View Full Version : For a lack of Crunchables
Ndinn 'Flysucker'
Feb 12th, 2008, 07:21:31 AM
This world was really truly awful. So bright. Too much light. And a terrible lack of food. Ndinn had come here for a bit of recreation, having heard that there was a certain bar on Cloud City that might still have things they didn't serve in other places, but so far all the plates he'd seen walking past his booth held soft tissue, organic greens, jelly-like substances, or worse. Nothing crunchable. Nothing .... good.
On the other hand, there was something that sounded all clicky and clacky at the next table over, but Ndinn wasn't certain what it was.
Sounded like good food.
Ndinn slowly stuck his head around the booth, trying to see what it was. When he saw it, his heart grew faster and he knew he had just struck the Sabacc Pot of all crunchable things. It was big. Very thin but big! And had such a lovely crunchy looking shell! And soft and big eyebulbs! Ohhhh it looked declicious!
Quickly he turned back around again and tried to get the attention of one of the servers.
Molly Black
Feb 12th, 2008, 08:46:39 AM
Twitch.. Twitch.., went the antenae..
"Some servicks, here?! Snick-snick?" This was not good, warnings were going off, predator approaching! One couldn't even get a decent meal without becoming one!, thought Tixar'...
"Here you go, Tixar' (!", a cheerful voice broke the silent struggle between predator and prey.
"One magenge smoothie.. I swear we don't get much call for these." Molly placed the rather green looking fungus smoothie down in front of the verpine regular known affectionately as Tix. Tix's antanae were twitching in an almost distressing manner when she arrive and her seeking blue gaze settled on the guy at the next table. He was looking.. ravenous, for lack of a better description.
Oh, here we go...
"Be right with you, sir.." Molly patted Tix on the shoulder consolingly and approached the next table.
"Care to here the specials, love..?"
Ndinn 'Flysucker'
Feb 12th, 2008, 09:19:28 AM
Ndinn straightened the front of his vibrantly colored shirt and sat up. Crunchtime! He beamed up at the server, and held out his palm downwards - a sure sign to tell her he wasn't interested in any specials besides one.
"Na-a-a-a, gimme-e-e the-e-e sa-a-aim' a-a-as tha-a-at!"
And with that, he pointed over on the other table, smacking his lips as he did in anticipation.
Molly Black
Feb 12th, 2008, 09:29:48 AM
She turned slightly, following the direction of his mouth watering gaze.
"That...? A magenge smoothie? Are you certain?" She's only ever served the likes to verpine customers, no one else had any inclination to drink chunky blended fungus in a cup.
Of course, Molly had a sinking suspiscion that he was talking about Tix and not his drink, but she was not about to serve one of her better tippers up to this guy on a plate..
"Knick-Knick, Check pleash, Molly..." came a quiet plea..
Ndinn 'Flysucker'
Feb 12th, 2008, 09:35:07 AM
"Wha-a-a-a-a???" Nn', nn' ma-a-agwha-a-azzit sm'the-e-e, a-a-aI wa-a-ant the-e-e cr'nshhhthing!"
Why would he want something called magenge smoothie? He'd showed her what he wanted! He eyed the server - stupid human thing - with indignation, and pointed once again at the snackable bug, who just then did him the favor of making sounds.
"Thing tha-a-at spe-e-e-ks!"
He really hoped she would understand him now!
Molly Black
Feb 12th, 2008, 10:02:24 AM
"I hate to dissapoint a valued customer, Sir..", She tried to keep the sass out of her voice, really she did..
"But there will be no eating of other customers, while you are a patron of the Cloud 9. If it is... crunchy that you want", she whipped up the menu and flipped through a few pages and then pointed to what she thought might tempt his palate.
"Try this!" It was a picture of an appetizer sampler that boasted crispy fried chips and several dipping sauces.
Out of apron, Molly slid Tix's bill from her notebook, discreetly passing it over to the verpine, who was looking ready to run out screaming..
Ndinn 'Flysucker'
Feb 12th, 2008, 10:10:49 AM
He looked back at the snackbug, and his mouth watered some more. Back home he'd have stuck a knife down that lovely crunchy carapace already, slicing it open and using his snout to suck out the lovely lovely insides. But it seemed he wasn't allowed to get so lucky around here.
He tried one last time, sounding like a grumpy little child despite the cackling accent. "Ba-a-at the-e-e cr'nshhhthing l'ks s' ta-a-aste-e-e!"
He watched it as it hastily produced a credit chip, and ran out.
Ndinn sighed, and looked back at the serving girl with a wistful look. He supposed he could try other things. Maybe there were other crunchable things.
"Bring me-e-e 'the-e-er cr'nshhhthing the-e-en..."
