decide t' start."
I tucked the wine bottle in close to my side, allowing Lok to lead me through the crowded walkways of Cloud City. "So he's here? Now?" I was starting to get nervous.
Loklorien s'Ilancy
Aug 18th, 2008, 06:48:02 PM
s'Il cast a small glance to James, a smile tugging at the corners of her lips.
"Well, Layla is berthed at one of the docking platforms, if that's any help."
The Lupine shook her head, not entirely sure that she wished to know what sort of activities Sanis had decided to partake in when they'd parted ways earlier in the day. For all she knew, the man could have taken to spending the afternoon in the arms of who knew.
"Whether or not Sanis will be there is another story."
A more worrying thought crossed her mind then, as s'Il suddenly wondered if the smuggler would be so brazen as to bring some random floozy to the ship instead of going out and indulging in his vices away from younger, more impressionable minds.
Her pace quickened ever so slightly at that thought.
James Prent
Aug 21st, 2008, 05:07:50 PM
"He prolly made his way to one of the casinos," I muttered, remembering how he thought of himself as a sabacc player. Well, he was good, just not the best. Still, everyone gets luck enough to hit pure sabacc every once in a while. "There's some big ones here. Cumulus, for one."
I skipped a little, trying to keep up with Lok. She wasn't too tall, but she was taller than me. Hell, everyone was. Anyway, we were headed towards the confrontation with Sanis a little faster than I wanted. "Uh," I didn't know how to ask her to slow down, so I didn't.
"I bet Cirr missed my cooking."
Sanis Prent
Aug 24th, 2008, 12:35:56 PM
Zeltron squares was the sort of game that everybody could enjoy playing. Not only were the odds closest to even in the house, but everybody was playing for everybody else. One person's good luck was shared by others, and it could be a festive atmosphere. I'd been rolling on the small allowance that Cirr figured I could get away with gambling on, and managed to tuck away a nice stash on top of it. My luck was on, and well-wishers were backing my bets and occasionally buying me drinks. I eyed a couple of toothsome Twi'leki girls who leaned over the table a bit more than decorum allowed to set chips on my betting line as I let the gravity dice loose down the table.
Another good roll. The table broke out into applause, and I suddenly had a Silvermint and Whisky Jumper in my hand.
Loklorien s'Ilancy
Aug 24th, 2008, 04:58:27 PM
s'Il thought about that for a moment, and let a smile creep across her lips.
"I know I missed your cooking. Every day is an exercise in trying to keep my stomach down. Tak loves anything he cooks though."
She slowed to a stop so that a group of Dugs could pass by, and cast a resigned look to James.
"He made her chocolate, orange, and bacon wraps with some sort of spicy Gran sauce, once. It was horrific, but she loved it."
James Prent
Aug 25th, 2008, 04:22:53 PM
I made a face. "That sounds... like cruel and unusual punishment."
We were getting close to the docks, and I caught a glimpse of Layla through a window. My heart felt tight in my chest, and I opened my mouth to talk, but suddenly couldn't.
I closed it again, and followed Lok's lead as she headed for the correct landing pad door.
Sanis Prent
Aug 25th, 2008, 09:27:42 PM
Another winning roll. I was starting to develop conspicuous luck, which could at times become as troublesome as bad luck. Casinos were jealous little places, and even an honest player who was tearing the tables up could get some unnecessary attention drawn to themselves.
I took a break, letting some other person keep my section of the table warm as I cashed out my chits at the tune of 20,000, which was a mildly obscene haul for the party atmosphere of a Zeltron squares table. Sure to tip the pit boss handsomely, I took my drink and decided to cool my heels with a little more relaxing venues, like Sabacc.
Loklorien s'Ilancy
Aug 26th, 2008, 09:08:08 PM
The doors that opened up onto landing pad 62 were devoid of any workers or maintenance crew, which suited s'Il just fine as she slowed her pace. At ease with being so close to Layla, the Lupine allowed her gait to match James'.
"It hasn't been the same without you," she let out rather suddenly.
James Prent
Aug 26th, 2008, 10:00:06 PM
I looked sideways at Loklorien, and felt my eyes tearing up. Again. Sheesh! I fumbled in my satchel for a rumpled pack of cigarettes. "Yeah, well, its been real diff'rent here, too."
