View Full Version : Black Nebula

Sorsha Kasajian
Feb 4th, 2008, 03:56:58 PM
After alot of deep thought, Sorsha's faction is splitting off from Black Sun to become Black Nebula. We have a new symbol too, thanks to Raz.

Miranda Tarkin
Feb 4th, 2008, 04:01:11 PM
This will not impact the forums here. It will still be Black Sun/Nebula type stuff but I am open for a general forum name now for the main title and anything else that needs changing for the subforums

Molly Black
Feb 4th, 2008, 04:01:39 PM
Woot! :D pretty pretty!

Sorsha Kasajian
Feb 4th, 2008, 04:33:09 PM
I'm also going to be updating Sorsha's bio by saturday, compiling a list of territories Sorsha has an established claim on.

Currently, Black Nebula's locations are:

Baji Sector (home base of the Tenloss Syndicate, which is fully controlled by Sorsha)

Cloud City (Port Town, though I forget which level we picked. Arriana knows though. ;) )

Coruscant (Chiba District)

Nar Shaddaa (Rodian Sector, which is like the Corellian Sector only it's more Rodian :p)

Rodia (Iskaayuma City, home to the Chattza Clan)

Tatooine (Mos Eisley: 'The Old Quarter' & Jabba's Palace) Plans are definite about putting up a skyhook over Mos Espa.

Feb 4th, 2008, 05:17:38 PM
I am loving that symbol. Doesn't look very "Black Nebula" to me, but it's badass all the same.

Feb 5th, 2008, 07:47:11 AM
That symbol would make a Helluva Tat.....NIIIIIiiiiiiiice.

Molly Black
Feb 5th, 2008, 08:27:06 PM
That symbol was a hellavuh Tat. ;)

Feb 6th, 2008, 06:07:52 AM
Hah!! I knew it!!

Bambi Maddox
Feb 9th, 2008, 02:27:06 PM
Just tell me where to shoot. ;)

Miranda Tarkin
Feb 9th, 2008, 02:28:56 PM
:: points at Sass :: :mischief

Bambi Maddox
Feb 9th, 2008, 02:30:47 PM
Is that an order?

Sorsha Kasajian
Feb 9th, 2008, 02:33:40 PM
Yes, that's an order. Please. Pretteh Please. A cherry on top. ;)

Bambi Maddox
Feb 9th, 2008, 03:00:37 PM
Ok, have the Nebula make the break from BS with a bang eh?:)

Molly Black
Feb 11th, 2008, 12:42:28 PM
scareh.. :D nice!

Lilaena De'Ville
Feb 20th, 2008, 05:58:41 PM
Just a note - I never wanted to go back to RPing Black Sun all by myself. But, good luck with the new group.

Have fun beating up on me, I guess. :(

Miranda Tarkin
Feb 20th, 2008, 06:50:57 PM
Just a note - I never wanted to go back to RPing Black Sun all by myself. But, good luck with the new group.

Have fun beating up on me, I guess. :(

To think that we would god mode in your absence is absurd :|

Kallum Romanoch
Feb 20th, 2008, 06:52:54 PM
I have to say the implication is offensive. We're all mature, seasoned roleplayers and taking advantage of a roleplayer's character in their absence just hasn't been done at SWFans for years.

Sorsha Kasajian
Feb 20th, 2008, 06:57:49 PM
Yes, kudos to what Dani just said, and further more -

I thought it would be the best thing for both of us, since you blew up at me before I even got out of the gate, and quite honestly I've been VERY gun shy of you ever since. :( You've got KA, and by rights you have Black Sun, and I respect that. All this time I've been too afraid of you to do anything worthwhile. Sorsha is my main character, but I almost quit. More than once. If not for the support of a few close others who wouldn't let me. Now I finally come up with a way to not worry about stumbling or upsetting you and that's failed too.

You have me so frustrated that now I'm out of things to say.

Sorsha Kasajian
Feb 20th, 2008, 07:06:04 PM
one more thing, is that I've ALWAYS looked up to you, and wished I could be as prolific and talented as you. I feel like you've just slapped me in the face. :cry

Lilaena De'Ville
Feb 20th, 2008, 07:48:32 PM
Good grief women, we're a mess aren't we?