Ndinn 'Flysucker'
Feb 13th, 2008, 02:29:34 AM
The service in this joint seemed a bit on the bad side of things since he'd been sitting there for a while with his mouth watering at the thought of food to digest, but no food had surfaced.
He wasn't being unproductive though - no sirrah, his mind was busy pondering the possibilities. Now that he had a new object of affection, he wasn't going to let a simple waitress and a couple of cantina rules get in his way of making it his personal lunchbug. It just meant that he'd have to find it outside the cantina.
Trouble with that was that he didn't know what it was, and hadn't caught the snack's name. He didn't think it would be advisable to ask the serving girl, either, because that would probably get him thrown out.
So Ndinn's time was occupied observing the other clients of the cantina, to see if there was someone who looked like a trusty kind of adventurous type he could have a little chat with.
Molly Black
Feb 13th, 2008, 11:28:27 AM
Molly had kept her blue eyes on the...whatever the heck he was, the whole time she'd been up at the counter. Sensing that he might cause her some trouble, she'd given the rest of her section over to someone coming on shift and opted to baby-sit the cretin.
Eat Tixar'? Over my dead body, she thought.
She had a blaster beneath the counter and was not afraid to use it!
When his order of 'crunchies' was up, she took the platter over to his tabel and slid it, unceremoniously in front of him. "Enjoy."
Ndinn 'Flysucker'
Feb 14th, 2008, 07:43:16 AM
With excitement he'd watched the dark-haired serving girl approach him with the plate of his intended crunchies, and the insides of his mouth had never felt as wet with saliva as just then. But he only needed to look at the unappetizing mush on that plate as she set it down in front of him to know that this was not, in fact, what he'd been hoping for.
It looked crunchy. But it was yellowish. And it smelled ... smelled.... oily. Not musky engine-oily, but different oily. And the things in pots around it had strange smells too - the only thing he knew that came served in pots were the slushy substances inside shells, and the stuff in these little pots might have some of the right colors but not the right smell, either.
He picked up one of the yellow crunchy things and found he could squeeze it. What bugcrunch was this?? He stuck it in his mouth, and it vanished down his gullet in a second, no resistance, no lovely crunchiness sounds, no spiky sensation at the back of his throat. Disappointing.
The serving girl seemed to be rooted to the spot next to him, waiting for something. He looked up at her with misgiving, but put off critique until he had tasted the other things. Maybe the combination...?
He picked up a few more of the yellow soft-crunches and stuffed them in his mouth, then stuck his snout into the first little pot and snorted the substance up like he would have done if this had been the usual innard-soup.
It stayed inside his mouth for the 5 seconds it took for the combined flavors to hit his brain, then he spat it all out again through mouth and snout and started retching violently.
"Whhhhhhhhhhrp!! WHRRRRP! Whhrrrrllllp! Hrrrrrrrnch! Hrrrrmch! WrrrrrrrrckrchhhhrrrukNGG!"
Wampo Groba
Feb 15th, 2008, 07:48:11 AM
Wampo was sitting in a booth nearby, slowly ingesting his steamed grubbler-mash while letting his eyes roam around the place. Having four eyes really helped with that.
He had started taking an interest in the odd alien with the garish clothes when he'd noticed the waitress paying it some special attention. He was a semi-regular in this joint - meaning that he'd usually visit whenever one of his deals took him away from home to this place - and he knew that the girl's behavior meant she thought the creature was a problem in some way.
That sort of thing always peaked his interest. Rubbing his hands and throwing his napkin on the by now empty plate, he moved out of the booth and walked over to the bar, where he sat down on the chair closest to the booth, so he could overhear what was being said.
Feb 15th, 2008, 09:58:29 AM
:: Varla turned to look at Wampo, smiling as he took the seat next to her ::
"Hello." she greeted.
Wampo Groba
Feb 15th, 2008, 10:07:29 AM
Irritated, Wampo held up his hand to indicate he was busy - and indeed he was, because just then the weird creature was breaking out in the worst kind of throaty sounds while holding his snout and chest - but one set of eyes couldn't stop wandering off into the direction of his neighbor at the bar.
And immediately, the other pair set on the girl, too. Alien weird thing or not, this was a fine-looking broad.
"Herrrrllo gorrrgeous!" And with that, he winked at her with the left set of eyes.
Feb 15th, 2008, 10:25:19 AM
:: Varla's smile grew bigger as she introduced herself, then glanced over to the Kubaz in curiosity ::
Wampo Groba
Feb 15th, 2008, 10:34:42 AM
Now irritated with her for paying attention to anything other than him, he slid onto the side of his chair to get as close to her as he could, and breathed into her face.
Hot steamy breath hit her skin. What with the grubbler-mash having coated the insides of his mouth with a lingering layer of their glandular juices, his breath smelled fruity but not unpleasant. Some females liked that, as he well knew.
