View Full Version : How's your day going?
Apr 22nd, 2008, 07:46:43 AM
I had an odd one today. 1.25 hour train trip into Sydney to go to a client at a place I cant really say. Kind of like Vortemort except I really cant say it :)
In days gone past I've been doing server work on a actual guided missle destroyer and also a submarine at this site. Interesting? Oh hell yes, how often do you say you work in a warship? Scampering around areas people dont see, laptop in hand while fixing things and testing.... it's different for sure. So back at this aforementioned client I cant say, we have a new server rack. Three servers, UPS, power unit, wireless in a self contained unit. Pretty neat and all that.
Except for the Uninterruptable Power Supply (UPS). When I got there it was screaming it's nuts off. Like "Okay worki AAGGGGHHHH HURTS HURTS HURTS BEEEEPP.... *dead*..... Okay worki AGGGGGGGGGGHHH" kind of screaming. So I look about and I see there's this monitor plugged into it. Now at the ebst of times you wonder why a monitor would be plugged iont a UPS, but a 57" inch one is really perflexing - especially as it was drawing three times the rated load of the UPS and trying to fry it from the inside out.
So this is mostly techno babble. Bear with me, there's actually English being introduced shortly.
So I get about fixing the situation, adding in another UPS to handle the load. Now, I'm behind a fake wall and there's a viewing area on the other side wtih people there that have no idea I'm behind the wall, listening to them. It's dusty where I am and yes you can guess what's next.
I sneeze. Violently.
And the person on the other side of the wall, I could actually hear the fear suddenly hit them as they have heard this ghostly sneeze bellow out from nowhere and there is no one else in the room they are in.
".... Ummm.... hi?"
This was just too good to pass up. I stay quiet for a moment so the person on the other side thinks they were imagining things, then I lightly tap on the floor. Trying to make quiet footsteps. And heavy, laboured in pain breathing.
How the hell I didnt explode from trying not to laugh at the panic on the other side of the wall, I dotn know. Strike one for Gay Ninja!
Oh and three days ago, should have been my 11th wedding anniversary. I'm surprisingly comfortable with the fact it wasnt. I must finally be getting mentally better or something.
Loklorien s'Ilancy
Apr 22nd, 2008, 07:51:07 AM
I still remember reading your posts about driving past the set of whatever Matrix movie. At least I think that was you.
Dasquian Belargic
Apr 22nd, 2008, 08:09:49 AM
How's your day going?
The sun is shining outside, for a change... but I have to spend all of my day/week reading and referencing stuff for school. Bugger.
Loklorien s'Ilancy
Apr 22nd, 2008, 08:16:52 AM
Later this afternoon, Charley and I are having chicken vindaloo and beer milkshakes :)
Not joking.
Apr 22nd, 2008, 08:19:37 AM
It's too early to say, but I woke up grumpy. Hopefully it won't color the rest of my day. This evening I'm playing Smash Brothers come hell or high water, among other fun, not-school things, so even if today sucks up until 5, I'll feel better then.
Apr 22nd, 2008, 08:25:46 AM
For the past three hours I've been trying valiantly to find something to do that is work related. I finally decided to give up and do something else, like the rest of the people in this office seem to be doing.
But the morning's been mildly annoying, actually.... we're preparing for a trade fair and someone decided that all our product flyers needed to be redone. So they got someone to write up the German versions, then sent those to me so I could correct them and translate them into English along with some they'd already translated and only needed me to correct. My boss decided to leave his brain behind at home this morning, though, and did not check out the already corrected I sent him but the uncorrected ones, and then he sent them to the printers and gave them the go-ahead..... aaaaaaargh.....
All this on top of the lovely news that I got yesterday that I'll be starting yet another new job in May because my boss is unable to make up his mind on things, and didn't bother considering whether anyone felt they needed an intranet before he got me working on it ...... so my temp agency is looking for something else and it's gonna be less pay, and this is really really not improving my mood.
It's also probably the reason why I don't really feel all too concerned about wasting time doing other things right now..... I'm feeling rebellious....
Banner Laverick
Apr 22nd, 2008, 08:27:06 AM
This morning I woke up at 6:30, because somehow my body thinks it's okay to wake up at ungodly hours. I just got up (no-way I'm staying awake from 6:30 till whenever the heck I go to bed tonight!).
My mum is coming down, so we're going to hang out and have chicken wings for supper. :)
Sanis Prent
Apr 22nd, 2008, 08:28:04 AM
Later this afternoon, Charley and I are having chicken vindaloo and beer milkshakes :)
Not joking.
I'm sleep deprived this morning and she comes in and wakes me up and wants Chicken Kashmiri for breakfast. Most interesting breakfast in a long time :)
Banner Laverick
Apr 22nd, 2008, 09:44:39 AM
HA! My day got a little funnier when I read this (!!! XD
Apr 22nd, 2008, 10:54:37 AM
*adding therapeutic Smash to the list of things to do*
Apr 22nd, 2008, 01:25:45 PM
Bad. I have the mumps. :(
Banner Laverick
Apr 22nd, 2008, 03:15:55 PM
WHAT?!?! Poor Dru *hugs*
My day is slowly getting kinda crappy. Hoorah. :|
Cat X
Apr 22nd, 2008, 04:52:47 PM
I still remember reading your posts about driving past the set of whatever Matrix movie. At least I think that was you.
Yep, that was me. And I've also had a look at sets from Star Wars and some other movie I forget the name of. Sydney's used quite a lot for filming.
Apr 22nd, 2008, 04:56:44 PM
Day took an upswing so I'm alright. Wei's not home, so no Smash for me.
Loklorien s'Ilancy
Apr 22nd, 2008, 07:11:42 PM
Beer milkshake is a success :D
Morgan Evanar
Apr 22nd, 2008, 08:28:13 PM
Mmm Zinfandel.
