View Full Version : Inquisitor for Hire

Rossos Atrapes
Feb 23rd, 2008, 06:38:00 PM
Okay! Just wondering if anyone has room for ole Rossos to jump in for a bit of fun. Doesn't have to be all chasing and fighting either, I'm pretty much up for everything, as far as I can and keep Rossos in character.

Gharhda the Hutt
Feb 23rd, 2008, 08:20:28 PM
Rossos, HK and I could still use you in the RP the new order!

Gharhda the Hutt needs your service to dispatch several enemies.

Karl Valten
Feb 23rd, 2008, 08:42:21 PM
The Inquisitors are not assassins for hire. I do believe that Rossos was sending out a request to take part in a thread that would benefit the presence of an Inquisitor, not sell services.

How ever if Rossos were somehow working undercover to track down any escaped Jedi/traitor/ threat to the Empire; I think that it would be acceptable. But for future references, the Inquisitoriate does not and will never sell their services to anyone. Action of this sort would be considered treason.

Rossos Atrapes
Feb 23rd, 2008, 08:52:33 PM
Maybe I titled the thread a bit misleadingly...:twak

I did not mean it to be taken as a selling of services, sorry! Valten was correct, more like a thread where the story would benefit from the presence of an inquisitor, undercover or not.

Sorry again!

Karl Valten
Feb 23rd, 2008, 09:02:39 PM
:) Not a problem, just a misunderstanding. It happens and is easily solved.

Jeseth Cloak
Feb 23rd, 2008, 11:45:22 PM
I'd like to do a thread where the Inq. finds my character and we have a fight. I'd like it if my character makes a narrow escape, but the Inq. learns of him. It could lead to future RPs. ^_^