View Full Version : The Secret Life of Super Heroes (The X-Blog)
Banner Laverick
Feb 26th, 2008, 01:44:15 PM
Tuesday, February 26, 2008
Welcome! Feel free to start your own blog posts, my fellow heroes. I look forward to hearing from you all.
Written by American Girl @ 2:41pm
Feb 26th, 2008, 06:29:45 PM
I just found out I'm a mutant. A MUTANT. What? I mean, this is crazy, right? Here I am, Sir Spazzo McGeekery of all high-schooldom, minding my own sorry business, and suddenly, I have powers. Well, not suddenly.
I think it started with these monster headaches I got about two weeks ago. It sucked so hard; my brain felt like it wanted to crawl out of my skull, and after a few days it started trying to take my spinal column with it, so I got stuck at home forever. I finally decide "screw it, I'm going out", and the headache spikes, I get powers, and wind up unleashing them in front of God, the Universe, and Everybody. What? (I swear that's my new favorite word.) How did this happen to me, of all the people?
My mom's scared to death of mutants. If she finds out I am one, she'll probably die. My dad hates or is angered by them, so he'll definitely disown me. I got this option to go get "help" for it, but is this event he kind of thing that can be helped? Blah. Better wrap this before my powers go nuts and wipe the stupid computer out.
The Brotherhood
Feb 27th, 2008, 03:51:34 PM
Dude, get a hold of yourself. :twak
How can you not see that your total lamer existence just became worth something? You've got a power nobody else on your block has. Savor it. The world is your playground.
Okay, so the parents aren't ready to find out yet - so don't let 'em. What they don't know can't hurt them. And if they can't handle the truth, they're not worth it, right?
What people like that don't understand is the world's changing. It's been screwed up long enough, and pretty soon it's going to be under new management. Until then, you've got humans on one side and mutants on the other. I'd say you just joined the winning team.
Written by Technofreak @4:53 pm
Ash Addams
Feb 27th, 2008, 06:09:01 PM
youre all freaks, you know that? you should be ashamed of yourselves...
Written by anonymous @ 9:58 pm
Banner Laverick
Feb 27th, 2008, 11:11:22 PM
Hey, hey, hey! Watch it, boys. Play nice.
Don't make me whip out the Ban-hammer.:headbash
written by American Girl @ 12:11 am
Anja Drake
Feb 27th, 2008, 11:17:04 PM
You want a freak?! Try being blind and a mutant at the same time!!
Feb 28th, 2008, 12:28:00 AM
You know, I survived acne so I guess I can survive this. It's not like I didn't already spend all my time indoors and on the computer. I don't have to worry about having girls I've never met turn me down because I'm suddenly half man, half bat. If anything, I guess it improves my odds. All I have to do is find Kirsten Dunst and hope she likes big ears and wings.
Still, I can think of a million other places I'd rather be than in school again. Been there, done that. Got the t-shirt. I know its supposed to be our home and all, but I like home when I don't have to worry about curfews and rules. Don't get me wrong, the chance to eventually become a superhero or something his completely awesome. I'm living in a freakin comic book, and the only way this gets better is with an actual suit and gadgets and everything else. I guess the biggest downer about all of this is that living in a school, having a curfew, and looking like a freak can make it slightly harder than average to buy a dime bag. I smoke maybe half the weed I used to. I can already feel my power fading...
The Brotherhood
Feb 28th, 2008, 01:35:47 AM
youre all freaks, you know that? you should be ashamed of yourselves...
Written by anonymous @ 9:58 pm
That's funny, 'cause your IP address says you're at a whole school fulla freaks. Sounds like somebody's projecting.
Seriously, I don't know what's funnier - the bleeding hearts who do nothing but feel sorry for themselves, or the geeks with the hero complex who think they're gonna save the world. Humans don't want to be saved. They don't deserve to be saved. What's the point of having an advantage if you keep wasting it on everybody else? They're only gonna try to knock you down to their level.
Written by Technofreak @ 2:37am
Feb 28th, 2008, 09:13:34 AM
Dude, get a hold of yourself. :twak
How can you not see that your total lamer existence just became worth something? You've got a power nobody else on your block has. Savor it. The world is your playground.
Thanks for the uplifting speech.[/sarcasm] I guess once I figure this out it could be cool to have powers, but I'm SO not feeling it right now. It's not like the world's a playground, so much as it's like...a lethal version of that gauntlet event from American Gladiators.
Okay, so the parents aren't ready to find out yet - so don't let 'em. What they don't know can't hurt them. And if they can't handle the truth, they're not worth it, right?I've played by this rule before with great success, but if I lose it at dinner or something and stick the silverware together, they're gonna pretty damn quick what's going on. Man, I don't even wanna THINK about what'd happen if they couldn't handle me being a mutant. It scares the hell outta me.
What people like that don't understand is the world's changing. It's been screwed up long enough, and pretty soon it's going to be under new management. Until then, you've got humans on one side and mutants on the other. I'd say you just joined the winning team.
Written by Technofreak @4:53 pm
Yeah? Maybe. We'll see.
youre all freaks, you know that? you should be ashamed of yourselves...
Written by anonymous @ 9:58 pm
That's funny, 'cause your IP address says you're at a whole school fulla freaks. Sounds like somebody's projecting.