Also work was really busy but not bad.
Randall Rudd
Apr 22nd, 2008, 09:01:30 PM
Beer milkshake and vindaloo is one of the more interesting meals ever.
Dasquian Belargic
Apr 23rd, 2008, 04:18:21 AM
My day so far: unproductive!
Last night, I got dragged to some house in the middle of nowhere by my mother, to see a couple of people we met in Rome. They seemed totally intent on a) getting me drunk and b) setting me up with their son. Well, they kind of succeeded with the first... and I ended up sleeping in this morning, for the first time in a while, and missing class. D'oh!
On the upside, I just sent in my letter of resignation from my current job.
Nya Halcyon
Apr 23rd, 2008, 04:33:59 AM
Hmmm.... it's Wednesday, a week from now my job is going to end and I still haven't been invited by my temp agency to interview with another company.... I'm starting to get a bit worried....
On the upside for me - I don't have ANY work to do at all this week unless someone throws some more translations at me, sooooo.... all day to roleplay!
Cat X
Apr 24th, 2008, 01:09:42 AM
I just finished dropping 6.5K on my next amazing journey. Airfares of 3K, accomodation, car hire..... still got to get my next camera lens (1.5K) but that's for a few months time before I go.
Look out Europe. And look out for the travel diary In July. This is going to be goooooooooooooooooooooooooooooood, tourism without the angst!
Tri'ahna Zylary
Apr 24th, 2008, 02:43:48 AM
Marcus in Europe??? Oh no.... send me your itinerary so I'll know where NOT to go this summer ;)
Apr 24th, 2008, 09:31:16 AM
The day is sunny and clear here...Which sucks. Seriously, I need to move to boston or something, as it's waay to sunny in new mexico. Would some rain really hurt that much? Or just a grey dreary day would be great. :D
Aside from that, finals are freaking me out. :D
Dasquian Belargic
Apr 24th, 2008, 09:32:06 AM
It's sunny here too - but I can't go out and enjoy it, too much work today.
I went to the library earlier to print some stuff off and the whole place was packed, not a free printer in sight. Frustrating.
Banner Laverick
Apr 24th, 2008, 11:19:53 AM
I feel like my internal organs are going to fall out, but I'm going to end up working an 8 hour shift because I stayed in bed too long! Hoorah!
Lilaena De'Ville
Apr 24th, 2008, 01:46:08 PM
Alpha I'll trade you a grey dreary week for some sun. :cry
Apr 24th, 2008, 01:50:11 PM
Alpha I'll trade you a grey dreary week for some sun. :cry
I so wish I could take you up on that one. lol. I'll see what I can do to "think" some sun your way. :)
Wyl Staedtler
Apr 24th, 2008, 09:08:49 PM
I'm on my period, my baby is on another island until next week, and all I really wanted to do today was draw a hot bath and soak, which wasn't possible since we only have one itty bitty sink and it's outside in the greenhouse and the stream is ripe with leptospirosis.
As an alternative, I left the boys with the man and took off for the beach without a word. I refused to feel self-conscious in my bathing suit, and reread both Ender's Game and The Devil Wears Prada.
And I ate strawberries. Lots and lots of strawberries and darn the ridiculous cost of them! :)
Loklorien s'Ilancy
Apr 24th, 2008, 09:11:44 PM
I'm about to go get ready for work. I really hope things go smoothly tonight, since I don't have the energy to really do much of anything.
Apr 24th, 2008, 10:06:10 PM
I have maps of Finland out on the floor and the waft of race fuel from my brother who just managed to spray the outsides with a load of race fuel
Lilaena De'Ville
Apr 24th, 2008, 10:22:41 PM
I'm considering a nap. although its so late I should just 'go to bed' even though I'll be up again in probably two-three hours to feed baby again. :zzz
Banner Laverick
Apr 24th, 2008, 11:20:36 PM
My day wasn't as bad as I thought it would be. I didn't puke at all, which was awesome. Some guy dropped a bottle of whiskey on the floor at work, and I didn't kill him (even if the thought crossed my mind, him wasting $40 on a bottle HE broke by being a moron was joy enough for my black little heart >D).
Plus Saturday is one day away! :eee
Apr 24th, 2008, 11:52:48 PM
Work was a nightmare, tomorrow will be worse. Turned 27 today, doesn't feel much different than 26. My dad called me, and I talked to him for the first time in years. Rather wish I hadn't.
All in all, a pretty crappy birthday today. =/
Lilaena De'Ville
Apr 25th, 2008, 12:21:23 AM
Happy birthday, though. Sorry it was crappy. :\
Tri'ahna Zylary
Apr 25th, 2008, 01:09:14 AM
I'm trying to focus my mind. And failing. Blame my colleague for sending me dirty jokes all day.... 4 working days left until... work limbo. And still no word of what's to come....
Apr 25th, 2008, 04:38:39 AM
I had a wonderful day today. Being ANZAC Day here in Oz, I had the day off, but for once instead of going to the memorials, marches etc that I would normnally do, I instead took the time to go to the family farm and catch up with my whole family, including my sister who is down from Canberra and my brother and his fiancee (only recently engaged) up from Melbourne.
What did we do all day? Cut and stacked wood for winter. A LOT of wood. Probably at it for a good 4-5 hrs overall. Dad managed to get hold of a mechanical splitter (saves doing it all by hand) and since we can now all drive we were able to use a couple of vehicles to do the job (instead of having to rely on ye olde single ute and trailer).
