View Full Version : Our Future Imperfect

Razielle Alastor
May 18th, 2008, 09:41:36 AM
Princess Shadana did not want to wake up. She was still in that beautiful place between dreaming and awake where she had the choice to roll over and wake, or snuggle back into the shimmersilk comfort of her bed and pretend that today did not exist. She was going to stay wrapped safely in her lovers arms where nothing could touch her and..

"Your Highness....?"

..and she would not have to face the abrasive light of morning, or be rushed around to dance attendance upon people that she wished to perdition. She would ignore them all and focus instead on his eyes, but it seemed like now even he wanted her to get up and deal with life..

"Your Highness please?!"

"Mmmmm.. go away, Lira.." She reached out her slender arms, silently begging for him not to go but he shook his head and was gone. Razielle groaned in distress..

"Miss! You were expected at breakfast and have slept through it! I delayed waking you as much as I could but I fear they will be beating down your door soon if you do not rise.."

A pale hand shot out through the opening in the bedcurtains and snatched the cup of stimcaf out of Lira's waiting hands. "Well why didn't you say so sooner?", she snapped.

Princess Razielle did not snap, especially not at Lira..

She sat up and took a sip of the steaming brew and immediately shoved it back out to the servant with a groan of distress. "Take it away please! It's awful..." She flopped back down to the bed and groaned. Lira was concerned enough to part the curtains and peer inside at her charge.

"Miss Razielle? Are you quite alright?"

"No. I'm dying. Summon the medics.."

Lira of course didn't not believe her, assumed it was just another of the sometimes bratty Razielle's ploys to stay in bed and not face the Hapans. She insisted on tugging the Princess from the bed and dressing her in a lovely jade green gown, boasting a square necked bodice and draping a strand of amethysts and emeralds around her neck. While Razielle tried to sip down her stimcaf again, Lira elegantly coiffed her long dark hair. "All set, Miss. You look lovely."

"I look green." She said dispassionately.. but she left, heading below to meet her fate..

Tristan Alastor
May 18th, 2008, 10:04:38 AM
The festivities of the previous evening (http://www.sw-fans.net/forum/showthread.php?t=17365) had left the already jet-lagged Hapan Prince eager to retire to bed – yet as the sun of Onderon rose, so did Tristan. Whilst Razielle had languished in the comfort of her dreams, he had taken a light breakfast and left the Palace halls for the royal gardens.

It was a bright, warm-weathered day and in the sky above, the four moons of Onderon – edging ever closer towards the lunar equinox – could scarcely be seen for the brilliance of the sun. From the raised land upon which the Palace had been built, wild forest land and mountains could be seen in the distance. It looked, Tristan thought, much like home.

He turned away from the pleasant vista, to the attendant stood behind him. Queen Adraudia had provided a small staff of guards and courtiers to see to the Hapan Prince's needs, yet he found himself wishing them away. They were a constant shadow to his movements and seemed either too awed or offended by his presence to provide any conversation of worth. His own staff were more than necessary.

He frowned. “Where is the Princess?”

Razielle Alastor
May 18th, 2008, 10:20:53 AM
Although she'd missed breakfast, there were still several platters awaiting any one that rose late. Razielle found she had absolutely no appetite however and bypassed the lot. She supposed it had been entirely rude of her to spend the better part of the morning in bed when she was meant to be playing the part of diplomatic Princess..

Although she was still roaring in anger inside, a small part of her knew and accepted that it was not the fault of Prince Tristan that these events had come to pass.. He was as much a pawn in his mother's games as she was.. That fact had encouraged her to see if her betrothed could become her ally against his mother..

She was informed that His Highness was touring the gardens, and went in search of him only to hear him inquire as to her whereabouts as she arrived.

"Isn't there a lovely saying about speaking of devils and having them appear?", she quipped..

Razielle stepped before him and dropped into a low curtsey. "Forgive me, Your Highness. I did not intend to sleep overlong.."

Tristan Alastor
May 18th, 2008, 10:29:53 AM
Tristan smiled, his lips pressed firmly together.

“You needn't apologize, my lady. I expect your were quite worn out after your performance last night.”

The escort of Onderonian guards stiffened, not fully understanding what the implied 'performance' was yet imagining that whatever it was, it was inappropriate for them to hear about and somehow slanderous to the Princess's dignity. They looked away from the royal pair, some of their faces becoming flushed with colour.

Razielle Alastor
May 18th, 2008, 12:01:42 PM
Rising gracefuly, Razielle took note of the guards dispostions with a slight arching of one dark brow.. "Yes, well... such energetic pursuits will do that, won't they..?"

Let them stew on that for a while..

"Shall we walk, my lord?" She tucked her hand into the crook of his arm with a questioning glance. Almost as an afterthought, Razielle turned her attention to the guards hovering nearby.

"I think we'll survive if you keep watch from the entrance.", Razielle suggested with a tone that didn't leave room for any argument.

"I promise not to put His Highness in any peril.."

Tristan Alastor
May 18th, 2008, 12:11:31 PM
Any protests would have been in vain, the guards knew that much, and so with reluctance they nodded and watched as their charge strolled off into the distance with Princess Razielle on his arm. They walked for a while in silence, merely enjoying the view.

“I must admit,” Tristan said, at last breaking the silence, “that as hard as your staff might try to conceal it, I can't help but feel that my arrival here has caused quite a stir.”

Razielle Alastor
May 18th, 2008, 12:28:28 PM
To say the least... She thought.

"I'm not sure it was your arrival, my lord.. That much had been eagerly anticipated.. I think the stirring about was caused more by the news of our sudden engagement."

Razielle decided right at that moment that she would manage much better with the Prince if she took a more forthcoming approach with him. Like her, he did not seem overly fond of tip-toeing around layers of formality.

"I felt much the same upon my own arrival. At first it was daunting, having a new nation for a home and new customs and people to come to know, but it worked out for the best. They are a coarse lot here, nothing like your home, but they are good and true.. if brutally honest at times."

Smiling, she gazed askance at the Prince. "That much being said, shall we take a lesson from them and try to be as blunt ourselves? I would much rather come to know you based on truth and not prettied up nonsense.."

Tristan Alastor
May 18th, 2008, 12:40:12 PM
Tristan frowned faintly at the idea of Onderon being 'coarse'. The people of Iziz seemed so much more honest and simple than the Hapans, and that was nothing to be ashamed of. If anything, he applauded them, for they were so much more likeable than the duplicitous schemers of the Consortium.

“Gladly. I've never been one for needless pretences.”

He looked to her, smiling wryly.

“...something troubles you.”

Razielle Alastor
May 18th, 2008, 12:47:13 PM
Aha! So the Prince was perceptive. She'd keep that in mind.

"It's just.. I cannot help but wonder.." Razielle searched for a truthful, but also tactful, way to phrase what was on her mind.

"What ever did you do to so displease your mother that she would send you packing from paradise to here, to be saddled with me?" She winced..

"Very well, maybe that was too blunt.. It just does not seem like you are getting the better end of this deal, my lord.."

Tristan Alastor
May 18th, 2008, 01:08:35 PM
Tristan glanced down, smiling to himself. The transparency of the Hapan Queen's motivations had, evidently, not gone unnoticed.

“You seem to know my mothers temperament well already, my lady,” he replied, glancing up. “Make no mistake, I am sure that you are a woman of great worth, whom I should be proud to marry – but this is not the reason she chose you for me. I believe it has more to do with the great distance between your world and my own.”

Razielle Alastor
May 18th, 2008, 03:44:01 PM
Somehow Razielle managed to keep her reply to a silent nod, rather than agree that yes, his dame had the temperment of a rabid dog and about the same amount of charm. There was no need to be ugly after all...

"I suspected as much.. So you are being banished then. Why, if I might be so bold as to ask?"

She knew also that this happily arranged marriage was also a lesson from the Queen Mother to Razielle herself. After spending so long in her esteemed company and not being cowed by her, this was her punishment. She'd put Razielle in her place, one way or another..

Tristan Alastor
May 19th, 2008, 08:08:10 AM
“Banished is not quite the word I would have chosen. I am free to return to the Hapes Consortium whenever I choose to do so... but once I am there, my safety cannot be accounted for. The court can be a... dangerous place.”

He looked to the skyline, his eyes narrowing as if he were scrutinizing something.