Seriously, I don't know what's funnier - the bleeding hearts who do nothing but feel sorry for themselves, or the geeks with the hero complex who think they're gonna save the world. Humans don't want to be saved. They don't deserve to be saved. What's the point of having an advantage if you keep wasting it on everybody else? They're only gonna try to knock you down to their level.
Written by Technofreak @ 2:37am
Wait, you can figure out people's IP addresses? What? That' to know. >_< Kinda creepy, too.
What I wanna know, a little more than how you managed to find the IP, is what's wrong with your attitude. Discovering your powers (in my experience) is pretty harsh. We kinda have the right to freak out and feel sorry for ourselves, to an extent.
I can't speak for that whole "Humans don't deserve saving" thing. I admit I'm prepared for the worst, and I expect the worst, but I can't help hoping that they prove me wrong. Even if it IS the least likely thing to happen.
Written by MagnetMan @10:08am
Jacinda Blake
Feb 28th, 2008, 09:51:50 AM
It's like in The Wizard of Oz. One minute nice normal girl, loving family. Then a bit of inclement weather and then what? LOL
Yeah, it wasn't pleasant in the begining. I knew that something was going on with me, for a while. I didn't want my parents to know. It wouldn't have fit into their plans for me. Then it was just too late. Everyone knew, but life goes on, and I'm glad. I'm happy where I am now.
So yeah, I'm learning to live with the changes, and I don't care who thinks it's freakish. Not for me it isn't.
It's not about 'dealing with it' anyway. I'm not sick.
written by Miss Gale @ 11:00 am
Feb 28th, 2008, 09:32:16 PM
I am not in the habit of using the word "balderdash" but there are times that call for it. This is one of those times.
As some of you may know, last summer I got a part-time job, which meant I had cash to fund my own personal pursuits. Vegging doesn't cost much and since I can't booze myself rotten in this bloody country for another two years, I've been saving up for a beautiful 32" flatscreen television by Samsung, and oh yes, a Nintendo Wii. I was to be the envy of the institute. But it was not to be.
Yesterday, I was fired. The scum-sucking tourism agency had the audacity to issue a complaint to my employers, the good Lords and Ladies of Balderly Manor, and I was tossed out on my backside with half a day's pay and the dreaded sack. The Bs. I would appeal but being the unbridled freak of nature that I am, I wouldn't stand much chance with an unbiased jury of my peers. The MFs.
"Why the rant?" you ask? Well, other than the fact that this is my own friggin' blog, I want to expose(an exposé, if you will) these money-eating soulless fraudsters who run the show at the supposedly haunted Balderly Manor. Oh yes, haunted, and double oh yes, supposedly. If you know me then you have probably guessed where I'm going with this.
You see, Balderly Manor isn't haunted. In fact, it's only been standing ten years with a fake history of over two-hundred. There are no evil spirits, no eerie moans, no cold spots, no EMF readings, no light anomolies or blood-dripping taps. Nothing! It can't even boast groaning doors and creaking floorboards, it's that new. Haunted, my foot! Noone has even died there!
"Wait a minute! I've been to Balderly Manor and it is too haunted! I know, I saw and heard stuff. I even cacked my pants! Explain these outlandish claims this instant before I leave a comment claiming blatant slander!" you say? Well, explain I will, my disbelieving friends.
It's all done by machinery and technology. To tell you the truth, when I found out, I was impressed. But it is all fake and some of it pretty tacky: that skin-crawling hiss you can here in the cellar is someone hiding in the chimney stack shaking rice in a tupperware container. When I say it was all fake, what I really mean is that it was all fake, up until last summer.
This is where I come in: Hello, my name's Chris and I'm a mutant. "What can you do, Chris?" I can turn into a ghost. "You want a lousy minimum wage job, Chris?" Oh yes, please!
Sure, scaring the bejeezus out of rich American kids was a laugh for a while. Business was booming. Making Derek Acorah cry on Halloween was great. And noone cared that I was a mutant because it was lining their fat, stinking pockets. The only drawback was returning to the mansion covered in goo, those supernatural excersions were taxing, and it took ages to wash out. Even Locksmith had trouble with the blocked pipes.
Then today happened and now I'm jobless and Wii-less. To hell with the capitalist pigs who run our world and make us crawl over the hot coals of underpaid labor for a bit of green. Who are they to tell me how to do my job? What do they know about being a mutant? About being a ghost? They're lousy fakes and when this gets out, I won't be the only one without a job. At least, I can hold my head up high and say my conscience is clear.
Written by Spooky Sexmagnet @ 3:31am
< Previous "Model reports floating head in toilet bowl at Balderly Manor" (
The Brotherhood
Feb 29th, 2008, 01:00:25 PM
Wait, you can figure out people's IP addresses? What? That' to know. >_< Kinda creepy, too.
Written by MagnetMan @10:08am
You kidding me? That's kid stuff. Put it to you this way - if life were the Matrix, I would own Neo's pasty hide.
You might not like my attitude, but the sooner you learn how to cut loose and enjoy your powers, the better off you'll be. Guess you think you're magnetic? Try going to a scrap yard and play with metal junk. You'll feel better, believe me.
Mutants everywhere are brothers and sisters. Pass it on.
