View Full Version : Gonna get my RP on.

Wei Wu Wei
May 2nd, 2008, 12:08:32 PM
I thought about it and talked with some people, and I'm going to make a character for the X-Men roleplaying universe.

His name is Stern. He's a meta-human with abilities to manipulate light in various ways. He can fire focused beams of light from his hands and fingertips, radiate light from his body to see in dark places, and can manipulate the spectrum to a degree.

As he improves in the use of his powers he will be able to manipulate even the invisible spectrum of light.

He can produce intense light from his body, but the brighter he gets, the greater risk he runs to damage his eyes and skin.

His eyes are totally black, being mostly pupil. This allows him to see in places with very little light. As his eyes are very photo-sensitive, he wears goggles with a deep tint when out during the day or under harsh lighting conditions. He also wears them when using his powers so that he is not blinded by his own ability.

His power source is the sun. Later he will learn to draw power from artificial light. Despite this development, his power will still be strongest when he has had time to "charge" in full sunlight. Likewise, his power to recharge is reduced at night.

Stern is achluophobic. Even though his power grants him light in darkness and he can see in all but the deepest darkness, he has an irrational fear of the dark. In places where his power would be most useful, he is nearly made helpless due to fear.

Apart from his eyes, Stern's other feature that betrays his identity as a meta-human is his hair. Stern's hair follicles are clear. When his power is charged, his hair appears to be almost a bleached-blonde color. Using his powers, Stern can manipulate the color spectrum to change the color of his hair.

He ran cross-country and track and field in high school. During college he took up Krav Maga as a means to keep in shape and de-stress.

Ultimately, I want Stern to transform into light. I'm not sure of the ins and outs of how it will affect his consciousness, his body, or if he will even be able to tell where he will end up, but that's mostly where Stern's creation began.

So far I haven't found a suitable avatar for Stern. I'll keep looking but if anyone finds something that they think might work or could be photoshopped to suit, I'd love to see it.

I'll create the account for Stern later. I just wanted to throw this out there for some thoughts and feedback.

Banner Laverick
May 2nd, 2008, 02:01:06 PM
Ooo. Pictures. Let me know if you wanna use them. XD

Wei Wu Wei
May 2nd, 2008, 09:09:49 PM
I like it a lot. :) It'll be fun to get back to this again.

Where can I go to get a general background on the kind of world we have for the X-Men setting?

May 3rd, 2008, 10:39:13 AM
Check the wiki. It might be a little outdated, but it's a good resource. Otherwise, just read threads.

May 3rd, 2008, 01:45:35 PM
Dante's opposite. It would be interesting to have them clash at one point, I think.

Taya Robbins
May 3rd, 2008, 09:40:44 PM
Whoooooo, fresh blood!

Very nice concept - has a few superficial similarities to one of the umpteen character concepts I've been toying with. I'd love to bounce some ideas around with you, either via PM or IM!

<-- is RIS Sparverius on AIM.

May 5th, 2008, 07:37:00 PM
So I have my first post set up and I posted to the blog. I'll check the wiki. Once I get a grip on what's really going on, I'll probably be in touch with several of the X-Men Rpers.