I pulled out a cigarette and lit it, inhaling the smoke and blowing it out to the side, away from Lok's sensitive nose. "You know. What with being... abandoned." I felt bad as soon as I'd said it, but you know what!? I was still upset about that whole thing.
Even if I had gotten to meet a super cute Rebel spy along the way. I puffed on my cigarette and strode off towards the Layla.
Sasseeri Reeouurra
Aug 26th, 2008, 10:30:43 PM
"Aaaahhhhrroooow," Sasseeri purred, her tail flicking with pleasure as Kal absently stroked one of her long ears. When he stopped for no reason, she opened one blue eye with irritation. And caught sight of... of...
She sat up suddenly, shoving Olorin out of the way as she looked out of the two-way mirror that made up one side of the owner's suite. Looking down on the casino floor of Cumulus, her Cloud City pride and joy, Sasseeri peered at a man who was headed towards the sabacc tables. Saanjarra, but he was hot.
Olorin looked where she was looking, and grinned. "Oh, no, not him."
Sasseeri frowned, "What arrre you talkjing about? Do you know hjim?"
"Of him, reputation only. Looks like Sanis Prent." He got up, straightening his shirt. "Used to be a bounty hunter, sometimes he's a smuggler... Seems to be pretty good at whatever he puts his mind to." Kal shrugged. "Got a bounty on his own head, last I heard. Imperials want him."
Sasseeri tsked, "They mustn't get hjim. Doesn't he know therrre's a garrrjison herrre? And that therrre arrre jImperrrjials everrrywherrre?" She stood up also, nearly plastering herself to the glass as Sanis walked out of view. "Send someone to get hjim. jI have a job forrr hjim."
Sanis Prent
Aug 26th, 2008, 11:20:59 PM
I was just about to buy in, when a guy in a smart-looking outfit tapped me on the shoulder.
"The owner of the establishment would like a word with you, sir."
Wincing, I took another sip from my whisky jumper, and looked at the guy. Didn't seem like any obvious muscle, but had a serious expression to him.
Fair enough question right? I took another drink.
"A job opportunity. She understands that you do freelance work."
My brow furrowed. Now what was this about?
I looked past his shoulder, hoping to see somebody hanging onto the conversation from afar, but no such thing turned up. With a smile, I killed the rest of my drink, setting it on the corner of one of the game tables, where it was snatched up by a waiter droid momentarily.
"Lead the way then."
Real work seemed like a better bet than Sabacc, and I was sure that Cirr would agree about that. Besides, I never got to quit while I was ahead, and it felt like a good idea.
Kal Olorin
Aug 27th, 2008, 04:46:10 PM
"A job?" I frowned. "Really?"
Sassy was practically drooling as she sent some no-name to gather up Mr. Prent and bring him to the owner's lounge where we were currently... lounging. I made sure my buttons were all intact and buttoned, and peered at the lines at the corners of my eyes in the mirror. I was getting old.
"jI'll have a job forrr hjim once he gets up herrre," she asserted, and I rolled my eyes at my reflection in the mirror. She looked at me, "Get out of herrre! Go be menacjing jin the hall or somethjing."
Right. Okay. I nodded amiably, and then let myself out.
Loklorien s'Ilancy
Aug 27th, 2008, 06:40:45 PM
"You know. What with being... abandoned."
s'Il only ticked an eyebrow at that. She could understand James' resentment well enough; she'd lived through much the same. A hand went out then to land gently on the other woman's shoulder.
"There was nothing malicious intended in our leaving you."
The Lupine's voice held a faint trace of firmness, and her tone implied that she knew exactly how James felt.
"People have a way of finding each other again."
Cirrsseeto Quez
Aug 27th, 2008, 10:35:09 PM
"No, don't carre."
"But Cirrsseeto, the settings are out of alignment."
MARCUS scurried around the Cizerack's large frame as he continued the welding job.
"jIt doesn't matterr because we neverr use that anyway."
