Apr 1st, 2008, 08:59:57 AM
Name: Darven (Dar'Vencuyot)
Race: Human
Occupation: Bounty Hunter/Thief/Mercenary
Previous Successes:
Various. Darven operates under different pseudonyms and prefers to work small contracts, so his successes are relatively modest and obscure. He hasn't really left the Mandalore System for a long time except on personal business - and a lot of the contracts he had were personal business - but recent events made him decide to leave so he's been forced to accept public contracts.
How to hire:
Via Holonet message to node #DVRC/KS-1197, or by asking for him at any cantina on Bespin.
If you're an Imperial, don't bother to contact him. He doesn't work for the Empire.
Additional Info:
Darven is one of the last clone commandos in the galaxy. Beyond the fact that he was trained by Kal Skirata and fought on Geonosis, little is known. When you contact him, you certainly won't realise he's a clone - all you will see is an old man with a nasty facial scar (when his face is not hidden by a helmet). The armor he wears gives his body a certain stability - were he to walk around without it, his age would be more obvious. In years he might only be 37, but his body has aged to around 62 (which is better than it should be, but not being an active soldier for much past the Clone Wars helped decelerate the aging process somewhat).
So in essence, you'll see a Mandalorian who turns out to be an older human with a nasty scar and a perpetually angry look on his face.
Race: Human
Occupation: Bounty Hunter/Thief/Mercenary
Previous Successes:
Various. Darven operates under different pseudonyms and prefers to work small contracts, so his successes are relatively modest and obscure. He hasn't really left the Mandalore System for a long time except on personal business - and a lot of the contracts he had were personal business - but recent events made him decide to leave so he's been forced to accept public contracts.
How to hire:
Via Holonet message to node #DVRC/KS-1197, or by asking for him at any cantina on Bespin.
If you're an Imperial, don't bother to contact him. He doesn't work for the Empire.
Additional Info:
Darven is one of the last clone commandos in the galaxy. Beyond the fact that he was trained by Kal Skirata and fought on Geonosis, little is known. When you contact him, you certainly won't realise he's a clone - all you will see is an old man with a nasty facial scar (when his face is not hidden by a helmet). The armor he wears gives his body a certain stability - were he to walk around without it, his age would be more obvious. In years he might only be 37, but his body has aged to around 62 (which is better than it should be, but not being an active soldier for much past the Clone Wars helped decelerate the aging process somewhat).
So in essence, you'll see a Mandalorian who turns out to be an older human with a nasty scar and a perpetually angry look on his face.