But it was great - the family used to do this when we us kids were still at home, and whilst my parents obviously do this every year we haven't been around to help them, so it was kind of a nice get-together as well as a chance to engage in a good old family tradition. :)
(before Marcus jumps on me for my lack of patriotism today :), I *did* watch the Essendon vs. Collingwood footy match on TV (including the opening ANZAC memorial). Most of it. :p)
Nya Halcyon
Apr 25th, 2008, 06:07:14 AM
I'm waiting for an email from someone whose opinion I greatly care about, and.... it's not coming. Not sure whether I've somehow been too forward in what I said to her, and she's bound by the restrictions of her profession not to answer, or if she's simply not there to read her mail..... urgh.... it's really stupid, because I should really feel happy just to have got an answer from her the first time - nevermind the second or third! - and not kept her away from her work by keeping the conversation going.... but it's been such a thrill to get that chance to talk about a subject that I really cared about with someone who I consider had a huge impact on my thinking lately, so......... I really really hope she'll reply again..... even if I have to wait days or weeks or months....
Loklorien s'Ilancy
Apr 25th, 2008, 06:30:44 AM
I'm glad I'm home now. That's all I'm gonna say. Helloooo gin and tonic :hug
Nya Halcyon
Apr 25th, 2008, 06:55:46 AM
Yessssssssssssssssss! *does a wild dance of joy* She replied!!!
Apr 25th, 2008, 06:58:49 AM
(before Marcus jumps on me for my lack of patriotism today :), I *did* watch the Essendon vs. Collingwood footy match on TV (including the opening ANZAC memorial). Most of it. :p)
I'm about the last person who's going to leap at an Aussie for doing his/her thing on ANZAC day. Excessive US style patriotism? Well then, look out, you deserve to have some sense king hit into you. But having pride in the best place on earth? Hell yes, all Aussie should have that.
I slept and rested.
Loklorien s'Ilancy
Apr 25th, 2008, 07:39:04 AM
I fail to see how a continent that could kill you with any little critter it wishes is the best place on... wait a moment, nevermind. Anyplace that has little critters and bugs that can kill you is a fantastic place :D
Apr 25th, 2008, 10:51:50 PM
(before Marcus jumps on me for my lack of patriotism today :), I *did* watch the Essendon vs. Collingwood footy match on TV (including the opening ANZAC memorial). Most of it. :p)
I'm about the last person who's going to leap at an Aussie for doing his/her thing on ANZAC day. Excessive US style patriotism? Well then, look out, you deserve to have some sense king hit into you. But having pride in the best place on earth? Hell yes, all Aussie should have that.
I slept and rested.
I was just teasing mate. :) Glad you got some rest.
Loklorien s'Ilancy
Apr 25th, 2008, 11:33:51 PM
I did nothing today. And I'm doing nothing right now.
Apr 26th, 2008, 12:01:15 AM
I'm looking sexy. And doing the washing up.
Apr 26th, 2008, 04:57:07 AM
I am at work right now and have been since 11 last night. Yay. And back to day shift I go in a couple hours...
Lilaena De'Ville
Apr 26th, 2008, 04:19:09 PM
Morgan Evanar
Apr 26th, 2008, 05:14:50 PM
I missed second overall by six seconds to a Celica GT-4 with Michellin rally tires.
O well. Still learning to drive this thing on dirt.
Apr 26th, 2008, 05:46:49 PM
I'm absolutely embarrassed to admit this, but I spent a good portion of the day redesigning both my MySpace profile and the one for the cats too. Yes, my cats have their own profile too. :p
I had a bad week at work, so I guess I had to decompress and do something mindless.
Oh, watched 30 Days Of Night too...meh. :\
Apr 26th, 2008, 08:34:18 PM
Your cats have a profile? :)
Apr 26th, 2008, 09:04:17 PM
O well. Still learning to drive this thing on dirt.
Point in direction you want to go
Nail throttle
Wait for BOOSTU
Hang on for dear life
(Myspace profiles for cats....???????? WTF???)
Morgan Evanar
Apr 26th, 2008, 09:47:37 PM
Problem is waiting for boostu. 2 liters have a nasty hole in the gearing. I'm hoping the AccessPort will fix it.
Oh yeah tied for Fastest Time of the Day, too.
Banner Laverick
Apr 26th, 2008, 09:51:16 PM
It's called Catster. My dog Pickle has a Dogster page :)
My day has vaguely sucked and ruled. Had nightmares all night - the only one I can remember had dogs in it, and they ate my old boss.
Apr 26th, 2008, 10:39:52 PM
Brother and his fiancee stayed over last night and only just left, so am now cleaning up the house (they didn't leave it a mess or anything - I just usually clean up on Sundays and had to wait for them to leave). Also saw my sister off on the bus home to Canberra back to uni.
Apart from that, I've been updating my Facebook page.
Apr 27th, 2008, 10:54:35 AM
Day is surprisingly uneventful, but a longer day at work than the norm, which sucked. And they're cuttin' hours. Normal for this company. Happens once a year. But I'm not bitchin'. Managed to eke out three days off. AND then was able to switch out a Sunday for a Wednesday, which is great, 'cause my Wednesday is packed: my son's first birthday is on Wednesday, along with the trial for my divorce, which I am both looking forward to and dreading. I don't forsee any issues, and will probably end up with the custody of the kids, but I am still a bit leery.
Three days to go......:\
Banner Laverick
Apr 27th, 2008, 10:57:08 AM
^ good luck with that. I hope Ed has a great first b-day :)
My day = kind of icky, due to overthinking. :|
Apr 27th, 2008, 11:33:03 AM
It's called Catster. My dog Pickle has a Dogster page :)
My cats have Catster pages, but ever since I started their MySpace profile, I've pretty much quit going to Catster. One of these days I may go back there, that's kind of a fun place.
The kitties are here, if anyone is interested:
I still have some more graphics I want to add to it, but overall it's in fairly good shape. And they have lots of animal friends too :).