Still winking, he ogled her heavily and grunted: "Wourrrld you rrrlike to scrrratch ma tusks, babe?"
Feb 15th, 2008, 10:53:53 AM
:: She took a deep breathe of the fruity aroma and sighed. Accepting the invitation, Varla stroked Wampo's tusks with her fingertips. She blushed slightly from the tingle she felt in her belly ::
"We can go back to my ship, if you'd like to do business." she purred.
Wampo Groba
Feb 15th, 2008, 02:38:30 PM
Wampo groaned with pleasure - this girl knew what she was doing! But he wasn't quite ready to get down to business yet; there was some other business to do first. He was far too curious to let the opportunity pass.
He ran his hand over her back until it came to rest on her shapely behind, and gave that an appreciative squeeze.
"Yo know whadda ya want babe... but nodda sa fast! I have samm otherrr bisness."
Feb 15th, 2008, 02:53:36 PM
:: Varla trilled at his touch, and nodded as she ordered a snack ::
"Alright." :D
:: She teased the Ualaq, eating a snail seductively as she waited for him. :yum If things went well, she intended to make him a regular client ::
Mu Satach
Feb 17th, 2008, 01:48:34 AM
The sound of retching caused Mu to stop taking inventory for a moment. Turning around she caught sight of goo spraying out of the snouted customer. It hit the table, ricocheted up and across towards the neighboring tables. Poor Molly was standing the closest to the fountain of gastric fluid.
Mu slapped a hand across her face and prayed that it wouldn't start a chain reaction. Quickly she pulled out her comm link. "We have a clean up on table 7, repeat a clean up on table 7."
Servers and protocol droids rushed to the area and began cleaning up the mess.
Feb 17th, 2008, 04:51:59 PM
Smitty, had been sitting at a sabbacc table and as usual, spending more time eying the ladies than the cards. Especially one in particular with dark curly hair, blue eyes and a smile that made his heart go pitty pat a rat tat.
Said she was with someone. A disturbed brooding joker Smitty spotted once trashing a couple of idiots who made the mistake of pushing the little lady too hard too fast. They deserved it. Anyone with half a brain could see the way her smile changed when the joker walked in that night.
Nah, to finesse one such as Molly would take time and patience. The joker paid her far too little attention to Smitty's way of thinking. And so every night Smitty was here, waiting for an opportunity to make a move that would slide him in good with her.
He knew better than to think he could bump the joker out of the picture, in fact anything he did directly to help his case along that route would only drive the girl further away. Dames were silly about stuff like that, but guys like the joker never seemed to appreciate what they had. It would only be a matter of time... and when that time came Smitty was more than happy to be the rebound mat she bounced on.
And then the opportunity arrived in all it's putrid glory, he shot from his table and dived towards Molly trying his best to intercept the spray. A good chunk of the stuff hit the back of his jacket and began eating away at the threads.
His body connected with hers and they both hit the floor and slid away from the mess. He wrapped his arms around her head and pulled it towards his chest to protect her precious face. Then as the servers ran past to start cleaning up the mess he let go and smiled sweetly down at her lying beneath him, "Why hello again."
Molly Black
Feb 17th, 2008, 05:32:20 PM
Well that was that, she thought. Done in by a belch from an alien half way across the place. An ignoble end for a waitress with her prospects. And here, she'd thought she was going places!
Molly closed her eyes ready to receive the blast of gastric juice headed straight for her but was suddenly saved by.. an avenging angel? Someone straight off a holovid, a rescuer of damsels in distress, tucking her safe into his arms and even took the impact of the floor.. When the room stopped spinning and her knight errant came into focus. Molly couldn't have been more dazed if he'd actually been wearing a rusted antique suit of armor..
"Why hello again."
She couldn't quite hide the question in her voice. She hadn't thought he had it in him, to be the chivalrous type. She'd always pegged him for the selfish sort. Molly was stunned quite speechless for a moment. Trying to decide if really was Smitty holding her amid the chaos of droids and peptic sludge.. How romantic..
Her eyes drifted dreamy from his face to his shoulder in horror.. "Smitty! You're smoking!"
Feb 17th, 2008, 05:47:51 PM
"Nice of you to notice," he smiled <i>I am hot, aren't I.</i> The smile dropped as he became aware of a burning sensation eating its way into his shoulder and back side.
"AAAAAAAAAAAAAGGGGGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHHHH!" Smitty started rolling around on the floor ripping off his clothes.
Molly Black
Feb 17th, 2008, 05:56:20 PM
Molly squealed and got out of the way. Smitty was tearing off his clothes faster than some of the twi'lek dancing girls she'd seen come through here and that was saying something.. Desperate to save her rescuer, Molly grabbed the first thing that came into her line of sight, a full-to-the-brim pitcher of ice water, which she upended upon a writhing Smitty..
