View Full Version : The Incredible Hulk
Mar 12th, 2008, 06:03:42 PM
Trailer's up and all I can say is: Well, wasn't that truly and utterly worth the rigorous reimagining process the studio put it through? I swear, there is nothing in this trailer that stands out as vastly different from the Ang Lee film other than it seems dumbed down. At least with Hulk, Lee tried something original. I'm not a huge fan of the film but I appreciated the attempt. How many years has it been? I can't decide which film has better CGI. Check for yourself:
Maybe I'm just feeling bitter at overpaid studio executives but I think it is more to do with being sick of brainless, vacuous, overlong, special effects laden, money-grabbing pieces of rubbish that parade around as works of cinema, thieving people of their money to creep to the top of the box office.
Just look at that trailer! No style, no wit, no intrigue, no originality, no flair; just drab dialogue squeezed in between run-of-the-mill action sequences. Incredible, my bum!
Jedi Master Carr
Mar 12th, 2008, 06:39:42 PM
Well it isn't a great trailer, IMO, I think the CGI looks good, especially the Abomination but it is put together badly not sure what that means for the movie. I have seen good movies with bad trailers.
Mar 13th, 2008, 04:23:23 AM
Ho-hum teaser. I actually prefer the original teaser that went with the first Hulk film (the one with Eric Bana in the bathroom looking into the mirror).
Maybe action boys will get their fix but I'm getting a blah feeling from it. :\
BTW for those who are having difficulty downloading the teaser you can find several versions it on YouTube, like here:
BTW, is this meant to be a sequel? Restart? Reimagined sequel-thing (ala. Superman Returns)?
Mar 13th, 2008, 06:45:55 AM
I won't be on a computer capable of playing the trailers for a while, but based on reactions so far, I'll hope against all hope that this initial thing is not representative of the end product. I mean, it just HAS to be better than the last one. It'd be wrong for it not to be.
Mar 13th, 2008, 08:09:05 AM
With the saturation of super hero movies in the market, it is very hard for me to get excited about any movie in this genre, really. This includes The Dark Knight, X-Men movies etc, heck even Iron Man, which had a good trailer. I still enjoy the spider-man movies though, although the novelty kinda kinda faded out.
I think this movie will probably be better than fantastic 4, but that does not say much. I am guessing it will be on par, or worse than the first Hulk movie. Mind you, I did not think the first one was nearly as bad as it's reputation, because it was more character driven through the first person perspective than the norm, and Eric Bana did a pretty good job which gave Hulk some personality. I think bottom line though, these kind of movies are about the fun and action, and I did not see much of that here. The CGI looks like the CGI 5 years ago. It all feels pretty stale.
Mar 13th, 2008, 04:33:20 PM
I'm not making any presumptions about the movie based on that trailer - both on basis of the quality of the video and the content of the teaser.
I'll wait for the next real trailer.
Mar 13th, 2008, 08:47:20 PM
Ugh, that's a pretty uninspiring trailer.
I don't share the hatred for Ang Lee's version as much as some people do. I consider it to have been a noble effort that failed, especially in the last 15 minutes or so. Regardless of that, though, all I could think as I watched this trailer was...why the heck do we need another Hulk movie so soon?
The CGI doesn't look all that great, all things considered, and to me, Ed Norton is just a really weird casting choice.
At this point, this is going to get a big ol' pass from me...the comic book movie that has me much more jazzed to see it is Iron Man.
Mu Satach
Mar 19th, 2008, 12:10:28 AM
A review of the teaser from a fellow film fiend I know and happen to agree with in this rare occasion. Warning, there is much colorful filled language if you clicketh the linketh. (Which being around this fella a lot I've learned to tune out when I'm in his audible radius.)
From <a href=>Big Shiny Robot</a>
Trailer for Hulk Redux So Bad [hat] it Gets it’s Own Trailer
Oh Em Gee! The Hulk Redux - excuse me, The Incredible Hulk trailer will premier this Wednesday on MTV at 10:00 PM! The movie is to be so cool that the trailer gets it’s own trailer that is so good I got off.
Oh, who the [colorful metaphor] am I kidding? I will be the first to admit I’m a comic book nerd and film geek. I mean, I’m writing scathing reviews on trailers on an internet website like these [colorful metaphor]s. However, are we so rabid and pathetic that we need trailers for our [colorful metaphor] trailers? Sadly, (and I’m not speaking for me, or any of the other robots on this site) the answer is yes.
