View Full Version : Market Day on the Smuggler's Moon

Feb 1st, 2008, 08:48:13 AM
(OOC - anyone want in, PM me first. But title, location and desired acquisition mentioned in this post should make it clear what this is about.)

{Place stinks} Ugmush grunted. And coming from a Gamorrean, that really meant something.

He was currently shuffling through a pile of trash on a narrow sidewalk on the Vertical City's 370th level, trying to get through to the specific square they'd been told to go to. The Bundle on his shoulders contained his boss, who was engaged in whistling in an off-key sort of manner rubbed Ugmush wrong in some way and made him even more irritated.

Kvettch had decided this morning that he was lonely. A Gamorrean is only good company sometimes, he had decided. And the Voodoo Heart was big; the crew had grown, but the ship still had plenty of space and the crew was all spread out. And so Kvettch had decided that he wanted some company - female company, to be specific.

But female company isn't easy to come by, especially for a full-body bald Ewok far away from his planet. So Kvettch had decided to follow in the footsteps of other famous villains in the galaxy - he was about to get himself a slave girl.

"Move fasterrr, move fasterrrr!"

With the loose-swinging end of his harness-belt, he slapped his poor carrier.

{Ewok walk himself!} Ugmush grunted, but moved faster. It was an ongoing argument between them, dulled by years of companionship - nothing but a verbal battle these days. He trudged on, the goal finally in sight.

Yurga the Hutt
Feb 1st, 2008, 09:11:39 AM
:: It was Market Day, and Yurga oversaw the Lot of slaves for sale personally. They were divided into three groups. Domestic Labor, Pit Fighters, and Pleasure Slaves. It was this third group that would fetch the highest profit ::

Feb 1st, 2008, 09:24:28 AM
{Ugly} remarked the Gamorrean, eyeing up a troupe of Twi'lek dancers overtaking him. They were led in chains, with binders on their wrists.

"Ngo. They'rrre ngece. You ongly leke stupid sows!" his boss replied from up above.

Ugmush gave an ugly shake which made the harness chair wobble precariously and caused his boss to squeal out loudly, causing several passersby to stare.

{No meat. Sows nice.} Ugmush grumbled, and walked over to the first place that had a group of girls standing idly by, ducking his head a couple of times to avoid being hit with that strap again.

"They es ngece gerls for me. Eh dong't want sows. We go find onge there."

Kvettch eyed up the gaggle of girls - mostly Twi'lek and human - and tried to appraise them, but there was an obvious problem:

He was an Ewok. He had no idea what was considered good-looking in those females. They were so big and so hairless. He would need help. Where was their owner?

Yurga the Hutt
Feb 1st, 2008, 03:20:42 PM
:: The odd duo was spotted by Bula, a Dug who served as Yurga's assistant. ::

"You here to buy wooman, yes?"

:: He didn't wait for an answer, but led them to where the great hutt sat in an ornate hoversled ::

Feb 1st, 2008, 03:39:28 PM
Ugmush obediently followed the odd creature, every now and then taking a furtive look left and right to check where it was they were being led to. Kvettch just sat up there on his shoulders and smirked. This was going well.

When they got to the Hutt, Kvettch hoped he spoke basic because he couldn't understand Huttese so well. It was a shortcoming he was hoping to overcome soon.

"Kvettch says good day to your Bloatedngess! Kvettch wangts to buy female."

Yurga the Hutt
Feb 2nd, 2008, 09:59:13 AM
:: Yurga laughed loud and heartily, holding a translator module in his hand ::


:: He gestured for his slavemaster, a Vratix, to bring out six of them for Kvettch to appraise ::

Feb 3rd, 2008, 05:57:11 PM
Yes but there exactly was Kvettch's problem - how would he be able to tell which one he would like? They were all so unlike his usual type, nevermind so tall.

But it wouldn't do to show his disadvantage, so he nodded to the Hutt.

"Kvettch agrees. He looks at your fengest stock theng."

Yurga the Hutt
Feb 6th, 2008, 10:38:18 AM
:: The women were scantily clad in metal bikinis and slave collars. They were, as the Great Hutt prided himself on, bred over many generations to be strikingly beautiful. They were educated as Carafel on Zeltron, and Yurga kept a number of them to serve in his personal harem ::

Rylard 'Lardo' Tenf
Feb 6th, 2008, 02:36:47 PM
Rylard, the Iridonian pilot of the Kvettch's ship, had fallen behind his Captain while they browsed the market. Lardo's gaze had caught a lovely pair on a Zabrak slave and he stopped to look the woman over. Shortly after he'd been asked by the merchant if he was interested in a purchase. It shocked him then and there that he was contemplating purchasing a slave, an action he found rather immoral. C'mon. Look at her, she could be yours, or you could do the right thing.

