View Full Version : The Human Genome Project
Vipul Chandrashekar
May 3rd, 2008, 06:01:38 PM
It had been a three week binge.
The study was a mess, full of books, empty bottles of water, and some dirty dishes from the kitchen. Vipul sat across from himself, each of himself buried in a book as another behind them slaved on the internet.
He'd had to create another two of himself just to keep up with the demands of teaching students. This was a whole different matter entirely. In the time that he'd come to Cullens, he'd been hard at work educating himself. His areas of expertise were in chemistry, but the fundamentals of biology and genetics lie in chemical bonds. He started there, working feverishly. Now, his study dopplegangers were starting to get faces full of stubble from general neglect. They studied on and off and on for eight hour increments. In perhaps a month, he'd be competent to a doctorate's level in the subject. That is, if he could keep up with the rigors of the material.
He was starting to form powerful ideas, and he needed an outlet for them.
May 3rd, 2008, 07:15:58 PM
John Rhee had been looking for one of Dr. Cullen's seminal studies on mutation - The Human Experiment - for a quote he wanted to use in an upcoming class, but it seemed all three copies had been checked out of the library. He'd asked Miss Florence, who'd told him that one had been requested by a research student at Syracuse, another was overdue, and the third had just been borrowed by one Vipul Chandrashekar - though, of course, she couldn't tell him which one.
But John had a fair idea of where to find at least one of the new teacher's avatars. He made his way to the faculty study, knocked lightly, and pushed the door open.
John was surprised to see three Vipuls tearing through research material with assembly-line efficiency. He was also surprised to see how drawn they were, especially after seeing a hale and clean-shaven Vipul in front of a classroom that morning.
He gently cleared his throat. "Pardon me, Vipul - I hope I'm not intruding?"
Vipul Chandrashekar
May 3rd, 2008, 07:19:02 PM
All three started at the sudden noise, and sighed in unison when seeing Professor Rhee. The closest one put a bookmark in The Human Experiment, setting it aside.
"My apologies I have been at this for some time now."
The one at the computer rose, rubbing his eyes.
"You are a welcome break from the monotony Mr. Rhee."
May 3rd, 2008, 07:32:59 PM
Speaking to Vipul was often an exercise in the surreal. It was difficult to tell which one to address at any given time, even though, in the final analysis, it probably didn't matter.
"No need to apologize," John said. "I was just looking for one of Dr. Cullen's books - oh, there it is."
From the doorway, he skimmed the other titles he could see on the table - a whole graduate course's worth of texts in genetics, from general surveys to works of hair-splitting specificity.
"You certainly have been busy," he observed. "What are you working on?"
Vipul Chandrashekar
May 3rd, 2008, 07:38:40 PM
Vipul yawned, and ran a hand through hair that could use a wash.
"It is a bit of a crunch course in everything and nothing in particular."
Another Vipul gulped half a water bottle to quench his parched throat.
"I find myself intensely curious about our special abilities but my discipline is all wrong to find the answers for the questions I have."
Vipul number three stretched in his chair, reclining slightly.
"I come here as a chemist and a mathematician so there are rules of numbers and attraction in everything but fortunately this lies at the roots of genetics and basic biology so I am trying to find a way to bridge the gap."
May 3rd, 2008, 07:47:21 PM
John followed the rapid-fire succession of Vipuls with interest.
"I'm impressed - that's very ambitious. Have you been coordinating with Professors Selvano and McKenzie? I'm sure they could recommend some good curriculums..."
He glanced again over the material on the table. "Though it seems you're already well on your way."
Vipul Chandrashekar
May 3rd, 2008, 07:52:13 PM
"To be honest I have really only been at this on a solo basis."
Vipul thought a moment. Maybe this was the window he was looking for.
"I am of course eager to teach young students but I was hoping that there was a more research-oriented nature to the institute."
Realizing the half squalor he was studying in, Vipul began tidying up a bit, ashamed of his condition.
"I had been meaning to make a mention of it but I needed perspective before I felt like I could talk about my ideas."
May 3rd, 2008, 08:17:04 PM
John opened his mouth, then hesitated - they did, of course, have extremely extensive research facilities about six stories underground, but Vipul hadn't yet been made aware of the Sub-Basement.
"We're still growing as an institution," he said. "Certainly, research is one of the areas we'd like to expand. What did you have in mind?"
Vipul Chandrashekar
May 3rd, 2008, 08:24:21 PM
"You can only do so much by reading past precedent and other theories."
Vipul hefted a book for emphasis, and shrugged.
"Research is alive and is real and you need to put your hands on your subject."
He was having trouble with his words, and he slowed down.
"The labs we have are good for teaching students basic things but they are too small for any work to be done at the forefront."
All three Vipuls stopped, and spoke in unison.
"What if we could find mutants before they find themselves?"
May 3rd, 2008, 08:59:36 PM
John blinked. This was ambitious.
