View Full Version : Battlestar Galactica: Season 4

Apr 4th, 2008, 07:16:23 AM
Battlestar Galactica finally returns tonight, after more than a year off the air.

Everybody ready? :dance

Banner Laverick
Apr 4th, 2008, 09:14:38 AM
I don't watch this show, and if I have to hear or see one more advert for it with that chick yelling and screaming in it (since it's on a channel I don't even get!), I will yell and scream :|

But I hope everyone else is excited and enjoys the new season...^_^;

Jedi Master Carr
Apr 4th, 2008, 09:17:35 AM
I almost forgot that came on tonight. I know I am ready. I am curious to see who the final Cylon is. Based on what Moore has said is that is not one of the main characters (the Adamas, Roslin, Starbuck, or Baltar). So, I guess one of the secondary characters right now I am going to guess Zarek, but we shall see.

Apr 4th, 2008, 12:51:56 PM
Everybody ready? :dance

I've been ready for a year.. :o

Apr 5th, 2008, 10:30:16 AM
Man, that was awesome...

random thoughts:
- The moment with the Cylon raider and Anders. I think the raider was programming him, but to do what? Notice how the Cylon fleet withdraw afterwards. Clearly, he has an important mission.

- Nice special effects in the space battle. Reminded me of SW Episode 3. They must have spent quite a bit of the budget on that first episode. Although, personally, I am more interested in the plot, which was excellent.

- Why was Starbuck's viper brand new? Is she even Starbuck (maybe she is programmed or a clone)? How can she "feel" the direction of Earth? Did she really find Earth btw? Why is she aiming a gun at the president? Personally, I think she is doing that to persuade the President to turn the fleet around.

- God and the divine certainly is a recurring theme. Gaius Baltar is reminiscent of the third coming of Jesus Christ now. The whole story is like an allegory now, with metaphors to human civilization, where BSG is Noah's Ark, and Gaius having an angel or archangel in his head. Now Gaius is healing people like a miracle..

- What went through Saul's head when he was imagining himself shooting Adama? Was it a glimpse of what he is programmed to do, or an impulse of fear what he is afraid he could do? I think the latter, otherwise, he would probably shot Adama long time ago. Although, this begs the question, what is his role? It must be something important. He has a high command position, and can mess up stuff pretty bad at any moment..

- We still have no clue who the 5th Cylon could be.. but what about the other 4? They are ticking bombs! They seem to have no intention telling anyone..

Jedi Master Carr
Apr 5th, 2008, 06:10:52 PM
Man, that was awesome...

random thoughts:
- The moment with the Cylon raider and Anders. I think the raider was programming him, but to do what? Notice how the Cylon fleet withdraw afterwards. Clearly, he has an important mission.

- Nice special effects in the space battle. Reminded me of SW Episode 3. They must have spent quite a bit of the budget on that first episode. Although, personally, I am more interested in the plot, which was excellent.

- Why was Starbuck's viper brand new? Is she even Starbuck (maybe she is programmed or a clone)? How can she "feel" the direction of Earth? Did she really find Earth btw? Why is she aiming a gun at the president? Personally, I think she is doing that to persuade the President to turn the fleet around.

- God and the divine certainly is a recurring theme. Gaius Baltar is reminiscent of the third coming of Jesus Christ now. The whole story is like an allegory now, with metaphors to human civilization, where BSG is Noah's Ark, and Gaius having an angel or archangel in his head. Now Gaius is healing people like a miracle..

- What went through Saul's head when he was imagining himself shooting Adama? Was it a glimpse of what he is programmed to do, or an impulse of fear what he is afraid he could do? I think the latter, otherwise, he would probably shot Adama long time ago. Although, this begs the question, what is his role? It must be something important. He has a high command position, and can mess up stuff pretty bad at any moment..

- We still have no clue who the 5th Cylon could be.. but what about the other 4? They are ticking bombs! They seem to have no intention telling anyone..

Well the other Cylons don't even know they exist yet they have been programmed to forget them. I wonder why really. Why did those 5 get boxed and then forgot but then they weren't boxed. My theory is the Fifth cylon is the one who got them unboxed. He or she probably has been conscious for some time and has some plan. The Fifth is in the fleet and it could be any number of people.