If a droid could fret, MARCUS almost did. Despite knowing that the secondary magnetic scrubber was required for the de-ionizer, he couldn't convince Cirrsseeto not to cannibalize the equipment.
"Well, when we cannot replenish the sensor feed in a solar flare, you will wish you had said otherwise."
Cirr paused his work, set the welding torch aside, grabbed MARCUS, and rolled him on his side a few meters away.
"What did I ever do for such disrespect?" The droid toned to himself despondently.
James Prent
Aug 27th, 2008, 10:44:48 PM
I almost shrugged my shoulder out from underneath her hand, but stopped myself. People have a way of finding each other again. Looking at Lok, I smiled a little. "Yeah, s'pose you're right."
I looked up at the sound of a welding torch. "Is Cirr tearing Layla apart again?"
Sasseeri Reeouurra
Aug 27th, 2008, 10:51:48 PM
Sasseeri dashed to the 'fresher and primped herself in the mirror as soon as Kal had left. Rumpling her hair just so, and reviving her lips with a fresh dab of gloss, the half-breed Cizerack got back into place on one of the white sofas when the door hesitantly opened.
Tik, one of her twi'leki bodyguards, held the door open for Mr. Prent, and followed him inside. The white skinned twi'lek closed the door again, and remained beside it, gesturing for Sanis to approach Sasseeri.
"Ahh, Mjisterrr Prrrent!" Sasseeri beamed toothily. "jI've hearrrd so much about you."
Sanis Prent
Aug 28th, 2008, 05:32:50 PM
"You have?"
I wasn't sure whether to be flattered or suspicious. Getting my name out around these parts was good for business, but that also risked having somebody take your fame and new-found success personally. I rummaged through a mental file of possible people I could have irked, with the likelihood that a Cizerack casino boss would be linked to them. I couldn't think of any, which was a good start.
I took a seat across from her, sinking deeply into a leather chair that was ridiculously plush. It felt inviting and confining at the same time, which I distantly suspected to be intentional.
Loklorien s'Ilancy
Aug 28th, 2008, 05:37:52 PM
The sound of the wielding torch made her face fall, and s'Il gave a sigh that was suddenly more than exasperated.
"I hope not," she answered.
Of course, knowing the burly Cizerack, it wasn't entirely impossible for him to've gotten so bored that he thought it a good idea to partake in a few dismantling jobs. It was endearing at times, but worrying at others. Now was a situation for the latter reaction.
Pulling her hand from James' shoulder, s'Il brought it up to rub at the top portion of her scar in a small bit of frustration.
Cirrsseeto Quez
Sep 1st, 2008, 05:33:28 PM
Between the snapping and spitting of the welder, Cirr heard familiar voices out beyond the landing pad. It was enough to cause him to stop his work, and set his tools aside. Sliding out from under his workspace, he looked up at the two approaching ladies, ears perking up at the sight of one he hadn't seen in a long time.
James Prent
Sep 1st, 2008, 06:39:54 PM
I flushed as Cirr slid out from under the freighter and caught sight of me. I waved weakly, "Hi there big guy. Long time no see, eh?"
Sasseeri Reeouurra
Sep 1st, 2008, 07:00:20 PM
"Yes, yes," Sasseeri nodded as Prent slid into an overstuffed leather armchair. By Nomaani but he was attractive. "Yourrr rrreputatjion prrreceeds you. Forrr gettjing the job done, of courrrse."
She shifted slightly on the sofa, making sure her legs were turned just so for maximum beauty, and took a deep breath that made her blouse expose just a bit more skin. Sasseeri smiled.
He looked a little confused.
"Oh, the job. Of courrrse, you arrre not a man who ljikes to be kept wajitjing, jI'm surrre, Mjisterrr Prrrent." Sasseeri sat up and leaned forward. "jI hearrr that you take shjipments acrrross blockades. jIs that trrrue?" Her mind raced, trying to think of what it was she would ask him to do.
Sanis Prent
Sep 1st, 2008, 07:33:07 PM
What jobs had I done recently that were worth writing home about? Whoever was giving me such good press, I had to remember to buy them a drink!
