View Full Version : Valentine's Day - A day for singles to rejoice
Cat X
Feb 13th, 2008, 09:25:25 PM
And there are people going... What?????
Bear with me, there is logic in this.
Valentine's Day is supposed to be some wonderful love in where the world celebrates... umm... I think guilt free sex. I never liked it when I was maried and even more hated it divorced. But this year...? Hey you know it's actually really good to have a reason to smile and be sadistic.
Being divorced and single is a great way to have a lot of fun at other people's self gloating on their non-single status. You see, single people today are not shelling out on expensive crappy dinners at badly lit restraunants, or buying dead flowers, or rubbish cards from Hallmark with words that make you puke with their sickening sweetness and professions of love. We dotn have to sit through a crappy love movie or buy presents. We dont waste time with sickenly coy emails about LOVE YOU and LOVE YOU TOO!!!! that in ten years time you will wince about. We dont drink alcohol that tastes like a French man peed in it, we dont have to even pretend to be polite to the ribbon seller who wants us to buy a Valentine's Day Love symbol. There's no teddy bears and no ridiculously overpriced jeweley.
And lets face it, all for what? The hope of getting a special up close snuggle?
Screw that, find a single girl at the gym and ask if she wants to fornicate. Cheaper, to the point and works.
Plus, the look on a flower sellers face after they have been bugging you to buy a crappy rose that you are not just not interested but are single and DIVORCED YOU INSENSITIVE BASTARD LEAVE ME ALONE!!!! is utterly priceless and makes up for any non special snuggle.
While I am a nice guy.... today is full on evil Marcus day and I am just loving making self satisfied couples as deeply uncomfortable as possible ^_^
So if your single, this is your day. A day to point and laugh at the fools who have been sucked into a joke and a farce. A day you can be proud to say "I am smart enough to not be taken for a ride with triple priced bad food and junk cards and crappy gifts!"
And if you are partaking in Valentines day with your signifigant other....... Go try to justify your lunatic spending in another thread. Me and my fellow singles are going to have this one to gloat at your throwing away of cash and celebrate the awesome of being single. For it is awesome.
And oh so much fun if your a sadistic bastard!
Khendon Sevon
Feb 13th, 2008, 09:34:56 PM
I can see why you're divorced. And single. (Or, maybe your post is a product of being divorced and single?)
I do agree with you, however, that it's just another day. Plus, it's puffed up to an insane level.
Besides, if you're really that into someone, you shouldn't be just showing your love on one single day of the year. God. There are such better ways to do that.
Let's not start on diamonds. Diamonds, what a waste of money.
Never the less, it is another opportunity for those individuals that don't regularly do so to enforce their love for another individual.
In high school, one of my friends filled the vice-principal's office with flowers and had him call his girlfriend down to his office.
Original expressions that come from the heart are nice :) Trite, boring, "I bought you some roses at the train station" are less so.
I'm semi-single. So, maybe I'm not allowed to talk.
Karl Valten
Feb 13th, 2008, 09:47:49 PM
Meh, the only thing I am doing for this holiday is going to the anual Valentine's Day Sucks party.
Mu Satach
Feb 13th, 2008, 10:04:19 PM
Too busy to care about crap things in pink thank you very much.
Wyl Staedtler
Feb 13th, 2008, 11:02:04 PM
When you're really in love, it's the daily little things that count (like when your husband gets up with the kids so that you can sleep longer, even if it is only an extra five minutes.)
That being said, I think it's nice to have a day set aside for it. Yes it's over-commercialized (what holiday isn't?) but that doesn't mean you have to buy into it. It's just nice to have a reminder to sit back and appreciate what you have.
There's enough cynicism out there. Anything that promotes happiness and joy (even if it's of the lace-encrusted, sappy, roll-your-eyes-ridiculous variety) is a refreshing break.
Anyway, back to your singles party. :)
Aurelias Kazaar
Feb 13th, 2008, 11:02:29 PM
Valentine's Day is tomorrow?
Mu Satach
Feb 13th, 2008, 11:05:20 PM
Anyway, back to your singles party. :)
A friend of mine got me calling it "Singles Awareness Day" a few years ago. :lol
Cat X
Feb 14th, 2008, 12:41:31 AM
When you're really in love, it's the daily little things that count (like when your husband gets up with the kids so that you can sleep longer, even if it is only an extra five minutes.)
That being said, I think it's nice to have a day set aside for it. Yes it's over-commercialized (what holiday isn't?) but that doesn't mean you have to buy into it. It's just nice to have a reminder to sit back and appreciate what you have.
There's enough cynicism out there. Anything that promotes happiness and joy (even if it's of the lace-encrusted, sappy, roll-your-eyes-ridiculous variety) is a refreshing break.