Written by Technofreak @ 2:00pm
Damien E. Dervish
Mar 1st, 2008, 09:42:20 AM
Hmm, if you honestly believed what you preached, then why is there so much hostility towards the "bleeding hearts," and the "geeks with the hero complex?" I mean, if we were brothers and sisters, then couldn't we get along, at least for the sake of mom and dad? Or is sibling rivalry the way to go? Frankly, being one of seven children, sibling rivalry gets really old really fast.
As for my day, it was uneventful. Did a hand plant, then a triple backflip off of the steeple of the nearby church while rollerblading today. I landed it with little difficulty. Should go pro. Problems with sponsors though.....they typically aren't "mutie" friendly....hell, even the "muties" aren't friendly to the "muties" at this point in time....
Note: running low on Slim Jims. Must buy more.
As for enjoying powers, to a certain degree, Technofreak is right. We have powers, we should have fun. Or at least, be productive with them. Magnetism? Win the science fair, help at the scrap yard, or just wow your friends by learning how to throw darts with your powers. I dunno. Doing that at least allows you to learn how to better control the "gifts" and "curses" that we are currently in possession of. I.e: Using a tail for hackeysack, and becoming the hackeysack champion, three years running. Booya :)
Of course, having your abilities for longer periods of time than puberty has a tendency to help in control issues.
Oh, and Spooky Sexmagnet, if you are indeed a fellow student, which I think you are, meet me later for discussion of various....activities.
Posted by Midget_Diablo_Nickles@ 4:35pm
Mar 1st, 2008, 11:19:26 AM
Okay you know what, I can do without the hassle of classes in the middle of the day. Yes, I fall asleep. You would too if you had class at 4 AM. People don't understand how hard it is for me to climb off my perch when it's light outside. I normally don't have the best eyesight, but when its that bright out, it just hurts, and I want to keep my eyes shut.
Oh and the noise, yeah thanks for that too. I almost have a heart attack hearing that bell ring.
I don't get it. I already graduated high school and to be honest college isn't my thing. I mean I guess if I've got to learn something maybe tutor me at night or something. Doing anything during the day is such a drag.
Damien E. Dervish
Mar 1st, 2008, 12:43:45 PM
Hey, Marty. Speak to a cousellor. They'll accomodate ya, I'm sure! :)
Posted by Midget_Diablo_Nickles@ 4:50PM
Banner Laverick
Mar 9th, 2008, 09:42:24 AM
Sunday, March 9th 2008
The Basics
Hair Color: Red
Eye Color: Green
Height: 5' 3"
Profession: Super Hero
Relationship Status: Single
Religious Views: Agnostic
My Favorites
Favorite Color: Yellow
Favorite Car: Um, one that drives? XD
Favorite Movie: Dawn of the Dead!
Favorite Hobby: Fighting crime >=D
Favorite Song/Singer: Bright Eyes
Favorite Book/Author: Neil Gaiman
Favorite School Subject: Art
Favorite Vacation Destination: The beach
Favorite Food: Mac and Cheeese!
Favorite Restaurant: Swiss Chalet
Favorite Animal: Pandas
Favorite Store: Book store
Favorite Celebrity : Ewan McGregor
Favorite Childhood Friend: Parker!
Favorite Childhood Memory: Being spoiled by my Grandma
Favorite Baby Name: Hrm, haven't ever thought about babies
Favorite Person In Your Life: Parker and JR and my mummy all tie!
This or That
Chocolate or Vanilla: CHOCOLATE!
Big Mac or Whopper: Whopper
Coke or Pepsi : Coke
Beer or Wine: Ick, neither
Coffee or Tea: Cappuccinos!
Apple Juice or O.J.: AJ
Facebook or MySpace: Facebook
Summer or Winter: Summer
Windows or Mac: Windows
Cats or Dogs: Dogs
Boxers or Briefs: Boxers are hawt
Rain or Shine : Shine
Chips or Popcorn: Popcorn
Salty or Sweet: Sweet
Plane or Boat: Plane
Morning or Night: Night
Movie or Play: Movie
Walk or Drive: FLY!
Money or Love: Love- but if possible, both please!
Breakfast or Dinner: Dinner, especially when someone else cooks it!
Forgiveness or Revenge: Forgiveness
Paint or Wallpaper: Paint
House or Apartment: House
Do You?
Have Any Pets: 2 puppy dogs
Have Any Children: Nope
Smoke: No
Drink: No
Exercise: Yes
Play On A Sports Team: No
Belong To Any Organizations: Not really.
Love Your Job: Most of the time
Like To Cook: No
Play An Instrument: No
Sing: Yes
Dance: Yes
Speak Multiple Languages: No
Ice Skate: Nope
Swim: No, don't know how :s
Paint: Yes
Write: Yes
Ski: Nope
Juggle: Nope
Have You Ever
Stolen Anything: No!
Been Drunk Before Noon: Nope
Had Sex In A Public Place: Nope
Got Caught Telling A Lie: Yeah
Got A Speeding Ticket: Nope
Been Arrested: Nope
Littered: Yes >_>
Fantasized About A Co-Worker: LOL!
Cheated On A Test: No
Cheated In A Relationship: No
Failed A Class: Only once >_>;;
Screened Your Phone Calls: Sometimes, if I'm lazy and don't want to go get the telephone.