I drummed my fingers on the plush material as I thought it over. Her luminous blue eyes looked me over, and I suddenly realized that she smelled great. It was like every exotic Ithorian spice and something else, and it made it a little difficult for me to stay entirely in a business frame of mind. I smiled.
"Blockades, yeah."
Somewhere I should be kicking myself for sounding like such a rube, but that was about the most I could think about the subject. She leaned forward and gave my mind the escapism of other sorts of blockades that could be run. I only allowed myself a glance, and met her eyes in an effort to keep some vestige of a sabacc face.
"I do from time to time. What kind of trouble are you looking to avoid?"
Loklorien s'Ilancy
Sep 1st, 2008, 07:45:42 PM
Despite her mild frustration at Cirr's attempts to 'better' the state of Layla, s'Il smiled wide at the big Cizerack's reaction.
She stood back to allow the two ample enough room for the bearhug she knew Cirr would joyously bestow upon James.
Cirrsseeto Quez
Sep 2nd, 2008, 09:39:14 PM
Cirr caught her with one hand and nearly tossed her up in the air as he spun around, an enthusiastic hug unable to be kept in reserve. He paused before he got carried away, and gently sat her back down.
James Prent
Sep 6th, 2008, 07:13:24 PM
I squealed in spite of myself, swept up into the big Cizerack's arms as he twirled me around. Blushing and mussed, I stumbled a little as he put me back down again. "Well, I missed ya too, big guy."
I tried to keep my smile hidden, but it tweaked the edges of my lips and ended up grinning lopsidedly. "Long time no see, eh?"
Sasseeri Reeouurra
Sep 6th, 2008, 07:22:40 PM
She smiled. This was Sasseeri at her most charming, and she un-crossed and crossed her legs as she sat back on the sofa. "jI need carrrgo taken frrrom Corrre space to the planet of Calan jin the Mjid Rrrrjim. jIt jis on the edge of the Carrrshouljis clusterrr, and jis currrrently blockaded by the Prrrjide Motherrr's Navy. They'rrre trrryjing to beat the planet jinto submjissjion by starrrvjing the monks."
She quirked up a blonde eyebrow. "jI can't use my usual trrransporrrts. jI need an outsjiderrr to get thrrrough and deljiverrr the shjipment to a monasterrry on the easterrrn contjinent."
It was mostly all bantha dung, but one she'd started talking she found it easy to find the inspiration for the 'job' she needed him to do. Call it a humanitarian mission - the monks needed food and she knew she could get a good price for supplying it to them through the Cizerack blockade.
Her eyes brightened as she looked at Sanis, imagining him without... everything. Her little pink tongue touched her lips as her mind wandered to a very unbusinesslike place.
Sanis Prent
Sep 7th, 2008, 03:29:17 PM
I wasn't familiar with Calan, but the Pride was a bit of a perennial nuisance for people of the smuggling profession. They had a reputation for mandatory death sentences for that sort of thing, in fact.
"That's ambitious."
Understatement, but I wasn't about to say no. I mean, nothing was technically impossible as long as the money was good.
"What kind of opposition am I looking at, and what's the pay grade?"
The words were formalities in a way. I was finding myself having a little trouble concentrating, and I wondered if that was her intention, to keep me really, really distracted.
Was it hot in here?
Cirrsseeto Quez
Sep 27th, 2008, 01:01:46 AM
Cirr beamed in her presence. It was obvious that he'd missed her.
"Been too long, James. jI've mjissed you terrrrjibly!"
He slapped a big paw over her head, and mussed her hair. Not quite prepared to acknowledge his puppy-love crush on her, he still treated her with a bit of an awkward endearment.
Sasseeri Reeouurra
Oct 10th, 2008, 10:42:04 PM
"Opposjitjion?" Sasseeri hesitated, trying to remember what it was she'd read in the last report on the sector. "Two or thrrree Korri class crrujiserrrs." She waved her hand dismissively. "And you would be compensated perrr the standarrrd rrrate forrr rrrunnjing a Prrrjide pjicket."
Which was, as she recalled, quite high. She paused once more as the rational side of her brain tried to take over, telling her libido that this was much too high a price to pay for a piece of tail, but reason was shouted down. Putting her head to the side coquettishly, she winked. "jI'm surrre that wjill be enough forrr you and yourrr crrrew?"
