View Full Version : A Great Start...
Will Serrot
Jan 9th, 2008, 12:10:43 AM
“This isn’t the kinda thing I signed up for,” Will Serrot thought to himself as he continued his patrolin his trusty x-wing. He imagined his life in the rebellion would be an exciting one. Dog fights with TIE-fighters. Bombing runs on Imperial Super Star Destroyers. However, he thought, this is better than wasting away in a prison colony awaiting execution for treason.
The death sentence did not prompt his escape; it was the cold hard reality of prison. The Empire attempted to take away his one true desire, flight. The process of flight came quite easy to him, almost as if he was meant to fly. He flew with natural cunning instincts. His instructor at the <st1>:p<st1:placename w:st="on">Corulag</st1:placename> <st1:placetype w:st="on">Academy</st1:placetype></st1> said he was the best fighter pilot in a generation. Will knew prison was not an option for him, he knew he would die without flight.
Will joined the rebellion soon after the victory at Yavin 4. Since then there had been a few Imperial skirmishes, which served as a stage for his skills as a pilot. Those abilities (and the lack of quality pilots due to a high death rate) landed Will a spot in Rouge Squadron, the most prestigious unit in the Rebel fleet. It was a dream assignment, or so he thought. But hey, at least he was flying and that’s all that mattered.
A voice came through in his head set, “Rouge 8, this is command.”
“Command, this is Rouge 8, what’s the status,” Will answered quickly.
“We picked up a bogey, just out of hyperspace in your sector, it has failed to make contact,” the voice said.
“Roger Command, Mookie out.”
The unknown vessel appeared on the x-wing radar. “That is one big sucker,” Will thought as he made his approach. He followed protocol and raised his shields to full power. “No time to waste, “he thought. He attempted to make contact with the unknown vessel.
“This is Rogue Squadron 8, you are entering….”
Two shots from the vessel rocked the x-wing.
“MAYDAY, MAYDAY, ROUGE 8 NEEDS ASSISTANCE!!!”, he said franticly into his headset…
Henry McDonnaught
Jan 9th, 2008, 12:24:39 AM
"The new kid's in the playground ten minutes and already he's getting picked on by the bullies"
Donut could say that now because, finally, he wasnt the new kid anymore.
"Command, this is Rogue 3. Am bringing in my expert and timely assistance to Rogue 8 on 3-9-8er. Bogey's at my 6"
Henry peppered of a spray of fire as he came down at a sharp angle above Serrot and criss-crossed infront of the x-wing's path.
He couldnt help but show off some.
Kelly Perris
Jan 9th, 2008, 10:31:51 PM
Patrolling certainly wasn't one of his favourite meals either, but he seemed to have little choice but to indulge the higher-ups and join in for the shift with the rest of the squadron. Besides, it didn't seem like anything better was going on at the time. The Imperials had been a little quiet, but when he started thinking that way, the quiet seemed to conveniently come to a close. Eyeing the action handed to Mookie and chased down by Donut, he shook his head and laughed.
The freshly shaken newbie answered somewhat distractedly. "Y-yes, sir?"
"Get wise and open your eyes. This is a patrol for a reason. Reasons like that. Save your boredom for outside the cockpit." He chided.
"Yessir!" Will shot quickly.
"Good man." Kelly flipped over to entire bunch. "Alright boys. Looks like we either have troublemakers, or someone's a little lost and frightened. Show 'em what's for if they get cocky."
Commander Perris advanced into the scene, and opened to the vessel.
"This is Commander Perris. Unidentified craft, state your name and business in this sector."
Will Serrot
Jan 9th, 2008, 11:55:42 PM
“Great, just great,” Will thought as he took his x-wing into a barrel roll. It was a total over reaction and he knew it. He was flying an uninspired and uneventful patrol and the shots spooked him. “A lesson learned,” he thought.
Two blasts came from above his x-wing and another fighter came in hard on his nose. The x-wing belonged to Henry “Donut” McDonnaught. Will knew little about his wing mates, but at the moment, Donut was his favorite of the group.
Out of no where Rouge Leader Kelly “Hot Mama” Perris snapped into his head set. Rogue Leader tone was assertive. To Perris “Rogue Leader” wasn’t just a title but a way of life.
Things had gone from bad to worse for Mookie. Not only was he being fired upon by a large unknown vessel, but now the entire squadron had to bail the new guy out. “I am going to catch hell for this,” he thought.
"Unidentified craft, state your name and business in this sector," Rouge Leader barked at the massive vessel.
The radar in Serrot’s x-wing lit up instantly. It was hard to tell but there were at least 15 single man crafts in the sector.
“Boys, we got company,” 8 said almost sounding relieved.
Henry McDonnaught
Jan 10th, 2008, 03:30:18 PM
Hank looked over his radar-grid and frowned at all the blipping lights.
"Looks like Christmas" he said over the comm.
"Kelly, me and Mookie will get the big guy and you can take the other 15"
He steered his X-wing to come around in a big loop. "No need to thank me" he said grinning into his headset.