Eaten Food Off The Floor: No
Stuck Gum Under A Desk: No
Wished You Were Someone Else: Yes
Cried During A Movie: Yes
Had A One Night Stand: No
Describe Yourself In One Word: FIERCE XD
Biggest Fear: Hurting someone without meaning to :(
Biggest Mistake: o_O
Your Proudest Accomplishment: Busting my first bad-guy!
#1 Priority In Your Life: My family & friends
Dream Job: Super hero full-time
Special Talents: Uh, I fly and can lift cars?
Where Are You Right Now: my bed room
Where Would You Rather Be: Some place sunny and warm
Famous Person You Want To Meet: Spider-man! XD
Place To Visit Before You Die: England
Song Played At Your Funeral: I have no clue
written by American Girl @ 11:41 am
Damien E. Dervish
Mar 19th, 2008, 09:49:23 AM
Okay, my turn:
The Basics
Hair Color: Black. All over.
Eye Color: Red. Like, glowy red.
Height: 3'6"
Profession: Student and resident prankster.
Relationship Status: Single
Religious Views: Southern Baptist
My Favorites
Favorite Color: Black. It looks good on me!
Favorite Car: A Power Wheels.
Favorite Movie: Major Payne.
Favorite Hobby: Extreme skatin', Damien-style!
Favorite Song/Singer: Anything Steven Tyler.
Favorite Book/Author: Various Mad Magazine authors.
Favorite School Subject: Drama.
Favorite Vacation Destination: Skate park.
Favorite Food: Slim Jims!
Favorite Restaurant: Hardee's!
Favorite Animal: Ducks.
Favorite Store: Skate Stores.
Favorite Celebrity : Johnny Knoxville!
Favorite Childhood Friend: Ziggy!
Favorite Childhood Memory: Finally winning at King of the Hill!
Favorite Baby Name: Damien Jr.
Favorite Person In Your Life: Hmmmm...
This or That
Chocolate or Vanilla: Both.
Big Mac or Whopper: Monster Thickburger!
Coke or Pepsi : Flip coin!
Beer or Wine: Beer.
Coffee or Tea: Tea!
Apple Juice or O.J.: O.J. Not Simpson. With Grey Goose.
Facebook or MySpace: Both are Crap.
Summer or Winter: Summer
Windows or Mac: Windows
Cats or Dogs: Both.
Boxers or Briefs: Boxers. No restrictions.
Rain or Shine : I rock all the time!
Chips or Popcorn: Snackage.
Salty or Sweet: Flip a Coin.
Plane or Boat: Plane. Can do more tricks out of!
Morning or Night: Night
Movie or Play: Play.
Walk or Drive: Fly, glide, rollerblade....Commute.
Money or Love: Love.
Breakfast or Dinner: Food!
Forgiveness or Revenge: Forgiveness
Paint or Wallpaper: Paint
House or Apartment: Dormitory.
Do You?
Have Any Pets: None currently.
Have Any Children: Nope
Smoke: Very seldom.
Drink: Yes.
Exercise: All the time.
Play On A Sports Team: No
Belong To Any Organizations: Kinda.
Love Your Job: Absolutely.
Like To Cook: Yeah.
Play An Instrument: Ukelele.
Sing: Yes
Dance: Yes
Speak Multiple Languages: No
Ice Skate: Yes.
Swim: Yes.
Paint: No.
Write: Kinda.
Ski: Yes.
Juggle: Yes.
Have You Ever
Stolen Anything: Define Steal....
Been Drunk Before Noon: Yep.
Had Sex In A Public Place: Yep.
Got Caught Telling A Lie: Yep.
Got A Speeding Ticket: Speeding? No.
Been Arrested: Define arrested.
Littered: Nope.
Fantasized About A Co-Worker: Oh, yeah!
Cheated On A Test: Define cheat.
Cheated In A Relationship: No.
Failed A Class: Nope.
Screened Your Phone Calls: Not really.
Eaten Food Off The Floor: Yep.
Stuck Gum Under A Desk: Nope.
Wished You Were Someone Else: Nope.
Cried During A Movie: Yep. Bambi.
Had A One Night Stand: Yep.
Describe Yourself In One Word: Nuts.
Biggest Fear: Scary movies, such as Showgirls.
Biggest Mistake: Allowing myself to be detained by Authorities....
Your Proudest Accomplishment: Triple backflip!
#1 Priority In Your Life: My family & friends
Dream Job: Extreme sports.
Special Talents: I fly, see in dark, fit in small spaces, ect.
Where Are You Right Now: Comp Room.
Where Would You Rather Be: Not sure...
Famous Person You Want To Meet: Tony Stark. Has a nice Moustache.
Place To Visit Before You Die: World's Biggest Roller Coaster.
Song Played At Your Funeral: Knockin' On Heaven's Door by Guns N' Roses
Posted by Midget_Diablo_Nickles@ 3:30PM
Mar 19th, 2008, 10:03:52 AM
I am having to send messages from the Public Library. I have been on the run for weeks now. How do you like that one? I hurt someone. I didn't mean to. It happen. I am learning control, but it is hard knowing people are out there that want to hurt me. Why should I be on the run because some Flatline thought it would be cool to 'teach me a lession'?
I am not saying I enjoyed it. It just isn't fair I have to suffer because some moron still has a text book that reads 'Civil Rights: Troubled Waters Ahead'. Why can't the flatlines just leave us alone?