Morgan Evanar
Apr 27th, 2008, 11:35:09 AM
I just annihilated my Dad at disc golf. Considering I play about once or twice a month and he plays 2 to 4 times a week, it was impressive. His putting game was abysmal, though, and my excellent driving made up for my mediocre putting game. I nearly had an ace (hole in one).
Dasquian Belargic
Apr 27th, 2008, 12:31:48 PM
Another day locked inside, knocking back painkillers and chuggin my bodyweight in water. Waaaaaah.
Jacinda Blake
Apr 27th, 2008, 01:15:08 PM
^ you might float away.. :o
Another day of rain. Clearly I am not meant to have a bonfire this week since the wood keeps getting soaked, along with my outside chair cushions...
On the upside my flowers are very happy! ^_^
Lilaena De'Ville
Apr 27th, 2008, 02:08:40 PM
Baby had a great night last night, just a tiny bout of fussiness between 6 and 7 am. Hooray! This makes today good. :)
Apr 28th, 2008, 12:11:41 AM
Hiked to famous natural rock formation (Queen's Bath) at beach with stepson where we jumped off the 40-footer at Devil's Hole; then got stuck in grotto with tide coming in. Scaled very steep cliff face to escape, finally crawling over the top to collapse in a heap on the fifth hole of the golf course.
I hurt. But, as Alex said, "Wow, I thought we were going to die. Cool that we didn't, huh?"
Tri'ahna Zylary
Apr 28th, 2008, 01:07:06 AM
Yikes.... we were hiking yesterday as well, had to cross a stream a couple of times and Nya got her foot soaked once. Lots of fun.... we ended up playing minigolf, which I hadn't done for years and I won :)
But today it's back to the usual.... trying to keep myself occupied with something while I'm supposed to be working (not my fault if no one has anything for me to do) and I still have no idea what's going to happen after wednesday.
Lilaena De'Ville
Apr 28th, 2008, 02:41:09 PM
Hooray for not dying! :eek
Banner Laverick
Apr 28th, 2008, 03:11:08 PM
^ exactly!
My day started out same-old-blase monday...untill I found out one of my least favorite customers was caught trying to steal! So, I can be mean and nasty to him (for reals this time!) because stealing = BAD! :mad
I'm secretly hoping he'll freak out and I'll have to pepper-spray him. I am a sick sick person ^_^;
Apr 29th, 2008, 07:31:33 PM
All I did was play Ceasar 3, scoop litter boxes and vacuum the house, but it was actually a really good day! :D
Apr 29th, 2008, 08:11:35 PM
Am done with school till the Fall now. :D Now all I have is work, more work, and hoping to sneak in a girlfriend in the little spare time I'll have. :D
Apr 30th, 2008, 08:07:50 AM
Yesterday, my Graphic Design teacher made me start my final project over. Today, she posted on the class weblog that the project is due tomorrow, and she will not be on campus today.
Couple this with the fact that the only lab on campus that I can do this work in is occupied with classes all day until 7, when my sculpture class begins, and I won't get to work on it until 10 tonight, or 7 in the morning. I have never been so screwed. My day is off to a fantastic start.
Lilaena De'Ville
Apr 30th, 2008, 02:52:37 PM
Good luck... sounds horrible! >_<
Karl Valten
Apr 30th, 2008, 03:25:10 PM
Failed a Multivariable Calculus midterm today.
And not because I wasn't prepared or didn't study (hell you people talking to me on AIM at night know my griping about studying for this class :p ).
No no no, it was because the studyguide and all three practice exams were misleading my as to what exactly I should have been studying.
Its kinda like memorizing the every rule in the book for a sport and then the people in charge decide to change changing golf into hockey.
Sooooooooooo I go to talk with the Prof about it (along with a bunch of pissed off students), his response "Well, see what you can do for finals then."
Wei Wu Wei
Apr 30th, 2008, 09:38:38 PM
The past few days have not been too good. Got shot down for a job working for a great church in an amazing location.
The other guy has a decade of experience over me.
At this rate, I'll get a job in my field when I'm 50.
May 1st, 2008, 08:51:05 AM
I win at Graphic Design! :dance Now to go win at Sculpture, Flash Animation, and Art History. >_<
Banner Laverick
May 1st, 2008, 08:59:23 AM
^ don't burn or cut yourself on your sculpture! I'm sure they don't give bonus marks for blood stains :uhoh
I have today off. I was debating giving Pickle a bath, but my throat is sore and my legs ache, so he might stay stinky for one more day >_>
Anita Stern
May 1st, 2008, 06:31:48 PM
I shut my thumb in a car door. It is still sore. At least it was my thumb and not my kid that got bit by the car.
I want to go out and pick up more Cheerios and maybe some soups, but I'm feeling too lazy right now. I almost took a nap, but I don't think napping NOW would be a good idea when I'll be in bed in about five or six hours. Meh. I might still do it anyway.
Freight Train
May 1st, 2008, 07:31:09 PM
I owned at Sculpture. I didn't win, but I rocked so hardcore I could probably finish it tomorrow afternoon. Yes, I am that good.
Banner Laverick
May 2nd, 2008, 10:29:34 AM
I have spent the morning crying and feeling like crap, so that is probably a good indicator of how my stupid day is going to be.
Freight Train
May 2nd, 2008, 09:06:41 PM
Didn't finish sculpture, but found out my history essay isn't due until the end of next week, which frees up my entire weekend for sculpture and web design. I'll write the essay Monday or Tuesday.
Saw Iron Man! Am so full of energy, adrenaline, and awesome that I may not sleep tonight. I'm so glad that I went; it makes all the work I'll be doing tomorrow and Sunday more bearable.
May 2nd, 2008, 11:46:24 PM
Saw Iron Man last night. :D Was amazing. :D Tonight I'm at work, so I'll prolly watch some anime or movies to keep me occupied.