Loklorien s'Ilancy
Oct 12th, 2008, 08:08:45 PM
s'Il started forward, towards the two. Her smile remained, and she gave a pat to Cirr's arm. It wasn't all too hard to read the big Cizerack, but she wouldn't say a word about it.
Turning her grin to James for one more brief moment, the Lupine craned her neck around to look behind Cirr. Tak was nowhere in sight, which could've possibly been a good or a bad thing.
And speaking of not being anywhere in sight, where in the world was Sanis? Her eye went to Cirr.
"Has Sanis come back from wherever he went to?"
Sanis Prent
Oct 12th, 2008, 08:35:30 PM
I knew the sort of hazard pay that went along with the job, so I put a number out there.
"Seventy thousand."
I leaned back in my seat, running a finger at the neck of my shirt before returning my hand to the plush arm rest.
"I'll also need forged docs and regs, and a counterfeit transponder. If you've got a source, that's good, but if not, those aren't cheap."
This was usual haggling, which I could do in my sleep. I was trying to keep my eyes up, and away from long cocoa-toned legs. I usually tried to keep business and personal hobbies separate, but the potential clients I worked for were never really lookers. This was the first time such a conundrum had hit me.
Cirrsseeto Quez
Oct 12th, 2008, 09:05:59 PM
Cirr shook his head.
"He went gambljing."
The word seemed to cause the Cizerack's ears to twitch back, and he rolled his eyes.
"Fjigurre jit'll be about anotherr hourr beforre he comes back wjith no money. Ejitherr that orr he'll make some, and spend jit all on some lady. jIn that case, tomorrow."
James Prent
Nov 5th, 2008, 03:19:58 PM
I grinned from underneath Cirr's heavy hand, reaching up to liberate my now quite messy hair from him. "He's a man whore. Somethings don't change." The color rose in my cheeks as I recalled my first months on the Layla. Did Loklorien know?
Did Cirr know?? Oh gods, I don't want to have to explain to them about how I used to make out with my half-brother. I coughed, and playfully punched the big Cizerack in the ribs. "I hear you've been torturing everyone with your kitchen creations. Didn't I teach you anything?"
Loklorien s'Ilancy
Nov 16th, 2008, 10:21:00 PM
"Torture is about the right word for it," the Lupine grinned as she gave James a gentle pat on the shoulder.
"Though if you ask Daani and Tak, I'm sure they would tell you he's the best cook in the galaxy."
Sasseeri Reeouurra
Nov 16th, 2008, 10:21:51 PM
"Seventy thousand jit jis, then." She purred, running a slim finger along the arm of her couch. "The documents arrre not a prrroblem. A trrransponderrr wjill be arrrrrranged."
She smiled, looking at Sanis a little sideways under her eyelashes. "Do we have a deal?"
Sanis Prent
Nov 16th, 2008, 11:00:26 PM
She didn't even bother haggling me down, which was unusual. I'd come a full 10% heavy on my asking price and she took it without a fight. I was either being set up, or she was sending me signals.
"I usually like to conclude a deal on a drink."
A coy smile that I'd practiced well enough. I was either doubling down or making a big mistake. Either way, I wasn't quite done gambling.
Sasseeri Reeouurra
Nov 16th, 2008, 11:15:17 PM
"Perrrfect!" Sasseeri clapped her hands and a droid appeared from behind the bar along the wall behind her. "jI'll have an Alderaanjian rrrrum, with Fjizzyglug cola. And Mjisterrr Prrrent wjill have..." She eyed him as though she was sizing him up, but really it had just been a matter of going over the footage of him gambling before he'd come up.
"...A Corrrelljian whjiskey, two cubes of jice jin a tumblerrr." She winked.
Sanis Prent
Nov 16th, 2008, 11:26:59 PM
More signals.
1. She was rich enough to throw away bank over Alderaanian rum, which was understandably an endangered species of sorts.
2. She knew my tastes exact, which meant she'd been sizing me up for not an insignificant amount of time.
"Usually takes me longer to make an impression."