"Eight thousand for her." he said a little unsure.

His boss seemed to be in a similar situation up ahead, the Ewok didn't seem to have a lot of interest in women nearly twice his size. He did have a pretty good vantage point for judging 'em though. Maybe he'd luck out and find a short bundle of fun. Lardo watched the hairless thing from Endor's moon converse with the Hutt running the show. After Rylard's own purchase was made he would check up on his boss' deal.

Feb 7th, 2008, 08:40:14 AM
The Ewok eyed the line-up of females with some bemusement. From his high vantage point on top of the Gamorrean's shoulders, he was actually able to look down on them all, and the first impression he'd got was they all possessed a fine head of fur. Just as the females on his homeplanet had different coloration, so these humanoid females had fur of all colors, and then some. Green, pink, bright silver, white, blue - he'd never seen them on an Ewok female, and wondered if it was something only humanoids could grow.

The furless faces and bodies were less odd to him than he would have expected but spending years in the company of humanoids had dulled his indigenous instincts a bit.

"Hyuuuuuuuurbbbbb....", he mumbled under his breath, it being a sort of blubbering noise he often made when thinking.

He didn't know what to say really.... they all seemed almost as naked as him, and very hairless except for the fur on top. They all had different faces, and some were dark and some were light and some were extremely dark and some were extremely light and some were green and blue and.... how was he ever going to be able to tell which one he was supposed to find nice???

"What cang gerls do for Kvettch?"

He finally thought he'd found a good question to ask the Hutt - at least it was buying him some more time.

O.W. Outcast
Feb 7th, 2008, 04:25:05 PM
OW was oggling the women from under a nearby table. He didn't really need any more women, he had Varla and Tirsa. Yet he still liked to look and sometimes touch when Yurga wasn't looking. He used to have slave girls but he always had a problem with freeing them and then they ran off on him. Dam his good criminal heart.

He over heard the naked mole rat on top of a giant pig man pose a question to a Hutt that he wasn't aware was Yurga. A question only a master uber smoothness towards women could answer. So stepped out from under the table and darted straight for the Gamorrean with the naked rat on it's shoulders. He then began talking to the Gamorrean thinking that was where the question had come from.

"Well Mr. Piggy, let me tell you what women can do for you."

Just then he realized the hutt next to him was Yurga. OW just shuddered when he saw the fat slug. His image caused OW's mind to start wondering. Why had he accidentally looked at Varla's client list and realized he was one of them. His mind raced with all the horribly disgusting things he must be doing to his Varla when she was on business. If his eyes could bulge any farther out of his head they would have popped out thinking about the horrible images in his head.

"Uh hello Yurga. Anyway for a man er... pig your size. You might want to invest in a woman that you won't break in half. Women are great for allot of reason's they offer companionship, sometimes even great partners in crime. If crime is your game of course I don't want accuse you of nothing.

Also the groove is great if you catch my drift. Now me personally if I didn't already have two lovely women I would by all of these women if I could afford them. But for you my green pig dude I would go with something a little bigger then these ladies. Cause the last thing you want to do is crush one of these ladies under your weight."

OW winked at the lovely looking slave girls that where out in front. Oh he wished he could at least take a couple home but Tirsa would probably get angry with one or two of them. Then there would be trouble and OW didn't want to have apologize to Tirsa, even though the making up part didn't sound to bad.

"By the way nice mole rat you got on your shoulders. What's it's name and where did you get it I might have to buy my woman one or maybe two?"

Feb 7th, 2008, 04:59:37 PM
Ugmush wasn't the smartest of all Gamorreans. Which, as a whole, wasn't a race renowned for their general cleverness anyway, so that put Ugmush's intelligence probably somewhere down low and on a level with the average rancor fodder. In a situation like this it meant that he was still standing there drooling slightly out of the corners of his snout trying to understand what this strange thing was saying, when his master and commander was already yubbing his little brain off in one apoplectic fit. All he reflexively thought of doing was trying to pull his head in between his shoulders and cover it with his swarty arms to protect himself from Kvettch's flailing feet.