Apr 5th, 2008, 08:15:47 PM
I can't believe it.

I had a DVD in the recorder. I left the cable box set to the Sci-Fi Channel. I went to bed.



I just tried to watch the episode online at the Sci-Fi Channel website, but there were enough hiccups in the stream that I gave up. At least I already used my cable guide to see that they'll repeat the episode at 11pm tomorrow, so I'll record it then, then watch it Monday evening.

I suck. :lol

Jedi Master Carr
Apr 5th, 2008, 11:25:56 PM
LOL it happens

Karl Valten
Apr 6th, 2008, 09:34:03 PM
Did anyone else get the Charles Manson impression from Baltar O_o

Or is that just the Wisconsin in me?

Apr 8th, 2008, 07:05:20 AM
Okay, finally saw the episode last night...wow. Simply wow.

A tremendous amount of info to process and wonder about. I think the most curious thing to me is what happened between the Cylon in the raider and Anders. That was just really freaky.

And speaking of freaky, the whole Baltar as messiah thing is just really icky. That's also something that's going to be fascinating to watch develop. He might be some kind of messiah, but he's still a horndog,that's for sure :lol.

Jedi Master Carr
Apr 8th, 2008, 10:36:47 AM
Okay, finally saw the episode last night...wow. Simply wow.

A tremendous amount of info to process and wonder about. I think the most curious thing to me is what happened between the Cylon in the raider and Anders. That was just really freaky.

And speaking of freaky, the whole Baltar as messiah thing is just really icky. That's also something that's going to be fascinating to watch develop. He might be some kind of messiah, but he's still a horndog,that's for sure :lol.

LOL I know I loved the part when the one follower was trying to ask him about touching God. Seriously though, he gives me a Jim Jones/ David Koresh vibe.

Apr 8th, 2008, 11:08:47 AM
I loved the "Do you feel the presence of God??", accompanied with flashing Baltar :)

Morgan Evanar
Apr 8th, 2008, 05:12:45 PM
Welp, that felt intense like an episode of Season 2 :D

Apr 8th, 2008, 05:50:24 PM
I loved the "Do you feel the presence of God??", accompanied with flashing Baltar :)

Best. Pickup. Line. Ever. :lol

Apr 19th, 2008, 06:01:58 PM
Poor Cally. Poor, sweet Cally. :cry

Karl Valten
Apr 19th, 2008, 06:08:03 PM
I like the new Tory! >D

Apr 19th, 2008, 06:20:54 PM
As I watched it, I couldn't help but think of the legendary line from Dune...

The sleeper has awakened!

And with a vengeance, that's for sure.

Jedi Master Carr
Apr 20th, 2008, 02:09:11 PM
Poor Cally and are 99% of the #3, 6's and 8's dead? Cavil is sure an evil cylon. Dean Stockwell sure plays that character as so diabolical. I think a few of the other models survived but I think this civil war is going to finish of the cylons for the fleet.

Lilaena De'Ville
Apr 20th, 2008, 03:35:07 PM
I thought for a minute there Cally would live, but man... how awful. I felt so bad for her, with her world unravelling around her like that. The memory flashes were poignant. :cry

And Nicky and Hera are two half-cylons. I wonder what the writers have in store for the cylon kids? Perhaps it will become clear when the last of the Five is revealed. FOr that matter, where IS Hera? She's with the fleet, isn't she? And her parents are with Starbuck on a wild goose chase. O_o

Jedi Master Carr
Apr 20th, 2008, 09:33:52 PM
I thought for a minute there Cally would live, but man... how awful. I felt so bad for her, with her world unravelling around her like that. The memory flashes were poignant. :cry

And Nicky and Hera are two half-cylons. I wonder what the writers have in store for the cylon kids? Perhaps it will become clear when the last of the Five is revealed. FOr that matter, where IS Hera? She's with the fleet, isn't she? And her parents are with Starbuck on a wild goose chase. O_o

I don't think it is a wild goose chase as I think Starbuck will lead them to Earth. Adama must have someone looking after Hera. Also I think Tom Zerek is the last cylon. I just have that feeling about him.