Posted by Darknessfalls@ 3:45
Mar 19th, 2008, 01:04:54 PM
Jeez. This is crazy. I mean, a bunch of mutants blogging it up, posting their likes and dislikes like its a singles line.
Now, you, DarknessFalls, you got the right idea. It's good to share the problems, but not if you have a chance to get caught by the authorities. I kinda had somethin' similar happen. I still don't know if the several people injured by my incident are going to die yet or not....It pretty much shot up my life, my great career, my new way of life.
But it's not all a bummer. Now I am in a place called Cullen's, and lemme tell you; these guys are for real. They actually wanna help us. And it's because they're like us. And they've been around for some time now....Just find your way to upstate NY, and ask around, man.
You'll be glad you did.
Posted by RiffWrath@ 3:46PM
Andrew Crest
Mar 19th, 2008, 02:05:08 PM
Ok, friend of mine ran across this blog a bit ago, thought I might check it out. Interesting to say the least, I guess. You know I almost tempted to throw my own social BS that every complete internet tool loves to do for some reason.
But first things first:
I mean dear god Technofreak up there (you sound damn familiar), despite being a pompous extremist loon has a point. It is way too freaking easy to hack the net. Trust me, anti-mutant groups and corporation leeches WILL have their tech-nerds. You're all pretty much shouting "Look at me, I'm a mutie!" into a damn bullhorn.
Kudos to darknessfalls, at least he's linking from public access (I'm out of a University terminal for those of you who assume I'm a hypocrite).
I'm kinda laughing at you guys going back and forth with the whole Cullen's business and Technofreak's preaching (I honestly really think I know who you are now. Boss says you and 'Arms' aren't welcome around here anymore).
Winning team? Flatlines? Back and forth bitching? Jeebus half of you sound like you're partitioning off factions here. Human, mutant, over-sized lizard-men, whatever. If nutcases like technofreak and the Cullen's groupies are bent on turning this into a war, me and the rest of the 'neutrals' are just going to keep doing what works for us and let the poles wipe themselves out.
Heroes my rear.
Posted by nungunz @ 3:04 PM
Mar 19th, 2008, 02:39:23 PM
I don't want to be a hero. I just want to walk down the street without being spit on. I don't want a war. I don't care who thinks who is better, wrong, or what ever else people want.
People like us are the people that get hurt. I feel like I am in the bible.
Those that are lukewarm will be spit out or what ever it said. Why can't we just be. Why must a side be chosen. If you don't want to be on side, you have to choose to be ina group that doesn't want to be in a group. It is like that undergroud group. Morlock or something? A group of people that doesn't want to be in a group. Why must it be so complicated....
Mar 20th, 2008, 06:17:12 PM
Hooray, public computers! I can post and you can't possibly know where I live. Whoo, anonymity!
So I can't decide whether or not my powers totally suck or completely rule. They're not really hero-ing powers (for those of you who get all concernicus with such matters), but I can't think of any other way to apply them, either. I'd like to just ignore them and keep on, but now that I've spent some time with them, I can't imagine ignoring them again.
Written by MagnetMan @8:16pm
<!-- END TEMPLATE: bbcode_quote -->
Dallas Walker
Mar 20th, 2008, 08:26:46 PM
You just have to remind yourself, you're not human. None of us are. So why put on a mask and pretend to be one of them? I've tried it, and it takes all the fun out of living...
Some people call it a curse, others a gift. For me, it's neither. It's a need - I need to lay waste to the lambs around me. And if these stupid human sheep line up for the slaughter, it's a priviledge for me to suck the very life out of them. You should all try it sometime...Nothing makes you feel more alive than taking life away from someone who doesn't deserve it.
Written by TheBigBadWolf @ 10:16 pm
Mar 30th, 2008, 07:56:33 PM
Oh my God, this RULES.
So I went testing my powers, right? I've got the whole thing down, with the attracting/repelling things. I even strapped some metal to my ankles and repelled myself in combination with a jump...must've been 30 feet high at least, and twice as far. Do you know how much awesome that is!?
Plus, I met another person with, uh, ability. Yes. It was a girl and she was AWESOME. I really, really hope there's some Law of Mutantcy that says "All mutant women must be knock-out gorgeous" because this girl SO was. Smart, funny, totally understanding about my "Oh crap I'm powered" spaz fits, and just made the whole thing feel real nice. The only bump in the whole situation was this group of complete 'tards that tried to like, jump us.
One of 'em had a facefull of piercings, so I stuck his head to this guardrail.Broke his nose, knocked him out. I can't begin to say how good it was to do that. Defend myself with my powers. It felt right. Made me feel strong. And this girl? She's so proud of me for it! Like I'm a hero or something. Then, to completely round out my night, she kisses me outta the blue. Holy. Crap. It's a good time to be me.
Oh, and, uh, if Technofreak reads this: You were SO right, dude. Being a mutant is the height of all things cool.
Written by MagnetMan @1:26am
Vipul Chandrashekar
Mar 30th, 2008, 08:35:22 PM
I think the hardest part of coping with being a mutant is being lonely. It's hard to find companionship with other humans, and even with mutants it isn't a guarantee. What if I meet a woman with a wonderful personality, otherwise pleasant looks, but has a horn coming out of her head? I am not saying that there is anything wrong with that obviously, but there is the very real possibility that a particular mutation may not be what I want in a future partner.
