View Full Version : The Devils Due

Allex Mcgraves
Feb 1st, 2008, 10:47:27 AM
Corellia this place smelled worse then a Hutt spice den. Then again it could have been the hundred head of nerf he had just dropped off that made it smell like that. Allex counted out his credits as it was handed over to him. Six hundred in all. Not bad at first glance until you figure in fuel and cleaning costs. Not to mention general maintenance of Yt-1300 Dead Run it desperately needed.

All in all after costs where factored in that left Allex with fifty credits. Still it wasn't coming close to paying off his debt to the Besadii house. He wished he hadn't of dumped that spice over Bathawui. Yet it was better then getting caught with it when the imps where hot on your trail. Those thirty thousand credits he owed would have to wait.

"Dang it I was making more credits with a team then I am alone."

Allex mumbled to himself as he walked towards a cantina. He was looking for a job maybe one that could at least put a nice dent in his debt. Maybe he could even find a team and get a better job that would be good too. No more smuggling nerf he hoped, it was low ball.

He entered the cantina and walked on up to the Bar and took a seat. He didn't order anything he just started to take a look around wondering who in here could have a Job for him. Also keeping a good eye out for anyone looking for a job that didn't expect payment up front.

Feb 1st, 2008, 12:12:48 PM
:: One seat over, Varla was enjoying a daiquiri. Seeing Allex, she gave him a pleasant smile and sipped her drink ::

Allex Mcgraves
Feb 4th, 2008, 12:39:53 PM
Allex wasn't exactly here to pick up women but he did notice her looking at him. He stood up then and walked down the bar to where she was sitting. He sat down in a seat right beside her. He really hoped she wasn't one of those professional women of the night cause he didn't have the money for that, even though he needed it.

"I'm sorry but I couldn't help but notice you glancing at me further down the bar. What's a pretty lady like you doing in a seedy bar like this?"

Feb 5th, 2008, 10:06:46 AM
"This isn't such a bad place." she replied. "I've seen worse."

Allex Mcgraves
Feb 13th, 2008, 02:26:07 PM
Allex looked around the Corellian bar. It wasn't much of a place but it wasn't as seedy as it had seemed at first glance. Great he thought to himself he had managed to walk into a more upscale bar, which meant less job opportunities. Well not less just more legal and less pay kinds of jobs.

"Maybe this bar wasn't as bad as I had hoped. I guess I will have to wonder off to another one to look for a job. These upper scale bars are alright for more legitimate jobs but they pay allot less."

He was playing a on his bad boy image a bit. He wasn't hoping for anything here but some women liked that bad boy image. Scoundrels where a dim a dozen but finding that one who was bad enough to fall madly in love with just in time for him to up and leave you. Well those sorts of scoundrels where rare and that's what Allex thought of himself as, one of the rare ones.

Feb 13th, 2008, 02:53:43 PM
"What sort of job are you looking for?"

Allex Mcgraves
Feb 13th, 2008, 03:17:39 PM
"Well I will do just about any job."

That didn't sound right so he quickly corrected himself.

"I will do any job that requires a ship and moving stuff from place to place. Right now I am looking for job that will help me pay off my debt. I was delivering some cargo over bothan space and I was being chased. I had to dump it and now I owe some hutts a bit of money."

It may have been a bit much to say to a person you just met. Yet if you felt the need to impress someone one you tell them the good and bad about you. Especially in the smuggling business, you tell someone you have a debt with hutt and you seemed to get job's all the time it was a weird business.

"So you can say I'm in the shipping business, pretty lady."

Feb 13th, 2008, 03:55:20 PM
"Maybe I can help you with that problem." she winked.

Allex Mcgraves
Feb 14th, 2008, 11:33:35 AM
"Oh really?"

He wasn't sure how to proceed from this point. Normally it was some ugly looking fellow with allot of scars on his face offering him a job. That or it was a rich fella who wanted to barter and got women with his money. This was different an elegant woman saying she had a way to solve his problems. Either that or she wanted to make him her cabaña boy witch wouldn't be so bad either.

"You have a job to offer? I ain't much good at cleaning pools if that's the job?"

He laughed hoping she would take it as a joke too.

Feb 14th, 2008, 12:08:58 PM
:: Her tongue curled over her teeth as she giggled. Then she introduced herself, holding out a hand to him ::

"My name is Varla."

Allex Mcgraves
Feb 14th, 2008, 12:16:14 PM
He shook her hand and smiled lightly.

"Well Varla, my name is Allex. You already know what I do for a living. May I ask what it is you do, that you need a man of my trade?"

Feb 14th, 2008, 12:26:00 PM
"I'm a Courtesan, but I also do a bit of 'shipping' myself."

:: she took another sip of her daquiri ::

Allex Mcgraves
Feb 14th, 2008, 12:48:59 PM
I didn't say anything at first. Dam his intuition and seeing her as a woman of the night before he even approached her. Maybe some of his Brother's force training had rubbed off on him. God me as a Jedi would be so funny he thought to himself.

"A Courtesan and a bit of a shipper. Well I can't really relate to courtesan trade, I'm always the one paying them credits. So what kind of shipping do you do?"

He was trying to get a bit of information out of her as to what it was she wanted him to do for her.

Feb 14th, 2008, 01:04:00 PM
"It varies from job to job, but if your interested in paying that debt in a hurry, I'm sure I can arrange something."

:: she slid a digital card over to him ::

"Meet me at this location tonight, eight o'clock. I have to meet a client in thirty microns."

Allex Mcgraves
Feb 14th, 2008, 01:07:45 PM
Allex nodded, if she was offering for his debt to be cleared, then it was game on. Although he was hoping it wouldn't be something to ruff. He needed the Credit's but he didn't need to get dead in the process.

