View Full Version : Shipping, and smuggling, and scoundrels, Oh My!
Gharhda the Hutt
Mar 2nd, 2008, 02:16:30 PM
"A-HAW-HAW-HAW!" Gharhda laughed at the bounty hunter trying to collect a bounty on John.
"Shut up, Gharhda. I want John right now, I can shoot a hole through your head-Agh!" the Hunter was cut off in his words.
"Before John creates an empty circle in your gut? Didn't think so," John finished.
John started speaking to Gharhda,"So, when is Yurga's shipment supposed to come in? And, uh, isn't 3z-HXe coming, too?"
"A-HAW-HAW-HAW! Very good kill John, Yurga is supposed to come with his package, and I don't think we have contacted Hexer yet. Contact him now."
John replied,"Yes, Gharhda."
"Hey, Hexer. This is John Anthony. Gharhda needs you to come to Bestine to, uh, fix something..." John left a message, looking down at HK's remaining left body.
John Anthony
Mar 3rd, 2008, 07:05:14 PM
"Dang it! Maybe when Yurga comes, his crew could fix part of HK."
John strolled down to a vending machine, kicked it, and a new soda, The Hutt's Credits, popped out. He grabbed it, nipped it with his index finger, and gulped it down. "Not too bad..."
Mar 4th, 2008, 07:03:59 PM
:: Dameia sent a transmission to Gharhda's location, with instructions concerning the transaction. She could be seen clearly on the viewscreen ::
'Yurga wishes you to meet him at the Palace.'
:: She was referring, of course, to the palace once owned by Jabba the Hutt. It had since been claimed by Jabba's god daughter and operated as a Shadow Depository ::
'You may bring no more than four men in your company, sidearms only. No heavy weapons or incendiaries will be permitted.'
Gharhda the Hutt
Mar 4th, 2008, 08:09:47 PM
"HAW! JOHN! Yurga has sent us a transmission! Get Drayhke, Wohlfe, and the remains of HK-48. Pistols only. Jabba's Palace. TIE Scout, now," Gharhda ordered.
"Yes, Gharhda."
John Anthony
Mar 4th, 2008, 08:22:06 PM
"Revvin' it up guys! You wanna big paycheck, then come on! Only pistols, guys!" John yelled.
The Crimson Talon took off, two passengers, one pilot, and some cargo. The cargo, Gharhda...
"We're 5368 km. away from the Palace. Someone wanna pack the booster into the slot?" John explained and asked.
"Yeah, sure, John. Here's the Phrik-Bacta booster," Wohlfe said.
"Holy, Wohlfe! You're gonna blow a hole in the Palace! LET'S DO IT!" John shouted!
"YIPPY-KAY-AY-MOTHERFU-WWWOOOOHOOOOO!!!!" John and everyone else screamed!!!
Mar 4th, 2008, 09:01:37 PM
:: Corvus received word from the sentry in Alkhara's tower that Yurga would be arriving within the hour. The Crimson Talon's arrival was also monitored. If the ship deviated from proper landing protocols, the sand people would get some free barbeque today ::
Mar 5th, 2008, 04:00:31 AM
...Incoming Transmission...
>3z-HXe to Gharhda the Hutt<
Your message has been received and processed. My answer: Get your own med droid. I don't do free-lance. Especially not for a Hutt.
Unless you are willing to part with 150,000 Imperial credits - base ten, of course. That is the base fee at which I would at least begin considering negotiating any deal with a Hutt. On top of that of course I'd expect to be paid a generous sum for my services, payable in advance.
Getting your own med droid might be cheaper.
Gharhda the Hutt
Mar 5th, 2008, 09:18:05 AM
"Eh, Gharhda, I think Hexer's spendy. Look at this."
Gharhda Squinted his eyes at the screen,"A-HAW-HAW-HAW! That Droid thinks he should be getting that much? A-HAW-HAW!"
John reported,"Hey, we're 649 Km. away. 603 Km. 558 Km."
Mar 5th, 2008, 10:13:26 AM
"Statement: Status; Negatory. Right half of body missing. Processing Data.
File Found! Interjection: OW! That hurts! Stop it! Ahhhh! Turning off..." HK found a File on Jarke Wohlfe, the Rodian.
"What the? Wohlfe turn him back on," John told Jarke.
"Zaii-binng chwabaka!," the Rodian said, HK translated,"Eh, I don't think I should do that, he's finding some bad files!"
John was dumbfounded, he spoke,"What!? HK, process those files and put 'em into a chip. I'm putting them on the Holo-display."
"Yes, John," HK said, acting as if he were a Drone.
Zing! The card slipped out and John grabbed it. Jarke tried to nab it, but he failed.
Jarke Wohlfe, AKA: Phrikmonger
He is a Rodian that steals Phrik alloy and more to create dense armor for himself and powers that create grenades that rip things apart!
John Anthony
Mar 5th, 2008, 09:31:36 PM
"WHAT THE-?! Drahyke, grab HK and run for it! Gharhda, get out! I'm taking this Schutta to Nar Shaada!" John yelled.
The Hutt squirmed out with a Trandoshan holding HK, along with Emily Srawd and Sparky. Meanwhile, the door closed, John grabbed a pipe and stuck it through Jarke's lower torso, sticking him to the Force Field Cage. Vroosh!
"Stupid Jarke!"
John piloted to Nar Shaada, where this Rodian will die, PERMANENTLY...!
Gharhda the Hutt
Mar 7th, 2008, 10:46:07 AM
"JOHN! KILL HIM!!!! A-HAW-HAW-HAW!!!" Gharhda yelled!
John Anthony
Mar 10th, 2008, 07:00:00 PM
"All right, Jarke, here's the deal. You, jump off ledge. I, watch. All right now, go on and do it, Jarke. Do it!" John ordered.
"E chu ta! Do kram biaz! *Spit Blood on John*"
"Bye-bye, Jarke," John said.
John kicked him. The Rodian fell down the abyss that John called,"Heh, the Underside. Schutta."
"E CHU TA SCHUTTA! BY THE POWER OF THE MAW, E CHUWATA JARKE SEMMUN MAW!!!!!" the crazed Rodian cursed and yelled at John as he fell.
"Oh, Fierfek!" John screamed out the top of his lungs!
John grabbed his helmet on the workbench in the room that Jarke just got kicked through the window. Sssssssizzle! His helmet made a funny noise while he put it on.
A vortex-like object in a cuircular shape suddenly popped out of nowhere and started tearing down the room, or tearing it up. Or maybe backwards. Or reversed? Oh, it didn't matter. The only thing that mattered is that John was RUNNING!
RC-0318 Hot Fuzz
Mar 14th, 2008, 10:41:31 AM
"What in Fierfek's name is that, Ten-Four?" the Slicer of the squad asked.
"Dunno, Term. It looks to me like a grenade went off in that apartment, right there. See it, Boss?" SC-1104 explained and asked.
Boss menacingly looked down the pits of Nar Shaddaa,"Yeah, Commando. I see it. Let's do what we were desgined for. Infiltration."
SC-1104, the Sniper, cut in more,"Domination."
RC-1220 added,"And ultimately."
The Demilations Expert of Beta Squad piped up," Annihilation."
The Beta Squad walked towards the scene.
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