"Smitty...? You ok..?" She crashed down beside him and tugged him upright.
"Say something..!"
Feb 17th, 2008, 06:06:39 PM
The ice water washed away the acids from his skin. He jumped up shook his body like a dog. Carefully moving away from his clothes that were quickly turning into a steaming pile of goo.
Wet, cold and standing in just his shoes, black socks and tidy whiteys, several patrons around the commotion applauded, cat called and whistled at Smitty's impromptu strip tease.
"Thank you, thank you!" Smitty half smiled at the crowd. Turning towards Molly, "Ah... gotta run!" With that he shot towards the back hallway grabbing Mu by the arm and dragging her with him as he passed the bar. <i>She's got to have something I can wear to get out of here.</i>
Molly Black
Feb 17th, 2008, 06:16:32 PM
"Oh my..." Molly wasn't sure what to do so she pulled a towel out from the tied ribbon of her apron and absently started blotting the floor.
What had she been doing anyways...? It was no good, she couldn't think. She started to get up when she recalled exactly who had spewed the acidic flesh eating venom across the room.
Mr. Crunchy.
Ok, no more Miss Nice Molly.
She stalked right up to his table and glared daggers at the putrid alien. She'd never thrown anyone out of the Cloud 9 yet, but there was a first time for everything, especially when Smitty had nearly gotten eaten alive for his heroics..
"You! First you harrass a regular!" She jabbed the alien in the shoulder.
"Then you start howling and gushing up weirdo alien regurge everywhere? Oh, you are outa here mister.. We don't tolerate that sort of thing in the Cloud 9.."
Wampo Groba
Feb 18th, 2008, 03:23:05 AM
Wampo eyes the confusion with much interest. He thought it was rather funny to watch all these humans and aliens rush around, nevermind the odd snouty thing that was still sitting there retching after having spurted all that nasty goo. He'd not known that some aliens intestinal fluids could set things on fire or burn away things!
Seemed like his opportunity had come - he was going to go and offer his help to the odd alien - when the waitress decided to take matters into her own hands. Wampo sidled up to her just in time to overhear her saying that the alien was being thrown out.
Which wasn't quite what Wampo needed. He gave the girl an appreciative pat on her behind, and grunted into her ear: "Now com' on Morllrrry, give da poorrr ting a chance, ahm surrr 'ee didn'ta mean ta do tat. rLrrook at 'eem, 'ee rlrrooks wrrrechet!"
Ndinn 'Flysucker'
Feb 18th, 2008, 03:36:44 AM
The poor Kubaz was still too preoccupied with getting the nasty taste out of his mouth, and he was also starting to feel severely short of breath.
All he could do was stand there, hold his chest, clear his throat, and try to breathe. Whatever was happening around him didn't matter just then.
"WHHHHHHHHHRCH! Hrrrrrrrnch! Hrrrrmch! WrrrrrrrrckrchhhhrrrukNGG!"
His breathing was now getting more ragged by the second, and his skin turned an odd shade of dark-green.
"WHHHHHHHHHHHHRNGGnnnnnnnnnnnnng! Hrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr........"
He gulped for air but it wasn't coming, it was like something was sitting on top of his chest making it impossible for his lungs to breathe in. With one last loud noise --
-- he fell over.
Feb 18th, 2008, 08:35:31 AM
"Oh my god!!!"
:: Varla's eyes got large, looking at the twitching Kubaz ::
"I think he's dying!!!"
Molly Black
Feb 18th, 2008, 09:07:50 AM
Molly looked like a woman with no mercy for a long moment then sighed and turned on a heel.. "Ok..ok I'll go find a paramedic, sheesh.."
Like it was an effort to save the nasty little bugger, Molly huffed over to the counter and secured the emergency reponses for their level. She didn't know what he was, or what was wrong with him but 'There was an alien of unknown origins suffocating on the floor of the Cloud 9 and it was bad for business!'
"Always on my shift, never fails....", she muttered walking away..
Wampo Groba
Feb 18th, 2008, 02:24:09 PM
With much consternation Wampo watched the alien's fall. To his own shame he hadn't been able to read the tell-tale signs of someone about to die of anaphylactic shock until that last wheeze, but now he felt like something rare was slipping through his fingers. He was too intrigued by the odd alien than to allow it to just die right there at his feet.
At least the serving girl had the sense to go call for a medic but Wampo knew it would probably be too late. He looked around and called out:
"An'one gottan inshecturrr pen? Yadda know, da stuff farrr arllrrrerrrgies?"