"Dngrb??? KVETTCH NGOT MOLE RAT! Hyrnnnnnnnnng! YOU DIE! Aiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiieeeeeeeeeeehhh!"

The little creature was in such a rage that he lost all of his short-tempered control and squeezed off a few bolts of blasterfire, which of course went nowhere near the Duro because he was far too angry to take the time to aim properly at anything.

Just then finally Ugmush caught on and, unexpectedly to probably anyone but himself, he gave off a belly-shaking guffaw and let go of his head to slap his large paunch with amusement.

{Uhhhh---hahahahahaahahahahahaah! Funny! Uhhh hahahahaahahaha!}

Yurga the Hutt
Feb 7th, 2008, 05:13:08 PM
:: The odd pair of aliens suddenly found themselves ringed by the barrels of blaster pistols as Yurga's guards encircled them ::

O.W. Outcast
Feb 7th, 2008, 05:33:41 PM
OW finally caught on just as he was fired at. Well sorta cause the blaster fire went in all different directions not even coming close to him. Then Yurga's guards where encircling them. He was a bit taken back by the talking not a mole rat. He still wasn't sure what it was but it was a temperamental.

"It's alright Yurga you can call of your guards."

OW didn't feel to threatened; I mean he did insult the funny little naked thing on the pig’s shoulders. Still the Gamorrean's talking naked thing did fire at him despite being a horrible shot. Well the pervert that had been touching himself at the table was dead but no loss there.

"I'm sorry I was not aware you could speak. I thought you where this Gamorrean’s Exotic pet or something. I didn't realize Gamorrean babies where so naked, could speak, or fire blasters. My bad I will try to remember they get dumber with age from now on."

He was semi sure it was a Gamorrean baby now but still not a hundred percent sure. Cause well it really didn't look like it could grow up to be a pig man. Although it was just about as ugly as a Gamorrean. Yet it still had the naked Mole rat cuteness factor.

"Maybe me and my women will have to adopt a Gamorrean baby?"

Did he just say that out loud, oh well to late now?

Feb 7th, 2008, 06:26:28 PM

And quite oblivious to the surrounding weapons aimed at him, Kvettch this time took aim. Right now it was between himself and this red-eyed midget. As if being mistaken for a mole rat wasn't enough, now he was supposed to be an infant, and a Gamorrean one at that???

Huffing and warbling nasty curses in his native language at the creature, Kvettch was doing his best to get a steady lock on the frelling thing but Ugmush under him was still heaving with great spurts of laughter, and it kept shaking the harness around making aiming at anything impossible.

"KVARK!" he finally growled, and let go of the blaster in disgust. Mumbling "Oody eshtee a hat chaaa, " he gave a large shudder and then decided that he'd need to deal with the more immediate problem of getting his Gamorrean under control first before he could do anything about the alien thing. So he started kicking and punching Ugmush in his flabby neck.

"Hrrrrarrrrarrr----Oooooof!", the Gamorrean interrupted himself in mid-laugh, and went back to trying to protect his own head.

"Ata ATA!" Kvettch was still warbling, smacking Ugmush's head with the harness strap. "YOU stop MOVENGENG!! Yaaaay yah yalah!"

When the Gamorrean under him was finally still, Kvettch turned his beady little eyes (and his blaster) back onto the midget-sized pouchy looking thing, and took great care to pronounce his words the proper way to make the thing understand once and for all just who it was talking to.

"Yub! Kvettch es---- Eh - am- ang - Ewok! Ngo Mole rat! Ngo Baby! Ngo Gamorrean! E-W-O-K! Thes --" ---he pointed the muzzle of his blaster downwards onto Ugmush's head ---" es Gamorreang! Gamorreangs have sngouts! Thes --" -- muzzle pointing at himself now -- "-- es mouth! OF ANG EWOK! Get et??!?"

Yurga the Hutt
Feb 8th, 2008, 11:35:09 AM
"DROP THE BLASTOH!!!" boomed Yurga. His men closed the circle tighter to get their attention.

O.W. Outcast
Feb 8th, 2008, 11:51:16 AM
OW started laughing as he slipped between the legs of one of Yurga's men moving into a tighter circle. There great part about being small was being able to sneak between people’s legs and evade being shot. His laughter continued but it seemed to be moving around the outside of the circle of guards.

"A naked Ewok that's a good one." Hahahaha

He continued to laughing hysterically almost to the point he felt like dropping to the ground and banging his fist and feet in a fit of it.

