View Full Version : Personnel file: Mhawat, Qourr

Qourr Mhawat
Jan 14th, 2008, 05:48:12 AM
Personal Data

General Information
Name: Mhawat, Qourr
Planet of Origin: Coruscant
Age: 23
Marital Status: Unmarried
Imperial Status: Imperial Intelligence Field Agent, Inactive Military Personnel

Species: Human
Height: 1.76 m
Weight: 65 Kg
Hair Colour: Light Brown
Eye Colour: Gray

Personal History
As one of the youngest -female- members ever to make it into Imperial Intelligence, the Coruscanti woman started her career by entering the Imperial Military Academy on Carida at 16. At an early stage she proved herself efficient at any kind of fighting technique, training long hours to reach her goal of most accomplished fighter in both armed and unarmed combat. At 18 she got pulled off active military duty to join Isard's Intelligence agents, and underwent extensive training in mechanics and ammunitions.

Early on, she got put into the field and went on various missions with her intelligence cell on and off Coruscant. Director Isard teamed her up with an unlikely partner, the seasoned officer Jekaan Oludh, a tech and demolitions expert, and assistant to the Director. Qourr is skilled at all forms of armed and unarmed combat, and an expert with any type of weapon (and most explosives).

Acting director R. S. Esalis has seen fit not to break up this successful team, and Qourr continues to improve on her skills.

Psychological Evaluation
Qourr has never been known for her subtlety, but could surprise her partner(s) from time to time with - for her- unusually quick thinking. Taking pleasure in violence, she is quick to respond to any sort of provocation, and will fearlessly meet any foe in a test of strength - which she rarely looses. While being somewhat of a tomboy, she also is known to "enjoy" the company of men (human or not), who she likes courting in rough bars. She has an alcohol problem known only to herself, her partner Jekaan and the Intelligence-employed physician