View Full Version : Fanboys (2008)
Feb 11th, 2008, 09:16:37 AM
I hope this hasn't been posted anywhere else before:
Has anyone ever heard about Fanboys? If you haven't I have posted the synopsis of this movie just ahead. But if you don't want to read those just watch the YOU TUBE video:
<object height="355" width="425"><embed wmode="transparent" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" src="" height="355" width="425"></object><object height="355" width="425">
<embed wmode="transparent" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" src="" height="355" width="425"></object><object height="355" width="425"></object>
It's the Halloween party they've all been waiting for, to have fun with friends and hang out with fellow Star Wars fans and partners in crime. However, events take a turn when one of their bunch who long ago outgrew his old gang and took on adult responsibilities is suddenly in their midst again. Reconnecting is not easy. But soon, Eric, Windows, Hutch and Zoe realize that Linus will not live long enough to experience what's been on their minds for ages: The long-awaited theatrical release of Star Wars - Episode I, which is still several months away. Linus once again suggests to his friends what he's been scheming since fifth grade: Breaking into Skywalker Ranch, this time to steal a print of the movie. Crazy, right? But it might be the only way for Linus to see the movie before he dies. So as insane as it sounds, they take Hutch's van and embark on a mission to drive across half the country to the Ranch.
Feb 11th, 2008, 09:25:22 AM
ups I accidently double posted the YouTube Link. Does anyone know how remove it?
Feb 11th, 2008, 10:12:46 AM
Wait, what? They did not cast swfans members for this? Looks funny :)
I guess you just edit your post to one youtube video.
Wyl Staedtler
Feb 14th, 2008, 12:07:49 PM
I saw the ads for this aaaaaaaages ago and always wondered what happened to it.
Feb 14th, 2008, 12:13:03 PM
I guess they pushed it back the second the rumors came up that there might be a new SW movie in August so that they can line it up before or after it in order to get some extra people into the theaters.
Wyl Staedtler
Feb 14th, 2008, 12:24:22 PM
No, no, I mean I swear I saw the ads for this a couple of years ago now. It was one of the previews on a movie we rented.
Could be mistaken, however. Kaua'i addles the mind a bit.
Feb 14th, 2008, 01:07:46 PM
The movie was shot in 2006 and I heard that the trailer for it was on the US release of Clerks 2. The first release date was Fall this project is indeed pretty old. The first draft of the actual screenplay was written in 1998.
Apr 10th, 2008, 01:40:15 PM
New info from the front. What has started as some criticism on people's blogs has now grown to a full scale internet Rebellion:
The Fanbase that contains of SW Fans like us declared war on the Weinstein Company for throwing out the cancer plotline and stealing a movie about fandom its heart by turning the compassionate groupe of friends into a bunch of wired SW nerds that want to commit a crime in order to watch TPM earlier.
But Harvey Weinstein learns now the hard way that you should not mess with SW Fans:
"We suspect Harvey was shocked to arrive ready for diplomacy only to find Chinese culture minister Sun Jiazheng ( decked out in a STOP DARTH WEINSTEIN T-shirt given to him by an earlier, unidentified American visitor, who apparently punked him into believing it said WELCOME WEINSTEIN COMPANY. Those Fanboys loyalists — always thinking two steps ahead."
There is still no new release date but I suspect that the movie will be pushed to august or september in order to catch some additional viewers from this animated film that is coming out around this time.
Peter McCoy
Nov 18th, 2008, 05:22:27 AM
Trailer time. :)
480p (45.1 MB) -
720p (110 MB) -
1080p (163 MB) -
Nov 18th, 2008, 11:05:31 AM
ROFL that guy from Die Hard 4
Lilaena De'Ville
Nov 18th, 2008, 02:24:45 PM
OMG that looks awesome! IMDB has the release date as Feb 2009. Can't wait. :D
Arya Ravenwing
Feb 2nd, 2009, 04:23:52 PM
So, is it coming out on Friday?? O_o I think it isn't. :(
Dasquian Belargic
Feb 2nd, 2009, 04:34:30 PM
I hope so! Feels like this film has been "coming soon" foreeeeverrrr.
Feb 2nd, 2009, 05:08:51 PM
There is still no release date for Germany.
Feb 2nd, 2009, 08:25:16 PM
Yup. According to it opens this Friday, with that said it looks like it might be a limited release and as of yet, there seem to be no theaters playing it near me, booo!
Peter McCoy
Feb 8th, 2009, 10:37:06 AM
According to Wikipedia the tagline is Never tell them the odds
Also on the wikipedia page:
Fanboys was released February 6, 2009, in the following cities in the US:
* Austin, TX (1 screen)
* Chicago, IL (3 screens)
* Houston, TX (3 screens)
* Los Angeles, CA (10 screens)
* New York, NY (10 screens)
* Philadelphia, PA (5 screens)
* San Francisco, CA (6 screens)
* Seattle, WA (5 screens)[23]
There has been a grassroots campaign to contact Weinstein Co. to request more showings. The Fanboys MySpace page has said "If it has a good opening weekend, with a high per-screen average, then the studio will widen the release, adding more screens in more cities in the weeks that follow."
And apparently it is Kyle Newman's original cut with the cancer motivational plot (ie one of them has cancer and won't live to see the movie in theatres) which fans protested to be put back in after they saw the 2nd vulgar, raunchy 'American Pie' version directed by Steven Brill (who also called fans 'losers' when they protested about this')
So thumbs up that the fans won and got the better, feelgood plotline back as opposed to the cop-out crappy one.