Feb 18th, 2008, 02:57:48 PM
:: All Varla could do was stand and watch awkwardly as the poor Kubaz continued to twitch and froth ::
Sal'i R'shnor
Feb 19th, 2008, 01:51:51 AM
Sal sitting not far from the commotion, looked down at his tool belt and began methodically searching through it's multiple compartments. He knew he had packed an auto-injector for just an occasion. Not that he'd found anything he was allergic to, but it was always best to be prepared.
He slid along the floor as he searched the belts pockets, "No, no, no..." he calmly continued looking. "I know there's one here somewhere."
He finished looking in the last compartment. "Now that'ss odd." He peered down at the alien. "Oh my... I think," his tail started to shake as he began to search again, "I put the medical bits between," he slid the tool belt around "the 15th and 18th compartmentss.... AH HA!"
Sal brandished the injector pen with flourish. "Does anyone know the proper procedure for administering the shot?"
Wampo Groba
Feb 19th, 2008, 09:13:54 AM
Wampo didn't give it much of a thought. Briefly noticing Sal'i's oddly twitching tail, he stepped up to him.
"Gimme tat!" he gurgled, and snatched the pen out of the other's hand, then ran off and kneeled down next to the strange alien which was by now wildly flailing his limbs on the floor.
Usually such injections were given straight into the heart. Unfortunately there was no way of telling where the creature's heart was - indeed, if he possessed such a thing. But there was no time to stop and figure it out - he took the pen, unscrewed its tip and rammed it with full force into the creature's midriff.
The creature immediately froze. Bewildered, Wampo withdrew the pen and looked for some other signs, but none came. He scratched his head.
"Uhhhhh.... tat nodda good."
Feb 19th, 2008, 10:05:57 AM
:: Varla grimaced ::
"Oh my god ... somebody get a medic over here!!!"
Fiana 'Toolbox' Norith
Feb 26th, 2008, 03:58:51 AM
With some exasperation, Fiana stared down at her ship's navigator. Looked like he'd caused quite a ruckus, and pulled everyone's attention. Now that's just so drokkin' typical!
She'd come looking for him because the shuttle they'd come on was supposed to be leaving again soon and he hadn't said if he was going to stay or not, so... it'd been up to her to make certain they wouldn't lose the odd creature. Looking for him hadn't been hard - they all knew what Ndinn's most cherished interest was.
That she'd found him lying on the floor with some fluffy white substance on his snout was also not much of a surprise. Wouldn't be the first time the Kubaz got himself into this sort of trouble.
Fiana pulled out her comlink and activated it. "Oy! He's down again! Send the droid over!"
Then she shouldered past two bystanders and pushed the Aqualish out of the way. "Give over," she growled, at the same time rooting through her shoulderbag for her toolkit. She'd seen the droid do this before, so she figured it couldn't hurt to get started even if she didn't possess all the things it would need. Her nimble fingers finally having found what they were searching for, she pulled out a miniature flashlight, activated it, and used her other hand to pry away the goggles and then pull up the Kubaz' eyelids and shine her light right into the creature's pupils. And immediately snatched her fingers away as the eyelids came battering down again, shutting tight against the light
"Well, he's not dead, that much's certain," she muttered, and put the torchlight back into her bag.
The Aqualish next to her was grumbling something.
"What'd he have to eat?" she asked, looking for some answers.
Wampo Groba
Feb 26th, 2008, 06:14:28 AM
Wampo rudely found himself shoved aside by a female Zabrak in a grubby mechanic's suit that had lubricant stains all over it. He was about to complain when he realised that this was probably someone who could help. She seemed to know the odd creature - and know what she was doing.
He watched her shine a light into the alien's eyes and then felt some astonishment at the fact that the alien's eyelids almost took her fingers off. The little creature's skin must be made of some odd tough stuff.
Wampo felt relief wash over him at the fact that the creature was alive - how would he have know?- and muttered to himself, "Thanka ta stars farrr tat!"
He would have liked to help her with the question about the creature's lunch choices but he hadn't paid attention. Raising his head, then finally raising himself up he tried to see if he could make out Molly somewhere in the vicinity. When he didn't see her, however, he simply bellowed for her.
Molly Black
Feb 26th, 2008, 06:59:02 PM
"Whaaaaaat..?" Molly stepped around the growing crowd with the skill of a circus contortionist, bending and slinking by until she was once more back on scene.
"I don't know about his food allergies! He had the Corellian spicy-fried potato crisps with...", Molly lifted up on tiptoe, cautiously inspecting (from afar) the remains of some ground vegtables clinging to the creeps shirt.
"Looks like salsa...", she announced with a queasy look.
Fiana 'Toolbox' Norith
Feb 27th, 2008, 05:29:45 AM
Fiana stuck her finger in her mouth and sucked on it. It had been squeezed a bit by the force of that eyelid clamping shut. Wasn't hurting really, just a dull throbbing - next time she'd leave that sort of check-up to the droid again.