May 11th, 2008, 06:51:09 PM
Wow, this week's episode was really, really intense. ^_^;

Jedi Master Carr
May 12th, 2008, 10:48:52 AM
Yeah I know. Looks like those three models of cylons are near extinction, which is really why they are trying to make a truce with humanity. Of course Lebron is in love with Starbuck. I am curious to see what Adama thinks about this.

May 15th, 2008, 01:16:11 PM
Here is an interesting interview with Ron Moore about the theology of BSG:

May 18th, 2008, 02:32:54 AM
Can you guys please PLEASE use spoilers? I just finished watching Season 3 and cat wait to see season 4!

May 18th, 2008, 01:55:31 PM
We're just following the spoiler policy of the board...once a show has aired on the West Coast, spoiler tags are not required. I suppose you could request a change in policy...any admins want to comment?

Liam Jinn
May 18th, 2008, 02:35:05 PM
Can you guys please PLEASE use spoilers? I just finished watching Season 3 and cat wait to see season 4!

If you don't want to know stuff about it, then why are you looking in a thread called 'Battlestar Galactica: Season 4'??

Cat X
May 18th, 2008, 07:09:22 PM
Can you guys please PLEASE use spoilers? I just finished watching Season 3 and cat wait to see season 4!

If you don't want to know stuff about it, then why are you looking in a thread called 'Battlestar Galactica: Season 4'??

For broadcast dates and general info that is applicable, plus to ask questions and join in the chat as I get the episodes? To be a sad pathetic fanboy along with all the other fans? To compare the legs of Number 6 to Number 3? And that's just off the top of the head :)

I prefer number three myself.

Lilaena De'Ville
May 18th, 2008, 10:02:42 PM
You can always start a new thread about BSG and specify no season 4 spoilers. :)

We do not require spoilers once the show has aired on the east coast of the USA. The only things that need spoiler tags are preview items that are for an upcoming episode, and actual spoilers from hidden sources about upcoming episodes.

So, if you just want to talk about BSG in general then I suggest a new thread. :)

That being said I can't believe that the Admiral died at the hands of Starbuck!


May 28th, 2008, 12:52:45 PM
So Saul has now knocked up number 6, and is now commander of the fleet with no one knowing he really is a cylon? That can't end well. :lol

Jun 2nd, 2008, 08:46:11 PM
Well, this is ridiculous. :shakefist

I forgot to leave the cable box on and tuned to Sci-Fi Friday night. (I was exhausted...my father had knee replacement surgery on Wednesday, and it's just been crazy.) So knowing that the show is rerun at 11 on Sundays, I set the DVD recorder up and remembered to leave the cable box on.

Just checked the DVD, and I have the last half hour of Star Trek: First Contact, and the first half hour of BSG.

*grumble grumble grumble*

Just went to the Sci-Fi channel website to watch it online, and this latest episode isn't available online yet.

*grumble grumble grumble*

Hopefully I'll somehow manage to see this past Friday's ep before the new one airs this Friday.

Jedi Master Carr
Jun 2nd, 2008, 09:49:03 PM
It was a very good episode although next week looks amazing.

Lilaena De'Ville
Jun 7th, 2008, 12:52:51 AM
"Missed you."


Cat X
Jun 7th, 2008, 04:33:12 AM
Yeah Laura, about damn time indeed

Jedi Master Carr
Jun 7th, 2008, 12:22:18 PM
That was a great episode. So it looks like the fleet will know four of the final five next week. Adama looks betrayed about Saul and the same with Roslin with her adviser. So will the final cylon be revealed in this episode? Personally, I think not, I think the other four are just going to come forward and confess thinking Diana will out them anyway. Diana won't reveal the final one unless certain things are guaranteed for her. I think we might not find out till near the end. I am still betting on Tom Zerek right now.

Jun 7th, 2008, 01:09:52 PM
Okay, finally caught up...last week's episode was finally available online this morning, so I watched that, then just finished watching the recording of last night's episode.