“Did you know, that it has been centuries since a monarch of the Consortium died of natural causes.”

Razielle Alastor
May 19th, 2008, 11:13:06 AM
It did not surpriese Razielle. She was ready to kill the Queen Mother already.

"Considering the power, wealth and influence that the Consortium holds sway over, that is to be expected, I suppose.."

That the Prince was also in danger was news to her though, she hadn't gotten the impression during her stay there that males, even noble ones, were considered that.. important. Still though, the thought that someone might assassinate the old crone in her bed gave Razielle a warm fuzzy feeling..

"I suspect with a record like that.. Procedures for ensuring the safety of the royal family must be quite rigid.. Although, perhaps just not returning.. would be wise..", she laughed lightly..

"Would you want to? Return to Hapes, I mean.."

Tristan Alastor
May 19th, 2008, 11:21:20 AM
Tristan nodded. “My sister is still there,” he said, then falling silent.

Somehow, that was enough. There was an unsettled tone to his voice that spoke volumes of his true anxieties.

Razielle Alastor
May 19th, 2008, 11:28:22 AM
"Elaine..", she said simply, nodding in understanding.

"She seemed most capable, if a bit subdued.." Beneath your Mother's beautiful tyranny..

"She'll find herself similarly betrothed soon as well..hmm?"

Tristan Alastor
May 19th, 2008, 11:41:03 AM
“Our mother will not rest until she has secured the her legacy. Elaine is the heir to the throne, she must be wed if the bloodline is to survive.”

Tristan shook his head, breathing in deep and slow as he felt his anger rising within.

“Wed to some... lecherous ox, who will trample her soul and cage her like a song-bird.”

Razielle Alastor
May 19th, 2008, 11:50:49 AM
It didn't take a master empath to feel the anger rolling off Tristan as he thought of his sister and her uncertain fate. Razielle did not want to like this man. She did not want to admire him, or think kindly on him in any way, but his affection for his sister was endearing, and their mutual dislike of his mother's schemes... It was common ground and could be built upon.

"Well not to cast a dire shadow upon your venerable mother, but perhaps the common eventuality of all those who ruled before her will occur in time to save your sister from such a fate..", she hedged the subject carfeully.

Razielle pausing in their stroll to pick up a flower the had fallen into their path, as if the subject was only passingly interesting to her.. and not her every desire. She twirled the stem between her fingers thoughtfully before tucking her hand once more around Tristan's arm to continue..

Tristan Alastor
May 19th, 2008, 11:57:18 AM
Tristan turned, head tilting as he watched Razielle crouch to retrieve the fallen flower.

“Yes,” he said as she rejoined him, his tone almost verging upon suspicion – or perhaps curiosity. “Perhaps...”

They continued to walk, with the Princes leading the way on a scenic route through the gardens. Yet, Tristan's mind was elsewhere now, his gaze distant.

Razielle Alastor
May 19th, 2008, 12:06:30 PM
Walking in silence for a while, Razielle's own thoughts were also elsewhere while her mind worked. She didn't worry about how she appeared, she'd been trained since the cradle to carry herself as a proper young lady and seem composed at all the necessary times, this being one of them..

When she took note of the Prince's similar distant mien, she chuckled and patted him on the arm. "Where have you gone, my lord? I fear already you've left me to return to Hapes and save your sister..", she teased..

Tristan Alastor
May 19th, 2008, 12:22:29 PM
Tristan smiled, though not without effort. “My apologies.”

They had come upon a small courtyard, in which stood a fountain topped by some weather-worn statue. Tristan paused to appraise the craftsmanship, hidden as it was beneath the tangle of ivy-vines that had been allowed to grow over it.

“I'm sorry that you have become a part of all this... my lady,” he said, and in speaking turned to face Razielle, lifting one hand to brush fingertips to her cheek.

Razielle Alastor
May 19th, 2008, 12:38:32 PM
The moment his fingers brushed against her cheek, Razielle's gaze lowered, a seemingly demure gesture.

Prince Tristan was the kind of man any sane girl would have been ecstatic to be engaged to. Handsome beyond words, polite and even capable of deep affection, as was evident by his words regarding his sister. He was exactly the sort she would have been expected to marry, had her parents lived, but they had not.. because she had another destiny.

Slowly she lifted her eyes..

"It will be alright. I'm a great believer in Fate. What is meant to be will, no matter the cost. Don't you think, my lord?", she tried to smile, but it was not her best effort. She'd promised to be as truthful as she could, so she would refrain from becoming a creature of artifice in front of the Prince.

Tristan Alastor
May 19th, 2008, 12:50:56 PM
After but a lingering touch, Tristan's hand fell away. It hung in the air for a moment, as if he were about to reach out and take something – but instead dropped back to his side. “Fate,” he sighed, walking with slow steps to the other side of the fountain.

Something she had said had struck a chord in him. As he spoke again, his voice rose, a spike of anger palpable within him once more.

“I will not throw myself upon the tides of destiny and fate.”

Razielle Alastor
May 19th, 2008, 01:00:09 PM
Princess Shadana didn't move to follow. She remained where he'd left her, once more twirling the stem of the flower between her fingers. One by one, she systematically pulled loose the petals and dropped them to float atop the surface of the fountain's pool. When only one was left on the pillaged stem, she pulled it free and pressed a kiss to it's fragrant softness, but it did not join the others. Instead, she set it aside on the edge of the statue's base.

"I apologize, my lord.. I did not mean to suggest that you should be at the mercy of anyone or anything." She turned slightly away, facing the path they had come from as if she would leave him to his angry solitude.

Tristan Alastor
May 19th, 2008, 01:20:48 PM
“No,” he said, suddenly and then after a moment, this time softer, “...no.”

His temper had gotten the better of him again; it was beginning to happen with an alarming frequency. He pressed a palm to his forehead and looked up to Razielle with a hint of guilt in his eyes.

“Forgive me... it seems I am most at the mercy of myself, of all things.”

Razielle Alastor
May 20th, 2008, 09:29:49 AM
Razielle stopped in her tracks, folding her hands before her for a moment, as if she couldn't decide if it would be more prudent to make a graceful exit, or remain. After a moment, she turned and regarded the Prince.

"Think nothing of it, Your Higness. I understand, all too well, that it is not just myself suddenly thrown into this arrangement. What is more, I now also understand the reasons you would have for not wanting to remain a party to it. If you are frustrated, you have every reason to be."

As she spoke, she'd slowly rounded the fountain, coming to a stop just before Prince Tristan once more.

"Although..", she said lightly, a sparkle returning to her eyes.. "I fear we've spent a good deal of this lovely morning in various apologies.."

Tristan Alastor
May 20th, 2008, 10:35:37 AM
Tristan clapped his hands together, his expression brightening immeasurably.

“An excellent point. Let's speak no more of it. Come.”

He offered an arm to Razielle and they began to walk once more.

“Tell me about yourself, your interests...”

Razielle Alastor
May 20th, 2008, 04:10:23 PM
Looping her arm through the Prince's, smile once more fixed in place, Razielle tried to think on how best to answer.

"Well.. mostly, as a ward of her Majesty, I try to be a useful member of her household. I take an active interest in the affairs of Iziz as a diplomat and any other task my dear Queen can think up for me. I've been after the Prime Minister for a more glorius political appointment for some time, but the man is very hard to please..", she smiled faintly, but redirected the conversation toward safer ground without pause.

"On a more personal note.. as you've seen I like to remain in top form with fencing. I spend what free time I do have in such pursuits..".. she trailed off with a naughty grin..

An unseemly hobby for a Princess, for certain, but she couldn't help that she was good at it.

Tristan Alastor
May 20th, 2008, 04:17:58 PM
What he heard was encouraging, refreshing even. The picture painted of woman beyond the borders of the Consortium was one of bashfulness and conformity, yet here was a lady with political influences and aspirations, as well as a healthy interest in the more physical pursuits. If he was to take a wife, he thought, it would be a woman like this. Yet, he could not help but wonder...

“What would you do, if you were free of your duties? If you were not obligated to remain on Onderon.”

Razielle Alastor
May 20th, 2008, 04:34:01 PM
"Life without obligations?! Is there such a thing?", she teased..

"Were I common born, and not of noble birth I would still remain within the borders of Iziz. Much more than obligation holds me here.. Love holds me here..", she said with grave resolve.