"Certainly, we have an interest in advancing mutant studies," he said, "genetic and otherwise. Though, of course, we're inclined to be cautious about any sort of research involving our students."
He found himself trying to strike a balance between his caution and his curiosity. As much study as he'd given to the subject of mutation, genetics had never been his forte.
"Do you have any theories? Beyond genetic tests at birth?"
Vipul Chandrashekar
May 3rd, 2008, 09:09:25 PM
"It is all about ratios and probabilities and variables."
Vipul stood up, gesturing with his hands as if he were writing in the air.
"Ratios of what genes are active and what are not and the only trick is that there are millions of variables and we only know what so few stand for."
He pointed at a page on Google on the active computer terminal.
"The Human Genome Project is attempting to assign values to these variables but it is assuming that there is no determinable relationship between them."
Vipul pointed to the bookshelves.
"It would be like if I were to assume that none of these books were in any order and I would be forced to search the entire library for what I wanted when perhaps it is possible that there is already a system."
May 3rd, 2008, 09:28:10 PM
The concept made sense, even if John had little to no context to put it in. He'd have to ask Jessa about it later - she was the resident geneticist.
"How long have you been working on this?"
Vipul Chandrashekar
May 3rd, 2008, 09:30:10 PM
Vipul blinked in unison.
"About three weeks."
That was, of course, condensed within the intense focus of being able to dedicate the full man hours of multiple people to the same task. In this way, Vipul was able to accomplish tasks that would take even the same number of people a bit longer to do.
May 3rd, 2008, 09:38:05 PM
John took another look at the stack of books on the table. He felt tired just thinking about that schedule.
"Out of curiosity... I know your bodies have their own individual needs. But does your mind ever need to rest?"
Vipul Chandrashekar
May 3rd, 2008, 09:43:36 PM
"The mind needs sleep to be sharp but aside from this each individual is a piece of the whole."
Another Vipul got a drink of water.
"I can think in the ways that people can do something with their right hand while another thing with their left at the same time."
One Vipul approached John.
"You are familiar with Hinduism in some way?"
May 3rd, 2008, 09:46:49 PM
The Korean mutant nodded. "I have had opportunity to study a number of religions. Though certainly not to the depth of a faithful practitioner."
Vipul Chandrashekar
May 3rd, 2008, 09:52:42 PM
Vipul smiled understandingly, shaking his head.
"Nor I myself but there is an analogy with an embodiment of Devi which is the Goddess Durga."
As he spoke, another Vipul went in the back, retrieving a book which he brought to the forefront, opening up to reveal a blue-skinned woman with ten arms, riding atop a tiger while slaying a demon with many weapons.
"Belief is subjective and based upon life experience Mr. Rhee."
May 3rd, 2008, 10:13:52 PM
John smiled appreciatively. "Certainly, mutation has a profound influence on the body, mind, and soul. As with any part of ourselves, I think a proper balance of all three is required in order to fully understand it."
Vipul Chandrashekar
May 3rd, 2008, 10:22:45 PM
Vipul nodded, recognizing the Buddhist approach to answering the same question before him.
"Then we are in agreement as to the need to answer this question?"
He hoped that John would be a kindred spirit on his quest. They seemed to share this passion.
May 3rd, 2008, 10:36:41 PM
"You're potentially talking about a lifetime of study," John said. "But you seem to have the time, and you certainly have the drive. If this is something you'd like to pursue, I'm sure we'll do everything we can to help you."
He thought for a moment of the medical labs in the Sub-Basement. "You may or may not be aware of Mr. Daniels's connections to the Gentech pharmaceutical corporation. I think he may be able to provide you with some advanced facilities. Whenever you feel adequately prepared, if you can let us know what you need, we'll see what we can do for you."
Vipul Chandrashekar
May 3rd, 2008, 10:44:59 PM
All of the Vipuls smiled at once. All he had to do now was to intensify his research, and put together a list of resources.
"I will provide you a list of what I need in the next two weeks."
Vipul continued to straighten up behind him, and added sheepishly.
"And I will continue my work with less mess this time."
May 3rd, 2008, 10:47:43 PM
John laughed. "If you think this is a mess, you really don't want to see my office when finals are in. Oh, almost forgot why I came - do you mind if I borrow Dr. Cullen's Human Experiment for just an hour or so?"
Vipul Chandrashekar
May 3rd, 2008, 10:52:08 PM
Vipul chuckled, and handed the book to him at once.
"The more I study it seems the more things I use so feel free to let me know when I am overdoing it."
As if for the first time, Vipul looked at himself and the other Vipuls.
"Perhaps a small respite from study is in order at least for these bodies."
The lead Vipul shook John's hand in departure, as the three began to exit the library in unison.
"If you will be so kind to inform the librarian not to move my things and I will have more bodies here to continue where I leave off."
May 4th, 2008, 02:09:50 PM
As the three Vipuls left, John was confronted with the possibility that he'd shortly see three more, bright-eyed and clean-shaven, walk in and pick up where the others had left off.