I smiled at her ambition, and found it compelling. The droid returned with our drinks, and I set mine aside for the moment, giving it a minute or so for the ice to melt.
"Usually I'd worry about being had at a disadvantage. Do I have anything to worry about?"
I smirked, answering my own question as I pivoted the tumbler around. The ice should be melted just enough. I drew it to my mouth, and took a sip.
Corellian alright, and not a slouch either. I curled my lower lip over my teeth and set my drink down.
Sasseeri Reeouurra
Nov 16th, 2008, 11:32:48 PM
She smiled, sipping her rum and cola, choosing to remain a little mysterious. Oh frell, what the hell. She wasn't one to be cautious. 'No, no, nothjing to worrrry about. jI prrromjise jI'll take carrre of you... jif you hold up yourrr end of the barrrgajin."
The look she gave him, one that lingered up and down him before meeting his eyes, seemed to say she wasn't talking about business. She drained her glass, the warmth of the alcohol spreading through her body.
Sanis Prent
Nov 16th, 2008, 11:42:17 PM
"Well, I can understand you want to be sure."
Another sip, and even now, her scent came in over the woody caramel notes of the whisky, a creature all her own.
"A lot of money, a dangerous mission. Might need a lot of vetting, and a lengthy interview?"
My arms rested against the edges of my seat and I took her in. She had abandoned all pretense, and I was just about at the same conclusion.
"Fortunately, I've got a clear schedule."
Sasseeri Reeouurra
Nov 17th, 2008, 02:01:30 AM
"Mmmm," Sasseeri couldn't keep the predatory smile off her face as she set her glass down. The still melting ice clinked lightly as she got to her feet, adjusting her mini skirt. "As do jI..."
He was sitting back in the leather chair, whiskey in one hand, and looking very receptive to the signals she'd been putting out. Sasseeri walked closer to him, her hips moving from side to side, and spoke to her security AI. "Hold my calls, Tragoni."
"Yes, Sasseeri."
She bent down to Sanis, trailing a hand down his shirt as she crawled into his lap. "jI hope you'rrre up forrr thjis... my jinterrrvjiews can be qujite.... strrrrenuous..."
Sanis Prent
Nov 17th, 2008, 11:21:22 PM
And it was.
Through the haze of really top shelf liquor and enough sex to put down a stormtrooper legion on surface leave, I recall some bawdy tall tales about trysts with Cizerack women, from people who survived to tell of it. There was also some space myth about some guy long ago, finding the center of the universe in a foursome with a Zeltron, a Twi'lek, and a Cizerack. He died, but life's supposedly a journey, and not a destination. I'd notched my bedpost with Twi'lek hood rats plenty of times, and every party on the Outer Rim always featured that one Zeltron in the room. I felt like somehow, I too was living that foolish dream.
One thing was for sure, I sure as hell forgot to check in with the gang back at Layla. They were just going to have to wait.
Sasseeri Reeouurra
Nov 17th, 2008, 11:39:06 PM
Two... or three... hours later, Sasseeri was re-buttoning her blouse. Prent was just as fulfilling as she'd imagined. A few rough edges to be sure, but he could be trained.
She looked forward to teaching him. A quick shimmy to make sure her clothes were all in place correctly, and she took in a deep breath, looking at Sanis. "jI look forrrwarrrd to worrrkjing wjith you, Mjisterrr Prrrent." Sasseeri smiled, reapplying her lipstick in the reflective surface of a glass table. "You wjill be contacted jin a few weeks, wjith jinstrrructjions on wherrre and how to pjick up the paperrrworrrk and trrransponderrr. jIt wjill take a whjile to arrrange."
Sanis Prent
Nov 18th, 2008, 12:46:40 AM
It took a sabacc face to hide my soreness. Bumps, bruises, carpet burns, and not to mention sheer muscle fatigue. Fortunately I could hide it a bit in the whisky; my beloved liquid bravado.
And then like that, she buttoned back up, putting on her business face like we'd just been discussing accounting books. It blew my mind that somebody so hot-blooded one minute could pump ice water the next. I was a bit envious. She was like a vastly more successful and ruthless version of me...with panties.
"Right, well I have a few cargoes to pull until then. I'll leave my comm frequency with your assistant."