"Love for Adraudia, who is as family to me.. but I understand your meaning. Were there nothing to hold me here what would I do?", she grew pensive, thinking deeply on her answer.

"I believe I would travel the galaxy, seeking whatever destiny had in store for me. Oh, I know you aren't a believer in such whimsy, my lord, but I believe that somewhere out there is something.. some purpose that calls to each of us. Some profound mystery that awaits those bold enough to claim it.."

Razielle stopped and laughed.. "I sound like quite the fool..."

Tristan Alastor
May 27th, 2008, 06:10:51 AM
Tristan found himself laughing along with Razielle. The idea of chasing some 'profound mystery', as she had put it, some unknown goal, it seemed perfectly alien to him. The future was what you made of it, not what it made of you. As their laughter subsided, the Prince thought back over her answer and found one point made him curious.

“What happened to your birth family? Were they nobles too?”

Salem Ave
May 27th, 2008, 06:24:34 AM
The sunlight glanced off the palace windows in such a way that they appeared as opaque, brilliant squares of white light. Salem Ave narrowed his eyes against the brightness as he looked down over the palace gardens, watching the two figures wandering through the hedgerows.

Razielle Alastor
May 27th, 2008, 10:08:52 AM
Razielle nodded to the Prince, but a dark look crossed her features. "Yes, my lord. King Raspian and Queen Sindel, of the late Davora monarchy."

Speaking their names conjured their memory for Razielle, and she did not like to think on them at all. It was a part of her life she had put far behind her. Something unwanted that she had given up to have her heart's desire, but she could hardly explain that to Tristan..

"Davora was a small planet in a neighboring system. Volcanic isle's atop a turquoise sea.. It was a nation of art and culture. Small, but wealthy from the trade of it's signature black diamonds.. It's gone now, of course.. That is how I came to be a ward of Adraudia.. There was..." her voice trailed off, almost as if the subject were too painful to speak of...

"... a planetary collapse, while I was off world.." She'd stopped walking, her attention had been claimed and it was fortuitous that such an emotional conversation provided her with the excuse to be a bit scattered. It took a great deal of will power not to lift her eyes just then, but she knew damn well she was being observed..

"Many refugees came to Onderon with me, and have since come to love their new home. So you see, I am no stranger to being taken from what is familiar and plunged into new surroundings.."

Great, hand me the award for best actress now...

Tristan Alastor
May 27th, 2008, 12:48:58 PM
She spoke with such feeling that Tristan could not help but share her grief, her palpable sadness. He took the Princess's hands, clasped together between his own. On more than one occasion, her voice seemed caught, as if recounting the tale of her past might bring tears to her eyes – but she did not weep. Tristan smiled, sadly.

“You are as strong as you are beautiful, my lady.”

Razielle Alastor
May 27th, 2008, 06:31:10 PM
"Thank you, my lord.." A ghost of a smile haunted her features for a moment..

Razielle fought the urge to recoil and back away. Despite the intimacy forced upon them both by betrothals, treaties and their own private agendas, she had no desire to learn to like this man. He was admirable in every imaginable way, she was sure, and that just made it worse. He was the perfect prince, but he was not for her.. She wanted very much to make a snide comment about how she hoped her beauty and strength were enough of a bargain for his mother's mercenary peace, but she could not do that either..

"Enough of me... Tell me more about yourself." Gently pulling her hands from his, she retreated behind a mask of polite indifference, a tactic she'd learned from her own beloved..

Tristan Alastor
May 27th, 2008, 06:49:40 PM
Had he said or done something to offend her? Tristan watched her for a moment in silence, trying to judge what it was that he felt she was concealing. It was impossible to say.

“There is not much to tell,” he said, at last. “My father was murdered when I was still a boy, not long after my sister was born. My mother raised us as equals, though it was always expected that Elaine would reign as Queen Mother whilst I would join the Navy when I came of age.”

This elicited a chuckle, a contrast to the brisk, dispassionate tone in which he spoke about the rest of his upbringing.

“I must admit, I have never been fond of doing what is expected of me.”

Razielle Alastor
May 27th, 2008, 07:32:29 PM
"So, no dashing naval uniform for you then... I think you'd have given Commodore Belargic cause for alarm if you had decided to enlist!", Razielle teased him, forcing herself back into a light mood.

The Commodore was not one of her favorite people. She was still quite irked at his haughty attitude and lived in the hopes that one day she would deliver him the setback he so richly deserved..

"Well, so you don't normally do what is expected. Then why, may I ask, are you here..? Why stay and go through with this?", she settled her violet gaze on him searchingly, truly interested in the answer...

Tristan Alastor
May 28th, 2008, 10:19:51 AM
He smiled at her teasing, taking it all in good nature. At her question, however, Tristan grew more thoughtful and looked towards the sky, where wispy clouds drifted slowly into view.

“The Queen does not expect me to stay on Onderon. She imagines that I will return to Hapes soon, and in doing so defy her decree.”

His eyes turned once more to the Princess. “I am not nearly so dearly loved by my people as you are by yours, Razielle. It would be a simple thing for her to turn them even further against me.”

Razielle Alastor
May 28th, 2008, 12:57:22 PM
A displeased frown marred her smooth brow. So the Queen was a thorn in the side of them all, for certain. Toying with all of their lives. Razielle, Tristan and Elaine, all her little pawns in some great game that she fancied herself in control of. She may have the upper hand for now, but she would find the tables turned on her soon enough.. Someone really needed to rid the galaxy of her..

Razielle wondered briefly how Tristan would take to the suggestion that they do that very thing and set his sister up as Queen Mother.. She smiled slightly and kept walking..

"What could your people possibly have against you, my lord..?"

Tristan Alastor
May 28th, 2008, 02:12:04 PM
“The Queen is like a goddess to them. That I should question her judgements, so openly...”

Tristan shook his head, smiling faintly.

“The position of Hapan Prince isn't one much respected to begin with. Elaine is the most treasured jewel in my mothers crown.”

Razielle Alastor
May 28th, 2008, 07:42:12 PM
A Goddess indeed...

"This is going to be one of those cultural differences that I do not ever quite grasp, I think...", she smiled sadly. To be sure, she understood the society was matriarchal but that hardly make the crowned Prince useless and worthy of the peoples scorn!

"Well.. you are here now, my lord. You'll be pleased to note we have a bit more respect for you..." She walked ahead, then tossed a bratty grin over her shoulder at him.

"Just a bit, mind you..."

Tristan Alastor
May 31st, 2008, 10:23:49 AM
The grin was soon returned. He was fortunate that his companion was so good-natured and could so readily lift his spirits. Folding his arms behind his back, Tristan walked on for a while, taking some contentment from the peace they found themselves in. After a time, the distant wilderness caught his eyes and curiosity once more.

“It's hunting season now, isn't it?”

Razielle Alastor
May 31st, 2008, 10:55:39 AM
"You could say that.." Razielle followed his gaze to the not too distant jungle-scape.

Razielle had to admit, she too was just squirming inside to run out into the Wilds, though for a much different reason. It was the one place she could shed the mask of who she must be, to be her true self. No pretension. No pretty airs. The Wilds would only tolerate her most primal self..

"Though the game is always at peak out there.. Seasonally speaking, now would be the preferred time though, yes. Would you like me to arrange a hunting party for you, my lord? I believe the sportsman in you would be thoroughly engaged, mounted atop a drexl...", she smiled to herself..

Or he might just be intimidated and retire early, they would have to see...

Tristan Alastor
May 31st, 2008, 11:25:31 AM
“A drexl?”

A look of almost boyish mischief and excitement came over Tristan.

“I've heard of them... the winged dragons of Dxun! Yes, I should like to ride one of those.”

Razielle Alastor
May 31st, 2008, 11:32:58 AM
She couldn't help but be amused by his sudden, almost childlike eagerness. It was charming, really..

"I'd be delighted to arrange that for you, my Lord..", she said with a gracious incline of her head.

A soft wind blew through the gardens, pulling on her skirts and tossing stray tendrils of her dark hair around her eyes. She swatted at them with a smile.

"Well, I suppose I'm not properly attired for such an adventure. Shall we agree to meet at the Palace's main gate in an hour?"

Tristan Alastor
May 31st, 2008, 11:40:38 AM
He had not expected that she would accompany him, but he was none the less enthused to hear it. If he was to be stranded on Onderon, the least he could do was enjoy himself, and he could think of few better ways. The challenge of mastering the drexl would provide ample distraction.