Anyway, back to your singles party. :)
The best reply to this is that if your not treating your SO the best you can...... then what on earth are you doing???? Dont wait for one day to do somethign special.
And right now, I'm now in a killing mood. Thanks to the lady who emailed me insulting my professional conduct. Up yours too bitch.
More proof I'm a klutz with women :)
Liam Jinn
Feb 14th, 2008, 12:52:04 AM
Buddy, I just can't agree with you. Maybe I'm just not bitter, I dunno. Sure be sweet and everything to the one you care for all the time, that's a given. But just go overboard with everything today, just to see the reaction on her face. It's worth everything. Lol, and I'm mostly single today. :)
Ilias Nytrau
Feb 14th, 2008, 02:17:14 AM
I uh.. Ok, so it's Valentine's day. Has been officially for about 15 minutes. I can't sleep, and it's certainly not the impending day that's causing it. I'm sick, stupid cold. I haven't really paid this whole Valentine's thing much heed since about... early high school when a dear friend just so happened to die on or close to the day. That kinda ruins it for ya.
The fact that I seem to have a record of being single on the day(through no fault of my own...), and if not, far too busy to bother, doesn't help matters.
Besides, I am more than capable of loving any other day of the year. Every day, even. Just don't coun't on me being overly sentimental. I'm just not that way.
Happy...uhm... "love" day. :rolleyes
Tri'ahna Zylary
Feb 14th, 2008, 02:59:13 AM
Hmmm..... I am rather grateful for Valentine's Day. Because if it hadn't been for it I'd never have found out that my ex was cheating on me. Stupid oaf had a lovely little receipt in his inbox from some flower site complete with the address of the intended.... and it wasn't my address.
I do not like Valentine's day. For years it just reminded me of my single-ness. And when I was married it just always was the day when bad things happened (nasty arguments, or the above). So I can live without it being there.
This year I loathe it even more than before. Because it reminds me of too much that's gone wrong over the last few years. And because I've got my divorce hearing on the 21st and Valentine's Day is just sort of making matters worse with all the bad memories. Not like I haven't had them over the last few weeks anyway, but today is just somehow pouring acid into the open wound....
*goes off in search of something inanimate to punch*
Nathanial K'cansce
Feb 14th, 2008, 06:09:12 AM
Hmm, haven't really been a fan of the big V-tine day thing, especially after what happened a few years back... *grumble*
That being said, my plans for the day as of now are work until 5, and then maybe nap, or study for an interview I have tomorrow!
Daska Greyhelm
Feb 14th, 2008, 07:51:17 AM
I'm away from my significant other on Valentine's Day. I hope each of you find some way to enjoy the day, even if you're not one for celebrating it.
Dasquian Belargic
Feb 14th, 2008, 08:02:28 AM
I'm just going to treat this like any other day and get wasted. :D
Ndinn 'Flysucker'
Feb 14th, 2008, 08:05:52 AM
I'm just going to treat this like any other day and get wasted. :D
I'm awfully tempted to do the same but alas! I'm totally broke....
Dasquian Belargic
Feb 14th, 2008, 08:12:32 AM
This week is kind of my last hoorah before I have to put a lid on the partying, so I'm cramming it all in while I still can! :uhoh
Feb 14th, 2008, 08:42:53 AM
I'm going to enjoy asking random people to be my Valentine, actually. It's funny seeing girls squirm when I ask, anyway.
Solani Naleen
Feb 14th, 2008, 09:07:03 AM
I think it's nice to have a bit of a special day set aside to show one that you care about a bit of extra attention. I don't buy into the whole commercialization of the day myself. A nice homemade card with words that I truly mean.
But like Ilias, I had a good friend die just after Valentines so that kinda puts a crimp on the day.
Pierce Tondry
Feb 14th, 2008, 09:32:38 AM
Valentine's day will suck until such time as I have a significant other. My clever ways to surprise my S.O. with sneaky affection are completely useless until I have one.
Feb 14th, 2008, 09:59:10 AM
Most years I use the day as an excuse to hit on all the girls who meet my standard for beauty regardless of how well I know them, but this year, I'm just not feeling it. I'll probably go home early from school and play Spider-Man or something.
Feb 14th, 2008, 12:11:44 PM
Anyway, back to your singles party. :)
A friend of mine got me calling it "Singles Awareness Day" a few years ago. :lol
It's known as that around where I am too. For those of us single instead of spending money on crappy things for SO's, we spend our money by using a pull out and partying. Oddly enough there have been a number of successful couples that begin at these things...
Feb 14th, 2008, 12:59:33 PM
My clever ways to surprise my S.O. with sneaky affection are completely useless until I have one.