"Did you here that one Yurga. The Baby naked mole pig rat thing thinks it's an Ewok. Ewok's have fur, it's bald." Hahahaha

He like this little naked mole rat baby thing. It made him laugh in almost to the point of a fit. Tirsa would so love it too, he knew it.

"Yurga I will pay Forty thousand Credits for it. But take the dang things blaster away before it blows it's own head off." Hahahaha "You shouldn't give babies blasters there grown up toy's. I changed my mind Yurga sixty thousand if you put in a diaper." Hahahaha

Feb 11th, 2008, 04:33:27 AM
Kvettch's indignation had reached a level where keeping his temper in check was no longer any option at all. He was bucking and throwing himself around in the harness on top of his Gamorrean, shaking with rage and foaming at the mouth as he kept yelling curses in Ewokese at the offensive creature.

Ugmush was doing his best to stay upright, and he - unlike his raving master - had become painfully aware of all the blasters aimed at them, but trying to get the Ewok's attention at this point was almost impossible.

[Don't shoot! Don't shoot!], he yelled at the ring of Yarga's enforcers, hoping they would understand his accented Basic.

At last he managed to get a hold of the free-swinging Blaster, and by pulling at it as hard as he could, almost yanked the Ewok out of his seat. Which did get his attention, at last, as Kvettch suddenly had nothing but the native mud and a couple of inches of belly fat and two large feet in his line of sight as he was hanging face-forward over the Gamorrean's left shoulder, with his tiny stumpy legs kicking ineffectively in the air.

"EEEEeeeeeh cha wammaaaaaaa!!! PUT KVETTCH DOWNG!!!"

Yurga the Hutt
Feb 11th, 2008, 02:24:02 PM
"ENOUGH!!! Yurga bellowed. "NO WOMEN FOR YOU TODAY!!!"

:: Rising up in his hoversled, he began to leave as his slavemaster cleared the stage ::

Feb 12th, 2008, 06:40:36 AM
That got another reaction out of Kvettch. Still hanging over Ugmush's shoulder, he raised his head up as high as he could and stuck his arm out as if he was anywhere close enough to grab the Hutt and hold him back. The raging instantly turned into a wheedly kind of whine, as he tried to implore the Hutt to stay.

"Y chubba! Ngoooooooooooo! You stay! Kvettch well pay good credits! Gyeesh -Pleeeease!"

The Gamorrean, acting out of instinct, backed up Kvettch's words by falling into a trotting gait and following the Hutt so his Master could talk to him better.

Rylard 'Lardo' Tenf
Feb 12th, 2008, 03:03:43 PM
Lardo, having secured his own woman, jandered up to where the trouble was. He pushed his way through the crowd to intercept the Hutt as it hovered away from Kvettch.

"A moment of your Hutt's time." He said above the din of the crowd, "This Ewok's credits are good and plenty I assure you. I am employed as his pilot and paid no small sum for my services. My friend here is quick to anger though, no doubt upset by some comment overheard, let his temper settle and I am sure a deal can be made. Remember word of mouth goes a long way and I would dislike seeing a Hutt's reputation tarnished by having a good deal fall through."

Lardo finally reached the sled and fell in pace beside Kvettch and Ugmush. Hopefully a conversation could be had before the Hutt chose to have his guards deal with Kvettch and his associates.

Yurga the Hutt
Feb 13th, 2008, 09:58:59 AM
:: Yurga paused to regard the Zabrak, then turned to Kvettch ::


Feb 14th, 2008, 06:15:52 AM
In his current position on Ugmush's shoulder, Kvettch was confined to a limited range of responses. Since the Gamorrean seemed unwilling to let him down or indeed shift into any other position (why should he, seeing that this was the least problematic one to himself? At least Kvettch couldn't pummel his head anymore now!), Kvettch had found temporary relief by resting his elbows on Ugmush's chest and using his hands as a chin rest. That way, at least he could see forward instead of only downward, even if it didn't take away the ridiculous aspect of him hanging there like a piece of meat.

Protecting his dignity had never been one of his priorities - he was a bald Ewok; whatever dignity he'd had he left behind with his fur. So being slung over the shoulder of a warty Gamorrean didn't really seem as ridiculous a thing to him as it might be to those he was trying to deal with - it certainly didn't make him think any less of himself as he did. Perhaps some of that preposterous confidence of the little Ewok transfered itself to those around him, who seemed to accept him for what he was and seemed to respect him inspite of the oddities.