“Yes, excellent! Til then...” Tristan bowed his head and smiled.

Razielle Alastor
May 31st, 2008, 11:46:14 AM
Despite the fact that it had been a relatively pleasant interlude with the Hapan Prince, Razielle could not help the elation she felt when she left the gardens. It was like she was escaping!

True she only had an hour before she was expected to once more share his company, but the hunt would be neutral ground, hardly intimate and she'd make sure to have her own mount.. Even if it drew some commentary from the other nobles. They already knew her to be eccentric, what was one more detail?

On the way to her own chambers, Anxia's mind quickly sifted through all the information that the pretty Princess Razielle had attained unwittingly from Prince Tristan... and smiled. There was hope!

Salem Ave
May 31st, 2008, 12:29:45 PM
Upon opening the door to her chambers, Razielle was confronted by a rather red-faced Lira. She didn't say anything, but glanced over towards the foot of the Princess's bed, where Salem Ave stood. There was a look of pity about the girl, her eyes sad.

“Leave us.”

Razielle Alastor
May 31st, 2008, 12:42:56 PM
Lira didn't even look to her mistress for confirmation on that point, she just scurried from the room without a backward glace at the command. Whether she knew she was in the middle of a lovers spat, or just plain scared of Salem's tone, was uncertain.

Little traitor.., Razielle thought.

As soon as the door shut them into privacy, Razielle commenced with getting ready for the hunt. She pulled the earrings from her ears and lifted her arms to unclasp the strand of jewels from around her throat. She would have very much liked to pretend that she had all the time in the world to spend languishing in her chambers, in her bed more aptly, with the Prime Minister but she was expected..

"Salem..", she finally acknowledged him, with a resolute sigh..

"Enjoying your morning?", she knew her tone was baiting, but she couldn't seem to help it. She was the one being sold off, so if she wanted to be testy about it everyone better just shut up and deal with it...

Salem Ave
May 31st, 2008, 12:54:00 PM
“We don't have time for games,” Salem replied, voice even and cold, as he moved nearer to the Princess.

“What has he told you?”

Razielle Alastor
May 31st, 2008, 01:05:25 PM
"You think I don't understand that?", she retorted, her tone as even and cold.

For all that he thought she was toying around, Razielle had spent the better part of the morning collecting facts and putting them together, for just such a reporting.

"The Prince is not well received by his people. They do not care for his tendency to disagree with his bitch mother's tyranny. His life is in danger should he return there. " She tossed her jewels into a box and snapped the lid shut.

"The only reason he would return would be on the behalf of his sister Elaine, who he fears his mother will see wed soon to some old codger. She's the favored child, the one who will continue the Alastor dynasty if Chume Ishara has her way.." Razielle stepped from her shoes, and began divesting herself of the pretty jade green dress.

"Also - he made mention of the fact that death by assasination is quite normal among the rulers of Hapes, it's anticipated even. In jest, I told him that maybe his mother would meet that end sooner rather than later, sparring his sister and indeed, he seemed ponderous of the idea.."

Down to her undergarments, Razielle turned and raised a brow. "Anything else you would like to know, master...?"

Salem Ave
May 31st, 2008, 01:21:40 PM
There was a twitch at one corner of his lips, something verging upon a smile. Not at the almost comical sight of her undressed, hands on hips, with that defiant look in her eyes, but at how diligently she had made note of Tristan's comments.

“That will be sufficient, for now.”

That said, the Prime Minister turned to leave, walking away briskly. A few feet short of the door, he paused. “Oh, and Razielle...”

He glanced over his shoulder, adding: “Wear him out. I want your full attention this evening.”

Razielle Alastor
May 31st, 2008, 01:38:32 PM
Still stripped to nothing more than her undergarments, Razielle executed a flawless and quite deep curtsey. "As you like..." Inside however she'd turned into a molten mess at his words..

As the door was closing behind Salem, Razielle turned and issued a decree of her own. "Do send Lira back in please!"


A short while later, Razielle was properly dressed, knee high boots over long black leggings, a much shorter dress - reaching only to midthigh, to allow for easy movement once mounted and her tresses pull up beneath a rather jaunty little cap, which she really just found fetching..

With a small party of seasoned beast riders, who had agreed to accompany them on the hunt, in her wake, Razielle made her way to the palace gates, exactly on time..

Tristan Alastor
May 31st, 2008, 01:46:24 PM
In the hour since their parting, Tristan had acquired some beast-rider furs of his own. He wore them surprisingly well and it would have been difficult to argue that he did not look the part. The question remained whether or not he could also play it, of course, but he seemed eager and earnest to show that he was more than capable. Tristan gave one of the 'riders a slap on the back in greeting, looking then to Razielle with a grin.

“Lead on then, my lady – to the drexl!”

Razielle Alastor
May 31st, 2008, 04:54:44 PM
"Of course, my lord.. This way." Razielle led the way out of the palace gates to the Sky Ramp.

One of the men she had selected, one of the ones she knew to be a dicing partner of the Queen's stammered a quickly stifled protest.. "Your Highness, umm.. Yer' sure ye wouldn't prefer to arrange transper'tation from 'ere to the paddocks? It's a long walk an.."

Princess Shadana turned around astonished. "Of course not, we have the rest of the day to hunt and I've arranged to have a meal for us, at our leisure.. We'll walk. It is not that far, and besides Prince Tristan could hardly have taken in the sights of Iziz arriving at nightfall. This is far more pleasant.."

She turned and walked backwards, eyeing up the 'riders.. "Unless you boys aren't up to a little exercise..?"

Tristan Alastor
May 31st, 2008, 05:17:51 PM
“Nonsense!” Tristan cheered, an arm wrapping around two of the riders' shoulders.

“The walk will warm us up for the true sport! Isn't that right, gentlemen?”

He gave both men a pat and then broke away to walk alongside the Princess, smiling from ear to ear.

Razielle Alastor
May 31st, 2008, 05:45:00 PM
"Exactly..", she smiled...

And hopefully tire your limbs out quickly.., she added mentally. All the sooner to return to the evenings.. agenda. She would have to take care not to tire herself out in the process. Luckily she was a very physical being and endurance was something she'd trained for..

Along the way, Razielle made sure to point of the Merchant Quarter, the Western Square, the starport and any other points of interest. For being the only civilized settlement on the planet, they had made quite a city behind the walls, conscious of the fact that the wall was high and guarded, but only an illusion of safety in an untamed world...

She'd taken this same route with the Prime Minister not that long ago.. The day that he'd first told her of the mission to Hapes.. She smiled whistfully remembering..

Tristan Alastor
May 31st, 2008, 06:02:22 PM
The tour, whilst brief, was most enlightening. Razielle had a good grasp on the lay of the land, from the palatial grounds to the city streets. It was obvious from the responses they received, as they moved through the more crowded areas, that she was a woman of the people. Yet it became just as clear to Tristan, as they neared the city walls, that all was not right within Iziz. Armoured figures eyed them with open suspicion. Tristan indicated a pair of them with a subtle nod.

“Who are they?”

Razielle Alastor
May 31st, 2008, 06:24:56 PM
"Ahh.. I see you don't miss anything, my lord.."

Behind them, the riders grumbled in distaste, but did not outright say anything that would slander the fierce looking armored warriors. They knew better than to invoke the ire of their Queen with a dispute in the city, in front of the Hapan Prince no less.

"Those..", she said so that her voice would carry to the warriors. "..are the Mando'ade. The warriors of Mandalore, who you met last night briefly, I believe? They are a nomadic people who are skilled in the arts of war, and very proud. Until very recently, we have been at war with them for generations.. The present Mandalore has proposed a time of peace that is in turn profiting both sides."

Princess Razielle took a moment to pause and incline her head to the warriors, but then kept walking. Even more quietly she confided to the Prince. "I do not believe it is something meant to last. Generations of hate and mistrust do not disappear so quickly, but for now the cessation of the war has given the people of Iziz hope..."

Tristan Alastor
May 31st, 2008, 07:17:42 PM
Tristan nodded, though he said nothing more on the matter. There was so much more to Iziz than met the eye. For now, however, he was content with the knowledge that they would soon be taking to the skies of Onderon, temporarily leaving all of the complexities of the city behind.