May 3rd, 2008, 05:45:41 AM
I've been a bit depressed anyways, for much of my life, but found out I have a severe vitamin b12 deficiency, which might have been having a measurable effect on my emotional stability, itself. So I got a shot this week and have begun sublingual supplements. Will have to go back from time to time to get it checked on, but it shouldn't be a big deal.
Hopefully, I'll feel some change....
Loklorien s'Ilancy
May 3rd, 2008, 11:08:52 AM
I cut up some packing tubes that had been sitting on my front porch and tossed them. Moved some rocks and cleaned them so that I can start lining a future flower garden, and then I think I found a wild strawberry patch or something in my backyard. I tasted one, but it must've been too small or something, since there was no taste.
I'm gonna keep an eye on those buggers for now to see how much bigger they get.
May 3rd, 2008, 05:05:56 PM
Studying up for an exam tomorrow, plus also finishing up a presentation, also due tomorrow. And also finalising an assignment, also due tomorrow. It's times like this that you realise how much procrastinating sucks. |I
Parents are also dropping by mid-morning, so I sould probably also clean the house too. ::sigh::
Wyl Staedtler
May 4th, 2008, 03:12:32 AM
I did Normal Things. It has left me restless and wanting to either a) move somewhere where I don't speak the native language or know anyone beyond my immediate clan or 2) have a baby.
Neither is really an option right now. But I have been having lots of baby dreams. I blame Owen's cuteness for them. ;)
Banner Laverick
May 4th, 2008, 10:20:32 AM
I went to the walk-in clinic. I may have a cold or strep throat, so we're hoping it's a cold. It is not, however, pnuemonia like my sister has.
I also get to go into work tonight, hooray? It's 8 hours to make up for the shift I missed on Friday, so it's okay. And sunday is never very busy, so I can goof around and draw/write/whatever.
May 4th, 2008, 11:10:08 AM
I win at sculpture. Am proceeding to win at Web Design.
Banner Laverick
May 4th, 2008, 11:08:37 PM
Yay! I get to visit my mum and pet-sit her menagerie :eee
Dasquian Belargic
May 5th, 2008, 02:55:29 AM
I had a dream that every single other Star Wars board on the net decided to merge with SW-Fans, and I was put in charge of dealing with all the conflicting image claims.
What a dull, dull dream that was.
Morgan Evanar
May 5th, 2008, 06:16:43 AM
That would be a nightmare, ugh.
I think I slept funny. My neck hurts. Time for drugs!
Banner Laverick
May 5th, 2008, 01:39:51 PM
Today is the day of ...GO FASTER TIME! :mad
I might take a nap. This morning was awesome cos I got to chat with someone who makes me smile :D (yes, I am a dork).
May 5th, 2008, 01:39:57 PM
I've been animating in Flash since 8:30 and have only 17.7 seconds to show for it. I have another 12.3 to hit the MINIMUM my teacher requires, and I'm running out of ideas and motivation. But if I don't finish before 8, I'll hafta stay up late and do it, which is the very last thing I want to do. I want to hang out this evening, not work. :(
Tomorrow afternoon I get to write an essay for History. Yay history essay. I'm going to take some of my old ones, since I have to compare works from the last lectures to any works I want from the previous ones, and simply re-write everything to suit the new piece that I'm substituting into the essay. Hopefully this means I'll have it written in half an hour.
Dasquian Belargic
May 5th, 2008, 05:41:30 PM
I finished and printed my degree thesis OH YESSSS.
I cannot wait to party hard this week.
Park Kraken
May 5th, 2008, 06:37:01 PM
Not good. Been recuperating from my trip to the beach yesterday, I have a really bad sunburn over most of my body, it's still tingling and starting to itch. Plus I'm trying to figure out how I spent 400$, or 2/3rds of my paycheck, over the past two days.
Morgan Evanar
May 5th, 2008, 07:13:45 PM
I saw Iron Man.
Go see Iron Man.
Wei Wu Wei
May 5th, 2008, 07:25:08 PM
Do as Morgan says.
Day off was nice. Have a bike helmet. I can't afford gasoline so I am now having to ride a bike or walk everywhere in town. My life is going to slow down. A lot.
Also, I'm having to fix my computer. It's not too bad, I just need to move some things from one hard drive to the next.
Found out I havd 4% free space on my main hard drive. Woo!
May 6th, 2008, 08:32:55 AM
I saw Iron Man for the second time. Was just as awesome the second time. Listen to Morgan. :D
Loklorien s'Ilancy
May 6th, 2008, 08:39:45 AM
Winding down with a full belly and a kitty on the headrest behind me :)
Banner Laverick
May 6th, 2008, 10:26:31 AM
At my mums, where Kitler keeps laying on me each time I sit on the couch. Waiting for news about something important and it's making me SO nervous.
Also am really thinking of having Banner turn into a horrible bully and having her throw some Cullens' kids into lockers. Or having her join the Brotherhood. *shrug*
May 6th, 2008, 11:26:31 AM
I'm killing time til my last critique by not doing the history essays I need to turn in on Thursday. XD I've completed two out of the three, so I'm not doing bad. =P I'll do 'em tonight after critique. I been working too hard.
Lilaena De'Ville
May 6th, 2008, 05:04:31 PM
Baby dreams always mean you're pregnant. Well, in the movies, anyway. ;)
I'm trying to finish up our birth announcements, but seem to have lost one of the little packages of ribbon needed to finish 14 of them off! :uhoh
May 7th, 2008, 05:50:00 AM
My job rules
Call one - Boobies and kittens Two of my favorite things.
