View Full Version : I'll be leaving...

Jeseth Cloak
Feb 8th, 2008, 06:42:52 PM
I'll be leaving tomorrow! Denarr and I are going on vacation to visit Matier and Megaera for a few days! :)

So if I owe you a post, you'll get it sometime after I get back. I don't think I'll be on-line too much while I'm there, aside from maybe posting a bunch of pictures in the OOC forum. ;)

See you guys when I get back. Yay!

Feb 8th, 2008, 10:47:31 PM
Have a fun and safe trip, you two. :)

Denarr Sepphist
Feb 8th, 2008, 10:56:05 PM
Yay! Trip!

I get to see snow, and Outback Steakhouse, and mountains and possibly White Castle -hyperventilates and passes out-

Feb 8th, 2008, 11:12:49 PM

I tried to get Mark/Cat X to go to an Outback Steakhouse when he came here for New Years. He wouldnt even go! If you end up at White Castle, I will be jealous.

Denarr Sepphist
Feb 8th, 2008, 11:34:12 PM
I've been working on my Aussie accent, just for the occasion...

Wait a tick... something sounds wrong here.

Feb 8th, 2008, 11:45:48 PM
Oh, and snow is HIGHLY over-rated. We have a buttload here and I would gladly give it all away :uhoh

Yuri Thrice
Feb 9th, 2008, 10:53:07 AM
Enjoy said trip! :D

Kraehe Branwen
Feb 10th, 2008, 10:20:30 PM
This works out fine for me. I PMed you the reason why I've been MIA. Neighbor problems and stress issues. For the rest of you, lets just say someone in my building doesn't understand that cigarettes+fire extinguisher=FIRE HAZARD. Some moron left a burning cig on the fire extinguisher box. So I haven't been sleeping well thinking its going to happen again and we're all gonna die.

Anyways have a fun and safe trip.

Feb 11th, 2008, 04:26:21 PM
What an idiot...|I

I don't think we're going to get any snow while you guys are here sadly.:( But we can set things on fire in my yard and drink stuff. ^.^

Yuri Thrice
Feb 11th, 2008, 07:55:48 PM
Ah, the setting of fire, and the drinking of stuff. Very philosophical... :lol

And I hope this stuff isn't the spoiled byproducts of someone's lunch.....unless that's what you call beer. Then, have plenty!

Feb 17th, 2008, 01:25:21 PM
Stupid effin busses! :verymad Got about 2 whole days lost off your time, yeah?

I'm really sorry we didn't get to do more! No fires or anything.. jeeez. But I did have fun with you, and I will admit to being a bit paranoid about pictures I haven't seen yet! |I:lol

:hug safe trip home loves!

Yuri Thrice
Feb 18th, 2008, 12:06:06 PM
Ah yes, many travel mercies! :)

Feb 19th, 2008, 04:22:34 PM
I see you two... :mischief