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View Full Version : I need one Class-A villain.

May 25th, 2008, 09:49:58 PM
Hi all.

I'm looking to launch Stern's career as a hero.

I want it to be something sudden and earth-shattering. I want it to take Stern entirely by surprise and change his life so fundamentally that he will not be able to continue life as usual. Odds are he will not be able to finish his college at ESU. That's fine.

It needs to be frightening for Stern. Something he just barely overcomes, but with a still tragic outcome.

If anyone has a villain scary and jacked-up enough to bring the pain, let me know. Or if anyone wants to make a villain as mentioned, please come find me.

This will be so much fun! :) :wings

May 26th, 2008, 11:04:29 AM
>>>>> Would this suffice?

Banner Laverick
May 26th, 2008, 03:45:01 PM
I would offer Dallas, since it would give me something more to do with him, but Sterns' goggles would semi-cancel out his powers >_>;

Taya Robbins
May 26th, 2008, 05:53:12 PM
If anyone else is interested, that's fine - I've got a lot on my plate, and anyway Zero might be overkill. But he is available.

Jun 3rd, 2008, 06:59:22 PM
Still thinking about what I want out of this villian.

Vanguard might be a good option. So far Stern's mutancy is severely played down because of the nature of his powers. He glows and projects light. There's not a great deal of invasive/intrusive capabilities like reading minds or whatever.

Not a lot of firepower (at first thought).

In general the glow kind of creeps people out at night, but during the day most people don't notice because of the sunlight. The point is, most people view Stern as an amusing or "cute" mutant. He's not dangerous or scary. He's just Other.

Being a mutant is definitely not hitting him as hard as it is other characters in the X-Men 'verse. I want him to be totally sheared off from everything. I want people to recoil in fear at him when they see him.

Even if Stern succeeds in heroism by however a small margin, I want him to be viewed as a danger, a threat, and a disgrace.

Like I said, the change to Stern's life at the hands of this villian must be HUGE.

Zero sounds like a solid option. But like you said, you are busy.

If anyone gets any seriously good ideas, PM me. If anyone wants to be a catalyst for this (innocent bystander, damsel in distress, bus-load of children), also PM me.

Jun 16th, 2008, 01:00:45 PM
Since Summer is upon the X-Men world, I was thinking Stern's career could kick off at the ESU Commencement Ceremony.

The Commencement Speaker will be someone important. A New York politician, a company CEO, something of that nature.

Since no one else has volunteered, I was wondering if ZERO might be interested in trying to assassinate the commencement speaker. I don't know a lot of ZERO's background, but we can come up with a reason for ZERO to want to kill this guy.

Jun 16th, 2008, 02:48:51 PM
It'll be harder to come up with a reason to kill the guy in public. Zero's still top-secret, and he excels at infiltration, so it would most likely be a simple thing to kill him off in his hotel or en route.

So if he's going after him publically, it's because Vanguard wants the world to see him killed. And they certainly don't want it attributed to them, so it'd have to be a frame job.

Jun 16th, 2008, 08:06:15 PM
I sent you a PM with some ideas. We can talk about it that way. :)

Jan Claasen du Toit
Jun 16th, 2008, 09:48:27 PM
Neutron is still on the table if you want him.

Jun 16th, 2008, 11:35:30 PM
Answered the PM. Your idea is great - I'm just too swamped, so I'm going to have to bow out. Sorry. :(

Jun 17th, 2008, 06:07:30 AM
Not a problem. Fortunately, I have a back up plan. :) Perhaps another time.