View Full Version : There will be Blood

Jedi Master Carr
Apr 13th, 2008, 05:14:14 PM
Well I finally saw this last night. 3 BP nominees down, although I don't have any plans on seeing Attonment anytime soon. I have to say Daniel Day Lewis was amazing in the role and was really the whole movie for me. He made that movie and I see why he won best Actor. The film overall was dark although probably not as dark as the novel it is based on. Oil by Upton Sinclair really makes things look worse because it concentrates more on the poorer classes and we see the bad situation they are in a little better. Of course Sinclair was trying to push socialism in his books so that is really why. Still I enjoyed the film, mainly because of Lewis's performance.

Apr 13th, 2008, 06:02:31 PM
I finally saw this yesterday as well, I've now seen 4 of the 5 BP nominees, all that's left is Juno. It's coming out Tuesday, and it's at the top of my Netflix queue.

Again, this wasn't my usual type of movie overall, but still, it was extraordinarily well-done and well worth seeing. The final two words of dialogue--"I'm finished"--were shattering, considering the fact that those two words had so many meanings overall. Daniel Day-Lewis TOTALLY deserved the Best Actor Oscar, he was simply superb.

Of the 4 I've seen so far, Atonement is much more my kind of movie, so it's the one I've liked the best so far. But, good grief, after seeing No Country For Old Men, Atonement, Michael Clayton, and There Will Be Blood--all serious, dark, tragic, sad movies--the last four weekends in a row, I really need to see something light and frothy and funny next.

Jedi Master Carr
Apr 13th, 2008, 06:15:14 PM
heh yeah and I watched Sweeny Todd last weekend, so I have seen a lot of dark movies myself.

Apr 13th, 2008, 06:31:28 PM
There will be blood was one of my favorite movies last year, top 3 :)
(I have no reservations about rating this movie 5 stars)

But, good grief, after seeing No Country For Old Men, Atonement, Michael Clayton, and There Will Be Blood--all serious, dark, tragic, sad movies--the last four weekends in a row, I really need to see something light and frothy and funny next.

Don't kill me, but I think you should see another sad movie, The Diving Bell and The Butterfly. Best movie of 2007, IMO. It is very moving and makes an unforgettable impression. It is soon out on DVD in US (april 29).

.. as for light hearted / funny movies, here is a list of stuff I'd check out:
Comedy / Musical
1. Lars and the Real Girl
2. Charlie Wilson's War
3. Juno
4. Hairspray
5. Oceans 13
6. Once
7. Knocked Up

I'll throw in some animations as well:
1. Simpsons
2. Ratatouille
3. Surf's Up

(#1 on those list is the best and so on)

Zem-El Vymes
Apr 13th, 2008, 10:35:26 PM
I didn't know that There Will Be Blood was based on Upton Sinclair. My desire to watch this has increased 500%.

Jedi Master Carr
Apr 13th, 2008, 11:46:19 PM
I didn't know that There Will Be Blood was based on Upton Sinclair. My desire to watch this has increased 500%.

Well it is loosely based on that novel. I have never read Oil so I am not sure of the differences.

Apr 14th, 2008, 06:51:55 AM
Don't kill me, but I think you should see another sad movie, The Diving Bell and The Butterfly. Best movie of 2007, IMO. It is very moving and makes an unforgettable impression. It is soon out on DVD in US (april 29).

.. as for light hearted / funny movies, here is a list of stuff I'd check out:
Comedy / Musical
1. Lars and the Real Girl
2. Charlie Wilson's War
3. Juno
4. Hairspray
5. Oceans 13
6. Once
7. Knocked Up

I'll throw in some animations as well:
1. Simpsons
2. Ratatouille
3. Surf's Up

(#1 on those list is the best and so on)

I will put The Diving Bell and The Butterfly in my queue, I've been very curious to see it.

As for the ones you've recommended, I've got Juno at the top of my queue, plus I've moved things around to put lighter movies at the top. Lars and The Real Girl is there too. And The King of Kong, I've heard nothing but praise for that one.

Just as an aside, I've seen both Knocked Up and The Simpsons movie and was underwhelmed by both :\.

Apr 14th, 2008, 09:58:47 AM
I think There Will Be Blood is an extraordinary achievement and one of the best films I've seen in years. Last year had 3 remarkable movies and was one of the deeper in memory as far as great cinema goes IMHO.

DDL obviously got most of the acclaim, but it's so much more than just him. Just an astonishing work...really.

Apr 14th, 2008, 11:38:18 AM
Just as an aside, I've seen both Knocked Up and The Simpsons movie and was underwhelmed by both :\.

Good grief, you have high standards for comedies, Lady! :lol

What can I say.. the best movies this year were dark and depressive.

Apr 14th, 2008, 07:56:25 PM
Sometimes I do have high standard for comedies, I guess :D...although I do so love The 40 Year Old Virgin, that's why I was so bummed that I didn't like Knocked Up all that much. Same for Superbad...outside of one particular scene that I thought was screamingly funny, I thought it was pretty ho-hum.

Apr 15th, 2008, 09:14:40 PM
I just watched this tonight and I need to wrap my head around it. All I know is that I saw something that I consider to be a very special piece of cinema. I love No Country for Old Men but this is something else. It will probably take another two viewings before I can absorb it fully but I know this, for that final scene alone I would've paid double the price of a normal cinema ticket. Daniel Day-Lewis gives, off the top of my head, the best performance I've seen in years. I'm on such a high from this film it's unreal.