Call two - setting up webcams for parents in a hospital so they could talk to their children, who were also hurt (but at home) from the same car crash. The little girl hearing daddy's voice for the first time in a few weeks over the speakers was the most amazing AWWWWWWWWW moment.
Well wadda know, I'm not all bitter and twisted.
What an awesome day
Banner Laverick
May 7th, 2008, 08:14:51 AM
My Last Night sucked. End.Of.Story. :(
Edit - with the exception of talking to Karl Valten on the phone. That was probably the highlight of my night XD
May 7th, 2008, 09:09:31 AM
Starting off strong with a good shift at work, healthy lunch, and finishing up that essay I mentioned earlier (wound up going home and playing video games, go figure). Then, I hang out with some good friends, wrap my Sculpture critique, and then go back to my friend's place and play Rock Band til my hands fall off.
EDIT: Just finished my essay. I am now officially done with finals, except for the continuation of my Sculpture critique, which is actually pretty fun, so I'm not counting it today. Spring Semester, you are now over. Good riddance.
Loklorien s'Ilancy
May 7th, 2008, 10:52:13 AM
Started the small retaining rock wall along the driveway, but now I'm done with that for the day since it's hot out and I have to go to bed sometime soon. Just finishing up some dinner, poking about around here and posting. It's been a rather enjoyable evening :)
Banner Laverick
May 8th, 2008, 11:10:52 PM
My day was going okay untill I got home from work tonight. Some people are unintentionally rude and dinks. You know who you are :|
Banner Laverick
May 9th, 2008, 07:02:19 AM
My sister just woke me up. My mum could't find her little dog Barney, and she couldn't find him all night long...They found him dead in the field and now everyone is bawling :cry
Karl Valten
May 9th, 2008, 11:03:58 AM
My Last Night sucked. End.Of.Story. :(
Edit - with the exception of talking to Karl Valten on the phone. That was probably the highlight of my night XD
I do what I can. Awwwwwww, really sorry to hear about the dog. Does anyone know what happened?
Banner Laverick
May 9th, 2008, 11:10:22 AM
They found him in the field behind their house with a bite mark and a broken neck :cry
Wyl Staedtler
May 9th, 2008, 08:50:14 PM
:hug I'm so so sorry Mandi. That's awful.
I've had a pretty fantastic day running errands and coming home to find INTERNET AND A NEW LAPTOP! :dance
May 9th, 2008, 09:14:58 PM
Ran 5kms, belted the hell out of myself at the gym for an hour, just got back home and I feel ready to go again
Now logging onto client sites and getting a bit of work done.
Banner Laverick
May 11th, 2008, 09:54:06 PM
My day was GREAT! :eee
My mum and stepdad got a new puppy! Named Bernie, which sounds like Barney. She'll never replace Barney, but it's nice to see them happy and smiling a lot. We all went out for chinese (yummmmy!) and ice cream (which made me sick but I had a swirl sundae with hot fudge ANYWAY!).
May 11th, 2008, 10:27:09 PM
Yay for good days!!
Little elves cleaned my house for me, and rented me movies, and made me dinner and bought BLUEBERRIES (!!!!!!!) and then disappeared to let me enjoy it all in peace and quiet! :crack
Dasquian Belargic
May 15th, 2008, 07:40:06 AM
So far, my day has been taken up with writing an essay on the 'compulsory heterosexuality' encouraged by fairytales. It's the last official essay I'm going to be writing for my degree, excluding the exam I'll be taking on Monday, so it's pretty exciting/scary.
In a couple of hours, I'm going to have lunch with my dad, who I haven't seen since... some time before Christmas. So that should be interesting.
May 15th, 2008, 08:15:40 AM
:hugs for the Jenny. I hope it turns out to be an okay sort of lunch.
Banner Laverick
May 15th, 2008, 11:02:13 PM
Hooray for the first good day in a while >_>; SUmmer goal is to go away for the weekend! Must stay positive! :D
May 16th, 2008, 02:30:47 AM
Sorry to hear about Barney.
Our little dog, Brandy, is getting on in age, now with many a pain and ache. My wife has had her since she was a young girl. We know it won't be long before we might have to make a choice that is unbearable. :( We just try to make her as comfortable as we can, for now.
Dasquian Belargic
May 16th, 2008, 03:29:32 AM
:hugs for the Jenny. I hope it turns out to be an okay sort of lunch.
It was actually alright. He gave me some good advice, and told me some really great stories about when he used to work as an undercover cop. It was kind of bizarre seeing him though... his hair is greying, he's going to be 50 soon. Just seems like everyone is getting really old all of a sudden!
May 16th, 2008, 05:55:01 AM
When my day involves kittens and boobies.... I've had a good one
Tri'ahna Zylary
May 16th, 2008, 06:40:20 AM
My temp agency decided to give me the boot... I've got another month until my contract ends now, unless they can find me something before then.
.... I'm eating ice cream, sitting out on the patio and am spending the day planting vegetables and reading sci-fi. Somehow the thought of impending employment doom doesn't penetrate yet. I think I might venture down the road to the gas station and get some lime beer later - just in case reality hits tonight and I need something to take my mind off it :mneh
May 18th, 2008, 04:59:43 AM
I woke up at 5 to go surf and then went to work from 9-5:30. The vog is really thick and it's "that time of the month" so by the time I got home I was a cranky monkeypants.
But then we went to this party (I was so not wanting to) and had a great time. They played nostalgia inducing music! Counting Crows! REM! Gettin' Jiggy Wit' It! :dance
Dasquian Belargic
May 18th, 2008, 05:05:10 AM
Not so great. I have an exam tomorrow and I've managed to get myself into a state of mind whereby I don't actually care how well I do, nevermind the fact that I don't know enough to complete both parts of the paper competently.
May 18th, 2008, 06:26:51 AM
I met the ex-wife's boyfriend - and the guy she left me for - last night.
