View Full Version : Black Nebula Peeps

Miranda Tarkin
Mar 6th, 2008, 04:25:54 PM
Ok I figure we need to do something together o_o But what is the ever nagging question.

Throw ideas out as I figure out how to write a resume :D

The only one I have right now is some deal going sour. The bastards get away, we track them down again and go kill'em. I think a general outline like that can be made for everyone to fit in and play a part.

Mar 6th, 2008, 09:51:21 PM
Xel is out of the show for the time being. He'll have to wait for his legs to get "fixed", go through physical therapy and all that, and will be out of the action for quite some time, unless you have a job for a guy in a wheelchair. I'm sure he could mount a gun on the armrest or something. Nothing is scarier then a guy with a gun in a wheelchair. It's just frightening.

Tracking people down and killing them? Sounds right up Xel's alley, provided the offender's safehouse has wheelchair access. He could although play some other part, though. He can still fly a ship or a number of other things that don't require him being able to walk properly. *shrug*

EDIT: I have a character, Gavin Ravenna, a smuggler who's always been loosely aligned with Black Sun. He could be a traitor to the group, having sold secrets and information out to anyone. A group of Black Nebula agents could go in after him and either capture him or kill him. I don't care which. Just something for me to throw out there.

Miranda Tarkin
Mar 6th, 2008, 09:58:55 PM
Geesh... ok I need to talk with Sorsha about the whole punishment thing :rolleyes

That is an interesting idea tho! And keeps you involved :D

Molly Black
Mar 6th, 2008, 10:38:13 PM
Molly can chime in, just so:

"They went that way." --------------->


Sorsha Kasajian
Mar 7th, 2008, 04:20:38 PM
Geesh... ok I need to talk with Sorsha about the whole punishment thing :rolleyes

That is an interesting idea tho! And keeps you involved :D

The drama queen has cybernetic replacements for his legs and he'll be out of the hospital the next morning. ;) Everything is fine. :D

Bambi Maddox
Mar 7th, 2008, 08:38:33 PM
Or, we could try the reverse - instead of us out to get "someone" - Perhaps news of the Black Nebula forming comes to some very competitive ears (Im thinking Kimiki Crei or even Sasseeri, or a Hutt) and there is a plot to take us all out at our new cartels inception.

Could be a all-for-one ambush, or a mass poisoning of us all or something...

Mar 9th, 2008, 08:59:15 AM
Well here goes.....How about maybe an attempt will be made on The Boss lady's life or, from a mysterious person or persons from Sorsha's past who is maybe seeking revenge, or somehow key individuals (like Sorsha and her Lt.'s) Are marked targets because of some past assassinations and the reason those key members have been marked is because of a traitor within the guild (NPC)....crap I don't know I got a bunch of weird scenarios like that....If these ideas suck bare with me, I'm used to making up plots for Transformers not Star Wars...LOL!

Sorsha Kasajian
Mar 10th, 2008, 05:38:46 PM
I think some aggression from Crei sounds like a good idea. Thinking that maybe Crei wants to take us out since we've split from Black Sun.

And Primus, no worries, don't be afraid to spin ideas around here. That's what this place is for. ;)