Passing through the gate that separated the city from the wilderness was not a difficult process, though Tristan noted that they seemed to be the only party interested in doing so. There were traders at the walls edge, offering their services as guides, or trying to pawn off their latest catches.

“Amateurs,” muttered one of the riders Razielle had chosen to accompany them.

Razielle Alastor
May 31st, 2008, 07:28:49 PM
Grinning over her shoulder at the rider, Razielle opened her mouth to make a comment but a sudden high pitched screech rent the air, it carried on and on and deepened into a mighty roar. The cry reverberated through the air, making her ears ring and she barely resisted the urge to reach up and cover them. The riders however kept moving forward as if nothing unusal had occurred, familiar with the sound. Again, before she could speak to explain, a half dozen other like-sounds began, drowning out the clamor of the nearby city...

Leaning over, Razielle lay a hand on Tristan's arm and grinned. "Drexl's!", she shouted over the noise. "Your ride awaits, my lord!"

Following behind the riders now, they approached the paddocks where the great beasts were saddled and waiting their riders. Their backs and muzzles were pulled down, chains tethered to heavy rings to keep them down until the party was seated... That was the reason for the beasts vexation and screaming..

"They'll settled once we're mounted..."

"A bit.", she added...

Tristan Alastor
May 31st, 2008, 07:40:32 PM
Tristan strode towards the paddock, not in the least intimidated by the sight of the beasts. He clapped both hands down onto the fence that surrounded them, levering himself upwards, yet still he was dwarfed by them. They stood three meters tall, and Tristan would have wagered that their wing-span was twice that size when unfettered. Their lean bodies shimmered, each muscular inch of flesh covered in dazzling scales.

“What magnificent creatures!”

One, nearest to him, thrust its head out towards him and let out an almighty screech, it's jagged teeth shining in the light. Tristan let himself fall away from the fence, spinning to face the rest of the group.

“That is the beast for me!”

Razielle Alastor
May 31st, 2008, 07:52:04 PM
He's going to break his fool neck!, she thought, grinning, though not maliciously.

If she wasn't being forced into marrying Tristan, she'd probably like him very much. It was a shame, really. "Well, let's not waste anymore of the day! Are we ready?"

"Yes, Your Highness.. This way."

Razielle took the calloused hand offered her and followed the rider toward one of the beasts that had been selected for her. Tristan had laid his eyes on one of the younger drexl's, but for their Princess, they insisted on her riding a mount more trained up and seasoned. Saftey first, since she was insisting on accompanying them..

She was handed a toughened pair of leather gloves to spare her hands, and pulled them on. Accepting the leg up, she tossed herself gracefully into the saddle and listened to the riders quickly offered advice on controlling her mount.

"I'll be fine.. Thank you.", she assured him.

Tristan Alastor
May 31st, 2008, 08:04:11 PM
The drexl that Tristan had singled out was untethered, it's head lashing about wildly until its wings were also freed. Unbound, it reared onto its hind legs and let out a wild cry of triumph. The beast riders eyed it with uncertainty, but it seemed the Prince was set on his choice. Perhaps it was the creatures fiery nature that attracted him, or perhaps it was simply a little of his Hapan confidence coming through, driving him to choose the mount that would provide the greatest challenge.

With the help of the animal handlers, Tristan found his way into seat on the creatures back, taking a firm hold of the reigns as his boot-heels found their place in the stirrups. There was a holster attached to the beasts flank and Tristan watched with a grin as the tamers fitted it with a hunting spear, almost the length of his own body. The drexl's wings fluttered at its sides, casting waves of dust up into the air. It was eager to leave the confines of the paddock, as was its rider.

Razielle Alastor
May 31st, 2008, 08:16:30 PM
"My lady? As requested.." Rather than a spear, Razielle was being armed with a sleek looking bowcaster. Something that had been quickly retrieved for her and seemed to fit into her hands as if it were made for them. She quickly checked the weapons charges and when satisfied that it was ready for action, looped it's strap around her shoulder.

"Thank you!", she said in a slightly too cheerful manner, considering. A few of the men gave her quick looks. Why did their Princess have her own bowcaster at the ready? Well.. they already knew she was skilled with a sword so they didn't worry too much on it.

To Tristan she shrugged. "More accurate than a blaster. I'm not big on spears.. Ready?" At the affirmative nods of the party, the beasts were released and the hunt began..

The drexl's great flapping wings kicked up dust, but they quickly rose above it, Razielle's stomach felt like dropped out from her as they quickly lifted into the air and bobbed, gaining height.. The lead beast rider indicated the direction of their quarry, and one by one they fell in, to follow.

Tristan Alastor
Jun 1st, 2008, 06:52:07 AM
It only took two beats of the drexl's wings to lift it and Tristan some thirty feet into the air. The sudden rise filled him with a sensation verging on euphoria. An hour ago, the dragons of Dxun had been little more than a legend to him, and yet here he was, mounted atop one! The long sleek neck ahead, the powerful body beneath him and all of it at his command. As they soared upwards, Tristan cried out in delight, though his voice was sucked away into nothingness by the rushing air.

Beneath them, the wildernes of Onderon sprawled for miles and miles, as far as the eye could see. He saw peaks and verges, and the silver thread of a river winding through the sprawling green landscape. Whatever their prey was, he was certain that it could not possibly escape them now.

Razielle Alastor
Jun 1st, 2008, 08:59:57 AM
Although she couldn't hear the riders over the roar of the wind, and the occasional roar of the drexl, Razielle had known before hand what the gameplan was for the day. Partially inspired by the walk to the paddocks, actually. Between boasting that the hides on display at the gates had been caught by amateurs, and the watchful eyes of the Mandalorians, the beast riders had decided that to be truly impressive upon returning they would have to secure big game.. Something challenging, for His Highness, of course.. Something with a tough skin that was resistant to attack.. Something that would require cunning and skill to capture and put down..

They wanted a zakkeg.

Because she knew what they were after, she could almost interpret their gestures and signals to one another as they flew far off from the city wall. Below them, not far off from the river itself were secondary tracks that marred the never ending wilderness. They almost seemed manmade in their precision, stretching from one point to another such as a river, but the Mandolorians were not so sloppy as to leave trails.. These must be game trails...

One of the riders pointed in the direction her own eyes had been wandering. There was a crashing through the trees, and preceding that ahead was a faster moving tan-colored beast. They way it sprinted almost faster than the eye could track led Razielle to believe it was one of the feline predators, a maalraas. Fitting prey for a zakkeg.

Could that be what pursued it?

Tristan Alastor
Jun 1st, 2008, 03:17:00 PM
The drexl fanned outwards, some sweeping lower, their sharp eyes picking out any movement within the woodland. Tristan looked left and right to the other riders, wondering what it was they had spotted. At first, his untrained eye could see nothing, but the more he studied the land, the more he began to notice the telltale signs of prey on the move – the shaking of trees, fleeting glimpses of colour that did not quite match the hues of the forest. Straightening his back, he laid one hand upon the hunting spear at his side, eagerly waiting the moment when the real chase began.

Razielle Alastor
Jun 1st, 2008, 05:43:44 PM
Razielle sincerely hoped that the Prince was enjoying himself, but she couldn't spare him any thoughts right now, keeping herself seated and controlling the beast beneath her was a task in itself. As the drexl were accustomed to the hunt, when she signaled a directional change her beast locked in on the prey she was after, the maalraas. She'd have no hope of putting a bowcaster bolt through the hide of a zakkeg, so instead she'd leave it a nice little corpse to find and let another of the hunters deliver the killing blow.

Her drexl responded flawlessly, plummeting nearly straight downward at her silent command. Locking her knees tightly to it's side and leaning back in the saddle, she enjoyed the feel of flying through the trees. She kept her face averted as branches and bramble would have reached out to claw at her hair and skin, plucking her from her seat. The very danger of such a ride thrilled her.

The beast screamed as it wove through the trees, eventually coming out directly above the game trail. As it leveled out, she tucked the reigns of her mount around the saddle horn before her, then drew the bowcaster over her shoulder, taking aim on the maalraas which was charging just before her...