Mar 19th, 2008, 08:38:11 AM
That's not a review of the teaser. It's a rant that the teaser gets its own trailer. And your friend seems like a very angry person. :uhoh
Jun 15th, 2008, 03:11:52 PM
I hereby eat my words.
I was originally planning on seeing The Happening this weekend, until it started getting shredded by the critics, and hearing that the WOM was just as horrible. It immediately went onto my "I'll rent the DVD" list.
I had noticed that The Incredible Hulk was getting decent reviews and fabulous WOM. Although I still had reservations about it, I decided to go ahead and see it.
I'm glad I did. It's terrific. Like I said in my previous post in this thread, I don't have nearly as low an opinion of the 2003 version as other people, but even I admit that this one was leaps and bounds ahead of that version.
I had thought Edward Norton was an odd choice for the role, but now that I've seen the movie, I think it was a great choice. He brought a great deal of sadness, nobility, and humanity to the character of Bruce Banner, and to the Hulk as well.
The in-jokes were awesome--the Courtship of Eddie's Father scene, the theme from the original series being worked in, and the cameos too. The Lou Ferrigno cameo got the biggest reaction from the audience I saw it with. I think my favorite in-joke, though, was when Betty brought the purple stretchy pants to Bruce. :lol
I really liked the idea that Betty could help control the Hulk, and the action sequences were spectacular. The showdown between the Hulk and the Abomination was really thrilling, and when finally we heard the words "HULK SMASH!", I swear the hair stood up on the back of my neck.
My only complaint is that Liv Tyler is a lovely lovely young woman, but I would have liked to have seen a stronger actress playing scenes against such talents as Edward Norton and William Hurt.
But overall, highly highly recommended. :clap
Jedi Master Carr
Jun 15th, 2008, 04:16:24 PM
I saw the first half then the power went out. I hope to go back in a hour and see if I can use my rain check to get in.
Lilaena De'Ville
Jun 15th, 2008, 04:48:36 PM
We caught this last night and it was GREAT! Loved seeing Lou Ferrigno there - that got a great reaction in our showing as well, and the purple pants were really funny. I actually enjoyed that they showed Bruce trying to get pants that would still sort of fit after he changed, instead of the unbelievable 'pants that always fit' senario.
Really really good, almost as good as Kung Fu Panda ;) j/k I loved Kung Fu Panda but they're so different I can't compare them. And I never saw Ang Lee's Hulk, so I can't compare that to The Incredible Hulk either.
Tony Stark's cameo was pretty awesome as well.
Jedi Master Carr
Jun 15th, 2008, 07:57:22 PM
I saw the rest I loved it. It was a huge improvement over the 2003 film. Oh I loved the cameos and from Lou, Stan and of course Stark. Some cool easter eggs like the Captain America references and the reporter Jack McGee one. The main battle was great too, I loved the smackdown between the Abomination and the Hulk. Oh it looks like they are setting up the Leader to be in the a future film. That scientists Sterns''s brain got effected with Bruce's blood. You could see him smile as his brain grew larger.
Captain Untouchable
Jun 18th, 2008, 11:16:31 AM
My memory for names is appauling...but "the Leader" is the dude with the really big green head, right??
If at first you don't succeed, recast, throw in a descent villain, and try again. Honestly, it was a fantastic improvement over the 2003 version, as far as I'm concerned. Iron Man gave us the Iron Monger fight, which was essentially the same premise: our hero, against a more powerful version of themself. With Abomination though, we really got a descent fight rather than something that felt a bit rushed. Seeing the evolution of the villain character, rather than him just appearing at the last minute was a nice touch. It wasn't just a simple punch-up either: the use of the environment was brilliant - the Hulk improvising a pair of boxing gloves out of a police cruiser was fantastic! I wonder though: was the rather large, suspect bulge around Abomination's groin at the personal request of Mr. Roth? :lol
I grew up watching cartoons of the Hulk on Saturday morning TV, so it may just be me, but did anyone else get the feeling that their inner child was having a fit of excitement when we heard "Hulk Smash"?