But when do we get to see it!?!?!? Grrrrr.
Lilaena De'Ville
Feb 8th, 2009, 04:39:00 PM
It is open now, but in a limited release. So limited there are no theatres anywhere near me playing it. :shakefist
Feb 17th, 2009, 06:41:59 AM
Fanboys expands to more cities! ::: Posted on Feb 11, 2009
Due to great turnout in theaters and overwhelming fan response, the movie's gonna expand to 10 more cities on Feb 20, 2009 (theater info coming soon):
::: Boston, MA
::: Washington DC
::: Detroit, MI
::: Atlanta, GA
::: Denver, CO
::: New Haven, CT
::: Orlando, FL
::: Phoenix, AZ
::: Columbus, OH
::: Raleigh, NC
Let me broken-record here for a minute and say: If you live in or near these cities, please go and watch the movie. If you know people in or near these cities, tell them to watch the movie. If enough people go and see it, there's a chance it might expand even wider.
OK you know the drill! If you happen to live close to one of these cities. Do your fracking job and watch it! :)
Lilaena De'Ville
Feb 17th, 2009, 12:26:05 PM
The closest one I live to is Arizona, and I live in Oregon, so that isn't really close enough to drive down and watch it. :cry
Feb 17th, 2009, 05:42:41 PM
The closest one to me would be New York but I would have to cross the big pond for doing so. So I know how you feel. ::gives her a hug::
Feb 17th, 2009, 06:04:21 PM
Ebert reviewed this last week. He gave it 1/2 star (yes, that's HALF a star - out of 4).
I think this is just one of those films that people either really love ... or are just going to hate (Ebert clearly being in the latter category).
Feb 19th, 2009, 09:30:30 AM
It seems like Roger Ebert knew the movie rating before it was already over. He writes more paragraphs about how much he dislikes this popculture than over the movie itself.
But my problem with Ebert is that I either really love... or hate his reviews plus I dislike his position on the "video games are art" discussion.
Dasquian Belargic
Feb 19th, 2009, 09:47:57 AM
Ebert's review says 1 and a half stars, far as I can see? o_O
Lots of hate for the fanboys there, though. So what if people like to know lots about Star Wars? There's nothing wrong with that... :uhoh
Feb 19th, 2009, 04:33:45 PM
For the life of me, I can't fathom why people like Roger Ebert's reviews or pay attention to his opinions. His reviews are so run-of-the-mill to read, he prattles on about anything but the film half the time then when he finally does get to reviewing the film you find most of the word count goes towards a summary of the bloody plot, perhaps he'll borrow a phrase or two from the metaphor shelf to spice things up a bit but ultimately, I find his reviews bland and wholly unentertaining.
Roger Ebert, we came to read your reviews, not your views. I'll stick with the good Dr. Mark Kermode for my film reviews, thank you very much!
Feb 19th, 2009, 06:13:56 PM
Ebert's review says 1 and a half stars, far as I can see? o_O
Yeah it is 1 1/2 stars - sorry, the single * mustn't have loaded for me for some reason.
BTW, the users on Ebert's page have so far given it 3 1/2 stars. :)
May 5th, 2009, 05:42:58 PM
Ok I have finally seen it. As expected it was not the movie of the year but the one liners and quotes are all in the right spots, the cameos are awesome and the movie catches the spirit of 1998-1999 at least how I remembered it.
Maybe there are too many Warsies vs Trekkies scenes in the movie.
Liam Jinn
May 5th, 2009, 05:44:53 PM
I watched it last night, and take back all the bad things I've thought about this movie. It was great.
Ryan Pode
May 5th, 2009, 06:34:08 PM
Absolutely hilarious.
Dasquian Belargic
May 5th, 2009, 08:07:50 PM
Just saw this and it gave a me a lot of geeky grins :D Also made me want to visit Skywalker ranch, and wish that I had known some local Star Wars fans to go see the prequel premieres with!
May 5th, 2009, 10:44:30 PM
One of my favorite moments is when linus says "I love you" to Carrie Fisher and she replies: "I know!"
Jul 12th, 2009, 09:53:24 AM
I finally saw Fanboys yesterday...yes it was dopey, yes it was dumb, yes some of the jokes were way too easy...but I really enjoyed it overall. A lot of fun, good for some giggles, and it felt like a geeky valentine made for people like you and me :love.
I think it was the final line of the movie that made me laugh the loudest, the longest, and the most knowingly. :evil :lol :eee
Drin Kizael
Jul 16th, 2009, 07:12:59 PM
I saw it some time ago when it first (FINALLY) came out on DVD. The theatrical release literally snuck by me, as it did most of us.
As said above, it was dopey. I wouldn't place it in the hall of fame of comedies, but it had a lot of pretty funny moments. Being an actual fanboy or knowing true hardcore nerds will help you enjoy it a lot. It was cute and I could see watching it again.
And yes the last line of the movie was brilliant, especially how it cuts to black with the blank expression on their faces.
I don't see this mentioned anywhere in the thread, but... Paramount has no sense of humor at all. There are no Federation insignia on any of the Trekkie's uniforms. There's a funny scene where some Trekkies are asking about a phaser on display in the comic shop and when they look down at it... it's very clearly NOT a phaser. It made me wonder if the whole gag about the statue not resembling Shatner was a jab at Paramount for apparently not allowing them to use their trademarks. I didn't think to check if the DVD had commentary.
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