View Full Version : Coruscant Grand Adventure!

Mar 20th, 2008, 06:22:35 AM
In the near future (make that the second week in April) I am going to be sending three of my pirates on a mission to Imperial Center to extract a Twi'lek slave belonging to Blarga the Hutt, and make contact with local criminal elements in order to find buyers for our loot.

The three pirates will go in with those two objectives, but that's just one side of it. Meaning: This is an invitation to anyone who wants to have an extraordinary amount of fun - the RP is open to the public. During the course of the RP, like the backdrop with "Years from now..." is that it takes place years in the future, in this RP Coruscant provides the backdrop, and everyone is welcome to join. If your character has a good (or bad) excuse to be on or travel to Imperial Center, feel free to enter. The messier, the more chaotic, the better.

If your path crosses that of my pirates, so be it - the more obstacles they get to face, the better.

If you decide to enter the RP, there is one condition only: that you PM me with a few details. I'll be the central "planning unit", so to speak; the one person who knows the directions the various characters are taking and who can co-ordinate events surrounding my pirates. If your chars have nothing to do with my pirates, I'll simply need info that you're entering with whatever character for whatever reason - but if you want to be one of the friends/foes for my pirates, I'll need to know more details.

There will be certain givens. In order not to set too big a stage, there will be various lowly characters anyone can bump into and various places anyone can frequent. Shortly before the RP starts off, I'll be posting a list of these people and locations and even events, if anything important comes up.

In the timeline, this RP will be set 2 years, 1 month AE.

Mar 20th, 2008, 09:08:52 PM
One question - is this a set future rp, or a "possible" future? In otherwords, if I take one of my characters in a total change of direction to where they are now, would it be written in stone type-thing?

Mar 21st, 2008, 04:22:29 AM
No, this is a set RP. What happens will be written in stone.

Mar 21st, 2008, 12:46:36 PM
Good to know.

I'll PM you with something soon.

Mar 31st, 2008, 01:42:28 PM

Oh come on people.... surely there's got to be a little more interest for this, and not just Mutants these days!

Apr 12th, 2008, 01:47:03 AM
Just letting everyone involved know that this has been put off for another month so that my pirates can get past their exams and other RL things first ;)

And I'm still hoping to hear from some others who might be interested in joining..... perhaps by then the Mutant Craze has died down a bit...?