View Full Version : VSD Mk III

Park Kraken
Jun 10th, 2008, 02:59:45 PM
Reshmar brought this up in a PM, but what would be the stats for the Mk III VSD that Decimator is being refitted for? He proposed upgrading to the Republic-type Destroyer, but that would add an additional 300 meters onto the ship.

My plans was for the ship to be better upgraded to deal with the threat of enemy starfighters and smuggler craft. An armament fit more like the VSD Mk I (20 Heavy Turbolaser Batteries, 40 Quad Laser Cannons, 10 Heavy Ion Cannons, 20 Concussion Missile Launchers, 5 Long Range Tractor Beam Projectors, 10 Tractor Beam Projectors), but with the upgraded shields and sensors of the Mk II.

Also, the ground complement would be erased (leaving a 100 man company behind for shipboard defense) and replaced by two additional starfighter squadrons.

Thoughts or comments?

Jaden Luka
Jun 10th, 2008, 05:52:45 PM
From a purely logic / achieving it in character perspective, it'd definately make sense as an upgrade for the Victory I-class, but upgrading a V2 to the same specifications would represent a much bigger engineering project for the Empire. Not that its an insurmountable obstacle; it just might make more sense as a Victory-Ia or whatever. But *shrug* - that's just me being picky.

The specs themselves sound reasonable enough; roughly on a par with the Dauntless-class Heavy Cruiser that the Rebellion uses, which has a similar fighter compliment.

As an upgrade from a VSD-2 rather than a VSD-1, presumably it won't have the atmospheric flight capabilities?

Jun 10th, 2008, 09:39:04 PM
I have posted in the Lab. I think we should work it out there before we get the rest of the site involved