Apr 1st, 2008, 05:39:46 PM
Mandalorian Merc/Bountyhunter is looking for some work. Doesn't need to be too high-profile, I am fine doing small jobs.
I don't work for the Empire, however.
If you need some more info, check here (http://sw-fans.net/forum/showthread.php?p=265357#post265357).
(This is Kvettch, btw. Trying to do something a little different with this so I'd appreciate it if anyone would work with me on this. I was going to wait until after SW: RC Order 66 comes out so I'd have the entire back story, but I just couldn't resist and will just make him a morose old man who absolutely does not want to think about the past until I have more data).
I don't work for the Empire, however.
If you need some more info, check here (http://sw-fans.net/forum/showthread.php?p=265357#post265357).
(This is Kvettch, btw. Trying to do something a little different with this so I'd appreciate it if anyone would work with me on this. I was going to wait until after SW: RC Order 66 comes out so I'd have the entire back story, but I just couldn't resist and will just make him a morose old man who absolutely does not want to think about the past until I have more data).