Tristan Alastor
Jun 1st, 2008, 05:59:41 PM
At the sight of Razielle vanishing beneath the trees, Tristan gathered up the reigns of his mount and with a whip, urged it downwards, after his bride to be. He caught a glimpse of her, and their game, as the drexl crashed through the upper canopy. She stood astride the dragon's saddle, her weapon in hand, hair whipping in the wind – she looked like some fantastic warrior queen, with the forest and all its inhabitants bowing before her.

As if sensing his distraction, the drexl the Prince rode bucked upwards and almost sent Tristan head first into a thick patch of branches. Gritting his teeth, he gave the beast a kick in the side and it veered downwards once more, swerving to one side to avoid colliding with a huge tree-trunk.

Razielle Alastor
Jun 1st, 2008, 06:07:59 PM
Oblivious to the near miss behind her, Razielle bit down gently on her lip, sighted the maalraas, tracking it's movements ahead of her and discharged two shots at it. They it and the cat-like creature tumbled in a great rolling heap that would have likely snapped bones, as fast as it had been going.

With a smirk, Razielle tossed the bowcaster back over her shoulder and let the drexl have it's lead again, zooming through the lower canopy and bursting through, once more into open air to circle around.

With any luck the following zakkeg would take enough of an interest in her little present for it to stop and in turn be killed. If not they would have to pursue it through thicker covered ground..

Tristan Alastor
Jun 2nd, 2008, 09:07:29 AM
The riders veered upwards, by Tristan's mount would not relent to his commands. It broke free of the canopy, only to loop back over upon itself, plummeting back into the thick of the forest. Branches lashed at the Prince's face as the drexl cut through the trees, its thick scaly hide impervious to the assault. When at last it pulled up from it's dive, Tristan saw that they were now mere meters above the ground. A unnatural path lay ahead, where reeds and bushes had been flattened under the rampaging feet of the zakkeg. Yes, that was it! Tristan could see it up ahead. His steed pursued the very beast they had come for.

Razielle Alastor
Jun 2nd, 2008, 10:09:03 AM
Circled back around once more, Razielle watched the other riders actions. Two closing in fromt he sides, she thought from a quick glance that they were the two actual beast riders of Iziz, the third was on a low swoop throught he trees, the same path that she had just taken but much lower...


That beast he was on was too tempermental in the extreme, it had been since he'd first climbed on it's back. She would rather not bring his corpse back to Iziz and explain to Salem and the Hapan Queen Mother why there could be no treaty now because she'd gone and gotten her betrothed killed before midday!

Her drexl flapped it's mighty wings, keeping it's midair postion while she watched the others close in. The minutes seemed to stretched on before the third drexl finally burst forth from the canopy - only now riderless!

Tristan Alastor
Jun 2nd, 2008, 10:23:58 AM
Tristan rolled along the forest floor, coming to a halt only as he crashed into the sprawling roots of a tree. His eyes squeezed shut, he arched is back up from the ground, crying out in pain. When the drexl had bucked him from the saddle, he'd landed badly on one leg. He tried to stand but the pressure sent a jolt of pain up through his body. The collision with the tree had split his forehead and a red ribbon wound down over his left eye. He touched two fingertips to the blood and swore.

There were, however, more things for Tristan to worry about than cuts and bruises. The zakkeg was thundering towards him, its nostrils flared and full of the scent of freshly spilled blood. Frantically, he cast his eyes around for the hunting spear. It lay some ten feet away. Trying desperately to suppress the pain, he stumbled to his feet and towards the weapon – but moments before he could lay his hands upon it, the armour-plated head of the zakkeg butted into his side, tossing him once more to the ground and drawing from his lips another howl.

Razielle Alastor
Jun 2nd, 2008, 10:52:36 AM
Even though she was quite awake, her worst nightmares were coming true! No Tristan! No marriage! No treaty! She'd fail the mission to secure Hapes as an ally and fail her master!

No! No no no!

Razielle could not let him get his fool-self killed, much as it would make things easier, it would destroy everything she had worked for.

Everything Salem had worked for.

She gave her drexl a hard kick in the ribs and commanded it down toward the sound of pained cries, frantic that she should get there before the worst could happen. The other riders too heard the sound and knew what was going on, they would take care of the beast, Razielle was going to take care of Tristan..

Much as she had on her first pass through, Razielle tied off her reigns and dug her heels into the stirrups, freeing her arms. Tristan was just ahead of her, the zakkeg getting ready for another attack. His back was to it as he tried to get up again, obviously favoring one leg. He wouldn;t have time to defend hismelf...

Narrowing her eyes, Razielle focused on the creature and as she was approaching extended on hand, aimed at it and hit it with a blast of the Force, sending it tumbling onto it's back several feet away. She didn't have time to watch the beast riders claim it's life, as she passed, she grabbed her betrothed beneath one arm and hauled him up, no easy feat as he out weighed her, but the drexl's velocity pulled him along and she yelled over the roar..

"Hold on!"

Tristan Alastor
Jun 2nd, 2008, 11:09:16 AM
His entire body felt wracked with pain. Undoubtedly, the zakkeg had cracked a handful of ribs and although he caught a glimpse of the riders slaying the beast, Tristan felt no better for it. He slumped forward against Razielle's mount, one hand clutching as his chest. Each breath was another new agony. How he wished he had been the one to kill the beast! At least then his wounds would have meant something. Now, they were nothing but reminders of his status as an amateur. Silently, he vowed to learn from his mistakes.

Razielle Alastor
Jun 2nd, 2008, 11:30:09 AM
Gaining altitude, Razielle controlled the mount, looking around her for direction. She spotted the walls and spires of Iziz and didn't dally, taking off at once. With one hand on the reigns, she reached behind her with the other to curl around Tristan's back...

"I've got you.. We'll be back soon. Just hang onto me.." Razielle was worried. The Prince did not look good at all, and she could sense the amount of pain he was in. His handsome face was a bloodied mess, his leg was probably broken and his breathing was labored in such a way she feared for a puncture lung, cracked ribs at best...

What a mess...

The drexl knew it was returning to the paddocks and didn't need any further commands to do so, it landed with a jarring that shook Razielle, and probably hurt Tristan even more.

As soon as it's handlers took control of it she was slipping from the saddle to assist Tristan. The other beast riders had aparently called ahead with an alert because a medic was already rushing forth into the drexl enclosure with a levitated gurney..

With her hands beneathhis arms, Razielle helped Tristan to the ground, conscious of his injured leg and encouraging him to lean on her, despite his protests. "Don't be stubborn, I'm stronger than I look...". she told him.

As he was gently lowered to the stretcher, the medic clouded the area around Tristan with a red fog of narco-mist (http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/Narco-mist) to dull the pain and begin to instantly work on superficial injuries. It would also encourage him to sleep thorugh the worst of his recovery..

On the return the the palace, Razielle stayed at his side, dutiful concern etched on her features..

Tristan Alastor
Jun 2nd, 2008, 11:40:56 AM
Although at first reluctant to remain bed-ridden, under the haze of the narco-mist he relented. His broken and bruised body was directed towards the palace infirmary, where the more serious of his wounds could be treated before he was discharged to his chambers to rest. As the medics set about assessing what needed to be done, Tristan closed his eyes and tried to block out any last vestiges of pain that the medication had not yet dulled. He would recover, that much was certain, but there would be no more hunting on the cards for Prince Tristan for quite some time.


Hours passed and a lethargic Tristan awoke, his eyes fluttering open to see that he was no longer in the infirmary. He had been carried back to his quarters and was laid in bed, with the Princess Razielle sit at his bedside. Weakly, he smiled.

Razielle Alastor
Jun 2nd, 2008, 11:48:37 AM
Razielle returned Tristan's medicated sleepy smile with a relieved one of her own. She should never have put together that foolish hunt. It had been a bad call on her part. The Wilds were no place for pampered Hapan royalty, they woud claim the life of any not ready for their challenges and despite being an avid sportsman, Tristan had just not been prepared... And that damned drexl ought to be put down! It was not fit for riding!

"How are you feeling, my lord..?" She spoke quietly, reaching for a glass of water. The narco-mist would have dehydrated him, and he might be extremely thirsty, if groggy...

Tristan Alastor
Jun 2nd, 2008, 01:17:47 PM

Tristan tried to put on a brave face and sit up, but soon realized it was not the smartest choice in his present condition. He closed his eyes and let his head fall back against the pillow beneath it, sighing. His limbs felt heavy and awkward, and his head felt as if there was a whole herd of zakkeg stampeding through it.