It was a lie, and I was naturally unemployed, aka "perpetually renegotiating contracts". Still, she had this notion of me as a white knight, and I was at least going to flesh out the lie a little.
It occurred to me that I probably didn't read the fine print, and this both was and wasn't casual sex.
Sasseeri Reeouurra
Nov 18th, 2008, 01:07:01 AM
"Mmmm," she said, giving him a lingering kiss while he tried to tuck his shirt in, or untuck it, or whatever. Who cared. She almost ripped it off him again, but held herself back.
Oh but his neck would look sexy with a collar around it. Not that she was allowed to have a manservant as a half-breed. She traced a finger where the collar might lie, and then withdrew. "We wjill be jin touch."
Sasseeri couldn't resist giving his rear a little pat as he walked out, and practically melted onto the sofa as the door closed behind him. Saanjarra was smiling on her.
James Prent
Nov 18th, 2008, 01:20:01 AM
James sat back at the bolted down table in Layla's galley, smiling at the little group gathered around it. Sanis was missing, still gambling or drunk in a ditch somewhere (yes, she was still irritated at how he'd just left her), but Cirr had let her help him cook dinner and now they were wrapping up the eating part and starting in on the after dinner conversation.
Well, Cirr was still eating. Tak and Daani had hugged her, and jumped down into the empty hold to play some hide and seek. James relaxed. Relaxed for maybe the first time since... since the incident.
"So, any jobs going right now?"
Loklorien s'Ilancy
Nov 18th, 2008, 01:31:12 AM
s'Il took on an odd look at the question, leaning back in her seat as well.
"I've a mind that that's the reason we've stopped here."
She knew that Sanis would use the guise of jobhunting as an excuse to play a few rounds of sabacc at the casinos dotting Cloud City, but she paid little mind to that. He was a grown man who could do as he pleased. The Lupine gave a shrug then.
"But then again, I could be wrong and Sanis has decided to throw what remaining credits he has into the trash."
Cirrsseeto Quez
Nov 18th, 2008, 11:48:11 PM
Cirr sighed at that.
"Maybe he'll rrememberr on the way back to actually get hjirred forr somethjing."
He picked at his food, an obvious sign that his usual financial fretting was now to the point of interfering with his mythical appetite.
"jI don't ljike to talk about jit wjith Sanjis, because jit always brrjings a fjight, but ourr money jis jin a bad way. Unless we get a brreak, we won't have enough money to even ljift off."
James Prent
Nov 27th, 2008, 01:53:59 AM
I nodded, the familiar conversation washing over me. Cirr poked at his plate, and I felt bad that my question had put him off his food. I reached over and patted the back of his striped hand. "Well, you could be in a worse place than Cloud City. I've been here for months, and its pretty nice."
I smiled over at Lok. "He'll probably walk in the door with hundreds of credits in his pocket and casino security on his heels." I winced, "Not that that would be better."
Loklorien s'Ilancy
Nov 27th, 2008, 10:55:29 PM
"I... " the Lupine paused a moment as if trying to arrange her thought processes.
"... I don't rightly know which one would be worse."
She looked genuinely perplexed at the possibility of either outcome, but soon enough shrugged away such thoughts.
"Whichever it is, I must admit to hoping that we find out sooner rather than later."
Reaching across the small table to Cir's plate, s'Il pilfered a small strip of grilled... meat? Whatever it was, it looked edible enough, and given that the big Cizerack had curbed his appetite for the time being, it was fair game for her.
Not to mention it was one of the few pieces not smothered in the ghastly combination of namana jelly and tartar sauce that Cir had poured over the lot.
Sanis Prent
Nov 27th, 2008, 11:21:39 PM
Properly medicated with another pull of bourbon, I'd cashed out of Sassy's casino and was making my way back to the tarmac. Even with the soreness, I still walked with a swagger. And why not? I'd pulled an all-nighter with the best piece of tail I'd run across in recent memory. Not to mention, I'd managed to secure a job that was easily fat enough to keep Layla & company in the black for a while. And icing on the cake was a pretty respectable haul from gambling. Getting pulled away while riding high spared me the likelihood of losing my winnings.