She wasn't altogether too comfortable being surrounded by so many people, so she twitched in surprise when the Aqualish next to her bellowed loudly over the heads of everybody. The question of what or who he was shouting for was solved in moments, though, because a waitress appeared soon after.
The choice of foodstuffs Flysucker had tried made her sigh. Still with her finger in one corner of her mouth, she mumbled at the waitress:
"'s not an allergy really. Just his metabolism doesn't accept some stuff. Might've been the salsa. He give you any troub----"
Her question was cut short by the arrival of the gang's medic, an MD-5 droid commonly known as 3z-HXe - or simply Hexer - who rudely cut a swath through the crowd by pushing them out of the way with his pincer arms and likewise pushed the unsuspecting waitress on top of the Aqualish.
Mar 3rd, 2008, 10:16:13 AM
"Make room, you stinking lot of cantina rats!"
Swinging his medpack like a weapon, he felled those pesky curious customers of the cantina until he had finally reached the target. Shoving a human female out of his way to get access to the Kubaz' feet, he turned his head around at the other gang member.
"It is beyond reasonable thinking why he insists on doing this again, and again. Watch now, and learn, for I am growing bored with having to rescue this idiot."
And reaching down, he grabbed the Kubaz' feet and pulled his boots off, then used one of his appendages to scratch the soles of Ndinn's feet.
The Kubaz' chest suddenly expanded and the sound of air being sucked in came from his snout, then Ndinn started to giggle furiously. His eyes stayed closed, however.
3z-HXe - or Hexer, for short - grabbed his medpack, thrust a small bag at Fiana and turned to leave. He was thoroughly annoyed to have been called away from his other duties for this one.
"Pry his mouth open and stick this into it. It will revive him enough to get him back to the ship. Do not let him eat anything else."
Bristling with indignation - or at least effecting a mood closely enough to it - the droid stalked off, throwing curses at the various creatures that gave way before him.
Wampo Groba
Mar 6th, 2008, 08:01:44 AM
Wampo didn't relish being pushed around - he was about to move out of the way when the droid's rude entrance resulted in Molly falling right on top of him.
The two of them went down and landed with a heavy whoofing noise on the ground. His body cushioned her fall but his back didn't feel too happy about it. This however, didn't matter all that much right then. Molly was an extremely attractive female, even if her curly hair was currently snagged on his tusks and she faintly smelled of stale ale, and her body heat was causing his reproductive organs to stir appreciatively.
Deciding to milk this opportunity for what it was worth, he clamped both arms around her, effectively pinning her down, and started wiggling his loins against her, which turned his growl into a lusty mating groan.
Molly Black
Mar 6th, 2008, 10:52:49 PM
"Eeeeeeyaahhhh! Gross!"
"Lemme go, you creep!" Molly shoved back, away from the amorous alien, but she was very afraid that her struggles were only grinding her more cushioned parts exactly where he wanted them. She ripped her hair free from his tusks, with a wince of pain and kicked him in, what she hoped was, a place that would smart, long enough for her to get away.
She supposed it was too much to ask for two timely rescues in a single day..
Mu Satach
Mar 6th, 2008, 11:31:18 PM
"It's not my fault! That skirt is the only thing I have that fits you." Mu yelled into her office from the hallway.
"Well find SAL! He's out there somewhere and tell him to go bring me back a pair of pants!" Smitty called out from her office.
"Fine, fine..." she rubbed her temples. "I'll find Sal." She turned around to scan the crowd which had grown considerably around the vomiter only to see Molly fighting on the floor with a Ualaq.
"Hey pal!" Striding forward she reached down and hauled the over zealous creature to his feet. "Keep your claws <big><b><i>OFF</i></b></big> my crew!"
Wampo Groba
Mar 7th, 2008, 03:16:24 AM
Her squirming was really really feeling good! Every motion of hers was resulting in his body reacting more and more to this and it was soooooo good. His hands clamped down on her fleshy behind and pressed it against him.
Over her shoulder he saw the other human female who he had promised to play with later, and he wondered if Molly could possibly be convinced to join them. He was about to burrow his face into her hair and suggest it, when he suddenly and unexpectedly saw stars infront of all four eyes
Then a horrible horrible pain hit him. Letting go off her his hands flew to his private parts and a horrible groan escaped him as he assessed the damage through the fabric of his clothing.
And suddenly he felt himself pulled up. He didn't even feel strong enough to stand on his own two legs after such a treatment but now he had to, and some other human was yelling at him. This made him furious, which in turn took his focus off the pain he was feeling.