“I... feel like such a fool.”

Razielle Alastor
Jun 2nd, 2008, 01:56:29 PM
"Well then, my lord...", she said slipping an arm beneath his shoulders to help him rise a bit.. ".. that makes two of us.."

"Here... drink.. You need fluids and I didn't think you'd want to be held up in the infirmary on an intravenous drip so I promised them I'd force fluids down your gullet if I had to..."

She smiled.. "I was quite fearsome."

Tristan Alastor
Jun 2nd, 2008, 02:32:53 PM
“I can certainly believe it, having seen you in the heat of the hunt,” Tristan said, his smile growing into something more genuine. She had looked fearsome, and more amazingly so, she looked completely in her element. He couldn't help but wonder if her true destiny, the one she sought so passionately, was to become a huntress, a warrior-woman.

“It seems it will be quite some time until I can call myself your equal, my lady...”

Razielle Alastor
Jun 2nd, 2008, 06:03:15 PM
"Nonsense, my lord..", she patted his arm soothingly.

"I've just been on Onderon longer than you have and was more prepared. You'll outshine me in no time and have the zakkeg population down to endangered, I'm sure..", she smiled.

She didn't add that that it was also her first drexl-mounted hunt, though not her first time in the wilds of Onderon. A lady must keep some secrets after all..

Razielle got the impression his medicines were pulling him back to slumber and that was fine with her. She did have her orders after all...

"I'll visit you in the morning, my lord.. You need your rest. Sleep well."

Returning to her rooms, Razielle took note of the fact that she still had a great deal of Tristan's blood on her hands and clothes. The hour was growing late, but she would not be leaving her rooms until she'd changed at least, and besides... She expected a summons from her master at any time.. He had demanded 'her full attention'.

Like he didn't have that already?, she thought with a half growl, stalking around her room. She zipped through the fastest trip through the refresher in her life, sparring time only for a sonic shower rather than a full length leisurely bath as she preferred.

Before getting re-dressed, another wave of dizzy nausea swept through her. Razielle leaned a hand on the counter top before her mirrors and studied what she saw there.

In truth she had been avoiding what was wrong with her since that morning, but she knew. She felt it, the truth of it, even though she didn't dare give it words. It was why she did not drink any wine at the Festival last night. Why her morning's beloved cup of stimcaf had tasted awful in her mouth.

She was going to have a child. Salem's child.

But she still had to marry Tristan...

This sitation grew more complicated, more painful everyday..

Salem Ave
Jun 2nd, 2008, 06:42:06 PM
The evening drew in quickly. With the approach of the equinox, the days were becoming shorter and shorter. The coming dark suited Salem perfectly fine, though. Alongside the commotion over Tristan's injury, it made it all the more simple for him to slip unnoticed beyond the limits of the city. With the illusory mask of Callidus concealing his identity, he slipped into the forest, to the point where he and Anxia would meet.

Razielle Alastor
Jun 2nd, 2008, 06:49:04 PM
When the call came to her she was ready. It wasn't even a telepathic command. She just knew when and where to go. Typically garbed for her nightly forays into the Wilds, she donned dark form fitting clothes, study knee high boots and made she that she was decently armed.

Leaving the palace was no longer difficult for her, but with the extra staff dancing attendance on the Hapan's, at least it was a bit of a challenge. Once into the city Anxia quickly made her way to the gates and then out into the moonlit Onderon wilderness, following only her instincts to take her to her master's side..

Salem Ave
Jun 2nd, 2008, 06:55:29 PM
His voice was like the tolling of a bell that only she heard, grave and deep. It's sound reverberated inside her, within her very soul.


As she approached, Callidus turned slowly to face her. He was stood in a small clearing within the forest, one that had served as their rendezvous point before. His hood rested upon his shoulders, so that his face could be clearly seen, though the grim visage of a death mask obscured his true identity.

Razielle Alastor
Jun 2nd, 2008, 07:19:08 PM
There he was! The keeper of her chains. The owner of her soul. The author of her misery! Her mixture of love and adoration, fury and frustation made a lethal combination in her.

Gods, she loved him, but this was killing her..

She didn't stop in her determined stride, rather she walked straight up to her master and without warning her hand raised and smacked him, going straight through the death's visage that she knew very well to be only an illusion. Her own palm stung with the blow, so she was pretty sure it had stung him like Hell, but she wasn't done...

Before either of them could have recovered from the shock of what she had just so brazenly done, Anxia was on him, grabbing his face between her hands and locking her mouth to his in a rough, completely possesive kiss that tasted like desperation and agony..

Salem Ave
Jun 2nd, 2008, 07:39:14 PM
For once in his lifetime, Salem Ave was speechless. The coarse kiss had silenced him completely. There was something visceral to it, a violent sensuality that was all too fitting of their true relationship, yet completely unexpected in that moment. The shock of it near paralysed him for an instant, before he came to his senses. Although Anxia still held him, Callidus tore his lips from hers. His mask had vanished entirely and his white eyes were staring down into hers, confusion and almost indignant anger patterned over his features. In his chest, his heartbeat thumped like some drum of war.

Razielle Alastor
Jun 2nd, 2008, 07:55:42 PM
Breathless with pent up rage that she could never show as Princess Razielle, Anxia growled at him. "You wanted my full attention, I believe? Well you have it."

Her hold on his face gentled, but she didn't quite let go of him. Her misery and desire evident in her all too expressive violet gaze. She wanted him and needed him like nothing else in the world, and the fact that she was very soon to be given away to someone else was tearing at her insides like some ravenous beast. Some primal part of her just wanted to lose her pain in pleasure and forget that fact.

He could do it, make her forget..

Oh, but she was out of control again.. We can't have that, little Anxia.., the Beast inside her sneered.

Salem Ave
Jun 2nd, 2008, 08:07:46 PM
He bit back some reflexive response, some scathing remark. Salem knew he was better than that. There was so much anger, in both of them. They had been duped by the Queen of Hapes, made to look like fools. Worse still, the very structure of their lives – the order which Salem prized so highly – had been upturned at that painted whore's command. Even the servants of the palace thrilled at the idea of the Prince and Princess marrying, and muttered darkly and in disapproval at the Prime Minister's continued involvement in Razielle's daily routine.

Everything had become inverted upon itself, a cruel mockery. Whilst they had once played at being lovers to court the favour of the people, now they were forced to suppress what had become true desire just to maintain that same approval. It was a painful blow and one from which they were clearly both still bitterly reeling.

“I'm not the enemy here, Razielle. Don't loose your anger on me.”

Razielle Alastor
Jun 3rd, 2008, 10:33:53 AM
Salem and his accursed logic.

Much as she would like to pretend otherwise, her master's control and cold reason were rubbing off on her, even though she didn't want calm. What she wanted was to provoke some response from him, passionate or otherwise, to be at the mercy of his will because she didn't trust her own right now. To just be incinerated in the moment and forget everything else..

At his use of her name, and the simple statement, much of the fury went out of her. Her head dropped forward, her forehead resting against his chest and her hands sliding down, as if they too had just given up. They came to rest at his hips and she just went still. They would find a way through this because it was just unacceptable that they did not.

"I don't want to marry him...", she barely spoke it was so soft, but he would hear. Not that uttering that fact would change anything..

It just made her sound like she was whining, and she hated it. She was stronger than that, and she would do what she had to do. Living these two lives, one in the open and one in shadow was what she had signed up for becoming his apprentice and she would just have to accept the consequences of that..

Salem Ave
Jun 3rd, 2008, 10:48:47 AM
“I know... but I promise you, that when this is over and done, it will all be worth it.”

With one hand, Salem turned her chin upwards, so that her eyes met his. He would not become despondent, nor would he allow her to slip into hopelessness. As he spoke, the energy of the Force began uncoil from within him. It wound around and through him, prickling across his skin. Where he held Razielle, his hand at the small of her back, it wove around her body too, infusing and blending with her own energy, lending it strength.

“We will emerge from this stronger... stronger than ever before, stronger than anyone has ever been, and those who have wronged us will fall on their knees before us and beg for the mercy of death.

“Together, you and I... nothing can stand in our way.”

Razielle Alastor
Jun 3rd, 2008, 11:28:26 AM
Gods help her, she believed every word that passed his lips. She always had, since she was a silly young girl, years ago. What Salem said was law to her and if he said that this was just a bump on their path to destiny, that was good enough for her. His touch, his energy flowing around and into her, it made her strong enough to take the present pains, knowing they would be over in time.