I eased my way up the gangplank, and fired up a stim upon entry.
"Wakey wakey kids. Daddy's home!"
I paused, frozen in my tracks at the sight of a face I hadn't seen in a long time.
James Prent
Nov 29th, 2008, 01:53:57 AM
I looked up, my cheeks blushing faintly as I smiled. "Oh hi there, Sanis. Long time no see, eh?" I waved from my seat at the table.
He'd been drinking, but seeing me seemed to have shocked some of the alcohol out of his system. Sanis stood there with his mouth half open for another long moment, and I quirked up an eyebrow. "Well, say somethin'! You're gonna make me feel unwelcome!"
Loklorien s'Ilancy
Nov 29th, 2008, 02:01:58 AM
There was amusement on her features as she watched the exchange, and s'Il leaned back in her seat to cast a stare at Sanis. His shock was something that she could very nearly almost feel, and swallowing her stolen piece of meat, the Lupine brushed back a strand of hair from her face.
Sanis still hadn't said anything, and with a deft flick of her fingers, s'Il called upon the Force to snub out his lit cigarette.
Cirrsseeto Quez
Nov 30th, 2008, 04:16:14 PM
"Look what we found whjile you werre out!"
Cirr triumphantly draped a big arm over James' petite frame and gave her a squeeze.
Sanis Prent
Nov 30th, 2008, 04:32:21 PM
"Welcome back!" I managed to get out, still more than a bit shocked at her sudden appearance.
I quickly pulled up a chair to sit down.
"So, how are you?"
I almost cringed at the lameness of it, but how did you break the ice after such a long time away?
James Prent
Nov 30th, 2008, 06:32:05 PM
"Uh, I'm okay," I replied, feeling a little squished with Cirr's heavy arm draped over my shoulders. "M' leg's pretty good, I don't hardly limp at all now... the Alliance took real good care o' me."
I picked up my tumbler and took a sip. "I ran into Lok at the market. Quite a coincidence." There was a little bit of bitterness in my tone. A little. If I hadn't gone shopping I never would have known they were in the City at all.
Loklorien s'Ilancy
Nov 30th, 2008, 06:35:43 PM
A smile despite the minute bitterness in James' voice, and s'Il reached over to liberate one more uncoated piece of meat from Cirr's plate. It was good, as long as it was plain and not coated with that death sauce.
"It was fate," she grinned, popping her stolen food into her mouth.
Cirrsseeto Quez
Nov 30th, 2008, 06:43:21 PM
Suddenly in good spirits, Cirr cast a wary eye at Lok's dinner-filching activities, and pulled his plate a little more toward himself.
"We'rre all verry glad to see you agajin, that's forr surre!"
Cirr nodded at Sanis, looking for an all-around approval by committee.
Sanis Prent
Nov 30th, 2008, 06:50:14 PM
I barely winced at the barb she'd shot my way. More or less deserved.
"Yeah, it's been a crazy eight months."
Did I even want to get into the Urns debacle, or everything that came with that?
James Prent
Dec 15th, 2008, 11:33:08 PM
I shrugged. "I know what you mean." Could we just pick up where we left off? Could Lok train me in the Force?
Could I become... a Jedi? I thought about Mu and Barton and the people I'd met on Cloud City, and my brain started making excuses about how I couldn't jus' leave my job without giving them notice. Which was nonsense. I didn't owe them anythin'. Except, I did.
I rubbed my forehead, feeling a migraine coming on. Looking over at Lok, who was smiling encouragingly, I was shocked to see her face transform into a snarling, angry visage. Jerking with surprise, I ended up nearly in Cirr's lap, who chuckled and pinched my side.
Blinking, I stared at Lok, who now just looked concerned. Yet I could see the horrible face overlaid over her. I shook my head, and rubbed at my eyes.
Loklorien s'Ilancy
Dec 16th, 2008, 06:55:49 PM
Furrowing her brow at James' sudden movement away, s'Il was silent for a short second. Now what was that all about? It wasn't a drastic movement, but it was enough to give the Lupine pause, and she set a curious gaze upon James.
Another moment, and she reached out to give a light touch to the other woman's arm.
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