View Full Version : Alliance Fleet Designs (SoroSuub Corperation)

Jun 17th, 2008, 01:49:11 PM
I figure anyone who needs to look at these can do so here. I do not have any area at the alliance to post technical ideadI am starting to build ships at Sullust These ships will be ships built there in the past and old standard ships built by all yards around the galaxy. Some ships do not have full stats or any stats at all so i will provide stats for the ships i will be building at Sullust.

This is for fulff pourpposes basiclly. Gives me another place besides Calamari to plan ship yard. when it comes down to it we all know what we build and do not build matters for zelch. Which is the way I like it I would hate going back to bean counting. I just want to have the yards there for future story lines and use some of the ships.

Jun 17th, 2008, 01:54:33 PM
Class: Hornet
Manufacturer: SoroSuub Corp. Sullust Shipyards
Designation: Carrier
Length: 700 Meters
Crew: 3,867 (1,134 Skeleton)
Passengers: 400 Troops
Consumables: 2 Years
Cargo: 70,000 Tons
Speed: 15 MGLT
Acceleration: 6 MGLT/s
Maneuverability: 6 DPF
Hyperdrive: X2
Backup Hyperdrive: X12
Hull: 1,040 RU
Shields: 2,420 SBD
Hanger: 24 A-wing’s, 48 X-wing’s, 36 B-wing’s, 6 Skipray Blast boats, 12 Lambda Shuttles
Weapons: 10 Turbolaser Batteries, 10 Turbolaser Cannons, 10 Ion Cannons, 20 Quad Lasers
Description: The Hornet class carrier was a large warship developed by SoroSuub Corporation prior to the Clone Wars. The ship was readily identifiable by its slim design and bridge mounted near the center of its bulk. Some were equipped with baffled ion engines to reduce their sensor profiles.