I think we can look forward to more SHIELD / Avengers references over the next few years. Thor, Captain America and Ant-man are all lined up, and all of them are pegged to participate in an Avengers film, if they all pay off. I'm pretty sure I read something about the SHIELD/Weapon-X stuff going into the Wolverine movie as well. I love all the in references, though: the interaction between the comics was a big thing in the Marvel universe, and its nice to see the movies picking up the torch somewhat.
All in all, worth seeing on the big screen if you haven't already. It probably won't be the same if your backside isn't vibrated every time something explodes. :D
Jun 18th, 2008, 12:51:28 PM
I still have no desire to see this film. This may be due to my recent realisation that I think the Hulk franchise is rubbish. Glad people like it but it's definately not for me.
Captain Untouchable
Jun 20th, 2008, 02:55:27 AM
Something else I forgot to mention earlier.
What the heck was going on with Blonsky's uniform? I'm no expert in military attire, but I'm pretty sure that if he's an officer "on loan" from the Royal Marines, he'd still be wearing a British uniform, and not waltzing around in a US Army one.
That bugged me, almost as much as Carson Beckett wearing a Scotish flag in Stargate Atlantis does. >_<
Jun 20th, 2008, 05:47:06 AM
I still have no desire to see this film. This may be due to my recent realisation that I think the Hulk franchise is rubbish. Glad people like it but it's definately not for me.
I am not particularly enthused about seeing this either, despite the good reviews. This will be a DVD rental for me. I would not go so far as saying the franchise is rubbish though. It is generally on par with the other comic super hero franchises IMO, although Batman, Superman, Spiderman are way better. Iron Man is the movie to see this year in the genre.
Jedi Master Carr
Jun 20th, 2008, 05:50:31 AM
I still have no desire to see this film. This may be due to my recent realisation that I think the Hulk franchise is rubbish. Glad people like it but it's definately not for me.
I am not particularly enthused about seeing this either, despite the good reviews. This will be a DVD rental for me. I would not go so far as saying the franchise is rubbish though. It is generally on par with the other comic super hero franchises IMO, although Batman, Superman, Spiderman are way better. Iron Man is the movie to see this year in the genre.
I think the Dark Knight will top Iron Man in terms of Comic book movies.
Jun 20th, 2008, 05:57:59 AM
I think the Dark Knight will top Iron Man in terms of Comic book movies.
In terms of Box Office, sure. Topping Iron Man for being better movie, I don't see that happening. I think for sure it will be better than Hulk though.
Jedi Master Carr
Jun 20th, 2008, 05:59:16 AM
I think the Dark Knight will top Iron Man in terms of Comic book movies.
In terms of Box Office, sure. Topping Iron Man for being better movie, I don't see that happening. I think for sure it will be better than Hulk though.
I don't know we shall see about that. I am pretty certain I am going to like The Dark Knight more than Iron Man but of course I am a big Batman fan.
Jun 20th, 2008, 02:40:40 PM
I'm fairly sure I know correctly whether or not I will like a film, and to what degree, based on the trailers I see. The only one to surprise me in years was The Golden Compass which turned out to be absolute tosh. I knew I'd love Iron Man, the trailer sold it and rightly so, and the film was excellent. But based on my gut feeling from the trailers we've seen, as much as I loved Iron Man, I think The Dark Knight will eat it alive, frankly. I'm not talking about the box office either.
Captain Untouchable
Jun 20th, 2008, 03:36:03 PM
My housemate was a little put off by the shots of the motorcycle. As he put it "No matter how many seconds of cool he does on the bike, its seconds when he could have been in the car."
I have to agree. Awesome as a bat-bike is... what's wrong with his car? :(
Jedi Master Carr
Jun 20th, 2008, 04:07:15 PM
My housemate was a little put off by the shots of the motorcycle. As he put it "No matter how many seconds of cool he does on the bike, its seconds when he could have been in the car."
I have to agree. Awesome as a bat-bike is... what's wrong with his car? :(
Well the bike has advantages in certain situations. I also wonder if something happens to the car in the movie.
Ryan Pode
Jun 22nd, 2008, 08:11:51 PM
I think The Dark Knight will outdo Iron Man simply because of anticipation. Batman Begins recaptured an audience and with all the fake internet rumors that Heath Ledger was driven insane because of playing the Joker will get people out in droves to see it that first weekend. Who knows, it may be a $100 weekend for it.
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