Consider me confused.
Consider them even more confused in the fact I've changed my looks, my clothes and attitude so much in 3 years. She had no idea I took some parting words to heart and made sure no could ever accuse me of being fat and lazy again.
Screw that. The Lord didnt have me on earth for that crap.
Banner Laverick
May 18th, 2008, 07:01:00 AM
My day just started an hour ago. Totally broke down and cried because I filled my head with bad thoughts >_< Hopefully it'll get better.
Morgan Evanar
May 18th, 2008, 08:18:32 PM
Oh gosh I'm tired.
Banner Laverick
May 18th, 2008, 08:57:24 PM
We went to find this haunted place in a conservation area...and ended up hiking in the woods LOST for THREE AND A HALF HOURS! I've been trying to be positive lately, so I didn't complain the entire time and didn't really feel sore untill we got back to my mums house. Everyone got lots of pics, so might post some.
we had baskin-robbins, so, all that hiking is down the frickin' drain >_>; lol
Loklorien s'Ilancy
May 18th, 2008, 09:36:42 PM
I'm going to work now! Yay!!! :D ... :) ... :\ ... :| ... :( ... :cry
Lilaena De'Ville
May 18th, 2008, 10:14:41 PM
I may start working again on Tuesday, pending a doctor's note saying I'm okay to work. However there may be some things going on which may make it difficult to procure said doctor's note. I should know more on Monday, suffice to say I'm fairly freaked out health-wise right now. ^_^;
Tess Abrahams
May 18th, 2008, 10:31:00 PM
I hope everything turns out alright. :hug
Lilaena De'Ville
May 18th, 2008, 10:45:56 PM
Me too :hug I feel fine, but its sort of a really.. personal thing that I don't want to air on the internets, if you know what I mean. :)
Tess Abrahams
May 18th, 2008, 10:59:43 PM
Totally understand. If y'ever need to chat, hit me up on AIM. :)
Cat X
May 20th, 2008, 12:20:08 AM
Damn it, a PC just tried to kill me. 240 volts and my hand is still wobbly 10 minutes later from what looks like a open circuit in a power supply into the case. Touched it and WHAM!
That hurt.
Dasquian Belargic
May 20th, 2008, 02:37:34 AM
Just got up to my first day with no worries about studying for exams or the need to write essays... strange!
Lilaena De'Ville
May 23rd, 2008, 01:47:22 AM
Had doctors appointment, fears unfounded. :) Yay everything is okay!
and now, as I've been back to work for three days now... :zzz There are not enough hours in the day.
May 23rd, 2008, 08:39:34 AM
Very Rough.
A tornado has torn up my workplace pretty badly.
Dasquian Belargic
May 23rd, 2008, 08:57:39 AM
^ :eek woah!
We've just spent the day cleaning the house, since we have a house inspection in the next week.
Ilias Nytrau
May 24th, 2008, 12:35:35 PM
I have a headache. I'm unentertained. The weather looks somewhat nice, but I'm still in my bathrobe and have a towel wrapped around my hair. I'll get dressed eventually. I'm thirsty.
I need water.
Banner Laverick
May 28th, 2008, 12:58:34 PM
Hooray! I won tickets to a concert on a night I have work, and I have no-one to go with me! :[
Wyl Staedtler
May 28th, 2008, 04:18:29 PM
If it's a good concert, screw work and go solo. Chicks can rock hard by themselves. ;)
I have unpacked new furniture, done laundry, made the weeks supply of hummus (traditional, green olive, and roasted garlic with pine nuts) and bread (whole wheat plain, whole wheat with cheese and chives, and honey spelt).
Now I am going to rest, weed & water the gardens, launder the bed linens, and wash the windows.
Oh and throw a good ol' family braai later if I have ze energy. :D
May 28th, 2008, 04:41:53 PM
Ooooo, crazy long day for father had knee replacement surgery today. I picked him and my mother up before 6am, he was in surgery for 3 hours, then in the recovery room for another 2 hours. We took a short break for lunch, but ultimately didn't finish the day until just before 2pm. I've also managed to do a couple of loads of laundry, so I'm pooped. :x
Banner Laverick
May 30th, 2008, 10:29:47 AM
Yay, I'm going to throw up! >_<
May 30th, 2008, 09:02:03 PM
Survived a shift at work. Potential new employment on the horizon.
May 30th, 2008, 09:58:18 PM
Trying to work out how gone up in weight and yet down in waist size. That' doesnt seem to gel.
Banner Laverick
May 30th, 2008, 10:00:06 PM
Muscle weights more than fat?
Oh yes, I did barf. And I'll probably do it again before the day is through! >_<
Morgan Evanar
May 30th, 2008, 11:24:05 PM
Just saw Opeth and Dream Theater.
Woooooooooo!! \m/:cool\m/
Gavrilo Krass
May 31st, 2008, 11:43:14 AM
Dream Theater.-:D:D:D:D:D <3<3<3
Annnnnd My day is going disturbingly slow, Food Poisoning T.T
May 31st, 2008, 12:45:44 PM
My day is going great. There are all manners of cookery going on in the kitchen. Tonight we feast!
May 31st, 2008, 08:52:54 PM
Muscle weights more than fat?
Actually no it doesn't. 1kg of fat = 1 kg of muscle. Muscle is denser (and thence more mass), but fat can also be quite dense too, muscle is 1.2x the average density. The difference is a lot less than you might suspect.
What it doesnt explain is the fact that I can get into clothes I have not worn in fifteen years and yet I'm almost 30 kg's heavier. 15 years ago, I weighed 51kg. Today, 78 kg. Waist size 15 years ago, 81cm. Today, 88. Hell when I started posting on SW-Fans 10 years ago, I was 76 kg and 105 cm waist.