That, and it's perhaps unrealistic to expect six to eighteen eligible bachelorettes on a given weekend. Are my standards too high?
- Vindaloo9153
Apr 1st, 2008, 09:18:31 AM
Maybe just a little bit, pal. =P
I haven't heard of many people with mutations that change how they look. Most just have powers that are in some manner frightening or destructive that traumatizes the local populace when they emerge.
Written by MagnetMan @11:18am
Banner Laverick
Apr 1st, 2008, 10:36:13 AM
Uh, you could always use her horn to hang clothes on? XD
Okay, that's terrible of me. Vindaloo, it's not the outer freakiness that counts, it's the inner, er, freakiness? Sure, not all mutants LOOK like mutants, but looks aren't supposed to matter. Personality is. :s
written by American Girl @ 12:32 pm
Vipul Chandrashekar
Apr 1st, 2008, 01:07:31 PM
Oh that is true. Personality is a major factor, but if there is no physical connection, a relationship probably will not last. I want a girl who is sweet, beautiful but not too promiscuous, and a singing voice is good too. And then I want a dozen more just like that.
The problem is that I would seem to be a cheat for wanting this, but a girl who is interested in a dozen of me is probably not going to be the type of girl who would make a good wife.
The Brotherhood
Apr 1st, 2008, 03:19:18 PM
Oh, and, uh, if Technofreak reads this: You were SO right, dude. Being a mutant is the height of all things cool.
Written by MagnetMan @1:26am
Now THAT'S what I'm talking about. You've just taken your first steps as a Homo superior, my robot master friend. Being a mutant means never having to bow to some brainwaste neanderthals.
Hey, if you're interested in meeting some like-minded muties, some friends of mine wouldn't mind talking to you face-to-face. See, not every mutant's all about emo whining or playing make-believe superhero. Some of us are doing big things with our powers. Trust me, you want to be a part of it.
There's an email in your in-box. Reply within the week or it's a no-go.
Written by Technofreak @5:18pm
Taya Robbins
Apr 1st, 2008, 03:49:09 PM
hey all -
i've been lurking for a while and just decided to step in to test the waters. and, well, i kinda feel like i need some advice.
first off, yes, i'm a mutant. i got what the doctors call a 'systemic morphological mutation' (bleh) which means, yeah, american girl, it's all about the outer freakiness for me.
but i'm okay with it - i just figure this is the way my body's supposed to be, and i actually like myself this way. but now the parents are all about finding me some sort of 'mutant-friendly environment' to go to school.
i don't want to judge the kids who go there or anything but - do i really need some kinda special school? i've been stuck in hospitals over a year now with this mutation, and one of the only things that's kept me going is thinking i'll be able to go back to my old school in california, see my friends again, try to get back to some resemblence of normality.
i'd almost think my parents were just trying to get rid of me, but they said they'd move to new york to be close. which is sweet and all, but it means i'll never get to see my old home again. :(
what do you guys think? it's not like i'm dangerous, i'm not going to go nuclear and blow up san mateo, or start eating people or anything. and i know things aren't gonna be completely the same, but i figure if i can see my friends again and talk to them, they'll know i'm still me, just in a different body. i don't want to be the girl who got sick and moved away.
sorry if i typoed. hard to type with retractable claws.
Written by CaliforniaGrrl @5:47pm
Apr 1st, 2008, 07:16:18 PM
Oh, and, uh, if Technofreak reads this: You were SO right, dude. Being a mutant is the height of all things cool.
Written by MagnetMan @1:26am
Now THAT'S what I'm talking about. You've just taken your first steps as a Homo superior, my robot master friend. Being a mutant means never having to bow to some brainwaste neanderthals.
Hey, if you're interested in meeting some like-minded muties, some friends of mine wouldn't mind talking to you face-to-face. See, not every mutant's all about emo whining or playing make-believe superhero. Some of us are doing big things with our powers. Trust me, you want to be a part of it.
There's an email in your in-box. Reply within the week or it's a no-go.
Written by Technofreak @5:18pm
o.O Wow, uh...okay. I'll check that after I'm done here.
@ Cali Girl: At least give the special place a chance. (God that sounds wrong) What've you got to lose? If you don't like it, go back to where your home was. No big deal.
Written by MagnetMan @9:15pm
Damien E. Dervish
Apr 2nd, 2008, 06:42:49 AM
Hmm, sounds like you're talkin' about Cullen's, Ms. Cali. A great place. They make ya feel right at home. Trust me. I've got some physical mutations myself, and I was raised in the Southeast. A wonder I didn't get daily lynch mobs, with the history of the South and all. But strangely, maybe because of my family's strong, Southern Baptist ties and my personal beliefs and mannerisms, I received no real ill will. It may also have something to do with looking like the Devil....not really sure there. :lol
And don't worry. Typing with retractable claws gets easier the more you do it. I've had plenty of practice, being that I've had my physical mutations since birth and whatnot.