Look I've spent all day crying about one thing or another, and it has nothing to do with roleplaying. I honestly want you guys to have fun and roleplay your criminal empire however you like - whether that means you kept the Black Sun name or if you split off, or do whatever you like. :) Thats the beauty of 'Fans, you can do what you want with your stuff. ANd I want you to!

I did not mean to imply that anyone would godmode in my absense, and that you've taken it that way is distressing. I am truly sorry if I upset anyone with my little comment. But really, I can't do Black Sun justice by myself (anymore at least, and I'm not sure I did it justice before) and so I've been pretty quiet on the subject since Kitty told me she was splitting off so I could have Black Sun to myself.

I didn't want it to myself! I don't know how I managed to portray myself as some sort of power hungry roleplay diva who wants it all to ME ME ME, but that isn't me!

Kitty it honors and humbles me that you look up to me so much, but really I'm so incredibly hormonal and mentally out-there right now you shouldn't read too much into anything that gets typed from my computer.

But now, I've made that little post up there and now you all hate me and think I'm the devil. Maybe I am! God knows I've got the reputation for being the anti-christ over at other boards (TGC), though I'm at a loss as to how that happened. I only meant "have fun beating up on me" ... well maybe it was a stupid thing to say but if you have ten RPers and I have me and you want to bloody Sasseeri's nose in an RP (and I'm participating in it) then its damn well going to get bloodied, right? It doesn't even matter how many more RPers Nebula has, that's just the way things work. :)

Now I'm ranting and raving, but I'm NOT MAD at you Kitty, and I don't begrudge you ANYTHING - you deserve to have just as much fun here as anyone does. I apologize again if anything I've done has offended you - I know we had our falling out over that first Black Sun roleplay and to be honest it blew up into a huge thing when I probably could have handled it very differently. It was also like three years ago or something.

I don't want to hurt anyone or step on your RP experiences. Good luck with the new group, and honestly you should have fun beating up on Sasseeri, or at least trying to.

Again, I never tried to imply I thought anyone would be godmoding. O_o As far as KA being 'mine' - yes it was me who started the group but if its anyone's group right now its Jenny's. I don't rule there with an iron fist or anything?? Do I?

Bambi Maddox
Feb 20th, 2008, 10:29:55 PM
Wow, things moved right along since I last checked here, didn't they?

I'd just like to say - I took the whole "get Sass" as us just kiddin' around, and IF I was ever gonna do a rp like that, I would like to think you (Holly, or anyone else, actually) could trust me enough to know that I would talk to you and any other characters involved, first. I think thats pretty much a given for everyone who has access in this forum. Fair play rule.

As for the split thing, I didn't know there was any issue with it at all.

Dang..too bad Hera is still a prisoner of the INQ...she'd LOVE to take over and rule with an Iron fist, lol!

Lilaena De'Ville
Feb 21st, 2008, 01:33:33 AM
I do trust you guys enough to play fair. :p And there's no issue with the split - we were two separate halves of the same coin and the only thing thats really changed is the name of Sorsha/Miranda's half, right?

I was merely feeling a little lonely and probably posted something I shouldn't have because I was in a mood due to other issues (RL, not RP) and it got taken in the worst light possible by everyone else. Which is unfortunate.

Miranda Tarkin
Feb 21st, 2008, 11:10:35 AM
Ok :) I was just confused because it looked as if you were insinuating something, which of course you explained otherwise. Sorry about that.

And needless to say, we're not going to get a new forum, just spruce this up with different forums names and a different main forum title. We can still plot together in here and RP in the future if you so choose. We all just have more breathing room with our respective parts.

Sorsha Kasajian
Feb 21st, 2008, 12:00:00 PM
I'm a little wiped out from something else that happened last night, but stopping in to let you know it's ok, Holly. :hug

Molly Black
Feb 21st, 2008, 12:27:31 PM
:glomp group glomp!

don't you fret about the other kitty, a riposte is at hand.. :shakefist

Edit: Ok trouble stirred. ;)