Spending my day putting away the size XL's and digging out the Size M. I got size M's I've never worn and even some clothing ten years old in the packaging because I would never have fitted it. I kept it in the vain hope of somehow getting off my bum and getting fit.
What a pity it took seperation / divorce to motivate me to actually do it.
May 31st, 2008, 10:52:09 PM
Someone changed all your clothing tags! XD
My day sucked, but when doesnt it? I did buy a sweet little Spiderman journal today, and didn't throw up even though I thought I would. >_>
Loklorien s'Ilancy
May 31st, 2008, 11:15:10 PM
Actually no it doesn't. 1kg of fat = 1 kg of muscle. Muscle is denser (and thence more mass), but fat can also be quite dense too, muscle is 1.2x the average density. The difference is a lot less than you might suspect.
What it doesnt explain is the fact that I can get into clothes I have not worn in fifteen years and yet I'm almost 30 kg's heavier. 15 years ago, I weighed 51kg. Today, 78 kg. Waist size 15 years ago, 81cm. Today, 88. Hell when I started posting on SW-Fans 10 years ago, I was 76 kg and 105 cm waist.
Well, you actually kind of answered your own question there.
Simply saying that muscle weighs more than fat isn't correct, as you said. However, muscle is heavier by volume than fat.
May 31st, 2008, 11:52:40 PM
Well, you actually kind of answered your own question there.
Simply saying that muscle weighs more than fat isn't correct, as you said. However, muscle is heavier by volume than fat.
It's not that much - it's 1.2 times. That accounts for a few kg, but not 27. Or to put in non metric terms that's 60 lb. I'm carrying 2 and a bit Stig's in extra mass and fitting in the same clothing.
I gotta dig out some pictures from then. I must have been an absolute twig.
Loklorien s'Ilancy
Jun 1st, 2008, 12:40:04 AM
Well, I never said there was a huge weight difference between the two. What I was trying to get at is that yes of course, 1 kg of muscle is the same weight as 1 kg of fat, but the size of that muscle is going to be less than the fat. As well, muscle sits far differently on your body than fat does.
Now, regardless of the 1.2 difference, little bits here and there add up.
From what you've said in the past, your biking and swimming and other activities have more than likely just evened you out in terms of muscle shape while at the same time adding that extra weight.
I think you're stronger than your realize ;)
Jun 1st, 2008, 07:15:53 AM
I think you're stronger than your realize ;)
I'll take being able to survive triathlon in October. Finally able to run 5km in under 30 minutes.......
I'm actually looking forward to seeing what Chris has to say when we meet up in late July.
Ilias Nytrau
Jun 2nd, 2008, 08:26:40 PM
How's my day going? I'm frickin' bored.
Jun 6th, 2008, 02:58:07 AM
Running errands today... then I gotta drop off Nya at ballet. And then.... I'm going to treat myself to a haircut before going to a seminar tonight.
Somehow I gotta fit doing some laundry and baking some bread into this day, too.
Dasquian Belargic
Jun 7th, 2008, 03:50:00 PM
What an awful day...:(
Kelly Perris
Jun 7th, 2008, 04:22:38 PM
I woke up somewhere around 9 to 9:30 am. It's almost 3:30 pm. I'm still in my pyjamas. This never happens.
I didn't have to work today, that's why. :p
Tri'ahna Zylary
Jun 7th, 2008, 05:43:32 PM
Went to Nya's school for an introductory lecture on teaching methods.... that was a bit of an eye-opener about some things. All in all a very positive experience.
The rest of the day we were baking bread and preparing foodstuffs for the next week....
Loklorien s'Ilancy
Jun 7th, 2008, 06:33:32 PM
I'm tired and wiped out. My eyes hurt, I have a headache, a minor tummy ache, but all in all that's ok. I have the night off :)
Wyl Staedtler
Jun 7th, 2008, 10:09:03 PM
Someone pointed a gun at me today.
That pretty much summarizes everything. :(
Jun 9th, 2008, 01:01:23 AM
Awww. Wyl. :( *HUGS*
So...after months of toying with the idea, planning, fussing over little details, applying for permits, getting the foundation poured, sitting...waiting for permits to go through, we finally have started in on some of the major work for our remodel/extension to our little house this week. Our house is pretty dinky, but we have a fairly sizable back yard. We're basically extending the back wall out about 15 fee and adding about 7 feet on one side, four on the other, allowing us to split one bedroom into two larger ones, enlarge the kitchen and build a small sun-exposed, multipurpose room... On the back of that we'll add a deck and play area to one side.
Walls have started coming down...leaving a carcass of what once was..a rather odd feeling. The frame for the extension is being built off-site and will be arriving in sections, but when it does will go up fairly quickly.
And. we're going to try to go green, so naturally the methods we're using and the materials reflect this. We've been doing an audit of how much energy we use versus the amount of solar power we can generate through a scaled-down PV array (literally one panel hooked to a meter) and it's looking pretty good. So we're thinking of implementing on a larger scale to partly offset what we take off of the grid.
I'll be glad when it's over with, but getting into the gritty of it is actually a bit of fun. :D
Cat X
Jun 9th, 2008, 04:08:47 AM
Oh for Lord's sake... one glass of wine. ONE GLASS. And I have a headache.
Why the hell did I do that when I know I dont like the stuff?
Banner Laverick
Jun 9th, 2008, 02:10:43 PM
^ Because you are a silly silly man :p
My day can only be described by the "Worms" song.
Morgan Evanar
Jun 9th, 2008, 07:53:15 PM
So over time is going to rock my world for a bit. With my computer being crappy and a trip coming up, yay OT.
Cat X
Jun 12th, 2008, 10:31:41 PM
I need sleep. Or sex. Or Caffine. Or all three
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