As for normalcy, the changes will eventually, in themselves, be normal. After all, this is who you are. No changing that. And with physical mutations, there's really no hiding it either. So you might as well get used to it, and make the most of what gifts and/or curses that may have been bestowed upon you. I sure try to....:)
But perhaps, a tour of the campus when you arrive will be in order? Just look for the three-and-a-half foot tall demonic looking guy. That'd be me. :)
Posted by Midget_Diablo_Nickles@ 6:02pm
Apr 2nd, 2008, 07:46:50 AM
I'd be careful if I were you Ms. Cali. The road to hell is always paved with know what I mean. You just need to be yourself. Knowing others liek you sure helps out, but all in all you need to just be yourself. I will offer good advice. Be careful out there. People are recruiting like a war is about to start. Unless you want to be on the front lines I suggest think before you hop down the rabbit hole alice. That or think about the red pill.
Carlos Calaveras
Apr 2nd, 2008, 07:57:35 AM
hola peoples
I'd be careful if I were you Ms. Cali. The road to hell is always paved with know what I mean. You just need to be yourself. Knowing others liek you sure helps out, but all in all you need to just be yourself. I will offer good advice. Be careful out there. People are recruiting like a war is about to start. Unless you want to be on the front lines I suggest think before you hop down the rabbit hole alice. That or think about the red pill.
holy hell, could you be any more cryptic, morpheus? ease up on the metaphors!
anyyywaaaay, 'CaliGirl'... cullen's is just like a normal school. same crappy homework, same jocks and nerds. only difference is that sometimes the nerds can shoot lasers out of their eyes.
Written by firestarter @ 3:04pm
Vipul Chandrashekar
Apr 2nd, 2008, 09:47:31 PM
The Cullen Institute, in America?
Oh yes, I drove by there the other day. I don't think I have much in the way of studies left to complete which I can't do on my own, but I'm generally just curious about other mutants and figuring out exactly what is happening in my own body. If I had the money, I would go back to school for a few doctorates in molecular biology and paragenetic theory. Of course, there is always independent study, but that too costs money.
I am afraid that from all of my traveling, I am running out of money. I need to find some gainful employment.
PS Also my fellow internet friends, peep this dope dance mix my cousin Karish sent me. I am going to the disco this evening wish me luck.
<object width="425" height="355"><param name="movie" value=""></param><param name="wmode" value="transparent"></param><embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" width="425" height="355"></embed></object>
Taya Robbins
Apr 2nd, 2008, 11:39:23 PM
OMG! :lol:eee:lol
thanks, vindaloo, that was awesome. just what i needed to brighten my day. :hug
and thanks to everybody who replied - i'll write back later, i promise, but i have to go to bed. meeting with people from cullen's tomorrow. still nervous, but tryin to think positive!
Written by CaliforniaGrrl @1:40am
Apr 15th, 2008, 08:55:17 AM
So what the hell IS so great about Cullen's anyway? Plenty of tear-free baby shampoo so you emo kids don't have to cry as much? Lots of big trees for you to write your dark poetry under? Or is it just that you need someone to hold your hands while you toddle around and grapple with the hard concept of walking on your own two feet?
Nearly everyone I've ever met who's been associated with that place has either been a total loser or arrogant jerkoff. The Jerkoffs talk down to the rest of us like we don't know any better than what we're doing, or like they know what's best for us. The Losers believe that crap and go join the zombie horde with their Joo Dee smiles and monotone "Come and play with us!". Who would choose that?
Written by MagnetMan @7:01pm
Apr 15th, 2008, 09:07:06 AM
MagnetMan, take a moment to look over your first few posts and then re-read your last message. I'm a mutant at Cullen's, I know a lot of the students there, and I can honestly say I've never known them to bitch and whine about things as much as you. You think you're the first little geek to develop superpowers and suddenly think you're Rambo?
PS. When is it your birthday? I'd like to get you a Tear Bucket, Mr. Emo McAngst.
Written by Spooky Sexmagnet @ 4:06pm
Banner Laverick
Apr 15th, 2008, 11:14:21 AM
Keep it up and the the thread will be closed. Not in the greatest of moods, so don't test me. Either of you. :spank:spank
PS. Emo is seriously a major mutant trait; I don't think any of us can claim that we've never had an Emo moment since getting our powers. We are teenagers, after all :p
written by American Girl @ 1:12 pm
Apr 15th, 2008, 11:23:29 AM
I got over being emo with my powers. Being a mutant is a huge blessing, something I realized pretty quick (without the help of you Cullen's nuts). Win for me.
ANYWAY. I'm a little calmer now than I was before, but it doesn't change what I said about hating that damn place. My girlfriend's mom shipped her off there after discovering her mutantcy, like she was some lunatic nut that needed to be sent to the psych ward. Add on top of that the fact that she visited once (and HATED IT), and then all my other friends hate the place and it's yeah, I hate it too. And no, I don't care if it's a stupid reason. You'd hate something for the same reason if it'd hit one of your friends in a bad way.
Written by MagnetMan @9:23am
Freight Train
Apr 23rd, 2008, 10:21:43 AM
I don't like it either, and I attend the stupid place. School is BORING. Living at school is BORING-ER. If it weren't for the constant shenanigans and the basketball court I'd likely die.
Written by TougherThanU @12:20pm
Vipul Chandrashekar
Apr 26th, 2008, 10:35:34 PM
I just recently accepted a teaching position at Cullens actually. Maybe I will see some of you there.