All I can say is, the final scene in last night's episode was on a par with the Desmond/Penny reunion in Lost's season finale. I definitely needed a tissue when it was over :cry. So much of TV is geared toward the younger demographic that it's been absolutely lovely to see such a mature and beautiful love story being allowed to blossom slowly but surely. It feels very real.

Next week's episode is the mid-season finale, I'm not sure when the show will return for its final episodes. But it does appear that we're moving toward the "All Will Be Revealed" promise. I'd read in the past that we would find out the identity of the 5th and final Cylon prior to the very last episode of the series, so perhaps that might be the cliffhanger. I do still like the Zarek idea, I still think you're possibly on to something, Carr.

BTW, I've always been meaning to ask...does everyone here watch the credits all the way to the end, to see the little animated gags with Ron Moore and David Eick? They're different every freaking week, and usually they're downright hilarious. :lol

Jaden Luka
Jun 7th, 2008, 02:10:12 PM

Good episode. Love the ending, and D'Anna's reaction to seeing Cavil. :D

Just a thought about last week... If Tigh is a Cylon, and Six is pregnant, doesn't that go against the whole "Cylons can't have children with each other" thing?

I like the idea of Zarek being the last Cylon, but I've been working on the assumption that the final Cylon is a woman. Personally, my money is on the cancer patient from a few weeks back - the one with the dreams about sailing across a river and seeing her family - as being the final Cylon. No real reason for it, aside from the fact that she was played by Nana Vistor (Major Kira from Deep Space Nine), and her screen time really didn't tally with an actress of her prestige.

One thing that does confuse me though: why do the Cylons skip model Seven? Did one of the Final Five leave after the eight were numbered, or something like that?

Also, I noticed a lot of parallels between the Twelve Cylons (well, eleven) and the "Lords of Kobol"... or rather, the twelve main gods of Mount Olympus.

Cavil (One) would obviously fill the Zeus role, and the special relationship between him and D'Anna (Three) might suggest that she's Hera.

Leoben (Two) is quite spiritual, and has a bit of a stormy temper at times, so could well be Poseidon; if Tigh is then Hades, that makes the oldest three male Cylons conform with the three Olympian brothers.

Boomer (Eight) being Athena makes a lot of sense, as does Six being Aphrodite.

After that, my theory gets a little hazy - Anders looks like Lee, so is possibly Apollo; Doral is quite war-mongering so could be Ares; Simon was a doctor and a barman which conforms with Hermes in some sources, etc. Hephaestus forged the arrows that Zeus sent out, and since Adama has been referred to as Zeus, this could be Tyrol.

After that, I'm not entirely sure who lines up with what, but if you look at the numbers most sources site thirteen possible candidates for the twelve "main" Olympians - sometimes Hades isn't included. If you include Hades and discount Hestia (who is pretty minor anyway), you end up with seven males and five females. We've already encountered seven male Cylons, so... *shrug*

Just my random theory, anyhow. :)

Jun 7th, 2008, 03:29:05 PM
Wow, excellent theory, very well thought out! :eee

About the final Cylon...although I think Carr is on to something about Zarek, I have been having odd feelings about Dualla. I have no basis for the feeling, it's just there.

The pregnant Six on Galactica...it would be interesting to know how far along she supposedly is and how long she's been captive. Plus Tigh didn't admit to having his way with her, but he sure as heck didn't deny it either. The fact that he keeps seeing his wife when he looks at her obviously has something to do with it all.

And about Nana Visitor...you know, I felt like a complete dweeb not realizing it was her. The first time one of my co-workers said it was her, I was like, heck no, couldn't have been, I would have noticed her name in the credits. After your post, I researched it, and yeah, that was her. I think I missed that it was her because she just looked so different from what I'm used to, although the voice should have given it away. :o

I went back and checked out the episode online, and weird thing is, she was NOT listed as a guest star in the beginning, her name was buried in the final credits. That was kind of odd, especially since she's a big name with Trekkers like me. I love DS9.

Jaden Luka
Jun 7th, 2008, 04:15:28 PM
Yeah - I didn't realise it was her until the last minute... took a lot of double-taking to see if the voice was right. With all the raspiness and what-not though, it was pretty hard to tell.