"Ladee, ahm an innashhent! Tat one," - he pointed at Molly - "fell on mah, ana shhust canna help it, tis shhust ... instinct! Ya canna blahm mah farrr doin whadda ma body canna help!"
Fiana 'Toolbox' Norith
Mar 7th, 2008, 10:05:33 AM
Fiana took the package from the droid and nodded. She'd watched the droid's actions with some amusement - tickling the Kubaz' feet was probably the oddest "medicine" she'd ever seen administered.
All around her pandemonium was breaking out as the Aqualish apparently decided to use the serving girl's sudden fall to his advantage, and everyone else standing around her were pushed aside by the exiting droid. Fiana gave a small sigh at so much chaos, opened the pouch and stuck her hand in.
She stung her finger on something sharpish, but not badly. Rummaging around in there it felt like straws or shards or something, and when she pulled out her hand she was holding what looked like some kind of organic stalks with hard shells. It smelled odd. She had no idea what it was.
Shrugging, she leaned forward over the Kubaz, and used her free hand to lift up his snout. As she had expected, this gave her free access to his mouth which had opened slightly. She stuffed the "food" in it, making sure to do it quickly in case Ndinn's lips chomped down on her finger if it was still in the way.
Then she sat back and waited.
Molly Black
Mar 7th, 2008, 12:49:20 PM
Gaining her feet, Molly felt more than a little sick. She was quite sure that after being regurged at by one client, then nearly made the concubine of another on the floor, was quite enough on her constitution for one shift. She looked sorta green, then gagged.
"Mu.. I gotta..." She clamped a hand over her mouth and ran for Mu's office to force the contents of her stomach back down before she added to the reputation that the Cloud 9 caused nausea and vomiting.
Mu Satach
Mar 8th, 2008, 06:14:23 PM
A new ad campaign slogan she could put out over the hologrid loomed in her head as Molly ran off towards the back. <i>Cloud 9! Now with vomitoria! Bulimics, ask about our special discount offers.</i>
"Ya canna blahm mah farrr doin whadda ma body canna help!"
"Yeah yeah yeah," Mu hustled the Ualaq back towards the bar. "I've heard that one before along with <i>I was programed this way,</i> or <i>the gods demanded it.</i>" she scowled at his four eyes.
"Look," she pinched the bridge of her nose. "There are <i>plenty</i> of those willing to entertain your bodily functions," she gestured to the crowd looking on. "But not <b><i>my</i></b> crew." She emphasised the point as she shoved him down on a bar stool.
She then went back to were the Kubaz lie and asked the Zabrak woman kneeling by him, "So, is he dead or what?"
Fiana 'Toolbox' Norith
Mar 11th, 2008, 09:45:23 AM
Apart from the giggling fit a few moments ago, the Kubaz hadn't given any signs of life. His chest didn't rise and sink, but then there was no way of telling whether that was normal or not. The droid had thought Ndinn was fine, so obviously - since the droid had dealt with this before - there was no reason to worry.
But then why wasn't anything happening?
When the woman who had taken charge asked her, Fiana didn't really have an answer. She felt rather inadequate to the task and wished Hexer hadn#t just stalked off like that.
"Ehh.... I dunn--"
Just then Ndinn's snout twitched, and they could hear a very faint crunching noise coming from his mouth. Apparently, the Kubaz was chewing whatever that stuff was that she'd stuck in there.
"-- errr... he's alive."
Ndinn 'Flysucker'
Mar 14th, 2008, 07:41:53 AM
And with a loud snort, Ndinn sat up.
He felt a bit groggy, but whatever had irritated his metabolism seemed to have worn off now. With his attention slowly reverting back to his surroundings, he kept on chewing on the lovely lovely crunchy bits in his mouth, his tastebuds identifying it as Gnithian insect-legs. Very very yummy.
He looked around at the commotion and tried to see if the droid was there. Gnithian was something the droid carried and gave him, so in all likelihood he was here. But all he could see was the horned female technician Fiana, who was looking at him with an odd grimace on her face.
"Wha-a-at?" he asked her, and after another looked around during which his stomach gave off a rumbly grumble, added "Wh'r's me-e-etl-le-e-egs?"
Mar 15th, 2008, 10:50:17 AM
:: Varla decided it was a bad time, and quietly exited the bar ::
Wampo Groba
Mar 19th, 2008, 09:21:40 AM
His genitals still throbbing in an entirely unpleasant way, he nevertheless wasn't so focused on the pain alone that he didn't notice the female who'd promised to entertain him earlier quietly try and slip away.
For a moment his mind was divided between staying and getting a chance to meet this odd alien, and going after the female. Then, inspite of whatever damage had been done to his reproductive organs, he decided to abandon the idea of staying. He hadn't made himself enemies today, but neither had his actions found approval - probably better to get out and let things cool down.