Kvettch couldn't exactly see Lardo from his vision range until he'd passed them to get closer to the Hutt, but he knew his pilot by his voice alone to feel rather gleeful that he had such an excellent fellow at his side. He'd completely forgotten even bringing him along.

At the Hutt's offer, however, Kvettch could only laugh, no matter what position he might be at in regards to the Hutt.

"Eh cha wamma!" -- chuckle -- "You thenk Kvettch es crazy? Kvettch wong't pay twente fave thousand for sleeve gerl! Kvettch pay eeght thousangd, meebe! Ya chubba!"

And now that Lardo was here, Kvettch felt he had at least a chance at picking something good.

O.W. Outcast
Feb 14th, 2008, 11:57:14 AM
OW had disappeared into the crowd of people looking over the slaves. He was still chuckling softly to himself now. He was far from done with his new bald ewok friend. He walked over to the cages where some of the slaves where. He looked at them decisively almost as if he was deciding which one he wanted. He looked at the slave handler.

"Yurga want's that one pulled to the stage."

The Handler gave OW an odd look.

Handler: "Are you sure?"

"Yes he said there was some one interested in it up front?"

Handler: "There are some sick freaks in this galaxy I tell you."

"I don't judge."

The slave handler chained up the half-shaven albino wookie.

"It's female right?"

Handler: "I think so I didn't really check or ask."

"Bah I guess it really doesn't matter the dude who want's is strange like that."

Handler: "Sic! He wants it for perverted reason?"


Handler: "He was supposed to be a gladiator slave."

"I know but the sick dude offered more money then this flea monkey is worth."

The handler just followed OW to the stage. OW had a wide grin on his face. He walked up just as the bald ewok was saying he would only pay eight thousand credits. OW stepped up on the stage and picked up the mic. He pointed at the bald ewok.

"SOLD! For eight thousand credits to the naked Mole rat."

The handler then brought the half-shaven albino wookie on stage.

"Isn't she a beauty."

Feb 15th, 2008, 09:11:09 AM
Since the Gamorrean was standing facing the small stage that the slave girls ready for being sold were standing on, Kvettch had an excellent view of what was happening, at least as long as it was relatively short. So he'd noticed the short Duro before anyone else had.

Just seeing the grey-skinned thing again made his blood boil, and he growled menacingly from the top of Ugmush's shoulder, only to be interrupted by the creature's loud shouting.

Kvettch at first felt momentarily confused at what the grey-skinned alien was saying, but when he raised up his head a little he could see the rest of the furry biped standing there - he'd just seen a pair of odd pimply feet before that - and his response was immediate.

"Aiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiieeeeeeeeeeehhh! NGOOO! ngot SOLD! yrnnnnnnnnng!"

Once again he was back to raving and kicking and bucking, but this time Ugmush kept him clamped down on his shoulder so the little Ewok really couldn't do any harm to anyone but himself.

Yurga the Hutt
Feb 18th, 2008, 08:57:48 AM
:: Yurga turned to the source of the distraction ::


::Then he yelled at his guards, pointing to the small duro ::


Rylard 'Lardo' Tenf
Feb 18th, 2008, 11:09:14 AM
Lardo regarded OW with a laugh as the guards turned to him. The trick he tried to pull was a good one, but it landed him into trouble. Rylard poked a bit of fun at his boss every now and then as well. However, this shaven wookie bit was priceless.

Rylard again spoke to the Hutt, "With all this rage I'm not sure if my boss will be able to focus on making a deal. Perhaps if he could experience just a little of what one of your slaves could do, he would be both calmed and interested in making a good purchase."

O.W. Outcast
Feb 22nd, 2008, 10:35:15 AM
OW stuck his small tongue out at Yurga. Yurga had never had a bit of fun in his life OW guessed. Probably cause he was to fat and couldn't get off that repulser lift. The guard that had the wookie just gave OW a stern look and took the wookie back to its cage.

"You can kill me yurga but what good would it do you."

With that OW's duros that where casually looking over slaves for themselves in the crowd drew there weapons on Yurga.

"You see if you kill me my men will kill you. That's worse for business, and I don't know how are dear boss will handle the news. A little fun and less seriousness brings in better cliental."

OW hoped off the stage just then and walked right up to yurga and reached up and poked him in his belly fat. Then he pointed at the naked ewok.

"If he thinks eight thousand credits is going to buy him quality, he is a sad sentient life form. With the price he offered he deserves what I gave him. He wants better quality he better offer allot more."