It seems odd to me that she played what was effectively a minor role, and was so well hidden in the credits. Maybe they're trying to sneak her past us... :\

Lilaena De'Ville
Jun 8th, 2008, 05:11:37 PM
I read a theory about Head-6, Head Baltar... etc (the characters that not everyone sees) being the Lords of Kobol. Its an interesting theory. :p

Jaden Luka
Jun 8th, 2008, 05:19:18 PM
Yeah...Baltar has a Head Baltar now. What's going on with that? Or have his hallucinations of underwear models just been augmented by full-blown psychosis? :p

Cat X
Jun 8th, 2008, 08:46:02 PM

Good episode. Love the ending, and D'Anna's reaction to seeing Cavil. :D

Just a thought about last week... If Tigh is a Cylon, and Six is pregnant, doesn't that go against the whole "Cylons can't have children with each other" thing?

No, it doesnt. The final five are fundamentally different models and are probably from Earth itself. They apparently never could download and also seem to have a great deal more ability to be who they want to be. If anything, they point to the possibilty that Earth is very likely to be the last place humanity wants to be going to - and even the Signifigant Seven cylons are not going to like what they find there either.

They certainly will not find Earth as it is for us.

I am also tipping that the Final Cylon will not be revealed by D'Anna. It will be revealed on Earth itself and Roslin especially isnt going to like whomever it is. Accordign to the First Hybrid in "Razor" the final cylon will be searchign for redemtion through the howl of terrible suffering, before finally reaching the light. That makes Baltar the obvious choice. The show's producers dont do obvious however so...... who fits? I'd say Admiral Adama is set up to be the Final Cylon but he doesnt fit the words of the First Hybrid.

Also tipping that we will find out Kara Thrace is a clone made on Earth.

Next weeks show has soooooo many possibilities!

Jaden Luka
Jun 9th, 2008, 04:44:29 AM
If anything, they point to the possibilty that Earth is very likely to be the last place humanity wants to be going to - and even the Signifigant Seven cylons are not going to like what they find there either.

True, although if it is a slighty different Earth to what we're used to, my money is on it being a future version, particularly since the song that all of 'em had in their head was All Along the Watchtower by Bob Dylan. :p

Lilaena De'Ville
Jun 10th, 2008, 08:57:25 PM
So.... Bob Dylan is the final Cylon!!

Aurelias Kazaar
Jun 10th, 2008, 09:08:45 PM
It would make sense. How many 'Dylans' were in that biopic that was recently in theaters? Six?

Cat X
Jun 13th, 2008, 05:47:03 PM
If anything, they point to the possibilty that Earth is very likely to be the last place humanity wants to be going to - and even the Signifigant Seven cylons are not going to like what they find there either.

True, although if it is a slighty different Earth to what we're used to, my money is on it being a future version, particularly since the song that all of 'em had in their head was All Along the Watchtower by Bob Dylan. :p

Your wrong, I'm wrong, we all just got thrown a curveball and struck out.

Earth is a nuked wasteland? That's ballsy. And a rather evil way to ratchet up the level of despair and hopelessness

Lilaena De'Ville
Jun 13th, 2008, 09:31:58 PM
OH MY GOSH this episode was fantastic!! My heart just tore into pieces after the scene with Tigh and Adama in his office and the one with Lee and his dad. :cry I can't even find the words to create how great the characters of the 'almost final four' cylons are, and their different ways of dealing with the realities of who they are ... their conflicts and despairs... Tigh and Anders in paticular get me every time. Tory I think is at peace with being a cylon, and Tyrol is a little wacko right now. He had some great expressions while they were in the airlock.

And Caprica Six is carrying the first Cylon on Cylon baby. Apparently. Of course we knew that last episode, but it bears some thinking on.

Earth being a wasteland... its genius. But what happened to the 13th tribe? I speculate the final Cylon is on Earth already. Waiting.

Just like I will be until they resolve this season! :shakefist

Aurelias Kazaar
Jun 13th, 2008, 09:44:57 PM
Wait...how is it you were able to watch it before I was? I thought it came on at 10pm on the West Coast?