Freight Train
Apr 26th, 2008, 10:39:51 PM
Please tell me you're teaching something awesome, like a class where all we do is watch the Pistons. I don't have a TV and I've been missing all their games! Chauncey Billups needs me to sit on my couch and be indignant when the other team scores points! ;-;
Written by TougherThanU @3:52pm
Vipul Chandrashekar
Apr 26th, 2008, 10:48:57 PM
I enjoy sports quite a bit. I will see if I can organize some recreational events. In New Dehli I played some basketball and also football, but I was by no means exceptional.
I will be teaching several mathematics levels, and chemistry. I was a scientist before coming to America, so we will see if this works. I will warn you in advance that I type english better than I speak it, so be patient with me if I am your teacher.
Freight Train
Apr 28th, 2008, 09:43:15 AM
Written by TougherThanU @3:42pm
May 5th, 2008, 01:56:17 PM
Detriot Pistons 101? lol
So let me take a moment to get the record straight about Cullen's. Is it a high school or a university. Some people sound like they're just trying to get out of high school and others of you sound like you're earning a degree.
Me, I'm at ESU and bored at work. Federal Work-Study program allows me to work a pointless job to pay for school. At least this way I get to do my homework for minimum wage.
Now all my papers are done, so I thought I'd snoop around.
My powers happened to me suddenly. No one was hurt, but I don't think that's the real nature of my powers. It was a shock, to be sure, but I don't exactly remember freaking out. It's been a few years.
Believe it or not, my biggest worry right now is more over declaring my major than actually worrying about what people will think of my powers.
I'm a solid student in all subjects, so I guess the real rub is do I go with what I really like, or should I take courses that will help me nail a solid job the fastest?
And for the record, I don't think I'll be becoming a superhero with my powers. As best as I can tell, you can't get paid that way. And I do like to eat. And have a roof over my head.
Nuro Alston
May 5th, 2008, 05:26:44 PM
Class sucks, yo.
I was stuck in there foreva! Foreva! Maaan, I just got shipped to this lame place and the teachers just go on, and on, and on. I was messin' wit my iPhone in class then this guy...or w/e ya call 'em (mutant) noticed me from a mile away. I think hes gots some vision powers o whateva...
But anyways...its not gettin' any betta. But I'm doin' m'job here. Its cool. Maybe I can hook up a lil vlog or blog o whateva thing o' my own and...yaknow, be like kevinjumba or whateva his name is.
Youtube it o' somethin...
I started my new diet too. And bought that book I wanted...Bruce Lee's "The Art of Honest Expression". Everythin' is good...I ratha read my own books then deal with these classes. I'm not learnin' ANYTHING new. I did this when I was like...four.
Written by LifeandI @4:27pm
Freight Train
May 7th, 2008, 10:28:58 AM
This just in: At least one of our professors is awesome off the clock.
Written by TougherThanU @9:45pm
Nuro Alston
May 10th, 2008, 01:07:38 PM
Yesterday I was in class...doodling..doin' anythin not to listen to the teacher and I saw from the side of my eye.
Someone was diggin in his nose. I laughed. He flicked the booger at me--I tried to dodge...but it was kinda hard. I think his mutant skill was turnin his boogers into fireballs. That thing nearly hittme! He was'n aimin for me tho...I guess, because it burn some guys paper next to me.
Seems like somethin is brewin....yaknow?
Written by LifeandI @12:07pm
May 19th, 2008, 06:31:21 PM
I'm at Cullen's. If a fancy lobby and high-speed computer lab help you cope with powers, then the place is doing a damn fine job of helping everybody.
Written by MagnetMan @10:01am
Nuro Alston
May 28th, 2008, 07:49:47 PM
Look n history! See what some of these o people look at on the computers -- now! Now that is somethin' to
Written by LifeandI @6:49pm
Freight Train
Jan 7th, 2009, 11:08:51 PM
I need to get this out somehow. Not to be emo, or whiny, but mutant power battles are so much less cool than I thought they'd be. :| I just...nevermind. I can't figure out how to put it.
Written by TougherThanU @3:42pm
Dallas Walker
Jan 16th, 2009, 11:58:59 PM
You know, I'm really loving this "Caramelldansen" song. Does that make me gay?
posted by TheBigBadWolf @ 12:59
Captain Untouchable
Jan 17th, 2009, 12:37:24 AM
So... yeah. I'm not entirely sure what I'm doing. I'm probably a bit old for this, but hey. The doctors tell me that I'm meant to take it easy for the next few days. Unfortunately it's 2:30, there's nothing on the TV, and it hurts too much to have the duvet over my legs, so I probably won't be sleeping. Lousy burns. Someone remind me to become pyrophobic when I'm up and about again.
Out of curiosity, TheBigBadWolf: what's a "Carameldansen" when it's at home? Some sort of Scandanavian desert?
Written by TouchyFeely @02:31am
Dallas Walker
Jan 17th, 2009, 12:56:05 AM
It's this horribly catchy song that will stick inside your head until you use a gun to get it out...
Interesting screen-name.
posted by TheBigBadWolf @ 3:54 am
Captain Untouchable
Jan 17th, 2009, 01:10:05 AM
Interesting screen-name.
Says the person whose screen-name escaped from my niece's bookshelves?
Where can I find this horribly catchy song? The notion that you can't get it out of your head has embedded Kylie Minogue in mine. It can't really get much worse for me at this point.
Written by TouchyFeely @04:07am
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