Kelly Perris
Jan 11th, 2008, 02:21:45 PM
"Bad choice." He muttered to himself. The one-man fighters were not uniform, a large percentage being varied cuts of uglies. There were no discernable markings, and their setup was horribly sloppy. Definitely not Imperial, or anything for that matter that would have put any time in to organization or planning. And they though they could come and rough up these boys? Kelly smirked. This would be easy.
"Well, looks like our friend up there has had his little buddies arrive." He stated, matter of factly.
"Kelly, me and Mookie will get the big guy and you can take the other 15" Henry came in.
"Yeah, leave that noise to me, Donut. You two have fun with that bastard."
The mess of one-man-er's was coming at him, at different levels of speeds. They didn't look very well maintained. Perris engaged them, having earlier locked s-foils into the standard attack position, and began picking them off like they were drugged mynocks. In the midst of the fifteen (of which ten remained), he was being tailed by some disturbed looking ol' junk that seemed to be a cross between a Tie Interceptor and a ....Howlrunner? He'd shake his head at that later. In the moment, the seasoned pilot deftly dodged shots from foreward and aft, taking out further craft and pulling a fanciful sort of loop n' twist, taking out the tailer in a few well-pointed shots as he righted himself. Continuing on, he started to chase down the remaining craft, managing to glimpse the other boys, whom had gained further assistance from Justinian Atreides and Tera Uolmi.
"Looks like you bullies are having a field day...what's the big idea..." Then he was distracted. Again, the remainder of the uglies were after him, joining in on the scene with the unfriendly freighter. He lead them through the crossfire between the other boys and the freighter. Either way, they wouldn't last.
Will Serrot
Jan 13th, 2008, 08:18:25 PM
Well, two x-wings against a large cruiser of some sort. Serrot liked his odds. Rouge Leader was doing a fine job against the rag tag fleet of single man attack cruisers. He was picking them out of the sky with ease. Serrot caught himself watching Rouge Leader in amazement….
Rouge Eight snapped back into the moment. “That is a sure fire way to get blown out the sky,” he thought. Will was an excellent pilot; however he lacked real combat experience. Well, there is only one way to get experience and that is to do it.
The two x-wings came in on the cruiser in attack formation. “Rouge 3, I’m going in.” Rouge 8 broke hard and made his run. He fired three shots across the bridge. They were precise but failed to do any significant damage.
“Rouge 3 we’re going to need the bigger guns for this one.”
Henry McDonnaught
Jan 15th, 2008, 09:34:48 PM
"Ya gotta use what y'Momma gave ya" Donut advised Will, considering himself quite the sage, and often opted at the worst of times to display such forgettable wisdom. As now. And - he illustrated his remark by peppering fire toward the cruiser.
Hot Mama was showin' his style, and had herded a trio of uglies right into McDonnaught's crossfire, the timing of which resulted in hits which ignited each one into a starburst conflaguration that was beautiful to see.
"Dont let anyone tell ya, you dont got the goods, now Mooks" Donut continued, banking hard left to come up behind another single-man craft and chase him down.
"They used to tell Perris that all time, didn't they Kelly? - now look at 'im"
Bam! McDonnaught got the solitary with his last shot, shooting off one wing and sending it spinning off wildly. It clipped the port side of the cruiser, just, and the impact of craft, and the corresponding explosion, shook the larger vessell violently.
Henry scanned the ship immediately for damage.
Kelly Perris
Jan 21st, 2008, 01:04:43 AM
Kelly laughed.
"You got that right, Donut, my man. Now why don't you clowns keep up the good work, and keep your peepers peeled for weaknesses. This scrapper isn't the impenitrable beast."
Rogue Leader took a speeding flight through, keeping an eye out for weaknesses, and any sneaky uglies that might have escaped his grasp.
"Maybe if we can bend this genius into submission..." He paused taking a few sharp shots at a possible weak spot, then looping around for a few more. "...then we might get to know a bit more about why he or she has caused us the hassle, eh boys?"
Will Serrot
Jan 26th, 2008, 11:11:51 PM
The precision shots of Rogue Squadron were beginning to take there toll on the large cruiser. The power was being re-routed from the main engines to sustain the failing shield on the bridge. The captain of the vessel was following routine procedure.
“A few more heavy shots and they might jettison the escape pods,” Rouge 8 said to his wing mates. Serrot took his x-wing on a daring run and fired three precise shot right across the hull. The explosion was breath taking. The ship began a heavy decent. The boys from Rouge Squadron had mortally wounded this vessel and it was going down. Like clockwork, the escape pods were launched from starboard.
“Bingo, let’s let the boys from intel retrieve those pods and find out who and where these bad boys came from,” Mookie said. “Thanks for the help Rouge Leader and 3. I owe you one when we touch down.”
Henry McDonnaught
Feb 9th, 2008, 10:00:33 PM
Donut had to admit, the new guy was pretty good once he got warmed up. Henry would have to keep his skills sharp so as not to loose his hard-earned glory.
Gawds, Perris would heckle him mercilessly if he'd heard that last thought.
"We gonna bring this crate home Mama? See what she's hidin' inside?" he asked over the open comm.
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