Lilaena De'Ville
Jun 13th, 2008, 10:03:37 PM
SciFi airs it at 7 and at 10... We record and watch the 7 pm one. :)

Jedi Master Carr
Jun 13th, 2008, 10:46:16 PM
Great episode, I knew they were going to tease about the final cylon. I doubt we find out till near the end. My hunch is still Zarek regardless of Diana's remark. She could either be lying or doesn't know who the final one is. It has been revealed the final one has been with the show since Season 1 so unless it is a dead character (I doubt that) it would have to either be Dee, Zarek, Cottle, or Gatea. I guess the Last Supper pic spoiler could be a lie and then that would open the door for other characters.

Aurelias Kazaar
Jun 13th, 2008, 10:47:42 PM
SciFi airs it at 7 and at 10... We record and watch the 7 pm one. :)

Weird...it's at 10 and Midnight for me. And aren't you only three/four hours south of me?

Lilaena De'Ville
Jun 13th, 2008, 11:33:03 PM
Two and a half if you drive fast. ;)

Maybe it has to do with what provider you get it from. *shrug* I thought that it was 7 and ten and therefore ten and midnight on the east coast. :)

Jun 15th, 2008, 12:48:19 AM
Great episode, I knew they were going to tease about the final cylon. I doubt we find out till near the end. My hunch is still Zarek regardless of Diana's remark. She could either be lying or doesn't know who the final one is. It has been revealed the final one has been with the show since Season 1 so unless it is a dead character (I doubt that) it would have to either be Dee, Zarek, Cottle, or Gatea. I guess the Last Supper pic spoiler could be a lie and then that would open the door for other characters.

You forget the most obvious one, Gaius Baltar. He was on the cylon ship while the rest were with the fleet.. I always suspected him too.

Elias Akasha
Jun 15th, 2008, 01:01:00 AM
You forget the most obvious one, Gaius Baltar. He was on the cylon ship while the rest were with the fleet.. I always suspected him too.

That's a point; the fact that there were only four Cylons in the fleet at the time doesn't rule out anyone who was on the Basestar. That could open the flood-gates for all kinds of people, though. Heck: if Tigh really has got Six pregnant, then that opens the possibility for someone like Helo or Kallie being the final one.

I'm interested to know which of the four Cylons we've encountered (if any) is "Number Seven". Kinda trivial I guess, but it could be important in the grand scheme. The Cylons seem to be going in descending order of age, which makes Tigh too old to be a lower number. If four of the final five are ignored, does that mean that the Cylons didn't get their numbers until after the five left? If that's the case, did only four leave, and Seven was lured away?

And is the post-apocalyptic wasteland a post our civilization one, or just a post-thirteenth one? Are the members of the Galactica fleet going to wind up being the forefathers of the human race on Earth?

Jun 18th, 2008, 06:46:46 AM
I fell a little behind and didn't see this episode until last night. And what an episode it was. I think the scenes where Adama fell apart after finding out his best friend of 30 years was a Cylon and was later comforted by Lee were among the most powerful scenes this series has ever done during its entire run. And when they jumped to Earth, and the whole fleet was orbiting Earth...wow. Simply wow.

The whole time they were heading through the atmosphere to Earth, I was saying, "What era??? What era???" And to see that they're reached a devastated Earth was a true punch in the gut. It was almost one of those "be careful what you wish for" moments. I couldn't help but be trying to figure out what city they were in...I thought some of the wreckage in the foreground almost looked like it could have been the Capitol Building in DC, but then I figured the body of water was too big to be the Potomac, so then I was wondering if it was NYC. In the end, it doesn't matter, though...just seeing it, and everyone's drawn and sad faces, spoke volumes.

I'm really intrigued by D'Anna's comment that only 4 of the final 5 were in the fleet...I think that speculating that that excludes anyone on the basestar might be splitting hairs, but who knows? I'm also actually of the thought that the 5th and final Cylon is waiting for them on Earth.

I just wonder when the series will return for its final episodes. So far, the official website doesn't seem to say.