He sat down and opened Dr. Cullen's book, quickly finding the passage he'd been looking for.
"Mutation is commonly understood as a random force in genetics, a blind process of nature without design or intention, whether good or evil, a deterministic mechanism which is wholly indifferent to the health of the individual and the wellfare of the species. This is sound biological principle. Yet when we are dealing with human mutation, we cannot be so clinical. Humans are not random - they make choices. They are not blind to ethics - they are moral creatures. They are not merely individuals in competition - they exist best as a community in cooperation. As a self-aware species, it is both our sovereign right and our moral obligation to make sense of our own evolution. We must dare to discover the truth and beauty that is written into our genetic code, for the good of every human being, and for the good of all humankind."
Vipul Chandrashekar
May 4th, 2008, 07:59:00 PM
No sooner had Vipul made his exit than another three Vipuls made their way into the library. They looked in unison to John and his mildly disconcerted expression and smiled.
"We are back from a restful time and a light lunch if you would like to continue to research together?"
May 4th, 2008, 09:21:35 PM
John glanced from Vipul to Vipul to Vipul. "I'm afraid you're already way above my head," he admitted. "I'm more involved in studying mutations at the surface. Looking at the genetic level, I just wouldn't know where to begin.
Vipul Chandrashekar
May 4th, 2008, 09:39:19 PM
"I think that with enough physical testing we can use the human genome project to validate the theory that genetic expression is based on fundamental logical algorythms which would be very similar to perhaps the way a computer has a programming language."
He was going for the throat here, but he had to drop subtlety. He needed support.
May 5th, 2008, 08:35:58 PM
John hesitated as he tried to wrap his mind around Vipul's hypothesis.
"You mean... rather than looking at the genetic code as a simple cypher... this sequence for that trait... you're trying to understand its logic? Its... grammar?"
Vipul Chandrashekar
May 5th, 2008, 08:43:39 PM
Vipul shifted his feet a bit. His theory was still raw and he needed a lot more work to validate it in any substantial form, but he was confident enough to continue to pursue it.
"I am approaching this as a mathematician and chemist so this is by no means definitive but the relatively simple construction of peptides when contrasted by the near limitless potential for variance suggests that some arrangement of logic must be followed to maintain such efficiency of chemical data."
He allowed a half smile as he clarified.
"This is not to suggest the intention of a creator or genetic architect but rather to suggest that the trial and error crucible of evolution itself is the force behind such natural logic and that natural evolution has arrived at this efficiency of form and arrangement."
May 5th, 2008, 08:50:43 PM
John shook his head. "This all sounds incredible - I'm afraid it's entirely out of my league. If you don't mind my asking, do you have an idea yet of how you're going to pursue this? Or is it all at a conceptual level so far?"
Vipul Chandrashekar
May 5th, 2008, 08:59:52 PM
"Right now it is conceptual until I feel confident enough to begin research in earnest but I believe that by taking data from the Human Genome Project and altering specific peptides with a random number generator we can observe changes in genetic affinity which would over time reveal an algorythmic constructor which would then be populated by variables with known qualitative value..."
Taking a breath, another Vipul picked up where he left off.
"...which would allow us to translate observable traits into programmable data and in theory provide a road map to the potential presence or absence of an active X-gene."
May 5th, 2008, 09:17:45 PM
Between the technical terminology and Vipul's breathless delivery, it took John a moment to decipher what he was actually proposing. He took another moment to think it over.
"I believe Headmaster Daniels has access to some research computers that would be up to that sort of simulation. They may even already have the architecture in place for genetic analysis. Perhaps you should write him a proposal? Explain where you're going, and what you'd need to continue your work? I'd be happy to pass it along - and if you ran it by Dr. McKenzie and Ms. Selvano, I'm sure they could add their own recommendations."
Vipul Chandrashekar
May 5th, 2008, 09:21:15 PM
Vipul practically tripped over himself to catch John's hand in an enthusiastic handshake. He seemed genuinely interested in his ideas!
"I will write a proposal for all three and have a copy for you as well!"
May 5th, 2008, 09:35:22 PM
John nearly overbalanced himself. Vipul certainly had no shortage of enthusiasm.
He smiled broadly and returned the handshake. "I look forward to it. I'm afraid I need to be off, but I'll bring back this book when I'm finished. Good luck with your studies, Vipul. It was a pleasure to talk with you."
Vipul Chandrashekar
May 5th, 2008, 09:37:28 PM
"Namaste Mr. Rhee!"
Vipul had to will himselves back to work, as he was rooted to the ground, smiling like an idiot.
May 5th, 2008, 09:56:14 PM
John waved to the other Vipuls before he realized how unnecessary it was. Then he turned and made his way back out the door.
And he decided to head straight to Ethan's office. As industrious as Vipul was proving to be, John was certain the analytical equipment in the Sub-Basement could make his work lighter.
The question was how to make it available without tipping any of the Vipuls off to the Institute's peculiar cottage industry.
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