Yurga wanted OW to get serious so he did. He actually staged his entire demeanor in a matter of seconds. Because if there was to be no fun in business then there was no reason to have business.

"Now yurga have your men but down their guns and I will have mine put there's down. As for you Ewok make a better offer and then maybe this to overly serious business can be concluded."

Feb 22nd, 2008, 11:40:44 AM
"Woah, woah, woah!!!"

:: Garrik darted between the two vigos, snatching the mic from the Duro's hand ::

"WOAH!!! STOP IT!!!"

:: He glared back and forth at the two of them ::


O.W. Outcast
Feb 22nd, 2008, 12:35:48 PM
OW put his hand out towards his men and then made a motion downwards. As he did that they lowered their guns. OW didn't like Yurga very much at this point but he really didn't want Garrik in the crossfire. Garrick wasn't such a bad guy and him, OW, and Corvus got drunk together a few times.

OW then started to walk away as he cursed at Yurga in Durese. A language OW seldom used even though it was his native language.

"D'fura yu hipock yu'r tri yunks."

Feb 22nd, 2008, 12:49:12 PM
:: Garrik breathed in relief, then bowed to the Hutt and turned to follow the Duro. He had a little business deal he wanted to make ::

Wampo Groba
Feb 26th, 2008, 05:26:55 AM
"Whadda goin on 'errre??!? Hutt! Yurrrga, whadda ya doin' 'errre? Whassa meanin' a tis?!"

Wampo Groba, or the 'Earl' as he was widely known as, pushed his way through the crowds towards the commotion that his trusted underlings had alarmed him to. He already knew what was going on - he had spying cams installed everywhere for just this purpose - but he prefered not to let anyone on to that. Wasn't good for business.

And in this case, just knowing what was happening didn't mean he understood it. What he'd seen on the monitor wasn't equal to what he saw now, right in front of his eyes.

Cooly he stood in the square between the Gamorrean with its odd master and the Hutt with his underlings. He knew Yurga, and knew that the Hutt was making the Market some good profits, but shoot-outs weren't welcome.

"Putta yarrr blastarrrrs away! Ah dunna wanta see 'em an'morrre adall."

Tragin Enforcers
Mar 5th, 2008, 08:29:41 AM
:: Yurga's hirelings turned, considering whether or not to fry Wampo for making such an outrageous demand. Tragins were pugnacious to a fault, and they rivaled the Gank in their levels of aggression ::

Yurga the Hutt
Mar 5th, 2008, 08:29:46 AM
:: Yurga boomed at them through the translator module in his hand ::


:: The Tragins complied, Yurga's being the only voice they considered with any authority ::

Mar 5th, 2008, 09:17:28 AM
[Kvettch calm now?] Ugmush kept repeating to the flailing Ewok on his shoulder. He was extremely unhappy about the way this day was going - he wished he was back on the Camp already, and somewhere where there was food. His stomach felt far too empty.

[Ewok calm down? Please???] he grunted again. But Kvettch was too busy being angry to even hear him. So the Gamorrean used the only means left to him, and slapped the little Ewok on its head.

It shut him up and stopped the moving. Ugmush immediately felt less unhappy.

[Kvettch stay calm now?] he ventured to say, after a few moments of silence. Suddenly he felt worried that he'd smacked him too hard.

"Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr.... grrrrrrrrr.... grrryes!"

The low growl finally came after a few moments had passed. This made Ugmush feel almost completely happy again.

"Ootah! Let go of Kvettch, morrt-redden beest! Kvettch ngeeds to set up!! Yubyub!"

Ugmush immediately let go of his master's body, and helped him sit back into the harness. Once securely strapped back in, Kvettch looked around with eyes half-closed and his mouth set in a line. As the rage had overcome him he hadn't seen what was happening around him but it appeared the source of his annoyance was gone. Instead, there was an Aqualish now standing where the midget had stood before.

[Go find food now?], Ugmush asked quietly. Kvettch smacked the top of the Gamorrean's head with his harness strap, to shut the simple-minded creature up. He still wanted to get himself a slave girl.

Wampo Groba
Mar 5th, 2008, 09:45:27 AM
Wampo slowly closed his lower set of eyes and opened them again. It had been a while since he last had talked to Yurga and the Hutt's underlings looked like fresh whelps who still hadn't been out of their creche for too long. In time they would learn.

"Tat good offa ya. Verrree healty attitut iffa ya wanna keep alaaf."

Then he looked back at Yurga, sighed and pointed at the odd duo standing opposite the Hutt.