Oh, but it also made her weak, because every minute of the day she wanted him and now, here in the Wilds just the two of them, with the scintillating talk of what was to come.. The seductive allure of his words and his touch, it was just too much. Hapes, the Queen Mother Ishara, and her son had just been blown away on a passing breeze like so much unimportant fluff in comparison.

Fairly trembling with desire, Razielle rocked forward pressing her body to Salem's from toes to chest and once more pulled his lips to her's, only this time so soft.. so slow, as if she had to memorize every last detail.

Salem Ave
Jun 3rd, 2008, 12:46:17 PM
The kiss was tender, tremulous even. With the illusion of the royal wedding to uphold, their moments of intimacy were soon to become all too rare and so while she was his, Salem wanted to possess every inch of her. In that moment, wild thoughts consumed him - he would have done anything for her, would have toppled empires in his devotion. Never, all those years ago when they had first met, had he imagined that it would come to this, that he would love her with a passion burning like a thousand suns. Each kiss, each caress, was a bold testament to the truth of it.

Razielle Alastor
Jun 3rd, 2008, 03:22:31 PM
Her skin was so hot, Razielle felt she was going to burn up in a fiery inferno right there in his arms. It didn't take more than another moment for desperate kisses and pleading carresses to turn into a frenzy for the more gratifying contact of bare flesh. She wasn't going to be happy until the only things touching her were Dxun's light and Salem.. Raggedly she whispered her demands for more..

Salem Ave
Jun 3rd, 2008, 03:51:56 PM
Fortunately for Razielle, her lover was only too eager to oblige. Clawed fingertips tore at their clothes, trying to free them both from the confines their bodies strained so desperately against. Bare-chested, Salem hitched Razielle up in his arms, her legs wrapped around him, and drove her back against the rough trunk of a tree.

Razielle Alastor
Jun 3rd, 2008, 06:07:26 PM
Her breath was sucked in with a hiss of pleasure-pain, Razielle's back instantly arched away from the tree, grinding hard against Salem as her carefully manicured nails dug into his shoulders.

The actions repeated in an endless circle of aggression, him driving her backward - Razielle slamming herself forward, tangling around him. She knew she wasn't going to win, in the end she would give over everything to him, she always did, but not before the still of the Onderon wilds was disturbed by hostile cries from unfamiliar predators, his and her own..

Salem Ave
Jun 3rd, 2008, 06:44:45 PM
How many hours passed, Salem did not care to say. A heady euphoria fogged his mind. Eventually, he found himself collapsed on the forest floor, his chest rising and falling with slow breaths, his skin marked with painful red reminders of their savage embrace – and yet, he could not have been any more content. His eyes closed, he curled an arm around the body at his side and breathed a satisfied sigh.

Razielle Alastor
Jun 3rd, 2008, 06:51:40 PM
Weary beyond words, Razielle smiled - eyes closed in the darkness. She didn't need her title, or a high-born Prince with a navy. She didn't want a damn palace or all the wealth of the Consortium. Laying here in the dark, slightly chilled night air, on the rough ground, she had everything she wanted in her arms.

She rolled, climbing atop him once more, with nothing more passionate in mind than to lay her head down and listen to his heart. With her cheek pressed to his chest, she knew she had to tell him the rest. It involved him as much as it did her and she never ever kept anything from him, especially not something so important to their lives..

"Salem... there's something else you need to know...", she started, quietly..

Salem Ave
Jun 3rd, 2008, 07:10:24 PM
With a moan, Salem's eyes fluttered half-open, and he looked down at the woman enfolded in his arms.


Razielle Alastor
Jun 4th, 2008, 07:47:47 AM
Razielle rather pitied him in that moment. She'd had time to adjust to the idea, but this news would likely hit Salem like a bucket of ice-cold water, especially in his rather relaxed present state, but it couldn't wait. There was not going to be an opportune moment, not for them..

She pushed up and sat, looking down at him for a moment. In truth, she was more worried about his reaction, than the event itself. With a sigh, she quit delaying..

"We're having a child..."

Salem Ave
Jun 4th, 2008, 08:39:22 AM
There was a delay in his reaction, as if he hadn't quite heard what she'd said. A very faint frown creased his brow. He had never wanted to be a father; a child would simply not have fit into the life he had been leading. Now, however, everything was beginning to change. Little cogs were turning in his mind. A child, an heir...

All of a sudden, he was laughing and sat up to take her face in his hands, placing quick kisses on her lips.

Razielle Alastor
Jun 4th, 2008, 08:43:22 AM
Both Razielle's dark brows shot up in disbelief. That was not the reaction she'd been fearing! Covering his hands with her own, her lips twisted into a curious grin.

"You aren't upset?"

She had no idea how he could not be, given the situation. She was having his child, sure.. but she still had to marry Tristan!

Salem Ave
Jun 4th, 2008, 08:54:01 AM
He fell back to the ground, his arms spread wide apart as if he were exulting the dark sky. He was laughing still, softer now, but the broad grin remained – an expression of uninhibited elation and relief, unlike anything Razielle had seen him show before. Everything was falling into place.

“Upset? Why would I be upset? This is fantastic!”

Razielle Alastor
Jun 4th, 2008, 09:04:53 AM
"Oh my... this is it, isn't it?", she said with mock horror.

Leaning forward she folded her arms on his chest and rested her chin on them, regarding him carefully with a teasing, yet still slightly uncomprehending gaze.

"I've finally driven you daft?"

Salem Ave
Jun 4th, 2008, 09:20:12 AM
Was he delirious? It was difficult to say. Salem's emotions were usually so perfectly controlled, so expertly concealed, that when one finally did show it came gushing out like the torrents of a river no longer dammed. He pushed his hands back through his dark hair and breathed deeply, his smile triumphant.

“Our child... don't you see? Don't you understand what this means?”

Razielle Alastor
Jun 4th, 2008, 09:25:36 AM
Maybe she didn't have Salem's scope for future events, but all she could see was the she was going to be bearing a child with the man she loved, whilst married to someone else..

She shook her head slightly, still laying atop his chest. "Tell me..."

Salem Ave
Jun 4th, 2008, 09:31:59 AM
“The Queen Mother will think the child is of her bloodline. We need only eliminate Ishara and her brood... and the throne of Consortium is ours. Our child will reign sovereign over hundreds of worlds, billions people!”

To his mind, there couldn't have been a more fortunate moment for this news to come.

Razielle Alastor
Jun 4th, 2008, 09:57:37 AM
Razielle went very still as the implications sank in. She sat up, once more and then slowly a grin started to form on her face. Getting rid of Ishara and her offspring meant there was nothing stopping her from being with Salem. Their child would rule all of the Consortium, and until he, or she came of age, they would rule as regents...

Elation sweapt through her from head to toe and suddenly she was smiling, feeling as ridiculously pleased as Salem probably just had upon piecing it togther himself.

With a breathless little laugh, she tucked her hair behind her and leaned down to cover him with kisses.. "I think I might actually be able to go through with this debacle of a marriage, after all..."

Salem Ave
Jun 4th, 2008, 03:14:48 PM
“Think of it as a minor hurdle on the road to perfection. We'll have the boy-Prince packed off to some far-off world and, in due time, all memory of him will fade.”

Salem drew in a breath, trying to calm himself. The feeling of exhilaration was threatening to consume him. It was just all too perfect.

“There'll be nothing left to hold us apart... nothing left to keep us from our dreams.”

Razielle Alastor
Jun 5th, 2008, 10:33:13 AM
Deliriously happy, Razielle snuggled down against him again, running her hands down his arms to his hands. Visions of a future where she no longer had to play 'pretend Princess' and dote upon ridiculous people who meant nothing to her. A future where she could drop it all and aspire to be - dare she even put the thought into words? - Lady Ave, and nothing else.. Living just to be with him and further their mutual goals and ambitions, watching their child grow to rule over everything and command....

With a desirous groan, she rolled onto her back on the ground which was carpeted only by soft moss, and leaves which tangled in her long dark hair, like the ornamentation of some wood sprite..

She pulled him with her, over her, down to her and claimed his mouth with a soul stirring kiss, visions of their future still flitting happily through her mind..