View Full Version : Upgrade Program

Park Kraken
Jun 11th, 2008, 01:16:06 PM

A topic has been started, a discussion between me and Reshmar, talking about upgrading the Decimator in preparation for the possible KDY thread.

My question is, how do our other technical geekies feel about this? I like Reshmar's counter proposal for the Mk III and Mk IV, and face it, historically the Empire had a lot of VSDs in mothballs during this time period, and bringing them out and upgrading them rather than building vessels from scratch would be a lot cheaper and would give us a formidable force in a lot less time than it would take to build vessels from the ground up.


Sanya Tagge
Jun 13th, 2008, 09:24:03 AM
Just commenting to say, I have no comment. I don't know anything about ships so I will be staying over...

---------------------> here.

Telan Desaria
Jun 15th, 2008, 12:55:22 PM
VSDs current exist in Mark I and II

(my info may be out of date since I've been gone for a while)

But as I recall it is now what? a year? Two years, post Endor? Upgrade to Mark IIIs would definitely be under way since we are locked in mortal combat throughout the galaxy with the Rebellion. ISDs would as well be upgraded from Is to IIs and even some IIs to IIIs.

Refitting old Carracks and our aging fleet of Dreadnaughts as well. rendili, Corellia, Kuat, Sluis Van, Yaga Minor - all of our major construction and/or repair yards would be very busy.

Park Kraken
Jun 15th, 2008, 06:50:32 PM
I worked on plans today for upgrading the Carrack cruisers and Dreadnoughts to modern "combating Rebellion" standards. As you know, Lancer Frigates are incredibly expensive and good only against starfighters, whilst Carracks are cheaper and tear through Rebel small to medium captial ships, but suffer against starfighter swarms.

The Carrack Mod 3 as planned so far would replace the cruiser's 20 Ion Cannons with the 20 Quad Laser Cannons that arm the Lancers, but in exchange the external racks and TIE Scouts would be replace by an external bay that would hold 5 Ion Torpedo Launchers and 50 Ion Torpedoes, letting the cruiser retain some of it's disabling capacity in combat.