"Eight o'clock, I will be here."

Feb 14th, 2008, 02:09:26 PM
:: She paid the bartender for her drink, then gave Allex a friendly pat on the shoulder before she left ::

Allex Mcgraves
Feb 23rd, 2008, 09:42:05 AM
He watched her backside walk out of the bar. Then she was gone and all Allex could say was something from an old holo vid he once saw.

"Of all the bar's in the galaxy she had to walk into mine?"

With that said he finished his drink and then took a look at the card she had given him. It was a card for some upscale hotel with her room number on it. He would certainly be there to see what his new job was but in the meantime he would catch a few Z's.


The alarm on his ship went off at seven thirty. He sprung to his feet still dressed in what he had been wearing earlier. He probably would have freshened up a bit if he had a clean pair of spare clothing. Also if the dam shower in his ship would actually have worked. Yet a scoundrel never needed to be perfect.

He slipped out into the streets of corellia and held a speeder cab. Before he knew it he was at the Hotel. He walked in and right past the front desk with a dirty look from one of the receptionists. He made to the stairs before he was stopped by a man in a nice suite.

Man: "Can I help you?"

"Nope I know where I am headed."

Man: "Well I think you are in the wrong place?"

"Nope I am pretty sure this is place. Now please get out of my way I hate to keep a lady waiting."

Man: "I can't let you up their sir."

"Try and stop me."

With that Allex shoved the man off to the side and continued walking hearing the man yell for the guards. With that Allex took off at a dead sprint. He turned a corner then another Guards taking up chase. He ran down a long hallway the guards right on his tail. He hit another corner and before the guards rounded it he slipped into a room with a maid cleaning it. The guards ran right past the door and around another corner.


He came out a few minutes later and then began to walk calmly down the hallway towards where Varla's room was.

Feb 23rd, 2008, 09:57:54 AM
:: A Ruurian appeared in the hallway, exiting a room at the far end of the hall. It paid Allex no attention save for a polite nod of it's head before meandering past him on it's many legs ::

Allex Mcgraves
Mar 29th, 2008, 10:06:54 AM
Allex nodded back to the Ruurian and continued onto Varla's room. Allex looked at the door and then back down the hallway where the Ruurian disappeared around a corner.

"What the hell?"

He had a confused look on his face as he thought about it. He then just shook his head and looked back at the door.

"I must be tired still I could have sworn he came out this door. Nah it can't be."

Allex then knocked on the door trying to erase the disturbing images that rolled through his head at that moment.

Apr 5th, 2008, 09:18:55 AM
:: Varla opened the door. She was wrapped in a towel, and seemed surprised at his punctuality ::

"Come in."

Allex Mcgraves
Jan 9th, 2009, 10:45:40 AM
Allex tried to divert his attention slightly from Varla who had only a towel on. He may have been a smuggler but he had still been raised to be somewhat of a gentlemen. Despite how long it had been since he had last been with a woman he managed not to stare at her too much.

"Good evening ma'am."

He said as he stepped thru the door into the room. He looked around at the room noting this was a pretty classy joint. Then Allex thought lingered back to that weird alien he swore exited this room. It wasn't his place to ask but he couldn't help himself.

"So I saw this alien guy in the hall. He was sorta insectish I guess I could have swore he came from this very room?"

Jan 9th, 2009, 10:58:18 AM
"He's one of my clients." she replied casually, and let her towel fall as she wandered into the closet.

Allex Mcgraves
Jan 9th, 2009, 12:37:46 PM
"That just... weird."

He stated even though in his mind it was more disgusting than anything else. His jaw probably would have dropped as her towel dropped right in front of him. That is if he hadn't been thinking of the insect mounting her at that moment.

"So you said you had a job for me?"

He changed the subjected trying to push the images from his head. He felt a little queasy but he managed to hang in there. What some women did to get off was their own business, he shouldn’t have even asked.

Jan 9th, 2009, 01:01:13 PM
:: Varla didn't seem to notice the comment as she got dressed ::

"Yes. Actually my boss has a job for you. I'm going to Tatooine, if you'd like to come."

Allex Mcgraves
Jan 9th, 2009, 01:17:56 PM
"You mean the job is for your pimp?"

He said and there was no taking it back now. It wasn't like people hadn't insinuated before that she was a whore more than likely. Yet if he was indeed working for her pimp it had better be for smuggling stolen goods rather than doing what she was doing. There was no way Allex was going to be a male escort.

Jan 9th, 2009, 01:24:11 PM
:: Varla narrowed her eyes as she zipped up her jacket ::

"I'm a member of the Guild, not some common tralk."

:: She took a breath to calm herself ::

"As for my boss, you can make up your own mind about him."

Allex Mcgraves
Jan 9th, 2009, 01:33:15 PM
He could see she was a little perturbed by his comment. Yet in his mind if she got paid for it and a portion of those profits went to the guild boss. Then her boss was indeed a pimp.

"Alright then let's go see this boss of yours."

His tone was a little on the sarcastic side as he said the word boss. Yet he tried to hold back anymore comments on her chosen profession. It wasn't good for business after all and Allex needed a job.

"So separate ships or do I ride with you?"

Adrea Veliner
Jan 9th, 2009, 01:36:39 PM
delete this post

Jan 9th, 2009, 01:37:29 PM
:: Her demeanor became pleasant in spite of his tone ::

"Your choice."

Allex Mcgraves
Jan 11th, 2009, 11:55:25 AM
Allex thought for a moment on the choice. He was more at home on his ship and he didn't want to be getting into her business more then he already had. So with that he had made up his mind and he gave her a little smile before he spoke.

"I will follow behind you in my ship. I don't want to have to find a way back to it if things don't work out on Tatooine."