View Full Version : Just wondering...
Kraehe Branwen
Jan 29th, 2008, 04:18:48 PM
Do you guys believe in the paranormal? I'm a big fan of Ghost Hunters and Ghost Hunters International, shows like that(NOT Most Haunted, they suck). And I was wondering if anyone here was a believer like I am or if they are skeptical or are the neutral skeptical believer. Anyone have any experiences? I love hearing about these things.
Khendon Sevon
Jan 29th, 2008, 05:28:31 PM
Oh, man, I love Ghost Hunters :)
That being said, I'm not exactly sure ghosts exist outside our minds. It's an internal debate. Sometimes I lean towards the idea of energy and our energy being left behind, and at others I'm just going, "No way, man."
EVP's can totally be interpretations of random noise coming together to form what sounds like verbal communications. We hear what we want to hear.
They had some cool footage once or twice, though. It really gets you thinking. For instance, that chair that moved by itself and the shadow that moved in that prison. Crazy stuff.
Jan 29th, 2008, 06:28:53 PM
I'm totally a believer, especially after my aunt passed away and I heard her in her house :uhoh She also visited my mothers', where she turned off the porch light, sent the dog into a barking fit and play with their slot machines. My mum reads fortune cards, and she's had people unlock and open her garage door before (I was there - she was reading my sisters' friend, talking about her father who committed suicide, and the door kept opening. Very freaky.)
Even though I am a believer, though, I know that some things are just in peoples' heads. We don't get Ghost Hunters here, only Most Haunted, which is INCREDIBLY FAKE :mad
Byl Laprovik
Jan 29th, 2008, 08:31:05 PM
No, I don't believe in ghosts. Not in the sort of thing that haunts the world in limbo, etc.
Jeseth Cloak
Jan 30th, 2008, 04:53:57 PM
I'm not sure. I've had some interesting experiences... but I could attribute them to alcohol or LSD, just as easily as ghosts.
Vinny Red
Jan 30th, 2008, 05:04:59 PM
I'm not sure. I've had some interesting experiences... but I could attribute them to alcohol or LSD, just as easily as ghosts.
Don't forget shrooms...they always had me seeing stuff
(Bigfoot is my father and he's got to protect, me!)
I'm a definate beleiver though. Had my experiences, anything dealing from Orbs appearing in pics, to a fog that surrounded a friend's house in a picture I took (there was no fog outside, it just showed up in the picture), to different objects banging arond, moving, radio's being turned up with no one around (and the type of stereo with the knob you turn, and you could actually see it turning). I can keep going and going and going. Where's Rama and his ghostbusters suit when you need him?????
Lilaena De'Ville
Jan 30th, 2008, 05:10:23 PM
I do not believe in ghosts (i.e. dead people hanging around).
I do firmly believe there are things that exist that qualify as paranormal, such as demonic activity, etc.
Denarr Sepphist
Jan 30th, 2008, 05:18:50 PM
I don't believe in 'ghosts' as in the generic interpretation of the word, however I do believe, strongly, in the occurrence of thoughtforms.
A thoughtform, to be basic, is the build-up of a certain kind of emotion to a point that it almost becomes sentient, for example:
An author who spent years and years writing a novel consumes himself in his main character. He dreams about it, lives it and thinks about it constantly. All of that focused energy can leave a 'fingerprint' of his thought and focus in his home - to such an extent that even after his death, someone new in that house might see a dark blur, or a figure-like apparition; thinking it's a ghost when really, it's all that residual energy manifested into a physical impression of the Authors character. Will has the ability to do that, even if we don't really realise it. And sometimes that energy (the thoughtform) can absorb the emotions of other people close to it and grow or change into something else entirely.
They can be dangerous, depending on what kind of focus brought them into being - and the thoughtform often lacks much ability to communicate with people in the way most assume ghosts can. They exist in this world, but also in the unseen Magical universe around us, and can only really be affected by other people or items who also have a finger in that honeypot.
That's my two cents anyway >_>
Kraehe Branwen
Jan 31st, 2008, 01:22:09 PM
I've had some weird things happen. When my brother and I were kids, we were sitting on beds on opposite sides of the room when a playing card that was ripped in half floated off the bookshelf, came between us, started spinning, then went back to the bookshelf and landed as a full card. Know also that we no longer had the other half of the card. We freaked and ran downstairs!
Another thing, same house, different room. My sister was gushing about her prom night and was bossing me around. She made me go upstairs by myself to go get her necklace to show her friends and my mom. So I trudged up there where all the lights were off. When I turned on our bedroom light, I looked to my bed where it looked like a morgue bed. It looked like someone was laying under the sheet like a dead body. I screamed as loud as I could and ran like a bat out of heck. My mom came upstairs thinking someone broke in. Especially when she saw what I did because it really did look like someone was laying under the sheet. She grabbed my toy piano keyboard and hit the sheet. Instead of going flat only where she hit it, the entire sheet went completely flat as though it were never there and all of us kids, not the adults, could hear a woman screaming(this house never haunted the adults until after we started moving).
Jan 31st, 2008, 02:32:06 PM
In my religion, there are things called "Jinn" which are probably the equivalent to spirits. They supposedly visit our realm at times and pester people, and all that jazz.
However, our religion also mentions that certain forms of Jinn do "haunt" people, especially in dreams. I remember I once woke up completely paralyzed, after having dreamt that I was burning and being tortured. I literally couldn't see anything, and was blinded by bright light. However, I was completely wide awake because a few minutes later, I finally regained the ability to move.
A bit eerie.
Jan 31st, 2008, 03:31:32 PM
I have no belief whatsoever in ghosts. When you die, you go to heaven or hell. If heaven, why would you leave? If hell, why would they let you out?
Yeah, I don't believe in ghosts, but I do believe in demons.
Feb 1st, 2008, 12:28:15 PM
I believe in the paranormal/supernatural...some people try to give scientific explanations to these events but they go far beyond the science or the physical realm, they are metaphysical and spiritual. My sister in law from my previous marriage was Wiccan, and I used to practice the Wiccan way of life and believe me there is more to this world we live in then what can be seen and heard by us. I am no longer Wiccan but I know what I know and I know what I feel I don't care if you call it Heavan, Hell, The after life, Summer Land, Limbo, Astral projection, whatever remember not every body is lying when they say they have experienced or seen things it's out there.:D
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