"Now Yurrrga, ya gadda tell me whassa all tis fussin' about?"

Yurga the Hutt
Mar 5th, 2008, 10:28:51 AM
"A TEMPERMENTAL BUYER." He replied dismissivley.

John Anthony
Mar 5th, 2008, 09:23:25 PM
"Hey, Yurga. What's this about? Is this slave for that, uh, thing, or Gharhda?" John questioned.

He flipped his pistol around his hand and grabbed a Knife.

"Hello? Answer, Yurga?"

Mar 6th, 2008, 06:55:58 AM
Kvettch followed the conversation between the Aqualish and the Hutt and gave a chuckle when he heard the Hutt's reply. He was a bit temperamental, yes. It was a shortcoming his enhancement hadn't been able to erase.

Then some human lout showed up asking for a slave. Was it one of the Hutt's underlings?

Kvettch growled again. Impatience was one of the other things they hadn't done away with.

"Hutt, you sell Kvettch a sleeve gerl ngow!"

John Anthony
Mar 6th, 2008, 05:46:35 PM
"Oh my god! That isn't what WE ordered! Sorry for interupting, Yurga! Maybe you can contact me leter. Ah!"

John sprinted out of the room, covering his eyes as if they were bleeding!

Wampo Groba
Mar 7th, 2008, 02:52:16 AM
Humans! Always so confused! Wampo had always wondered how these beings had managed to inflict their intelligence upon the rest of the galaxy and stayed on top at that, because he knew any number of species with more brains (or other forms of cognitive organs) than they...

Wampo shook off the thought like a tick on a warm day, and brought his attention back onto the original matter. Temperamental buyer indeed - what was it? It was hairless with shiny pink skin and didn't look like any species he'd seen before. Apparently it had the ability to recover from rage in a short time, because what had been a flailing little thing just a moment ago was now sitting calmly on top of the Gamorrean in a leather harness that had a blaster rig. Extremely odd.

Odd was interesting. And interesting was important. Wampo decided to stay.

"Ya ganna mind iffaah stay an' watch tis?", he asked Yurga.

Yurga the Hutt
Mar 15th, 2008, 10:18:48 AM
:: The Hutt's eye twitched at the interruption by the human. He made a mental note to make further slave sales by private appoitment only ::


:: He indicated for Kvettch and the Earl to come up onto the platform. The ewok could inspect his intended purchase better that way ::

Mar 18th, 2008, 08:30:46 AM
Kvettch slapped Ugmush's head with the harness strap again, and poked his knobbly toes into the Gamorrean's neck. Taking this as a sign that his master was well in control of his actions again, Ugmush gave a rumbly sigh and clambered up onto the platform - no easy feat if you have 60 kilos worth of irritated Ewok sitting on your shoulders, but he was used to it.

Another poke into his neck signalled him to stop a few feet away from Yurga.

Mar 18th, 2008, 09:06:44 AM
:: This was Bula's favorite part of Market Day. He hopped down the line of female slaves, tearing off their delicate garments so they stood naked for all to see. Then he took his place at his Master's side ::

Mar 26th, 2008, 09:19:48 AM
Kvettch looked at the row of female naked flesh in what he hoped was an appraising sort of way. Other than the fact that most of them were almost, if not equally, as hairless as he was, and all equally naked, he was at a total loss for what he was supposed to see in them. They were all taller than he, and at least all the human females had a modicum of hair in various colors on their heads. This wasn't anything unusual - human females seemed to be made in that way. One came with an oddly shaped growth of hair coming from between her legs - shaped like snakeforms, three short serpent-like trails were winding their way up towards her belly where they ended in serpentheads that seemed to be drawn on with different colors.

Very odd.

There were also several head-tailed Twi'lek girls of different skin colors - a blue one, a leaf-green one and two sand-colored ones. They were completely hairless. He wasn't sure whether the headtails were a good thing or a bad thing, but to him they seemed.... out of place.

Delaying a decision, he asked Yurga, "What cang thee do?"

At the same time, he tried to get Lardo's attention, hoping that the Zabrak would be of some help.

Yurga the Hutt
Mar 27th, 2008, 03:12:03 PM
:: Yurga laughed at Kvettch's inexperience ::


Mar 27th, 2008, 04:42:25 PM
Still trying to buy himself some more time while waiting for Lardo to notice him, he tried to think of something that would give him pleasure.