With a last furtive look at the little alien, Wampo rushed after Varla, determined to catch up with her and let her make good on her promise.
Fiana 'Toolbox' Norith
Mar 27th, 2008, 08:30:18 AM
"This is getting a bit old, mate. You made him really angry, so he took off and left me to clean up the mess."
Fiana sighed. She really wished Hexer hadn't left her behind to deal with their Kubaz crewmate.
Looking him over, she held out her hand and he grabbed it and pulled himself up. He stood a bit wobbly on his feet but didn't seem to have taken any damage to anything vital.
She stepped a bit closer to him and said in a low voice so that the bystanders wouldn't overhear her, "Anything that needs ... sorting out ... or are we good to go?"
She hoped there wasn't. She didn't like having to communicate with live beings, least of all having to calm down some angry ones just because Ndinn had misbehaved.
Mar 27th, 2008, 02:36:36 PM
:: Varla turned to see the Ualaq, and waited for him ::
Wampo Groba
Mar 27th, 2008, 04:29:37 PM
Wampo sped up to join her.
"Ya warrran't thinken' aff leevin' wifadda meh, eh? Ah prrramis'd ta show ya sam' fun, an' whadda Wampo prrramis'd Wampo derlrriverrrs!"
But after grabbing his crotch to adjust the tightness he felt down there, a stinging sensation reminded him painfully of the recent maltreatment of his goods, and ruefully he added under his breath,
"Ya maetta haff ta doo samm convinc'n ferrrst, tho..."
Mar 27th, 2008, 04:35:32 PM
:: She looked dubiously at him, but waved a finger and led him towards her ship. It was a Baudo-class luxury yacht, and she invited him to sit on one of the luxurious couches ::
Wampo Groba
Mar 27th, 2008, 04:54:30 PM
He followed her, but not without some doubts. He hadn't been with a human female for a while, and they didn't generally reciprocate his attentions, but this one had seemed all too willing - even though some of her ardor seemed to have vanished after his admittedly idiotic behavior back at the cantina. Still, she'd remained interested enough if he was reading the cards right.
What totally caught him by surprise was the yacht she led him onto. What sort of a woman was this?!? He sat down on a fluffed out cushion, and felt oddly foolish.
"Sahh, ya still wanta scrrratch ma tusks then?"
Just at that moment, with utter satisfaction, he felt his rather bruised reproductive organs rise, as if they'd smelled the prey and got ready to spring the trap.
Mar 27th, 2008, 05:08:03 PM
"I'm a Courtesan. I'll do whatever you ask of me once we establish terms."
:: By this she meant a discussion of fee, and mutual agreement of activities, which ranged from services as a personal geisha to far more perverse indulgences ::
Wampo Groba
Mar 28th, 2008, 03:37:46 AM
This explained some things - especially why she had seemed so keen before. Well, he wasn't disinclined to trying something new; especially if the female in question was as pretty as this one.
"Thassa sound good!"
He winked at her with all four eyes, and they launched into a discussion of 'terms', after which the ship was seen leaving towards Hutt space to the accompaniment of occasional loud grunting, squealing and screaming.
(Continued here (
Ndinn 'Flysucker'
Apr 2nd, 2008, 04:19:51 AM
His feet felt like they weren't made for carrying him, but the sensation wore off after a few moments of just standing there and swaying slightly. It was a good thing that the female was staying with him, otherwise he would probably not get out of this place on his own.
He was still gnawing on a tasty chunk of skeleton when she asked him if they could go, or if there was anything they needed to sort out first.
[Mhmmm... sort me out with some of that crunchbug, yeah!] he thought, but didn't dare voice his wish. Looking around, he saw an awful lot of curious faces, but also some angry ones. The angriest looking one seemed to be a human female standing next to his crewmate. Something told him that whatever it was that she was angry about, had something to do with him, although he didn't know what it could be.
He did remember not having paid yet, so he raised himself up to see if he could find the serving girl anywhere.
"G't t' pa-a-ay," he told Fiana.
Fiana 'Toolbox' Norith
Jun 15th, 2008, 03:54:19 PM
"I'll take care of that," she volunteered before her quixotic crewmate could get himself into any further entanglements. And with that, she threw a credit chip worth a lot more than just the food Ndinn had consumed at the other woman who was still standing by and who - as far as Fiana could make out - was boss here.
"I hope that takes care of the food and whatever damage done to your place and... err.... your staff....," she let the sentence trail off, hoping that it would be enough.
When no reply came other than a nod, she grabbed the Kubaz by his shirt sleeve and dragged him through the crowd of onlookers and out of the bar. It was time they got back to the ship - where she'd write up a note for the captain not to let the odd alien off on his own again. Or at least, not off at the same time as she was.
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