View Full Version : The 10 Most wanted SW EU stories
Tri'ahna Zylary
Feb 28th, 2008, 08:02:28 AM
Okay, I'm a huuuuge fan of all EU stuff, and I've read myself through almost every book there is (except for some of the kid's stuff) and a lot of the comics. But I can't help it that some of the books just leave me wanting more. So.... what are the stories you're still waiting for? What characters, what events would you like to know more about?
Here's my Top 10:
1. Darth Vader's redemption. I want his side of the story. I want to know how it felt when he found out his son lived. And what he was thinking and feeling right up to the point where he grabbed the Emperor and threw him down that shaft. Scratch that, I'd like to get a detailed insight into ALL of the OT from his viewpoint.
2. Jorj Car'das and the Bpfashi Dark Jedi - What exactly happened, how did he alone survive, and what did Yoda do to him to save him?
3. Nejaa Halcyon - his life & death, and interaction with his wife & son and his friendship with Rostek Horn.
4. Corran Horn's early years ..... want more. Anything. Especially a proper description of his dad's death, and his problems with Kirtan Loor
5. Vergere's turn to the Sith - what motivated her, how it happened, etc
6. Jacen Solo's 5 years of solitary travelling. Need more info. Preferably not like anything we've already heard.
7. Soontir Fel - what exactly happened in the years after he left Rogue Squadron, and how exactly did he end up with the Chiss?
8. Talon Karrde's early years and his time with Car'das. More info please.
9. History of the Isard family in greater detail.
10. Kal Skirata and his Nulls during their time on Kamino.
Dasquian Belargic
Feb 28th, 2008, 08:29:38 AM
Unfortunately I can't join this discussion, since I haven't read a single piece of EU material ^_^;
Cat X
Feb 28th, 2008, 10:16:22 PM
Unfortunately I can't join this discussion, since I haven't read a single piece of EU material ^_^;
In the main, count yourself lucky. Most of it is complete and utter crap, apart from spectaclar highlights.
Feb 29th, 2008, 08:22:06 AM
^^ this man speaks the truth.
Edit: I generally I agree with Tri'ahna's #1 and #2 however.
Tri'ahna Zylary
Feb 29th, 2008, 09:42:50 AM
Oh if I had any say in it, I'd have the entire EU re-written by Stackpole and Zahn, possibly with a few helpings of Allston..... skipping a few things, however *coughcoughcough*darksaberjediacademy*coughcoughco ugh*
Karl Valten
Feb 29th, 2008, 09:57:51 AM
I didn't mind a lot of the EU books. Rogue Squadron, Wraith Squadron, Young Jedi Knights, Darksaber, and the Thrawn Trilogy were well written and interesting.
The NJO books were mostly poor (except for Vector Prime and a few select others), but I blame that on crappy authors who wanted to rush "their own thang" into the Star Wars universe. It had potential but over all was very mediocre.
Granted there are a lot I haven't read and I still plan on reading. The Legacy and Republic series of Comic books are my current EU fetish and those are turning out to be enjoyable. Hoping to get some Clone Wars era novels read some time this year.
Peter McCoy
Mar 3rd, 2008, 04:33:20 PM
I've read 'Heir to an Empire' and loved it. Got half-way through 'Dak Force Rising', really enjoyed it, but stopped for some reason. It's lying around somewhere - it was form the school library but I left and forgot to take it back so :p
I'd have to re-read Heir to an Empire first, but I wouldn't mind checking out that trilogy again. Was part 3 'The Dark Empire" or something?
Mar 4th, 2008, 02:08:09 PM
I like Zahn's books and the Han Solo trilogy (old school stuff), but that is about it. In fairness, those are good books. Apart from those, not sure what else. Some people like the Rogue Squadron stuff (X-Wing series basically), I guess it is ok.
Basically, from what I read and heard, the EU really jumped the shark after NJO and onwards. The timeline goes like this: The Republic, then The Empire, then The Alliance, then The New Republic, then the Galactic Alliance, then the New Empire. The EU is full of new systems of government every few years. Han Solo and Leia had 3 children, 1 has been killed off already (as has Chewbacca), and of the remaining 2, 1 has become another Darth Vader again. It has become a god damn soap. And don't get me started on Sun Crusher and Vong.
Edit: Oh yeah, and Barbara Hanley and Callista as Turbogeek mentioned... :x
Lilaena De'Ville
Mar 4th, 2008, 02:19:00 PM
^^ Darth Vader's redemption from his point of view. This is an excellent read, and pretty funny at times as well. Just remember its a blog and start with the earliest dated entry, not the one right there at the top of the page. :)
Mar 4th, 2008, 03:07:00 PM
It has become a god damn soap. And don't get me started on Sun Crusher and Vong.
As bad as they are, how about ANYTHING from Barbara Hanley. And anything with the the word "Callista" in it somewhere.
The thing that stinks most tho is that you *COULD* make a pretty good set of EU books and that Star Wars is incredibly fertile ground for them. But in the main, it's been screwed up with silly plots and writers who cant write.
Mu Satach
Mar 4th, 2008, 03:37:30 PM
The EU is full of new systems of government every few years. ... It has become a damn soap.
Yeah... for a while I was interested in reading the EU books and read some. Now I find myself avoiding the scifi/fantasy isle at the bookshops like the plague.
Everything I pick up seems like it's been written by 12 year olds. =P
Mar 7th, 2008, 02:04:47 PM
I've read over 90% of the EU that's been out there. One of the main problems it faces is it's medium. Whether it's a novel or a comic, you're dealing with a medium that's very different from the films. What's natural on screen doesn't always work in a novel and vice versa. Comics and novels have virtually no limits, but film does. There have been times when Jedis have been depicted as so powerful that you'd swear they could hear a fly break wind on the opposite side of the planet they're on. It borders on the ridiculous.
Before the prequels you also had the problem that no one knew what backstory Lucas was going to come up so they had to ignore the past. The Anderson Jedi Academy trilogy was a perfect example of this problem. Luke's trying to rebuild the order, but he can't find much of anything on the Jedi. WTF? Are you kidding me?! They've been around for a thousand generations and Palpy and Vader wipe it all out in a couple decades? Did they spend all their free time burning books and erasing data bases? Every Jedi historian in the entire galaxy was killed off? No one was around to fill in the blanks for Luke?
And I don't even want to get into the Fett worshipping. It's ludicrous. I love that Lucas gave him a death that was basically comic relief. And Mace took out Jango without much effort if you think about it. Boba Fett is the most overrated character in the SW universe. A guy wearing a jumpsuit with more exposed weak points than Paris Hilton on a night out has been turned into an unstoppable Jedi killing machine. And if people cant $ figure $ out $ why $ they $ had $ him $ miraculously $ escape $ the Sarlac $ then $ they $ aren't $ paying $ attention $.
The soap opera criticism is a valid one. It really has become bad daytime TV, but I still can't tear myself away. I've just finished Redemption and I'm anxiously waiting for Invincible to see Jacen finally get the beat down he deserves.
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