He supposed dancing was a normal thing for them to do - and not too outlandish a thing to ask. He'd observed humans to engage in this sort of thing, too, although it seemed to differ from the dancing he was used from his own species.

"Cang you make them dangce? Eh wangt to see them dangce."

Mar 27th, 2008, 04:50:08 PM
:: The great hutt clapped his hands, and musicians played as the girls danced for the ewok. Jalludra in particular saw this as an opportunity to impress, and she undulated her hips to entice Kvettch ::

Wampo Groba
Apr 3rd, 2008, 01:19:26 AM
Wampo watched the parade of girls with a trained eye. There were some worthy ones in there - but that wasn't much of a surprise, Yurga had a reputation for carrying the finest.

Yurga's customer however - so Wampo noted with some amusement - seemed to be overwhelmed by the femmes. He either didn't have much experience with slaves, or with femmes as a whole. But then, it seemed utterly ridiculous for a small thing like that to have an interest in big females, so perhaps he shouldn't be wondering too much.

Wampo now regretted staying even less - he was going to enjoy watching Yurga bleed the little alien dry over some worthless piece of skin.

Rylard 'Lardo' Tenf
Apr 5th, 2008, 09:39:42 AM
Lardo did his best to pick his jaw up off the ground. It had been quite some time since he'd last seen this much flesh dancing before his eyes. He picked out the best ones before turning away. Anymore and his mind would be ravaged by those primal urges which made life great.

Seeing Kevttch immune to it all was a laugh, the Ewok remained interested though and he was doing his best to get the Iridonian's attention. Lardo walked over.

"Three of these beauties are amazing, one of them seems to hold a lot of interest in you as well. I'd pick her, so would half the crowd." he offered to Kvettch.

Apr 7th, 2008, 06:57:19 AM
Sceptically, Kvettch looked up and down the line of undulating, gyrating, wiggling, shaking, stretching and otherwise moving naked flesh and headtails, but he couldn't really see it. Three of them...? Which? And which was the one "interested" in him?

That last question received an almost immediate answer because he saw one of them winking at him. Cocking his head to one side, he stared back at her with equal interest, trying to see the difference that Lardo was seeing.

Mumbling, he asked Lardo: "What's so amazeng-ng about her?"

Jun 3rd, 2008, 10:05:53 AM
:: She was watching the strange little being with fascination, wondering what sort of a creature he was and where he came from. She'd seen plenty, but nothing like this had ever crossed her path; somehow that made her want to try even harder for getting his attention. But for some reason even her most enticing moves didn't seem to faze this one. She stepped it up a notch. ::

Rylard 'Lardo' Tenf
Jun 3rd, 2008, 10:50:25 AM
Lardo face-palmed. He thought up hundreds of reasons instantly that would make it obvious for every other humanoid in the gallery, but Kvettch. He took a heavy drag from his cigar, and then exhaled.

"She can dance far better than anyone here, take a look. I bet she knows some other exotic practises as well. You could even teach her some of your customs, wouldn't that be something. Besides Kvettch there is nothing better than owning a companion interested in you and willing to please. Few in this Galaxy are offered what she is offering you now." Lardo prayed this last bit would make up the Ewok's mind, "She is a rare gem, rarer than any treasure you hope to come across."

Rylard pointed at the dancer. "Bring her here. My hairless friend would like a closer look."

Jun 15th, 2008, 02:40:47 PM
It seemed that his Zabrak second had an eye for the females. And speaking of gems and treasure always captured Kvettch's attention.

He nodded to Lardo's request. "Yes, Eh wangt to seh her close-up!"

Then he made a gesture with his hand at her to indicate she should come, just in case the Hutt wouldn't tell her. He wondered what sort of a language she spoke.

Sep 6th, 2008, 01:32:12 PM
::After a nod from his Huttese employer, the large-bellied, well-oiled slavekeeper unchained Jalludra's ankle-chains and pushed her towards the odd duo. She didn't need much pushing, however.

Not knowing if she was required to do anything else, she stood in front of the Ewok and his Gamorrean carrier and gave it the warmest and most charming smile she could muster. Inwardly she began to wonder what sort of moves she would have to make to please this one::

Wampo Groba
Sep 6th, 2008, 01:37:33 PM
Wampo let off a low chuckle as his reproductive organs started responding fiercely to the beautiful slave girl. Perhaps he would buy her himself if the weird little creature wasn't satisfied with her - it certainly didn't seem much impressed.

My, she really was something! He just about kept himself from groaning in anticipation of what he could do with her...