View Full Version : Ever write yourself into a corner?

Mu Satach
Feb 15th, 2008, 11:42:30 AM
I've stalled on a story because I can't figure out how I'm going to get the characters to actually talk to one another. I've put one in a coma and now the other is now being hunted.

Something to look forward to working on in March I guess.

Cameo Stenislav
Feb 16th, 2008, 09:25:29 AM
Hmm, do some crazy backstory as to how they get that way, and have them cross paths in the past. That way, one has the opportunity to see another. :)

Mu Satach
Feb 16th, 2008, 02:04:13 PM
That's just it, the crazy backstory which has been eluded to throughout is why they need to talk. The whole story is about their reconciliation.

I had originally planned on there being enough time for a final flashback to reveal what happened to cause the rift and a final good-bye to wrap it up... and then (and this is partly why I love writing) the story turned and now there is no time for the original hospital bedside scene. A message was sent to "someone" and a baddie has been killed. The creeps are on the way. It would be incredibly stupid for the character to do my original scene now.

I'm not really sorry to see that scene idea go out the window, though. There wasn't much action and the story would have just ran out of gas and stopped instead concluding with a satisfying ending.

So... I feel like I painted myself into a corner with *this* story. The truly aggravating part is that because it is so close to being finished, it's gnawing away at a corner of my brain. And I have no time to devote to it right now. Everything I got is focused somewhere else and will be until I get to yell, "That's a wrap people!"

Cameo Stenislav
Feb 18th, 2008, 12:23:43 PM
Hmm, sounds like you're a movie director of sorts.

Edit: Wait, the bowling thing....if I remember correctly. Sorry, Old Timer's has struck again!!!! :lol

So your hospital bedside scene has slowly begun to escalate into what could be a very interesting fight scene AT the hospital. Imagine, oh, I dunno, being in an MRI room and being disarmed of weapons due in part to the magnetic field given off by the equipment, or something of that sort. Then its a fun free for all in an MRI room, and when the equipment shorts, its a mad scramble for weapons and suddenly weapons being taken just before or after they've been used.

Or, the whole "Rush Hour III" hospital fight scene! :lol That was great.

Hmm, wait, the orginial WAS for the baddies to show up. What has stopped that from happening?