Lilaena De'Ville
Jun 18th, 2008, 08:26:32 AM
January 2009. :shakefist

Doc Milo
Jun 18th, 2008, 10:43:01 AM
Does not being with the fleet also mean that the cylon can't be on a civilian vessel?

Lilaena De'Ville
Jun 18th, 2008, 04:46:29 PM

It does not mean that the 5th isn't on the basestar, however.

But I think the 5th is on Earth and is responsible for Starbuck's adventure.

Jedi Master Carr
Jun 18th, 2008, 04:52:27 PM

It does not mean that the 5th isn't on the basestar, however.

But I think the 5th is on Earth and is responsible for Starbuck's adventure.

Well I doubt there is any life on earth. The cylong responsible for Starbuck could have been with the fleet too. Also, it is hard to read D'Anna's line. Did she mean she didn't know who the fifth was? Didn't recognize him or her? Or is lying? It is hard to tell about her.

Cat X
Jun 18th, 2008, 05:18:29 PM

It does not mean that the 5th isn't on the basestar, however.

But I think the 5th is on Earth and is responsible for Starbuck's adventure.

Well I doubt there is any life on earth. The cylong responsible for Starbuck could have been with the fleet too. Also, it is hard to read D'Anna's line. Did she mean she didn't know who the fifth was? Didn't recognize him or her? Or is lying? It is hard to tell about her.

It's not hard to read her line at all. She does know exactly who the five are (re: in Galactica she pinpointed the four immediatly) and like Centurions and Raiders, she can now sense how close they are. If the Fifth was on the human fleet, she would have said it. Thence the Final was on the Basestar or nowhere near them.

Jun 18th, 2008, 05:54:27 PM
January 2009. :shakefist

Well, that's not quite as bad as having had to wait a year for this current season to start.

Lilaena De'Ville
Jun 19th, 2008, 12:31:45 AM
All we know about Earth is that there is no life in that paticular section of it. And I've read people online speculating that the planet we see isn't Earth at all, since they showed no recognizable continents on that awesome fly over shot.

I think it is Earth personally because the constellations all matched, and I think that there may be people living there still. I don't think Galactica has incredible life-sign detectors like Star Trek, so they don't have any way to scan the entire planet for life.

Jun 19th, 2008, 06:51:53 AM
I noticed that there weren't any recognizable continents either, but it has to be Earth. If it isn't, I'll feel kind of cheated. Plus I've read articles and interviews over the months where the producers said Earth would be found by the end of the show, since this is the final season. So hopefully they weren't fibbing to us. :)

Jun 19th, 2008, 03:38:43 PM
The season finale cinematic zoom to earth in Crossroads, Part II clearly showed North America. I'm afraid I don't remember the flyover shot very well, but at least we know earth isn't all Gondwanaland-shaped.

I remember hearing someone point out that the Crossroads shot also clearly shows a feature of the Mississippi River delta which developed only in the last five thousand years. That would be the closest the show has come to pinpointing the date. :)

Lilaena De'Ville
Jun 19th, 2008, 05:18:55 PM
Yes the planet at the end of season 3 is clearly Earth. We're just saying that the planet here at the midpoint of season 4 isn't as clearly Earth. Except that the constellations that they got on Kobol match perfectly, so. It should be Earth.

Captain Untouchable
Oct 24th, 2008, 11:20:56 AM
Bit of a random time to necro this thread, given that the second half of Season 4 isn't out until next June or something like that. However having seen the new trailer for Caprica, I've been wondering. What if Adama is the last Cylon?

I mean, he shouldn't be. Based on what the show has established, "Human-form" Cylons were invented during the war: I think that's what the lab in the flashbacks from Razor was meant to show. But Caprica seems to have a human-form Cylon of a little girl, and the Cylon creator (who's name escapes me) mentions something along the lines of: "Wouldn't you do anything to see your daughter again?"

What if Adama's father looses his son, and a Cylon Adama is built as a replacement? We've already seen that they can breed with humans; hell, if Tigh really did get Six pregnant, then they can breed with each other as well.

Sorry...random thought, and couldn't think where else to express it. >_<