Not neccessarily... surprise masturbation.
When I've not been single for Valentine's Day in the past, I apply the rule I use for most things in life: class over trash. I'm not one for pink hearts, fuzzy bunnies, and red fluffy handcuffs. To me, it's garish and cheap. That said, who needs an excuse to dote on the one they love? I just see Valentine's Day as another chance to celebrate your relationship. Do so accordingly, I say. :love
Pierce Tondry
Feb 14th, 2008, 01:01:16 PM
I got a laugh out of that one. Thankee Droo. :)
Figrin D'an
Feb 14th, 2008, 01:01:26 PM
I've never been much of a fan of Valentine's Day. Fortunately, my girlfriend feels the same way.
However, I'm certainly not going to diss people that enjoy it. I really don't have a problem with the buying of flowers or gifts that show affection for someone. Let's be honest... virtually every secular holiday (or holidays with a secular aspect to them) is all about consumerism. Hence why I don't have an issue with, say, going to your local florist and buying a dozen roses for your significant other, because at least you are contributing to economic stimulus.
Feb 14th, 2008, 05:50:31 PM
It's just a normal day for me. The only reason I am even aware of the day is the unavoidable newspaper headlines and threads like this. I am certainly not rejoicing, but I am not sobbing either :p
Kraehe Branwen
Feb 14th, 2008, 06:46:12 PM
My husband and I have a history of not having enough time together for various reasons. When we first started dating it was long distance because we we in seperate states and met online. Our first VDay was spent apart. So the gifts were bitter sweet. He sent me a stuffed bear dressed as an angel holding roses, which was a mixture of all of my favorite things(stuffed animals, angels, and flowers, plus it came with candy! LOL). He also sent a CD he burned with all these love songs and a poem he wrote just for me. The second year I was pregnant and sick all the time and practically unable to get out of bed plus we were both working. Then there was the issue of having no one to watch my son every once in a while for us to have alone time together. So we went out a few days before VDay for only a short dinner because I wasn't feeling too well. This year was a lot better though. But we still weren't able to celebrate on the actual day. We celebrated two days ago. Same resturant as last year. I guess we're making it a tradition, it was the first place we went to when I came to visit him here. He works two jobs and I hardly get to see him at all. He gets up at 8 am, comes home sometimes for maybe an hour somewhere around 3 PM, then leaves until around midnight. Then does it again the next day. All so I can stay home and raise the kids for him(the poor dear would be lost without me lol he can't handle the kids by himself for more than an hour or two!). We see VDay as an excuse to get his family to actually babysit for us. It's hard to get them to unless it's for either of our birthdays, our anniversary, or VDay.
Dasquian Belargic
Feb 15th, 2008, 08:08:52 AM
I had an absolutely fantastic morning, but an absolutely awful night. I suppose it evens out into an average day.
Feb 15th, 2008, 10:22:44 AM
The only way I could've lost more at Valentine's Day would have been if I had logged into Warcrack.
Feb 15th, 2008, 11:31:59 AM
I got a $5 tip at work, so that was the highlight of my day. And no-one asked me about my plans, which was lovely. :)
Dasquian Belargic
Feb 15th, 2008, 11:39:27 AM
Some of my friends baked anti-Valentines cookies, which were pretty funny... though all the food colouring in them drove me nuts :uhoh
Ilias Nytrau
Feb 15th, 2008, 12:53:37 PM
It's OVER! I spent V-day miserably sick. Wake up this morning and...I'm not feeling like crud like I have the past couple days, but I still have that damned hacking cough. I hope this means it's on its way OUT. :eee
Kraehe Branwen
Feb 15th, 2008, 02:05:50 PM
I ended up having to call the cops on my upstairs neighbors. They had a really loud party and were stomping around above the bedrooms so heavily that the door was shaking violently. It actually looked like my son was on the other side shaking the door by the handle but he wasnt. He was in bed tossing and turning because they were waking him up. I've called the landlord on them so much because of their loud music so when I overheard one of their guests come downstairs and say something about a "snitch" and something about "kill" I got real nervous and finally did call the police. Especially because they left a really rude note on my door a few days ago swearing and cussing me out about turning them in. I know I'm not the only one doing it. The whole building can't stand them. They just assume I'm the only one cuz we're directly below them. But when the cops got here they pretended not to be home. They're probably doing something they're not supposed to be doing, other than being total loud jackasses. So yeah, now I'm afraid they're going to either kick my butt or all out kill me. ~.~ Some VDay.
Feb 15th, 2008, 03:05:15 PM
The only way I could've lost more at Valentine's Day would have been if I had logged into Warcrack.
Looks like I lost more then Zeke...:( I played a LOT of Warcrack during class yesterday...
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